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I'm new. I don't know what I'm doing. Bye.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
Hello everyone, I'm not much of a "writer" so I'm just gonna try to keep it short. My name is Razz but I also go by the name of Razm sometimes. Started playing zombies on World at War, I was a real free to play and wasn't even aware that there were more maps than Nacht. Then I played a shit ton of Kino and didn't touch zombies until like a year ago when I picked up BO3 which got me obsessed with zombies. I play on PC and not many of my friends like zombies that much so I'd really appreciate if some of you guys who play on PC added me and maybe we could play sometime.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 10 replies
Hello everyone. I joined discord server 2 or 3 weeks ago and today finally decided to create an account as well. I found Cod Zombies Forum while searching for a place that still has the friendly vibe of the community. Especially after the events that took place after the launch of Black Ops 4, I must say it is really refreshing to find people who still cares about the community. Thank you everyone for your efforts and optimism. I will try my best to help you to keep this community as kind as possible like it was in the good old days. Also, I' gotta say you guys are really good at crafting theories and writing stories about the story line we all love. Once again, thank you…
Last reply by Brutus, -
- 15 replies
I take a few years off and I don’t recognize any names ? who ARE you people? ?
Last reply by DeathBringerZen, -
- 12 replies
Hi im Dan im new to this forum but i always play zombies on Xbox and if you want to send me a friend request to play zombies feel free GT: ZKB Richtofen
Last reply by PHD Flopper, -
- 10 replies
I'm happy to join a forum that I enjoy to read. I am really interested in reading and getting deep into the story of Call of Duty Zombies. I have always been fascinated with the story and want to discuss more about it. Also, I have a YouTube channel. If you would be so kind, go check that out and maybe subscribe. I would really appreciate it. Thanks! TheVGExpert
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 15 replies
I just joined this forum and wanted to say Hi. Hi. My name is Banks. I'm obviously quite fond of call of duty zombies. I make music, visual fx, motion graphics, etc. Check out my short film in my sig if you want to see some live action nazi zombies. I'm also working on a ray gun prop that I hope to finish and post up soon! See y'all around. Thanks. Bye bye.
Last reply by mynameisbanks, -
- 9 replies
Hey CoDz SlayerZ! :twisted: PINNAZ here, or Nathan as I am known to my Mother. After many hours Slaying Zombitches, Reading up on the Zombie storyline & Scrolling through these forums, I have Finally decided (in the lead up to the release of Black Ops II Zombies) to become a member of '' (If you will so kindly allow me to join?) I Still remember finishing the WaW campaign & thinking, "OK now to start the Veteran Campaign".......Oh no you won't!!!! "What's this? I thought I drove them deep into the....." "What are these beasts that are running wild on my TV?" So after many hours slaying Zombies, finding a few EE in …
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
This is BHawk909 and I love playing on Call Of Duty, especially Zombies.
Last reply by m12, -
by KidInAmerica- 5 replies
Hey I'm new to the site but i play zombies all the time. I dont play online much because of all the sucky randoms so im hoping to add people who are decent at the game and don't sound like a 4 year old. I have gotten to 20+ on all maps with 2 people but I can get farther with the right people. Add me on PS3. Also I need all the easter eggs so if you could help me out thatd be awesome. GT: KidInAmerica
Last reply by Beware of the Docter, -
- 8 replies
Hello everybody on this great site....uhm, now the last Black Ops 3 is released, I thought this might be a good time to introduce myself, because I have never done before. I'm Anonymous, but you can call me Anon. I thought of that name because I hadn't planned to stay long. Just to make a post in which I give some people hope who still search to the TranZit secret. Well, it packed out different than I thought: Good community, so why not stay. And I should be honest, without this site I might not play CoD zombies anymore, or much lesser anyway. I met many kind people here, and I won't call any names, because it are to many. In fact, I can't say that ANYBODY on this si…
Last reply by anonymous, -
I was looking online for people to play bo1 or waw zombies with and I found this site so hello
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 10 replies
First of all my name is supposed to be Slushy McFly but I'm an idiot and misspelled my own frickin name when signing up. I play on the 360 gamertag is Slushy McFly. I would say I'm definitely an above average zombies player. Highest rounds are: WaW NDU 112 solo, Der Reise 45 solo, Tranzit 43 solo, Nuketown 42 solo Die Rise 69 solo, MOTD 39, Buried 61 solo, Town 51 2 player (Die Rise/ Buried probably not impressive considering the power of the wonder weapons on those maps lol) Came into zombies really late, Die Rise was the first map i ever played, I've gone back and played all other maps since then. I understand the storyline for the most part, but my grasp is…
Last reply by Callofduty4025, -
- 9 replies
