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1,821 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Well, I've come across this site a few months ago through Google, and came across it again while looking for some Black Ops updates... and I've decided to join, So Hi, everyone
Last reply by XbOx360PreDaToR, -
- 5 replies
As the title suggest, I am not some new person signing up but an old member who has not been active since 2011 (maybe shorter, I don't think all my post's made the transfer of websites). I doubt many will remember me. I tried to get as close to my old avatar as possible. I know, I know, "How could one stay away from this lovely site for 4 years?!?!" Well truth be told, I just lost interest in CoD. I am still kinda meh when it comes to CoD, but Extinction mode was about the only reason I picked up Ghost. I find it quite enjoyable. After watching the Exo-Zombies trailer on the site, I might just pick up the new game. But I have other games I might attend to first. I…
Last reply by Tyler212, -
- 11 replies
Where to start, where to start. Well i'm a long time lurker, i've made a couple posts here and there, but recently have been diagnosed with a thoratic vertebre fracture. Needless to say, my day to day life has been effected. More than likely i'll be going on disability and getting surgery if physical therapy doesnt strengthen and give me my balance back. This means my free time at home and internet time will be huge in the coming year. Well now that's through a little about myself. I live in a college town in michigan, i was/am and avid wakeboarder, snowboarder, skateboarder, and biker. Thats changing now, and I've always had a passion for video games (stating …
Last reply by Royal Gambit, -
- 0 replies
As of 4:00am ET Sunday morning, I'll be going on a two day road trip, so I won't be back for three days starting tonight. I just wanted to say a temporary goodbye for now. I know it's only three days but it can seem like a long time, so see you all Tuesday. Per Audacia Ad Astra
Last reply by NukaColaClear, -
- 10 replies
Hey guys, Just thought I'd reintroduce myself, what with the amazing new layout/theme and everything. My name's Alex, I'm on Xbox and love zombies (even though I'm nowhere near as good as Chopper, Super etc)! See you around
Last reply by heillingalj, -
- 6 replies
I don't know what this Brain thing and Zombification means. Can anyone explain? I would like to point out I am not asking for them, just what they are. People say you shouldn't ask for them. Im new and I'm sorry if this is obvious but I can't figure it out.
Last reply by Jloves2game, -
- 4 replies
Hey Everyone. I'm QZH (QuasiZombieHunter). XBL gamer tag is Roland1014. I like to keep my [brains] to myself, especially before level 13. Lookin' forward to reading conspiracy notes and maybe learning some tech stuff. Things aren't always as the seem. Quasi out P.S. Stumpy doesn't exactly salivate when we ring the bell. :|
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 2 replies
NukaColaClear is here, he has a Shotgun, and a Zombie has no head! Hello everyone !!!
Last reply by Niho, -
- 5 replies
I'm sure everyone here knows it. Thanks to NGT and Spiderbite's videos I came here after seeing a link he posted by a Pinnaz or something relatively close. This seems like the adult place to actually talk I hope! Looking forward to learning new tips and hopefully meeting new people to join in on great teams (I'm pretty decent ) -DBiggz
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
Hey, I signed up a while ago but I haven't really been active. Since Blops 2 is coming out soon, I figured I'd start off by introducing myself and becoming more involved! I already know some of you and some of you may know me as SoloArtist0425. So...yeah. Go team.
Last reply by Solo, -
- 1 reply
Oh hey everyone! This is obviously my first post. A little about myself: I'm a long time gamer in all genres whether it be Mario, Halo, Starcraft, or Call of Duty. Big fan of the Modern Warfare series but I'm pretty excited for Black Ops. Don't be shy to say whats up! I'll see everyone around in the boards! Have a great day!!
Last reply by m12, -
- 7 replies
And QUITE a while it has been, around 6 years since I've been around here. Was going through old things and remembered this place but forgot my password/email to my old account (KrazyCookies), so thought I would stop by to catch up and see how everyone's doing, and if anyone from the old days (2010-12) was still around.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 3 replies
Yo Gucci Thugs, I'm Hank. I'm here to talk about zombies and stuff. I'm From Canada, I like fitness and science and shit. Nice to meet you blokes.
