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1,821 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
hey im new here and im looking for people to help me get the achievements for zombies any I don't have looking really for people tthat know how to get the easter eggs and any other achievements on any and all maps on both black ops and black ops 2 my GT is Diabo1ica1Taco add me if you can help I work thirds and have weekends off and always down to play zombies or MP thank you for your help
Last reply by Slade, -
- 5 replies
Hey Guys I'm New Here So Not Sure How Everything Works, But I'm A Huge Zombie Player, I Just Hate It When I Don't Have Anyone Decent To Play With, Was Hoping To Find Someone On Here Who Would Like To Do Private Matches On PS3? Prefer 'Call Of The Dead' But Any Map Other Than 'Shangri-la' Will Do :D
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 4 replies
Hey fellow Z killers. I have fallen in love with the plethora of information on this forum. This is what I have been looking for since I began my love affair with COD Zombies, a compendium of knowledge and ideas related to Zombies. A little about me: I began playing in COD:BO 1 on PS3, but due to life had to lose my sytem just after the release of Shang-Ri-La. Recently (Black Friday 2012) I have purchased a Xbox 360 and COD:BO 2. Because of life and work, I am usually only able to devote time to this wonderful game on the weekends and at this moment am prepared to purchase the Season Pass later today and enjoy Die Rise. I reside on the east coast of the U.S. and am …
Last reply by legacy, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys I'm a solo player on ps4 getting bored of playing solo. If you wanna play some black ops 3 zombies easter eggs on ps4 add me Vacator00. I still need to do Shadows of evil and Gorod Krovi before Revelations releases. and I don't mean to be rude but, I'm 22 and if you are 14 I will most likely not play with you.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 1 reply
Been reading forum for a while just never joined. Been playing zombies from the begining. No Glitches. Team player. PSN= aghonts W@W levels- nact- 20 Verruckt- 41 Shino- 41 Der Riese- 31 Black Ops- Kino - 28 Five- 25 Dead ops- 19 Classics on black ops- nact- 20 Verruckt- 17 Shino- 13 lol Der Riese- 36
Last reply by m12, -
Oh, hi. I like zombies. Well, i suppose you figred that out since it's a zombies forum, right? Well, I play Xbox, and I can't stand PS3. No offense to you PS3 players, I mean I played a PS2, but I can't stand it anymore. Xbox just feels better in my hands. So, hope to see you guys around!
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys, I'm new here. Never really been good at these, but uh well my name is Logan and I've been playing Zombies since WaW so I do classify myself as being a veteran zombies player. I'd say I'm quite good at zombies, but do have my moments as we all do. I was using the Black Ops 3 official forums for Zombies, but you wouldn't believe how many people are complaining on there so I searched up forums for Zombies and found this site. I can't believe this was here all this time, but I'm glad I found it for sure. I'll be looking to play zombies with you all as well so don't be strangers! My gamertag is: AsG xTiMiDx Looking forward to what this site has to…
Last reply by AsG xTiMiDx, -
- 2 replies
Whats up guys deadshock here! I haven't been that active on the site as of late but with BO2 on the horizon I'll going to try to step up my game! I hope... Anyway what you need to know about me: Been part of CoDZ since the Verruckt back on WaW. Tend to haunt the off topic section when things are slow or I'm bored but if you feel im not adding constructively feel free to call me out on it! Been gaming since the N64 but played some SNES before that I enjoy RPGs mostly and I find that zombies is the only shooter I can sink more than 2 hours into at a time The Shin Megami Tensei Thread over in off topic is my pride and joy on the site and rea…
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi everyone, new to the group. Avid zombie player since the beginning on WaW. Excited to meet everyone and be a part of the community
Last reply by Spider, -
- 0 replies
Hi there im new here but ik very addicted to the zombies game mode. My favorite map is shadows of evil. Im playing on playstation and bought vanguard, but i did not know about this zombie game so right know i have bought cold war coz i saw some vids on yt. I hope ill meet some persons to play with. greetz xviral. Nice game time!!
Last reply by X_viral, -
- 2 replies
Wots up everyone ! Just joined and im loving this website already. Im 33 born in manchester but now live in great yarmouth. I play pretty much all of the cod games but especially love zombies. Im here to gain more zombie knowledge so i can go futher in the rounds. Ive done 28 on ascension with 4 players. Im also in a clan called fubarnation and i play multi player black ops as well.
Last reply by xSHAOLiiN, -
- 4 replies
Hello everyone, been reading this forum for a while but never made an account. Thought I would and start posting. Thanks for reading guys! :)
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 9 replies
my name is william i love playing zombies haha n im really good add me killa_supra psn only
Last reply by yellow-card8, -
- 3 replies
Hi, my real name is Sean. I am 15 and I'm Welsh. Yes I know, Welsh (insert sheep joke here). Anyway, I've been skimming the forums recently, I've been trying to figure out the storyline for about a year now, with some progress, not alot, but some. Anyway, I was watching a Syndicate video when he mentioned the forum, so I came on and read your theories and ideas, getting lost in many of them. I'm a huge gaming geek, I own all major consoles, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii. I mainly play Xbox, and my GT is DeZiRE BoRGoReZ, DeZiRE being my clan and BoRGoReZ after the gorestep artist. Anyways, I mainly play Zombies, and I thought I was good at zombies with a solo record of 31 on As…
Last reply by HeadHunter, -
- 4 replies
Hi Everyone. My name is Tony i'm a hardcore fan of Zombies i love zombies and i'm happy i found this site i hope i meet new folks here. My gamertag is frog800 add me, I currently have the shotguns emblem but it don't bothers me if you have the bones Rank We can still play together just please don't rage quit. I hope you guys understand, english is my second language.
