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1,821 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Hey guys, Some of yous may know me and some of yous may not, But yeah i'm back again and hopefully here to stay, Had my little moment there where I had so much in my head that uit just F*CKED with it, after finding out I was gonna be a dad at such a young age I just had to prepare, I'm sure some of yous can understand this, then sadly went into a little dark deep stage of my life, But the past is in the past, I just wanna now have a laugh its gonna be so good to hear from all of yous again, SEE YOUS AROUND MOFO's. Ps Dont have to show me sympathy cauyse me not want it, Now lets rock and roll and kill so Zombies. Peace out ;)
Last reply by itsOH, -
- 6 replies
I am the Lord of Shadows. I have been playing Call of Duty: Zombies since I was around 12 years old, and am now 20, so around 8 years. I know a lot about the story, though I haven't been able to play some of the newer maps for Black Ops 3. I would like to get in touch with anyone that has played those maps, for a rundown of it's events, or any kind of information about the map, such as the revlelations promised by the namesake. When i have a console of my own, I will be playing. i have the strong intention to complete all of the Easter Eggs. I am also a writer, so I will likely be posting original content every now and again. Take it as you will, regardless a…
Last reply by SPARTON3, -
- 14 replies
Message From: SPARTONWARRIOR3 Hi everyone, hope you're all having a great day and enjoying zombies! I love to play zombies all the time, reach high rounds, complete Easter eggs, attempt difficult challenges and help the community in becoming a much more skilled Zombie Slayer. I've been playing zombies since it launched back in 2008 and It has become such a huge passion of mine. If your looking for someone to give you advice on strategies, rank up fast, complete Easter egg quests, etc. I am more than happy to help you! Black Ops 3 Game Mode Ranks Campaign Rank: 20 Multiplayer Rank: 204 …
Last reply by andydabeast, -
- 10 replies
Hey guys its sushine1 here! or Scott. ive been a zombie fanatic since world at war nacht, which lets be honest made me jump since i had no idea what was going on. haha. ive only just recently started a youtube channel ( SushineGaming ) about zombies. i'm new to codz also; getting ready to submit my first video into the " Arena the ancient trials. " my top 3 zombie maps are origins, der eisendrache, and mob of the dead! im open for discussions about zombies! thanks for reading a tiny bit about me! have a fantastic one!
Last reply by sushine1, -
- 5 replies
I'm a gaming youtuber who also loves zombie Easter eggs and secrets. I have PS3, Pc, And PS4 gaming systems. I also own an Alienware ^_^. Message Me If You Ever Wanna Play. ( calldandaman ) Love Ya [emoji172] Sent from my iPhone using Call of Duty Zombies mobile app
Last reply by The76thSoldier, -
- 6 replies
Hi everyone nice to meet you all, just joine :)
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 11 replies
Hey everyone, My name is John and I'm new to the forum. I joined this site to learn about new strategies I haven't tried yet and to meet some new teammates to play with. I currently have a ps3 and a ps4 and all of the black ops zombies PSN = PhD_Strange Games = BO1, BO2, BO3 (ALL maps) Looking forward to playing with some of you. Cheers!
Last reply by Spider, -
- 5 replies
Hi friends, My name is Coolchief I am 14 years old and I live on the east coast of the USA. I enjoy playing zombies. I started in bo2 and have loved everyone except exo, what a meme. I really have nothing else to say so, BYE!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Call of Duty Zombies mobile app
Last reply by andydabeast, -
- 8 replies
Hello to everyone I am The_ Giant_935 or better this is my gamer name, I am Ivan, I am very happy that I've found this forum because cod zombies is absolutely my favorite game and I like have the possibility to talk with the community about it. I'm a young player of zombies, I've started during bo2 era then I've bought past ones like WAW and BO1 playing and recovering the knowledge about early games too. I was introduced to it by a dear friend who actually is part of the Uagna team (is an Italian channel and magazine about games especially cod) The first map I ever played is Tranzit and that's why it is one of my fav maps, then I…
Last reply by andydabeast, -
- 6 replies
Hello everyone. I hope you all had a great holiday season and new year and that you are all well. I've had such a busy few months and have been working away from home thus not being able to find the time to post but I am now back to my normal routine. I also got my first car so that's pretty cool. Im glad to be back and with the new DLC coming out for IWZ I can't wait to get back into posting and helping you wonderful people out! Sorry for the inactivity You guys rock !
Last reply by Spider, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by overpoweredgamers, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, I have come here for the Ancient Trials. They look pretty great. I started playing COD Zombies in August of 2009 with WaW, and have been playing all Treyarch zombies ever since (plus mods). Glad to be here.
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 3 replies
I spent 13 minutes figuring out what to type as my introduction. Hello I am Newton, your personal healthcare companion. Hey.
