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Howdy, I'm Robolash, same name on the PSN, add me if you are interested in a game! Been playing zombies since Map Pack 1 came out for W@W and I can safely say it has become a religion for me. Ususally I'm satisifed with playing with randoms or friends, but now I'm looking for some more orgainized matches for easter eggs, trophies, or any other curve ball that they might throw at us. I got all of the map packs form W@W and BO (minus Annihilation). I got a mic and I'm (usually) ready to play if I'm online. Glad to be part of this fourm and looking forward to killing some zombs.
Last reply by MysteryBox, -
- 4 replies
Hey, i'm Jamie. I live in Hendersonville, North Carolina I play on PlayStation 3, Wii, and 3DS! I'm hoping to get an XBOX 360 soon! So anyways, I play CoD and AC on the PS3 most of the time! I am on YouTube if you want to check me out! If you want to add me go ahead! YouTube: jamienewman3 PSN: jamienewman3 WAW Zombies: Nacht Der Untoten: 32 Der Reise: 46 Black Ops Zombies: Kino Der Toten: 35 FIVE: 27 Ascension: 37 COTD: 18
Last reply by MysteryBox, -
Hi, I'm Jonasan, and I love to play zombies My highest round is 41 on kino. I've got all the zombie maps so far, and I think the new one, Shangri la, is the hardest yet I normaly play solo, but sometimes play online, if you want a game, just message me, ethier on here or xbl, my gamertag is xJonasanx. Thanks for looking at this topic, and I hope I get to know alot of you :)
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 2 replies
Hey everyone, I'm James. I'm 12 and I live in New York. I'm a twitter and tumblr addict. c: I also love Black Ops, duh. I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty good, and my highest was round 14 on solo. Anywho, like I said, I love twitter and tumblr, but mostly the computer in general. I have a Twitter with 62,000 followers, you can follow me Here. I also have a tumblr, and you can follow me here. I'm also experienced in graphic and web design. I hope I get to meet a lot of you & have a good time. c:
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 2 replies
Hey Guys! I'm Gameboii10, which is also my PSN ID. I am a HUGE Zombie Player, with multiple high level games played with even one game I used only L96 after i got it from the box and hit 35 with a friend. (Kino Der Toten) I do multiple solo games, with lots of rape trains, lots of shotgun only games, or games where i can only use 1 box, which is usually something like a G11 (which sucks ) I have made it to 3000 kills in a Kino game, and made it to round 50 twice on that map. I have also done the COTD Easter egg and made it to the final part of the Kassimir Mechanism until we F***ed up and I realized how bad my eyesight was, as i cant read "SOME matroyshka dolls" not "…
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 3 replies
Die hard zombies fan loves the story and the other possibilitys that could be in zombs [brains]
Last reply by The Necromancer, -
- 0 replies
hi everyone. i feel i must begin by saying that i am new to forums in general and have made a few mistakes along the way. i bumped a few really old threads and swore a bit, to be precise, for which i must apologise to the community, i should have read the rules first. sorry guys :oops: (i got told off a bit for that, oops). now that is out of the way i i'd like to start afresh if you'll allow me. my name is addam i am 33 from yeovil, england and i live alone with my dog. last year at friends i played waw for the first time, it was my first real go at a fps and i couldn't really get into it. all i wanted to play then was driving games. then i tried zom…
Last reply by Major ZOMBlE, -
- 1 reply
:mrgreen: 360 gt is my coDz handle glad to be here, looking forward to helping people get achievements if need be, i am starting to build up my zombie ones, kinda tough all alone ya know so yea, see yall around
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 2 replies
COD addict, here to find solid teammates.
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 7 replies
New to the forum, but I think I'll be reading posts often since I'm a huge fan of CoD Zombies!! [brains]
Last reply by Phillips455, -
Hai everyone, I'm Liam, i'm used to the forums thing :P
Last reply by Mailsnave, -
- 5 replies
Hello to all CoDz members. My names Nathan or IHazDog and i have just joined the site . I wanted to take part in a zombie challenge by LiamFTWinter and i had to pm him on this site with my recording. So i made an account. This you may want to know about me. I will be active on this site so see you guys around If you are reading this then thanks and bye Also if Mrroflwaffles reads this then Hai Der :D
Last reply by IHazDog, -
- 9 replies
Hey you lot. MrRoflWaffles sent me here and I thought I'd register. After seeing this thread : link. I think I'm here to stay Nice to meet ya lads.