Last reply by Hank Von BasedGod, -
- 5 replies
Im new here and id like to say im a big zombies fan and i hope i can make some friends here that are pumped for zombies and Black Ops 2 like me. I'll post some theories of my own and i hope you read them one day. thank you, OblivionsCurse
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 1 follower
- 21 replies
Greetings! I made my account here almost 10 days ago, after spending an uncounted amount of time reading so many theories and story explanations hidden under the surface. I've already hopped into a few threads since making my account, mainly Make-a-Map threads (I've been making map concepts since BO1 so expect to see a lot more of my ideas in those threads as they pop up!) and a few more serious theorizing threads. I can proudly say I have a very good understanding of what we know as solidified fact in the Zombies Storyline, but always find deep appreciation in theorizing of what else happened that never was recorded on the Timeline / followed up on / what could have been…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 5 replies
This is pretty late for me to be doing this, but I just realized this was I want to start off by saying I'm a very sarcastic person, as in I joke around A LOT. So, if I say something that offends you in some way, I don't mean it and just tell me if it bothered you. In school I somehow manage to be a nerd while having a lot of friends (dont ask me how) but at home I'm a gamer, who plays WAAAAAY to many zombie games, primarily Nazi Zombies. All I play are FPS and GoW. I absolutely despise MW2 but I cant stop playing it, because all I do in that game is kill boosters because they are the scum of the Earth. I like all music besides most Rap and Hip Hop, and s…
Last reply by fisher10190, -
- 19 replies
Hi everyone - im Crano and im 19 from the UK. My PSN: Crano_01 Have been looking round here for a while and decided to make account Looking forward to contributing to CoDz! Peace. :mrgreen:
Last reply by TheOneAndOnly, -
- 2 replies
How's it going everyone? My name is Kris, friends like to call me K-Kris(kaykris). Looking forward to future matches with ya'll. I currently play on Xbox360 Gamertag: OhNoItsKKris Highest rounds (black ops 1) Kino: 34 Five: 31 Ascension: 35 Shrangri-la(spellcheck): 17 (didnt like the map, just my opinion though) Call of the Dead: 30 Moon: 24 Der reise: 37 Nacht Der Tochten (spellcheck): 23 Verruckt (spellcheck): 22 Shi-No-Ma: 14 Right now, I'm mainly looking for people on black ops 2. I haven't done the easter egg yet :(
Last reply by CalloftheVaffles, -
- 1 reply
Abolish mods. Reject theory. Return to monkee
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 4 replies
As can see i'm a newb to this forum but I'm not an exact newb to forum etiquette and forums overall. Otherwise im 19 and i love to play zombies on BlOps. I wish I had the maps from W@W though so I can get the full experience though. Hows everyone today!!
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 2 replies
Hmmmm....So hello everyone. This site has changed a bit since I last saw it! Some of the older members MAY remember me. It looks like we've got a new batch of specim-er members as well. So, anyone want to give me the word on any big changes? It would really be appreciated! So yeah, it's good to be back, and I'm staying!
Last reply by Blamco177, -
by Guest patastinky- 7 replies
So I go away on vacation and come back to a new SITE. Snap!!1!.. Anyone down for a good ol' game of zombies. I want to capture a 4way and upload it to my channel. Or the CODz channel if Carbonfibah would be so kind :)
- 4 replies
Hey, I've been a zombies fan since day one. I can hold my own and really enjoy a good zombie slaughter. this game will never get old for me. I have no zombie slaying team mates anymore but I guess thats why solo mode is available. By the way I rock on solo zombo's, just saying.
Last reply by YdaJdiMstr®, -
- 3 replies
Haven't been here in while. just checking in and seeing how everyones doing. I'm back going LIVE. i will be streaming Call of Duty & also other games. I'll keep you guys posted on any future events or details. Come show support if possible. much appreciated either way. take care Watch live video from dFinest1 on
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 7 replies
I used to tag around here during WaW and BO1, but after the hype of the latter ended, this place kinda lost it's feel for me. Taking it calm with personal life during Bo2, I have gotten my gender based problems somewhat together and I'm back for the hype of the next Treyarch CoD. Also during all this time I have matured up a lot in my own opinion, so you can actually expect some serious posts from me this time. So.. Uhh.. Anyone care to brief me on what has happened in here during the last 2-3 years? (and what happened in Bo2 Zombies story wise, I only played that one through casually in lack of EE company) Any response is appreciated :> In hopes of getting back in…
Last reply by Amantha77,
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