New slayer on the battlefield? Introduce yourself to other CoDz members!
QuoteNew to the site? Welcome. To view the rest of the forum sections, you need to make an introduction. Please post an introduction for the remaining forum sections to become visible.
1,821 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
HALLO! Lol it's another new member! Yay! xD So I came to this place quite a few times. But I never remembered to go join. And I also have Call of Duty: Black Ops fr PS3. I used to have a Wii, and Black Ops for it, but traded it for the PS3. I've only has my PS3 for only about 3 weeks. I also play Resident Evil too. So if anyone wants to play, add me on PS3. And could anyone answer... is there any other way to get the W@W maps WITHOUT gameshare?
Last reply by Technicuddle, -
- 2 replies
Hi. I'm liltaz23. You can call me Denver, which is my real name. I'm not new, either, I just didn't know there was an introductions section. So, therefore, I must say with all due respect, Whoops, my bad.
Last reply by liltaz23, -
- 9 replies
Hello Everyone New and Old!!! Some of you may remember me but maybe not I fell off gaming for a while with work and stuff but im back now and more into z-Zombies more then ever! cant wait to get the new map tonight!!!! Anywaay hows everyone? Carbon looks like this place really took off huh ^^!
Last reply by dykeso, -
Hello all I'm new here. I look forward to talking zombies with you! :D
Last reply by Jloves2game, -
- 3 replies
Nice to meet you too. kthxbai
Last reply by Jloves2game, -
- 5 replies
Hello,i am new here.
Last reply by Jloves2game, -
Hi, You can call me way. I'm 27, live in Chicago. Very lazy person, hate winters in Chicago. Got my Bachelors degree in Computer science from JNTU, India, 2004. Work at ** ********** as Software developer. Excel in with sql server. Favorite game is Tekken3 & MW2 MW2 is my first FPS shooting game. Play COD almost every day except in summers. Muslim. I play Volley ball and cricket.
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 6 replies
Hello everyone at CoDz, i recently joined and i consider my self an average/good zombie player. if you want to play with me anytime then i would like to but my parents are very strict about me sitting on my butt all day playing on the xbox... :| so i just thought id say hello and i shall hopefully be buying a hd pvr in the next month or two. Ive been following the site for a while but have been debating whether to make an account or not. so ill see y'all around ;)
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, just registered my account and thought i'd stop to say hi before i lurk on in the depths of the forums. Just recently i've been looking to seriously get into codz (BO) but was having a hard time motivating myself in the solo version. And then i stumbled onto this community. So err... Please treat me gently. See you around.
Last reply by Sona7a, -
- 14 replies
I'm new here, but I love zombies and I just wanted to meet some likeminded people I'm Hannah, I play BO on PS3 and my PSN is HannahBananaXD ... Add me if you wish And Hello :D
Last reply by Technicuddle, -
- 8 replies
Hey how's it going, first time post here on the site. Just wanted to introduce myself. Ive lurked the site since before ascension was released but I probably would've joined earlier if my computer didn't get a virus that didn't seem to go away no matter what, ( it blocked out the Internet so I couldn't install anti virus software and it blocked me from using Ctrl alt del somehow) however it was old and slow, generally cheap,we needed a new one anyways, but I digress. I've been on the forum reading through posts nearly every day on my iPhone. I love zombies and the site( it's so addicting ) and I hope for more theories, mysteries , and Easter eggs galore in the future. See…
Last reply by Technicuddle, -
- 6 replies
Hello, names Matt. 18 years old live in Maine. I am currently waiting to leave for Basic Military Training for the U.S. Air Force. I leave September 6th. Not much else to say really, but hi!
Last reply by KlutchYoCheeks, -
by sharkisevil- 2 replies
Hello, Lurking for sometime , got 3 friends hooked on zombies and I like the site. Have got some new tactics from reading and watching the site. HAppy Hunting Shark [brains]
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 2 replies
Alright, well, most people that were around, making topics and posts in the months leading up to Ascension, know who I am, and my effort to get a series together explaining the CoD Zombies story line. Little did I know, it would fall through due to poor planing and the fact that in the following weeks, I started getting raped by school work. Luckily, I have been able to take a break from Homework, studying and Minecraft to start becoming more active on the forums. It wasn't only school work, though, that slowed my posts. I'm a Sophomore (10th grade) in high school, soon to be a Junior, and little did I know, my social life started blossoming do to a friend get…
Last reply by x FOROURHERO x, -
- 2 replies
just thought i'd say hello and everything i thought i'd already posted a topic in Introductions, but i guess i were wrong Hello everyone, my name is Kenneth, but you can call me Keno, all my friends call me that. I love playing zombies, and I've been doing it for a little bit over a year, so I'm a fairly good zombie player and i also know just about the whole storyline of zombies, i LOVE the fact that Treyarch put a good storyline behind zombies, i think it's awesome! i play on the ps3, but luckily my brother has got a xbox 360, so i also get to play the new maps early on my PSN is: Kennymann95 i hope to have a good time on this forum - K…
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 7 replies
Why Hello there everyone! Do you guys remember me? I hope you do! Skool is almost out and Summer is riseing. So I will be coming back but I will be only playing PS3 from now on, yes I know it's down but I trust it will be back out before Esclation launches for the consle. P.S.: I spelled School like that for a reason, BECAUSE OF INVADER ZIM!!!!!!