Last reply by Spider, -
- 9 replies
Hello. I am Curtis. I am a fairly new youtuber but I am passionate for Zombies. I am a decent zombie player when I start to get in my rhythm but do not get much like. Please if anyone is interested then here is my youtube link I also play on Fifa with pro clubs, career, the journey and ultimate team and F1 with league racing a decent careerie. Also any other games that I enjoy playing. Please subscribe to me, to stay up to date.
Last reply by Curtoise_95, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys I'm a YouTuber that is posting really good content from Call of Duty and I love livestreaming whenever I possibly can and I interact with my viewers and make sure you guys feel welcome.I'm a huge Zombies fan and I've gotten to round 100+ multiple times on stream. Also, I'm soon going to be playing tournament games for CoD and soon will be playing in the World League. If you guys would like to check me out, I'd love that! Just so that you guys know, I'm only 16. It would be great if you guys could help out a fellow zombies enthusiast with his YouTube channel <3 If you guys are interested, my YouTube name is Synergistic Squad.
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 5 replies
I've been posting here for some time and have never officially introduced myself... My name is Charles. I'm 34 and have been in Texas the last 21 years. I'm recently married and for work I am a busy massage therapist. My body usually aches and in my down time I can be found chilling smoking a bowl and killing zombies. I've been playing zombies ever since my brother started telling me about something epic once beating World at War. This was back in 2008 and I found a game that I truly love when I first played Nacht Der Untoten. For years I was the guy you wanted on your team. Over the years zombies started to drift away from what originally made me …
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 2 replies
hey am new here , but looking for people to get to some high rounds on zombies in space land , am pretty good for a girl.
Last reply by BuddKill, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone, my name is Sam and i'm 22. Im based in UK and looking to meet new players to play with ang get to high round. Maybe i'm not a pro player but i'm really good and each game getting better ;-) At now i'm delighting with my new PS4 PRO & 49 inches LG 4k UHD so yea the graphic deisng is outstanding and hopefully they make BO3 fully 4k soon... If there is anyone who wants to get high round + all easter egg on SOE then add me on PS4 by login lucyferevil or email [email protected] See u in game! :-)
Last reply by Spider, -
Whelp Im Fire Fox! Hello! I have some knowledge Call Of Duty but I love to make stories and conspiracies. Happy to meet you!
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 6 replies
Hey All! As I said, I am a WAW Zombie veteran who works as a Graphic Designer by day and plays Gaming YouTuber by night. I have so many hours played in zombies it's sickening. Living in the mountains of Northern Georgia (US), growing a beard with Gandalf aspirations... and I just started a youtube channel. Not sure if links are allowed so I won't go there quite yet. I like hiking the many parks, trails and waterfalls around here and taking landscape photography when I can muster up the power to fight through zombie cravings. Just wanted to introduce myself!
Last reply by RayPoopertonIII, -
- 5 replies
Hey people, Its been a while and I just wanna say I miss you guys, Its pretty hard trying to do everything you gotta do in life, College studying law which takes up most of my time along with work and other things that mix in with it all, Its kinda hard to get one here and I do really wanna get on more often, Because I really do miss it and miss what everyone has to say, I'm also gonna make/start a youtube channel, So yet again guys sorry for not being on as much. Oh and also, If anyone needs a lawyer in about 4 years time, remember me and give me a call :)))
Last reply by Spider3000, -
- 9 replies
What is up, ladies and gentlemen? I've prowled this website for years. I was once extremely active on the site for a time until the dreaded BO2 era came and I hadn't returned since. But with BO3 has come a beautifully crafted story that has come a welcome surprise! I'm just introducing myself now to all these new users I've never seen before. I'll be posting a lot and contributing posts to a lot of the threads on this forum for the coming months. Love you all.
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 8 replies
Hello everybody on this great site....uhm, now the last Black Ops 3 is released, I thought this might be a good time to introduce myself, because I have never done before. I'm Anonymous, but you can call me Anon. I thought of that name because I hadn't planned to stay long. Just to make a post in which I give some people hope who still search to the TranZit secret. Well, it packed out different than I thought: Good community, so why not stay. And I should be honest, without this site I might not play CoD zombies anymore, or much lesser anyway. I met many kind people here, and I won't call any names, because it are to many. In fact, I can't say that ANYBODY on this si…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys and gals (if any). My gamer tag is nked ninja. I play Xbox one and love zombies. On the way to master prestige and trying to finish all Easter eggs. Hit me up for EE help anytime. Thanks
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
by Nick02beer- 3 replies
Hello guys, My name is Nick and I am a zombie fan since black ops 1. I am totally obsesed with the gamemode and still love it to the day. I recently came across this forum and it perfect for me! Only zombies! So this was my very short introduction and i am now going to take a good look on this site. Also I am Dutch so don`t judge me on my English. ;) Greetz Nick
Last reply by NaBrZHunter,
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