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- 2 replies
i like this website so i signed up. i signed up cause i will play zombies with anyone who love to play zombies. Cheers!
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 2 replies
Hello,I'm ToxicFusion1.Not good at introductions...uh,favorite map is Kino der Toten and Ascension,favorite gun is Ray Gun for non-PaP and Skullcrusher (PaP-d M16).Favorite modded map is Dead Sand.I prefer 4-player co-op when just screwing around during Zombies,three-player for serious,long-term zombie-killing sessions,two-player for easter-egg discovery,and solo for just burning time.Oh,when I get close to a corner,I might try to get away or try to ninja dodge and fail,then shoot uselessly with an m1911... Hell,if you want to know something,just ask >>.Other than that... Xbox LIVE Gamertag:ChainzofFreedom
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 4 replies
I'm not really one for introductions, I prefer to lurk. but anywho, I'm OMJashin, 17, PS3 user, crazy cat lady. I play MW2 and Black Ops, mostly the latter. Prestiged once, just to say I did it, and I don't think I will again. Nazi Zombies is one of my obsessions. I play it more than multiplayer. I joined because my brother (beefbobjones) said I should and because I like reading about the theories everyone has. I might contribute someday, If i feel I have something significant to say. Otherwise, I'll just be lurking.
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 3 replies
i am new, as I have only responded to various posts like 6 times... So, basicly I just learned how to get userbars, so look at my sig. if u wanna know about me! HAPPY COD'ZING!!! 8-)
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 2 replies
Hi im Blade Church and love The zombies story and Theorys to it ever since WaW i knew it was going to be something Big i have heard my love for the story and Theorys will fit here is it true is CoDz the real deal i just love that Button also i hope to make great theory and one day make a theory i may call Genuis :ugeek:
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 6 replies
Hi..... new here porterville ca
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 4 replies
Sup guys, I've been viewing this forum for a while, so I said "Hey - why not join it? Looks friendly enough." I hope I chose right. :D
Last reply by Phillips455, -
Hi, nice forum here lets slay some zombies some time soon :)
Last reply by CheesySpaghetti, -
- 12 replies
--- Common, don't tell me u think i can't spell.... PREASE Hi, am Wadja, A WebDesigner and Programmer. Currently gaming on the iPad1 & 2 platform only. First time playing CODZ, The game's awesome but the MultiPlayer Unorganized Hosts i have come across ain't awesome.... This is actually the best game i've played other than GODOFWAR and POP. Great Forum and great Gamerz..... .............. and uhhh, don't tell anyone am totally amazed at CODZ ;)
Last reply by LMW-YBC, -
- 3 replies
Hey folks! im new here, and relatively new to the CODZ experience, but i am loving playing these levels. i havent done many of the achievements or easter eggs. i have TERRIBLE luck playing online, i got "schooled" in Zombies from a good friend of mine who lives here, and we play often online but usually just the 2 of us, or if he has someone over vice/versa. im interested in playing with people who know what they're doing and having a good time. i hate the jackass players who just ruin the experience for anyone trying to reach higher levels by messing around and not co-operating in strategy with the doors opening etc. all in all i have found …
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 4 replies
Hello everyone, been reading this forum for a while but never made an account. Thought I would and start posting. Thanks for reading guys! :)
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 6 replies
Hello everyone! I've been browsing CoDz forums for a while, but just registered recently. I'm not amazing at zombies, but not horrible either. I own every map pack (on PS3 at least), and I'm on almost every night if anyone wants to play (however, I don't have any of the classic maps. :cry: ). My favorite map so far is Call of the Dead (scavenger FTW!), but the only map I really hate is Five. Anyway, I look forward to talking with you all!
Last reply by John, -
Hello, my name is uzi (or Tyler). I just saw this site, and it looks very nice. I joined because I am an expert at zombies, so don't take me as a noob. If you want to know my highest rounds, PM me. I want to get to know people here, so that might be a good way to . Anyways, I hope to see lots of people around here!