Last reply by MysteryBox, -
- 4 replies
Hello everybody, I'm Shane. My PSN is ROCKnROLLER13, and I'm looking for some people who are good at zombies. :P
Last reply by MysteryBox, -
by MysteryBox- 4 replies
Well, i made a account here, looks like a pretty cool site. That seems like all. Hey Everyone! :)
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 7 replies
[brains] Nice to join this site [brains]
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys. I'm Rok, and new to the forum. Glad to be here!
Last reply by Jloves2game, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys. Graffiti Skys here and is on vacation for the next two and a half months! I feel that due to college I was unable to finish the update on one of my easter egg topics. But I was checking back here now and then, seeing whats going on. I noticed my Avatar topic has a a large amount of requests so i'll get right on that with some new designs! Over the next fews weeks I'm totally free and for the most part of the 2 and a half months. So I'll glady update my topics and even might start up some new easter topics for Shangri La, Call of the Dead and Ascension. Oh and by the way whats the news with CoDz at this very moment Is it good? Bad? …
Last reply by Jloves2game, -
- 8 replies
Hello guys! I'm new and I recently bought an Xbox, getting Black Ops tomorrow for some zombie action . I'm an average player with zombies, if you wanna play zombies with me or just some multiplayer, add me GT: Telecaster IV See ya !
Last reply by Jloves2game, -
I have been lurking around here since just before black ops. I didn't make an account until around January and i haven't really been active but i hope to be throughout the summer. I first got into Cod like a couple weeks after Der Reise came out and all my friends were like OMG U NEED 2 PLAY ZOMBIES and i was like Meh but then i actually played it and i was like omg this is so awesome (btw that is boxxy in the pic i am also a big fan of hers as of recent) Back to codz: i loved all the info you guys put up on der reise and when i started following GKNOVA6 i was like How the FCK they figure that out. Carbon is a wizard that is my conclusion. Ive been here …
Last reply by Shooter, -
by camarowland- 5 replies
hello everyone, im here to further imbed myself into the zombies plot line. i got hooked on a small forum discussing theories, secrets, and plots and am now joining to hopefully contribute haha.
Last reply by mark520, -
- 3 replies
Hi. I have read lots of content on CoDz and have decided to join. This is the best website for info on CoD Zombies by far. I was amazed by the detail you all went into in studying the BO teasers, so I am sure that you guys will have the answers for any questions I have. I own an Xbox but play Wii online because my internet isn't great. I think that CoDz is a great community and am pleased to be part of it.
Last reply by Technicuddle, -
- 12 replies
Sup everyone? Ive been reading up on these forums for a while and decided it is finally time to sign up. I have found so much and over my stay here i will share with you all. I love reading all your theorys because the possibilitys are endless . Anyway this was just to say HI!
Last reply by Mcallums, -
by Sarophas 01- 8 replies
Hello my name is Emmelie and I am from Sweden and I am 10 (todayis my birthday ) years old..In my free time I like to play zombie or Team Deathmatch because I find it amusing and my favourite map is Kino der Toten and Nuketown. Message me if you feel like playing sometimes. Xbox live GT: Sarophas97 8-) Edited by Sarenax 00.00 20/6 2011
Last reply by way2g00d, -
Hello all. I really enjoy zombies(as you all probably do). Can't remember when I started... The earliest must've been 2008, when my friend and I would play Nacht Der Untoten at my friend's house back when W@W was popular, heh. But most of the time we played Shi No Numa. I remember being a noob and being super fascinated seeing my friend outside of the house... now I know it's no big deal. So yeah, then the same friend of mine introduced me to Black Ops zombies in 2010. After not playing zombies in forever, I loved it. I got hooked, bought an Xbox solely for zombies, and now I play frequently(not as frequently as I used to, though). I reckon I'm pretty good, too. …
Last reply by Lizizadolphin,
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