Last reply by cjdog23, -
Hello my name's Ferix. I've been on endless amounts of Gaming forum sites so I know how things run I even own one myself. Anyway zombies have quickly become an obsession of mine and this site seems to be the epitome of zombie love, so here I am! If anyone is down to play some zombies feel free to message my GT: Dr Kitteh Thanks!
Last reply by Technicuddle, -
- 2 replies
Hullo everyone! Me name is soul. My username is weird becuase I misspelled it(If it can be changed could and admin tell me how or do it for me? It's meant to be soulpelt)......>. I've played Nazi zombies since WaW. I haven't been active on zombies lately because of school and crap. If anyone gts my code name referance it's good to see some fellow Whovians. My favorite map is prolly any level without the bloody Hellhounds......danged thgins until they meey my Stakeout/Raid. Thats about it I suppose. Favorite qoutes from zombies: 'Die flesh addict!', and 'I'm all out of vodka...I mean ammo!', 'Oh, listen to the beautiful music!' I have none form Takki, he doesn;t hav…
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 1 reply
First Name: Monopoly Last Name: Mac DOB: Classified Place of Birth: Classified Hometown: Natch Der Untoten. Alriiiggghhtty then. This is a bit of a late introduction but I think it's necessary and cool for me to post one anyway. I am an Xbox 360 user. I never honestly got to round 30... Most games I join, people don't know how to communicate, host ends game, people suck, and people leave. I love the zombie storyline and I joined this forum because this a great community with great theories... Thats pretty much it... Monopoly out...
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 2 replies
Hello, this is LicensedWeapon, and this is my first post. I just created this account recently after looking around on the forums, and i figured it would be interesting to join the site. I look forward to posting with all of you. With Regards, LW
Last reply by Technicuddle, -
- 1 reply
Gave my self a proper introduction when i first came here. Hello, My name in real life is Chris. I am currently Jobless because i had a crash racing motocross. I lost my job due to the extensive heal time it takes to heal my ribs. I broke / fractured / bruised3 ribs. I am 20 years old, and i have a beautiful girlfriend. Some threads i started that were pretty useful. Everything i found on Kino. Here are some stills of the Video tapes on kino Everything i found on Five…
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone, so Im new to being a member but have been coming to this site since before Black Ops was released so I feel like I already know some of you. Anyway i have been playing zombies ever since Nacht der Untoten and I live for every new map. Ive had a lot of ideas for zombies over the years and am looking forward to finally posting them. Glad to be here! :D
Last reply by Technicuddle, -
Don't know if ANYONE remembers me, since this site seems to have gotten large over time, but ... I seem to have found my way back. So ... what is up with that GKNOVA0, Still going on? Anyone want to suggest me a sig and AVA?
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
Hi everyone ! My name is Link40, or David if you want to call me by my real name ^^ I discovered this site a few days ago so I decided to [finally] create an account. I'm a 17 years old boy from Paris. I have my PS3 since a month now, and I love to play zombies ! But it's not the only zombie game I play. In fact I'm also fond of Resident Evil, especially Rebirth and 4. My fav' map is Der Riese. I hope I'll have a good time here with you ^^
Last reply by STOTTINMAD, -
by Reno- 3 replies
Hello, there. My name is Reno (hence the username). I'm new here. Only really just joined up now. I'll stick around for a while, learn the layout of the forums and such. Then, I'll start posting relevant things in the relevant topics. Nice to meet you. I do hope we can be friends. I'll behave. However, if I /do/ seem to break a rule, please tell me what I've done, and I'll promise to... Yeah, something. Anyway, it's about 01:17 am, and I'm rather tired. Peace out.
Last reply by Lizizadolphin,
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