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys I'm new here just made an account yesterday cause I finally found this site and go figure I can't get medals here because I can't prove wither I got the credentials or not because you have to have a picture in order to have proof so I guess this gonna be my only medal oh well it is what it is.
Last reply by Tac, -
- 9 replies
Hello CoDz Forum Welcome to my introduction I'm a PS3 User and primarily on COD Black Ops, Zombies. I was introduced to the game 6 months ago and have been enjoying every minute, including those random games where newbs jack my window for cheap kills... then I get all that money back reviving them. I'm not into hacks or using glitches I play for pure skills and fun. I love using strategies that can speed up the process of getting through levels, so I'm constantly thinking of what I can do to improve my game. My goal is to reach Level 80... which I'm assuming is a 20 hour max game... Currently my Kino level is 56... SN= ScVz_9Wolf9
Last reply by Superhands, -
- 6 replies
What's goin' on everybody? I'm Jae. It's pretty ironic how I ended up stumbling upon this forum. I was cleaning my room, picked up my X-Box while my Black Ops 2 was still spinning around and laser-burned my CD. ;/ Awaiting this Wednesday when I get my paycheck and buy another copy I had a bunch of free time to browse the internet for cool, new zombie theories, and easter eggs. To make a long-story short, I'm looking for new people to team-up with, and really explore this TranZit map. I haven't gotten the chance to complete either side of the Richtofen/Maxis Easter Eggs yet because of the type of people I've been getting paired with online. I'm used to kind-of just camping…
Last reply by RPK_Jae, -
- 3 replies
Just droppin in to say how the hell is everyone?? Name is Sean, Evil Genius009 XBL handle. Became obsessed w/ Zombies the 1st time I played W@W and have not stopped. Nor do I plan to or even see it in any near future. I'v a couple of theories on the story as I understand it. Anyone care to bounce ideas off one another? I have a strong team I usually stick w/, but also looking to expand my Zombie playable partners. If ya wanna chat, pls feel free to respond back. Have a good one andhappy hunting..!!!!!!!
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys, been long overdue since I signed up. Been playing since Black Ops 1 and been a long time lurker on these forums, so naturally I've seen many faces come and go and the way we play the game and view the story turned on its head by certain individuals as time has gone by. I always came to this forum as a beginner/intermediate player to browse the strategy sections and see what was new, and there was always something new! I've always been more into the gameplay side of things. As a beginner, several of the guys here past and present really inspired me and taught me a lot. Be it @Chopper, who I still consider to be one of the best "move and shakers" of all ti…
Last reply by shirtlesservice, -
- 9 replies
Hi! I'm a new member! I love all things zombies and have a great time playing the game. I find the backstory most intruiging. If anyone could point me in the right direction to some threads or something to find out more of the backstory from beggining to end, please tell me! If anyone could aso tell me how to make signatures and attach pictures to my posts, I would be much olbiged! Thank you!! :mrgreen:
Last reply by AlphaSnake, -
- 5 replies
Just discovered this site full of the Undead fans Im a great fan of CoD Zombies and good player in PS3.
Last reply by docz1240, -
- 4 replies
Hey, i'm Jamie. I live in Hendersonville, North Carolina I play on PlayStation 3, Wii, and 3DS! I'm hoping to get an XBOX 360 soon! So anyways, I play CoD and AC on the PS3 most of the time! I am on YouTube if you want to check me out! If you want to add me go ahead! YouTube: jamienewman3 PSN: jamienewman3 WAW Zombies: Nacht Der Untoten: 32 Der Reise: 46 Black Ops Zombies: Kino Der Toten: 35 FIVE: 27 Ascension: 37 COTD: 18
Last reply by MysteryBox, -
- 5 replies
My names Melanie, I'm from WV, senior in college about to graduate. My roommate got me into zombies about two-three yrs ago when Black Ops 2 came out. It caught on quick and now I play almost everyday. My friend, ydajdimstr, wanted me to mention him in my introductions. He is my zombie partner, and has really taught me the ropes of zombie gameplay. Check him out on twitch, I am usually playing with him when he streams. I play Black Ops 1, World at war, Black Ops 2, and now custom zombies. I am also really into grief, but it's hard to find some good people to play that with. Some of my fav maps, I really like Mob of the dead on BO2, but i think zomb…
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys i recently got into playing alot of zombies, ive never played call of duty until black ops and just fell in love with zombies and i play on all my free time. and now i am so PUMPED i just ordered the hardened edition so i can play the classic zombie maps! but yea just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. love the forum
Last reply by Niho,
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