New slayer on the battlefield? Introduce yourself to other CoDz members!
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1,821 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Hey guys, Michael here AKA Crazy Skillz, Some may notice me in the Black Op II threads reading it up, So anyway I'm 16 years old currently living in Florida. Born on November 13, 1995 (Yeah BOII on my bday) Joined CoDz 2010 December 1st. Want to know more? ask down below! :D
Last reply by crazy skillz, -
- 6 replies
Hello everyone at CoDz, i recently joined and i consider my self an average/good zombie player. if you want to play with me anytime then i would like to but my parents are very strict about me sitting on my butt all day playing on the xbox... :| so i just thought id say hello and i shall hopefully be buying a hd pvr in the next month or two. Ive been following the site for a while but have been debating whether to make an account or not. so ill see y'all around ;)
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys, i know i'm a little late with this, but better late than never! I'm Nathan (fisher10190), i am a zombies super-fan and the most EXTREMELY extroverted person you could find. I played my first CoD video game years ago and have been hooked since! The first console i ever owned was an original SEGA Dreamcast, the best little darn thing i ever played (next to the N64). When W@W came out, i was psyched for it, i was ready to sink my teeth into some awesome WWII gameplay that went back to the roots of CoD. I played the levels relentlessly, aimed at beating the campaign as quickly as possible (i set a personal record too, xD). When i beat the campaign, it was aweso…
Last reply by fisher10190, -
- 8 replies
Well hello my name is Strett and I'm quite addicted to zombie slaying. I'm 22 from the small country of tea drinkers in England, UK. I'd regard myself as a friendly sociable chap. I'm new to codz forum and I'm trying to find my way around the website. I've been lurking the site for strategies and EE etc.. I've decided to join to socialize and get to know more zombie players. Random facts about myself : I rock climb, I'm dyslexic and cnt spell for toffee, I can do the rubiks cube and know pi to several decimal places because I'm a nerd and have nothing better to do, I'm pretty decent at archery, I can't do a backflip anymore, I've watched about 100 of the top25…
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 1 reply
i like CoD, monstly zombies and mw2 sniping - pretty BAD-ASS. everyone should add me - GT - Pokaymunz PSN - iEATnubcakes9999
Last reply by m12, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys! I'm pretty new to this and I already made a post and someone reccomended I introduce my self so here I go. I've been following the forums since the begining of Black Ops 2 and watch a bunch of zombie Youtubers and I kmow some things people don't. I hope to stay here for a long time and maybe a person who people look up to, but we always gotta start low but I'm I'll climb my way high! Anyways, I hope after discussing storylines for a gamemade in a fictional game with random people online will make my life better! :lol:
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys, I'm TacticalInsertion and I'm here to properly introduce myself to the newer members, and even to the older one's as it's been a long time since I made an introduction, and that one was pretty pathetic! I'm best known for my storyline work, as I have made over 80 useful threads and have over 2,800 posts, the most of anyone on the site. I have won the User of the Month and I am even now part of the staff, so you can come to me with any suggestion, complaint, or random conversation you may have! Currently, I am a normal 17 year old High School boy with plans to get my PhD in History and become a History Professor at a University somewhere. I am incredibl…
Last reply by Ehjookayted, -
- 3 replies
Hello, i am da boss. My minions shall defeat you all.
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 3 replies
Well i am a 13 year old boy who loves Zombies and every thing about it. I mostly play Xbox or am hanging out with my freinds or on the computer. Also i can't wait for the next cod
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
- 12 replies
hi im very new to this but not to call of duty/zombies i have just made my channel on youtube and create many challenges on black ops. some easy , fun and hard ones. my lastest video is 2 player pack a punch in no mans land in 11.50 with no downs or perks then 13 rounds in moon with no doors open. i dont no if this is much interest to you ( hopefully ) but i just helped a fellow player in no mans land from 100 kills and he is now on 240 with my help and tips. i do this quite often and look forward to anyone else. feel free to add me on xbox or see my challenges, im 40+ on most maps :)
Last reply by shirtlesservice, -
- 1 reply
How are you all? My name is Shinigami, but please call me "Shin" or if your a bit more formal just call me Drew. I've read these forums for a while now, but I figured it was about time I signed up myself. Feel free to add me, my gamertag is the same as my name on here. I play on xbox, but maybe i'll decide to play on PS3 by christmas. Hope to discuss many things with you all soon, Shin.