Hello all, it's been awhile. Hope all is well. For those that do not know me, I was a regular back in the day, simply known as Jay. I recently picked up zombies again, and was quickly reminded why this game was so addicting, as well as toxic for the time it consumes. I wonder how many still play the classic BO1? I have been playing quite often and hope to see some of you for some semi serious games. Side note, can someone change my username to Jay or Mr. Jay or one of my old aliases besides this creep? Much appreciated. Thanks, hope to see you around. Side note 2: each time I sign in, I have to use…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I'm a newish deaf PS4 zombie player, I have BO3 with all the maps and Infinite Warfare, gonna pre-order WWII soon. Def not a n00b to COD, Ive been playing since COD4. I go to school for Business Admin, Im a math nerd. My idea of insane fun on Zombies is to play Nacht Der Untoten with only the corner upper pathway open and hang out with some buddies in the room trying to stay alive as long as we can without training. Its all about killing zombies. :D I have done 3/5 of IW easter eggs, I need the AttackEE(but I need someone's help cause I cant hear the radio) and Beast. My favorite guns are the MAD and Kendalls PAP'd twice. EEs with a deaf person are…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 3 replies
Last reply by Delta, -
- 6 replies
Hey All! As I said, I am a WAW Zombie veteran who works as a Graphic Designer by day and plays Gaming YouTuber by night. I have so many hours played in zombies it's sickening. Living in the mountains of Northern Georgia (US), growing a beard with Gandalf aspirations... and I just started a youtube channel. Not sure if links are allowed so I won't go there quite yet. I like hiking the many parks, trails and waterfalls around here and taking landscape photography when I can muster up the power to fight through zombie cravings. Just wanted to introduce myself!
Last reply by RayPoopertonIII, -
by XPGDarkside- 9 replies
Hello everyone, new member here looking to join the zombie community. I got recommended to check out this site by Doctor Richtofen, so I thought I would come take a look :) Hope to see you around on the forums. DS
Last reply by Doppelgänger, -
- 4 replies
Hello CoDz, With the announcement of Black Ops III, I've decided to make my return to the forums. I apologise for being away, but I've been through a rough year, and in that time, I began to drift from Zombies. However, I will be sticking around for the long haul now (even though I say I won't be getting this game if it is on last-generation consoles , we all know that it is zombies and that's good enough for me!) I thought making another introduction (again) it would help me to feel reconnected with this community. So, in the last year, what's happened with me? Well, my parents are no longer together, and my sister and I are living with our mother, but still regula…
Last reply by GRILL, -
Hello im new to this site :)
Last reply by Sirbat 24, -
- 9 replies
What is up, ladies and gentlemen? I've prowled this website for years. I was once extremely active on the site for a time until the dreaded BO2 era came and I hadn't returned since. But with BO3 has come a beautifully crafted story that has come a welcome surprise! I'm just introducing myself now to all these new users I've never seen before. I'll be posting a lot and contributing posts to a lot of the threads on this forum for the coming months. Love you all.
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 9 replies
Umm... Hi. I don't really know what I'm supposed to say. I'm Jhock115. I've been killing zombies for five years(I think. Christmas after Black Ops came out). Hehe... Besides zombies, I play trumpet, pokemon, and sonic. Questions? (... Nervous... I wanted a place to talk about zombies, and I was brought here.)
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 7 replies
Hi! I've been playing zombies since world at war, I've always had a deep passion for it, I am shocked as a hardcore interneter that I've only just found this site - and what an awesome place it is. Thank you to everyone who shares their knowledge. What a community we have!
Last reply by BaronVonBeau, -
- 5 replies
Hey, there! My name is Pseudo and I am a new member of the community here. I have been a member of the r/CODZ community for a while and just never knew there was a forum that covers CoD: Zombies. A little bit about me: I have been playing zombies ever since I fell in love with it back in WaW. I got is as a gift from my parents and it was my first ever Call of Duty experience. Ever since Black Ops 1 I've followed the storyline tightly and I still do to this day. I play Black Ops 3 a lot daily and my two all time favourite maps are Origins and Der Eisendrache. I hope and believe this forum will be a great experience and I can't wait to get to know the community!
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 7 replies
You might have seen me around already but introduction threads are always nice. So I guess I should give my zombies background. My first map was Ascension at a friend's house and I'm pretty sure we never hit round 15 and probably only saw half the map(I revisited it recently and hit 15 solo and did see the whole map, lol). I really just had one weekend with Ascension and then bought BO2 with the Season Pass. For whatever reason, I didn't really play Buried or Origins but I loved me some Tranzit and Nuketown. I think it was when I looked up how to play Tranzit that I came across my first EE obsession: Bus Route B. I feel like I've looked into that more than most and due to…
Last reply by oxin8,
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