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1,821 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
Hey im new want to know the rules so i dont screw up and stuff
Last reply by DJDerp, -
- 10 replies
Hi, I'm Jay, once a regular on the forum. A good friend on the forum and on PS3 lobbied for my return, as well as PMs from other dialy contributors asking for my participations to help drive for forum. Not sure what I can bring to the community, but here I am. To be honest I never really left, lurking from time to time, as well as skyping many others since my departure. The forum is lacking activities lately, and hopefully many big names will re-emerge. To the new guys who have no clue to who Jay is, he was a regular poster from March until late July, left in frustration due to many great users MIA. Along with Tankeo and MLH they formed the three stooges of …
Last reply by shirtlesservice, -
Mr. Touchstuff is touching my stuff again.
Last reply by CE5k21, -
- 10 replies
Hi. Old gamer here (43), I got into cod through WAW zombies and have been playing since then. I work too much which cuts into my zombie time, but while I work, I surf and learn what I can. I am odd and unique, usually I am really nice and helpful, but occasionally I am an ass due to high blood pressure issues. Don't worry, it is always short-lived when I am assy. So just laugh and point if I get jerky. I won't mind at all. Happy gaming all!
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 10 replies
I'm new here, and ever since BOPS2 came out I got back into CoD, mostly zombies though. Having a blast playing this again, and have always been a huge fan of the storyline and would like to discuss it with other members. Seems like a pretty ok site! Can't wait to start posting. So yeah, hello everyone.
Last reply by INeedVodka115, -
Hey guys, I'm sure you've all missed me (probably not, but still). My laptop broke and I just recently got a new one, so I'll be back to posting frequently once again. I'm sure many of you don't even know who I am, but for those who remember me, I just want to let you know I'm back.
Last reply by piepwns, -
Hey guys. Im nick aka saintofkillers aka gourmetchud (xbox and ps3), Ive been playing zombies since day one. I got land of the dead road to fiddlers green in late 2005 for pc and loved the hell out of it. naturally, years later when a friend came by and was crapping himself with excitement over the unlockable zombies mode in world at war I was hooked. Since then Ive woken up at 6 am every morning a dlc pack has come out and played them all the way till the next dlc or game was released. Ive learned and figured out alot about the zombies storyline but am mostly knowledgable about the original 2 games (I dont have many players to get the easter eggs done enough times to rea…
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 10 replies
Hola, hello, etc etc
Last reply by PurePainGaming, -
Hey I'm new to the forum and just thought I'd say hi. I'm also new to Zombies, only got into it in the last few months but loving it so far. MP just didn't hold my attention long enough this time round. Anyway just a quick into, I'm Wooodd 31 and in UK, and after having a quick look around the site this is by far the most active Zombies forum out here. Good work.
Last reply by PurePainGaming, -
- 10 replies
Hello my name is Marcel and I am 15 years old I love CoD Zombies! my Steam ID is: MarcelZombie99 My PSN ID is: NitrosPlus at the PS3 games I Black ops 1 and 2 PC World at War & Custom Zombies I Search Custom Zombies players! Sorry I'm German this text was translated with Google
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 10 replies
Hello everyone. Stumbled upon this forum while looking for Zombie help, looks pretty good. I'm from Scotland i'm mainly looking for PSN players to help with EE and general fun playing Zombies. Majority of my friends list have either stopped playing Zombies, don't like it or don't have the DLC which is a shame. I normally play solo or with randoms which is never really that fun, lol.
Last reply by swappingspit, -
- 10 replies
Iv played zombies since the first map Natch der untoten and have played all the way to Origins.I Usually go for long Gameplays but end up always getting booted off due to script errors (FIX IT PLEASE). Im a Friendly mature person who now tries to do the easter eggs on the maps but i find people who leave or get mad.Im normally online at the most 3 times a week to do the eatser egg so if you wanna hook up for xbox easter eggs Add me or msg me GT Sockyaky
Last reply by ETEl2NAL407, -
- 10 replies
First of all my name is supposed to be Slushy McFly but I'm an idiot and misspelled my own frickin name when signing up. I play on the 360 gamertag is Slushy McFly. I would say I'm definitely an above average zombies player. Highest rounds are: WaW NDU 112 solo, Der Reise 45 solo, Tranzit 43 solo, Nuketown 42 solo Die Rise 69 solo, MOTD 39, Buried 61 solo, Town 51 2 player (Die Rise/ Buried probably not impressive considering the power of the wonder weapons on those maps lol) Came into zombies really late, Die Rise was the first map i ever played, I've gone back and played all other maps since then. I understand the storyline for the most part, but my grasp is…
Last reply by Callofduty4025, -
- 9 replies
hey everybody. this is my first time on the forum so i thought id post a lil thing just sayin hi. im here from that gaming show. you should check it out its a very nice growing forums website. they actually recomended this site for me. click here to check out that gamingshow
Last reply by skimborder, -
- 9 replies
Hey Friend. :] So I changed my name since the last Zombie Forum, but I used to be Nevernoz if anyone rememberes that name. But yea. For those of you who don't know me, my names Vinnie, just graduated from High School about a month ago. 18 years old. Xbox GT = YourdaWince. Pppsh. That's about it? I remember a lot of people, so I'd be surprised to see if anyone remembered me since I haven't been on in FOREVER. Or Tweeted; Niho... Coughcoughcough.
