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Hey all! I am new to this site but not new to Zoms! I have been working on and piecing together a strategy guide for quite a few weeks now and would like some new XBL friends to share it with and get input on (all existing maps including WaW). Also looking for gamers who enjoy hunting down the easter eggs, I have the info on the who, what why and where just need peeps to complete it with. XBL only, gamertag KoNaNcho Mesa, AZ
Last reply by KoNaNcho, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys, been watching the forums off and on for years now and finally made an account. I frequent the reddit zombies page but feel like it's just full of nonsense now. Anyways I'm just another easter egg hunter looking for people to share theories with. I'm very familiar with the zombies storylines, lovecraft mythos, and have completed every main ee. Hit me up on ps4 if you want to do some hunting or just want to chat :) bunnyblastt
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 4 replies
Okay, so, hey guys. My name is Bishop Oldfield, and I was named after the X-Men character, for those of you who read comics. I'm 13, turning 14 on April 9th of next year, and I live in Marion, Ohio. I love the zombies mode on Black Ops, worth the 60$ I bought the game for. My favorite map is probably Call of the Dead, because it got me into zombies, and plus Danny Trejo is in "From Dusk Till Dawn", one of my all time favorite movies. Been looking for a nice zombies forum for a while, and this like a pretty nice place for the 2 1/2 hours I've been here, haha. So, that's pretty much it. Hope to be a part of the community.
Last reply by yellow-card8, -
- 4 replies
I came here when BO2 was actually announced, I left over the time and remembered this place existed! I'm back and I hope to stay for the new maps!
Last reply by ssdada, -
- 1 reply
hi all, incase u couldnt figure it out i am cemetery ghoul
Last reply by flamecommando36, -
- 5 replies
Hey watsup CODZ, one of your local boys from Hawaii Checking in, Zombie nut......wife doesnt appreciate it like I do HHAHA! GT: Exactice808 if you wanna play with a guy that lives in a grass shack and powers my tv & xbox with coconut oil LOL!
Last reply by Exactice_808, -
- 10 replies
Hello boys and girls, I'm Chris, I'm 18 years old and I'm from Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. I own a PS3 and I love to play zombies! I also play other games, but zombies is my #1 game! My psn is: SickTrickZ-010, if you want to play with me feel free to add me! I got round 25 on kino, solo 41 34 on ascen 48 solo 16 on moon 23 on shi no numa Haven't got shangri-la yet, and I don't play COTD often, but I want to play COTD more! I don't like five and DOA and I haven't played the classic maps alot I hope to learn a lot from you guys here and hopefully make some zombie friends! :D
Last reply by TheSickTrickZ, -
- 1 reply
Hello forum! Im Ryan form teh good ol' US. Im 16 and MW2 was my first cod. Im decent at best in multiplayer; yet i do have my moments. I consider myself a quite above average zombies player. I hope i could make some friends on the forum. Hit me up on XBL. Fick houndinnen bekomme geld=fuck bitches get money Gamertag: ryanptitty
Last reply by m12, -
- 0 replies
I was playing Keno with a couple friends. When I had ran into the room to hit the weapons box and I heard knocking and then I turned around and it was coming from the brown Door located in the firetrap door room towards the alley. It almost sounds like a knocking sequence to maybe an Easter egg. You know like the Easter egg Sophie's doll where you have to knock on the blue door in the alley using a number sequence made up of three numbers, then knife the door with the sequence that was knocked on the door, then go and find the dolls which I don't know other locations. But I started really listening to The Knocks and I couldn't figure it out. So I had two of my friends com…
Last reply by NaughtyChic69, -
- 2 replies
What do u guys think of the new COD Cold War Zombies?
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 2 replies
Hullo everyone! Me name is soul. My username is weird becuase I misspelled it(If it can be changed could and admin tell me how or do it for me? It's meant to be soulpelt)......>. I've played Nazi zombies since WaW. I haven't been active on zombies lately because of school and crap. If anyone gts my code name referance it's good to see some fellow Whovians. My favorite map is prolly any level without the bloody Hellhounds......danged thgins until they meey my Stakeout/Raid. Thats about it I suppose. Favorite qoutes from zombies: 'Die flesh addict!', and 'I'm all out of vodka...I mean ammo!', 'Oh, listen to the beautiful music!' I have none form Takki, he doesn;t hav…
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hey Forum I'm new!
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 2 replies
Hey everyone, I am DrChiz, known by my YouTube channel as DrCoffeeMD over here: The Coffee-Addicted Gamer. I am a huge fan of zombies, love it to death playing it and setting records. I am good friends with some of the best, MurkaDurkah, TheSyndicateProject and of course Yoteslaya. So Zombies is a big part of my life. I am surprise it took me as long as it did to find this website and forums but I love it here and plan on posting a lot. Love the story and what not. Just looking to discuss zombies while making entertaining zombie content for my subscribers. Love this community. Hope to make some friends. Have a great day e…
Last reply by DrChiz, -
- 50 replies
Incoming transmission... Don't kn... how lo.. I can ... hol.. ut.. thei.. com... god hel.. u.. all. If conta.. fails... her.. le..... a pac.... here.... You..ube... Tw..ter I ho.. thi.. rea... yo.. in ti... Arhhh..... Yaaaaa.... (Gunshot)... The... her.. we got... mov... End of transmission. (Static)...........................