Last reply by m12, -
- 2 replies
Hello people, its me Nazi Zombie, or Sean. Im 16, from London in the UK. I play Xbox and PS3, used to have a Nintendo Wii but realised that it was a waste of money. Im thinking of joining the army, so if i suddenly go off the site that could be one of the reasons. I try to play most games on both 360 and PS3, but mostly Call Of Duty and FIFA. I enjoy reading, writing and football/Soccer (Depends on Where Your From). If ive missed anything feel free to ask. I was honestly surprised that Nazi Zombie wasnt taken lol. Gamertag: FinalAntichrist PSN: TheOriginalXenon
Last reply by Nazi Zombie, -
Play on the PS3. Huge fan of Black Ops 2 Zombies. Looking for people who want to play transit for real and actually complete the story line, rather than simply kill freak-a-lopes. :D
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 6 replies
Hey guys, just joined this site! Black Ops II was my first zombies experience, really loving it now! Currently trying to break 30+ on all BO2 maps solo...I've only accomplished this on Town so far (31). Always seem to get stuck on some random object around level 20-25... If any of you like playing grief, I'm usually down for a game! My PSN is NeedaLttleRevive (no "i" in little).
Last reply by SeaboundSlayer, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, birdman here, I realized that after being a member of the forum for over a year and a half, I never really gave a proper intro so here goes! My name is Clay, and I have been an avid zombies player since i bought world at war i believe around october of 2009, being as this was almost a year after its release I went ahead and purchased all of the map packs as well, so once i discovered zombies i had 4 maps to choose from. after playing Nacht for a while, we tried Verruckt and started really having fun with it playing split screen with my roommates and our gf's. Finally we discovered Der Reise, and perfected our split screen strategy, and was able to consisten…
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 2 replies
i starting getting into this forum because this whole gknova6 thing(after a couple of days of just reading the threads) and actually really started to get into it... i think carbon and anyone involved is doing a really good job and deserve to get noticed for their work... just to let you know a little about me... i am a music artist out of Newark, NJ... i have my own studio and trying to get my ent. in order with enough hard work... i also have interest in the gaming community and would like to pursue that with the right timing and understandment... i will continue to be apart of the codZ community and will try to be an asset as much as i can... so hit me…
Last reply by dfinest1, -
- 3 replies
My name is Alex, I come from Mexico and I love killing the undead. I've been here for about a year, of course counting all the time that I was just lurking the forums without an account. I have seen the trolls, the flamers and the newbs come in and out of this website. I have seen the brains counters ascend to the top. I have seen the story go from speculations to the obsession of many. This community keeps growing, and I'm proud to say I'm part of it.
Last reply by IceMaker, -
- 1 reply
Hey! I've posted quite a lot already but I wanted to introduce myself. Obviously I'm sjh981 but you are reading this, you can call me Struden (GT) or Stephen (Name). Gamertag:Struden I just wanted to also say that NGT posted a video on youtube about debunking myths on ascension for mystery man. That came across a glitch that they couldn't use anything but the landers and had no secondary weapons. Just wanted to put it out there that this is a GLITCH. It happened to me when I wasn't doing the mystery man EE. I just don't want people to get all worked up and then get disappointed about the whole thing. Anyways..... :P
Last reply by m12, -
new to the forums. used to post in the official cod forums, but those guys are kinda standoffish. love all things zombies, made it to level 54 on moon without glitchin. lookin forward to bein a community member, but all trolls and x-box fan boys can gtfo.
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
Mr. Touchstuff is touching my stuff again.
Last reply by CE5k21, -
Whats up new to this site hoping to find some people to play zombs with
Last reply by piepwns, -
- 1 reply
Hey if you play xbox 360 black ops zombies, I have all the maps so yeah add me up or send me a message either way I need a good couple of players. Peace :twisted:
Last reply by m12, -
- 3 replies
whats up lads , came across this site looking online for players ha, , names cian im looking to get a good match on moon, psn = Juice-Monkey11 want to get to a high round cool site
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 6 replies
Hey everyone! Doppellgängerr here and I'm back with a new account My old account name was Doppellgangerr (without the fancy a) and I'm back after an extremely long time. So feel free to hit me up with some of the awesome new threads that have been made as well as the old popular ones that have been revived in my years absence from the site. Keen to meet the new faces of CoDZ and also catch up with some of the old ones Peace out and happy zombie slaying!
Last reply by Doppelgänger, -
- 3 replies
Hello fellow zombie slayers. My name is Flynn, I live in Australia and I've been playing zombies since WaW. I'm a very active zombies player (around seven hours a day, weekends usually more.) Favourite zombies map is origins. Highest round is 45 solo. I don't abuse glitches and play legit. I love hunting for easter eggs and helping the community uncover secrets in zombies. I try to balance school-work with zombies so some days I wont be able to play at all. Looking forward to playing with yall and helping to find easter eggs.
Last reply by ViiZionZ,
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