Last reply by YourdaWince, -
- 9 replies
I've been just watching for a little while and thought I'd finally introduce myself. I'm a software engineer, working in Chicago, IL USA. If "Introductions" is the wrong area for this please accept my apologies. Hello all! I hope to interact with you some and laugh and learn and maybe share a bit of myself with you. Glad to be aboard
Last reply by DeckchairsFTW, -
- 9 replies
Hello Everyone New and Old!!! Some of you may remember me but maybe not I fell off gaming for a while with work and stuff but im back now and more into z-Zombies more then ever! cant wait to get the new map tonight!!!! Anywaay hows everyone? Carbon looks like this place really took off huh ^^!
Last reply by dykeso, -
- 9 replies
Hey you lot. MrRoflWaffles sent me here and I thought I'd register. After seeing this thread : link. I think I'm here to stay Nice to meet ya lads.
Last reply by MysteryBox, -
- 9 replies
Hi! I'm a new member! I love all things zombies and have a great time playing the game. I find the backstory most intruiging. If anyone could point me in the right direction to some threads or something to find out more of the backstory from beggining to end, please tell me! If anyone could aso tell me how to make signatures and attach pictures to my posts, I would be much olbiged! Thank you!! :mrgreen:
Last reply by AlphaSnake, -
- 9 replies
Hey guys. New xbox world at war player here. If you would like to add me just respond in the thread. Some info: I do have a mic, I have map pack 3, Im an decent nazi zombie player, Am decent at multiplayer. I do not hack. And I will play with pretty much anyone who doesnt hack. So if you would like to add me I would be more than happy to respond GT:Sazh333
Last reply by Sazh333, -
Hello, my name is uzi (or Tyler). I just saw this site, and it looks very nice. I joined because I am an expert at zombies, so don't take me as a noob. If you want to know my highest rounds, PM me. I want to get to know people here, so that might be a good way to . Anyways, I hope to see lots of people around here!
Last reply by uzi, -
- 9 replies
Hey guys and gals, I'm new to the forums and just wanted to introduce myself. I am not very new to Call of Duty Zombies but I've just started to really get into it recently. I am definately not the best at Zombies but I try. I dont run of and leave people down and I try to help my team as much as I can. My favourite map is Call of the Dead. My favourite normal gun is the Commando. My favourite Wonder Weapon is the Thunder Gun. I am justy starting to get into the storyline of Call of Duty Zombies and have much to learn lol. I am from the UK and own a PS3. Thats about it... Thanks Woop_Woop :D
Last reply by Woop_Woop, -
- 9 replies
Hi, i am a Ps3 zombie and multiplayer player that just enjoys playin' CoD i need some friends for my new account F34R_Th3_1D10T and i thought this would be the place to look. i also enjoy games like minecraft account is called acid_silence (i now this isnt the place to post that but i just thought i'd mention it) So add me if you what im not new or anything i just havnt been on the introduction thread So............Hi 8-)
Last reply by algzelaya, -
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Hey, I'm Game Violence, and I've seen this site before Black Ops even came out. Just to lazy to register lol. So I've played zombies since World at War. And lately I've been kind of... bored playing it. I used to love it, and I really want to get back into it / learn some new strategies etc. I haven't done the easter eggs yet for any of the Black Ops Map. I did most of them for Shangri-La though. If anyone would like to play ANY map with me, or preferably doing the easter eggs for Shangri-La or Moon (Ascension if you want to I guess). Then hit me up on Xbox. Happy to finally be part of the site :mrgreen:
Last reply by Faust, -
- 9 replies
Hey guys, liltaz here. I figured that since I never made a formal introduction, I'd combine it with my goodbye message. I'm a 14 year old boy with a long list of problems, that I won't get into much right now. I've been depressed for 8 years, and was about to commit suicide, until about a year ago, when I found CoDz. It was like paradise. Easter Egg hunters, Theories, Conspiracies; everything I could imagine to stimulate my mind. Plus it was a creative outlet, where no one judged you for being wrong, and usually helped you improve yourself. I have been addicted to zombies for about 3 years now, and have put up with so many randoms, that it lost its humor. Especially t…
Last reply by Ehjookayted,
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