Last reply by uzi, -
- 6 replies
Howdy Names Boobadizzle. Before I go any further into this: notice it's dizzle, NOT DAZZLE! NEIN! I'm looking at you, yes you 10 year old americans. It's not Boobadazzle. That sounds weird... Anywho: I play Zombies (as all of us here do!). I have all the zombie achievements but 2. Those 2 being the Scavenger one and the Easter Egg for Shangri-La! After that it's just those stupid veteran ones -.-
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 2 replies
sup peeps getting bored playing zombies by myself and really wanting to get the shangri la easter egg done soon well my gamertag on xbox live is joek1rastafari im online most days so add me
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 3 replies
Hi, my real name is Sean. I am 15 and I'm Welsh. Yes I know, Welsh (insert sheep joke here). Anyway, I've been skimming the forums recently, I've been trying to figure out the storyline for about a year now, with some progress, not alot, but some. Anyway, I was watching a Syndicate video when he mentioned the forum, so I came on and read your theories and ideas, getting lost in many of them. I'm a huge gaming geek, I own all major consoles, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii. I mainly play Xbox, and my GT is DeZiRE BoRGoReZ, DeZiRE being my clan and BoRGoReZ after the gorestep artist. Anyways, I mainly play Zombies, and I thought I was good at zombies with a solo record of 31 on As…
Last reply by HeadHunter, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys my name is Cody and I'm a new CODZ member. I was refered here by MrRoflWaffels. I don't play Black Ops anymore but once my xbox comes out of repair I will be playing a ton of W@W zombies. I don't have any map packs for W@W and I am thinking of getting one. Which one is your favourite? My gamertag: Whirling Vortex My YouTube:
Last reply by Strwrsbob, -
- 6 replies
Hey; I'm new here, but I've been following the forums for a while. I've known about zombies for a while, since WaW, know most of the plotline, and I'm pretty decent at CoDz. I'm always open for games if you ever wanna play. My GT is Ryuuzaki8693, and I'm only on xbox. Have WaW and Black Ops, and all the maps, so message if you're every interested and we can kill zombies together! :twisted:
Last reply by zetsubouxvictim, -
- 9 replies
Hey guys. New xbox world at war player here. If you would like to add me just respond in the thread. Some info: I do have a mic, I have map pack 3, Im an decent nazi zombie player, Am decent at multiplayer. I do not hack. And I will play with pretty much anyone who doesnt hack. So if you would like to add me I would be more than happy to respond GT:Sazh333
Last reply by Sazh333, -
- 3 replies
Hello. I'm John. A little bit about me; I have a jtag, and I mainly play offline mods, and if I do go online it will be for playing zombies. I was a huge easter egg finder during the WAW time zone, and decrypted the mystery of the hanging man on Der Riese. I have all maps for Black ops, and mainly all I do is play zombies. I am from thetechgame, (Hope that isn't a matter). On that site I have over 4k posts and am a trusted member. I love that site, but when it comes to easter eggs and NAZI Zombies, they aren't the best. I thought I could come here and bring with me my recordings, and such. Currently, my XBL went down Yesterday, and I should be gett…
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone just joined up to the forum so i thought i'd introduce myself.My name is Kyle Gifford,i'm 19 years old.I currently work for the amazing BSKYB as a Sales Advisor.I am a big fan of Silent Hill and Call Of Duty!!!Silent Hill being something i have some massive amounts of knowledge about.I got into gaming as a kid and have continued.Currently looking for a clan to join as well (any offers?).As for music love Slipknot,Avenged Sevenfold,Black Veil Brides,Maiden,Priest ect.Send me a message and let the good times roll
Last reply by DeckchairsFTW, -
- 9 replies
Hi! I'm a new member! I love all things zombies and have a great time playing the game. I find the backstory most intruiging. If anyone could point me in the right direction to some threads or something to find out more of the backstory from beggining to end, please tell me! If anyone could aso tell me how to make signatures and attach pictures to my posts, I would be much olbiged! Thank you!! :mrgreen:
Last reply by AlphaSnake, -
- 5 replies
Just discovered this site full of the Undead fans Im a great fan of CoD Zombies and good player in PS3.
Last reply by docz1240, -
- 6 replies
Hi all. Names fiklstein. I play on psn with the same name. I have a mic and i will play any time i can. Have all the map packs that are out and the 4 originale zombie maps Looking for good zombie players to find easter eggs and find hints to the zombie story :)
Last reply by AnnieBerries, -
- 4 replies
hello im digdug43 i am a zombies therosist i have collected on all my story from vuruckt to ascention but im looking for call of the dead and maybe shangri la theroies i will be posting my entire theroy sometime but im gonna read up on some of your others before that so thank you for reading this and happy zombie slaying [brains]
Last reply by LOLOLOLOL,
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