Last reply by AlphaSnake, -
- 6 replies
Hey there I'm ZombieDreamerDan, TheGamersImagine on YouTube and bridan666 on the xbox;) I not only play zombies, I write books and make many theories concerning the zombies storyline. ~Dan :)
Last reply by Reddonkeyham, -
- 4 replies
Hello, So some of you may have seen a few of my posts go up recently, or talked to me in the CoDZ discord, but I thought it would be a good idea to stop being anti-social and actually introduce myself. I've been playing Zombies since 2013, though I started with World at War and played the hell out of that before even touching BO1 - yet since my first game of Der Riese, I've been borderline obsessed with this complex mess of a story we all know and love. I really became active in the Zombies Community in around 2015 ish (where funnily enough I met @The Meh for the first time, but I fell into my stride in about 2017, meeting @EricMaynard and rea…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 8 replies
Hi to everyone from old CoDz and to the new guys. :D
Last reply by firevice, -
- 6 replies
Hello. I'm ContriteBore554, if you hadn't already read my user. I love to play zombies, but often find it hard to find players who can work with me to get to high rounds on random matchup. I own Xbox, PS3, and Wii, but I only own Black Ops for the Xbox. I have the Rezurrection Map Pack, none others, although I hope to eventually get whichever map pack has Call of the Dead in it. I decided to use my Gamertag as my user here, mostly because of how it rhymes. It was decided randomly when I signed up for Xbox Live Gold. I'm 14, which is considered very young for CoD, I know. I'm pretty bad at regular Multiplayer too. However, as I said, I love to play zombies. I've had the mo…
Last reply by ContriteBore554, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys,long time no see.I have seen a lot has change for the past(Months I guess) for example:New users,new web design,and of course Treyarch's introduction of Call Of Duty:Black Ops XD.We are all very excited for it.Ok enough chit-chat.For those of you who don't know me,remember me or hate me( XD )I'd be happy to introduce myself.My name is Gabriel,most of you know me for ''Coqui123'' but I decided to call me here Maximan(It looks cool lol).I'm Puerto Rican and I'm a fan of Treyarch's zombies and their work.Here is my explanation of not being here:Enjoy! My girlfriend and I broke up about 1 month ago and I was in deep depression.Thanks to my awesome friends I overp…
Last reply by Maximan, -
- 6 replies
Hello everyone, obviously i'm new here. I've been playing zombies since WaW and haven't stopped since. I play zombies nearly every day. Unfortunately I usually play alone because my buddies all hate zombies, mainly because they all suck horribly at it. I'm pretty good but nothing special. I recently however have been paying co-op with another buddy who enjoys zombies as much as I do. We really would like some more players so if you're interested in playing with me you can add me on Xbox. My gamertag is Rickety v2. I really hope that I get to know some of you guys and gain some more knowledge on zombies and everything about it. Thanks. -R. Cricket
Last reply by Alter72, -
- 3 replies
Hi everyone, my name is Bob and I'm a crack addict.. wait.. ur telling me this isn't how to introduce ourselfs? damnnn
Last reply by LMW-YBC, -
- 9 replies
Hello. I am Curtis. I am a fairly new youtuber but I am passionate for Zombies. I am a decent zombie player when I start to get in my rhythm but do not get much like. Please if anyone is interested then here is my youtube link I also play on Fifa with pro clubs, career, the journey and ultimate team and F1 with league racing a decent careerie. Also any other games that I enjoy playing. Please subscribe to me, to stay up to date.
Last reply by Curtoise_95, -
- 5 replies
Hello to all and glad to join the forum. CZ is a nickname an I have Waw and BOs. I have all maps for BO and only the giant for Waw. All be getting BO2 and love to play with you guys sometime when I get it. Anyway hello zombies :P
Last reply by Montage, -
- 1 reply
Being a common visitor of this site, I decided to join in on the fun because of my interest in the search that this site is encouraging. I'm a big fan of symbolism, that is, things that hold multiple meanings, and so Treyarch's rendition of the zombie mode with Verruckt grabbed my attention. With that, I was hooked on their "last minute add-on," and will be until the very end. Anyways, I wish to be able to contribute to this great forum, and maybe even help others along the way. Here's hoping this ride ends well, eh?
Last reply by m12, -
- 5 replies
Hey people 1st time on here Looking for quality people who can handle past 30 and know how to revive prop. Or if there are any serious groups looking for games hit me up. Looking for people for marathon game in about a weeks time aswell PS3 "DC00010001" (goes withoput saying MIC pls) ------ Cheers ------ Top Level rank on PS3 so far Ascention - 58 (4p)
Last reply by Lizizadolphin,
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