New slayer on the battlefield? Introduce yourself to other CoDz members!
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1,821 topics in this forum
Hey guys, Raid here. Been browsing the forums for a few months and only just a couple of days ago decided to create an account. Let me talk a little bit about myself (hopefully in a non-pretentious way), I am an 18 year old Australian zombie slayer, Favourite maps include Verrukt (Round 34 high with 2 people) and Mob of The Dead (31 with 3). My interests include playing zombies (nah, Really?!?!?) and Music. I also enjoy creating things in photoshop and sharing them on YouTube hence the Dzn after my name (short for Design). I hope to become active in the forums with my opinion on anything Zombie related. Thank, RaidDzn c:
Last reply by RaidDzn, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I'm a newish deaf PS4 zombie player, I have BO3 with all the maps and Infinite Warfare, gonna pre-order WWII soon. Def not a n00b to COD, Ive been playing since COD4. I go to school for Business Admin, Im a math nerd. My idea of insane fun on Zombies is to play Nacht Der Untoten with only the corner upper pathway open and hang out with some buddies in the room trying to stay alive as long as we can without training. Its all about killing zombies. :D I have done 3/5 of IW easter eggs, I need the AttackEE(but I need someone's help cause I cant hear the radio) and Beast. My favorite guns are the MAD and Kendalls PAP'd twice. EEs with a deaf person are…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 10 replies
Hi everyone i am Pack A Punch 2, I play Cod Zombies on Xbox360. I record my gameplay and do live commentary on it. I also plan on doing easter eggs, party invite games and other stuff. I'm also getting partnered by Machinima in about 3 weeks. If any of you want to play zombies anytime hit me up on xbox send me a friend request gamertag = PackAPunch2 I only play Zombies in call of duty so im always online playing zombies. Looking forward to being here and posting and talking to you all.
Last reply by PackAPunch2, -
- 4 replies
Umm... I'm Paul, and I'm a student from Northern Ireland. I enjoy the Call of Duty series, and the Zombie mode intrigues me. I feel there is a story and due to the fact I love conspiracies, the Zombies are perfect for me. I'm 14 years old, and have been gaming for most of my life. I love first person shooters (not amazing at them though), and I love playing racing games as well. I like cars, history, and computers. Oh, and I love forums. I know a few of you from Twitter and other such sites, and I hope to get to know everyone here better as well. You might see me around under the other usernames I go by: normally YeOldeSierra (Infinity Ward forums, and Call of …
Last reply by MRSshr00ms, -
PC Zombies
by Tripp- 3 replies
Hello everyone ! Do we have any PC zombie killers on here ?
Last reply by 5and5, -
- 2 replies
What's up guys and galdem, anyone fancy partying up for Easter eggs, challengers or high rounds, hit me up at QuickDraw Panda on Xbox, or leave yours below
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 4 replies
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 1 reply
I have played call of duty zombies the first version that was introduced to all of us in world at war. I play regularly and I like to find glitches , barriers, and any other fun and fair advantage within the games programming without modifying the game in any way. I will invest a good amount of time in a decent game and have the patience to sit through almost any game that lasts for a long time in my endless pursuit to murder zombies. Hit me up if you would if you would like to play. I prefer people with experience and who have achieved high levels, ranks, and legitimate high scores. Also I request that anyone who is interested please be willing and able to invest the oft…
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 2 replies
hello everyone Im Louie and I'm a cod fan (of course) and i would just like to introduce myself and yeah. I play ps3 and my Psn is king_pickle_13. add it please and have a good day :D
Last reply by AlphaSnake, -
- 4 replies
Pronounced sick fuck. Ps3 sick_ckuf Wuts up?
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 1 reply
Hey All! My name is timlinson, I mostly play 360 but do play PC too. I'm a wiz with computers, troubleshooting and programming is fun to do. I provide support on the forums and IW for those who need it. I Haven't played zombies since MW2 came out but I'm ready to get back into the action! I was awesome at zombies and had some of the best stratigies. I used to be on the old CODZ forums as Elarinth and ran my own cod website.
Last reply by Ibanez, -
- 2 replies
Hi everyone, Before I started playing zombies, I wasn’t drawn to it at all. I didn’t understand the zombie craze in popular culture. But when I started playing, I was surprised by how enjoyable it was. I’m an average skilled player (I think), who likes to play for fun. Feel free to add me on xbox if you want to play a few games (just mention you’re from this site). My GT is: PoloVisionJames I’ve only played BO1 zombies so far. But I’ll be making my first steps into BO2 zombies pretty soon. I hope to have a good time discussing and playing zombies with you soon. So…um…yeah…Hello!
Last reply by Delta, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Just realized that after the almost full year that I've been on the forums and discord, I've never made an introduction, so I'll be doing that today. Hello, I'm PoppaQuad, or Quad, or just PQ, call me whatever you'd like. I'm 18 years old and was born and raised in Bath County Kentucky (if you want a good read, look up the Bath County meat shower, interesting event, infact part of this happened right on the property where I was raised.) I'm interested in the arts and am a absolutely obsessed with stories (ofc including the Aether/Dark Aether story). I have a few social medias you can find me on, which I use quite frequently such as: m…
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 12 replies
--- Common, don't tell me u think i can't spell.... PREASE Hi, am Wadja, A WebDesigner and Programmer. Currently gaming on the iPad1 & 2 platform only. First time playing CODZ, The game's awesome but the MultiPlayer Unorganized Hosts i have come across ain't awesome.... This is actually the best game i've played other than GODOFWAR and POP. Great Forum and great Gamerz..... .............. and uhhh, don't tell anyone am totally amazed at CODZ ;)
Last reply by LMW-YBC, -
- 4 replies
I started by lurking. Finding this site through Google while searching for strategies and other such things. I enjoyed this site, so I began to lurk here more than was really necessary. I stopped coming here for specific information, and started coming here just to absorb as much of the writing as I could. Eventually I began to have people recognize and acknowledge my replies and posts. It was remarkable. I cannot begin to convey the joy I felt at being recognized and accepted by even just a few members of this community. So I kicked myself into overdrive. A good number of our users were considering leaving over a dispute about the group known as "Bro…
Last reply by Reddonkeyham, -
- 1 reply
First Name: Monopoly Last Name: Mac DOB: Classified Place of Birth: Classified Hometown: Natch Der Untoten. Alriiiggghhtty then. This is a bit of a late introduction but I think it's necessary and cool for me to post one anyway. I am an Xbox 360 user. I never honestly got to round 30... Most games I join, people don't know how to communicate, host ends game, people suck, and people leave. I love the zombie storyline and I joined this forum because this a great community with great theories... Thats pretty much it... Monopoly out...
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 1 reply
hello all fellow slayers im a professional zombie slayer with mic 26 years old. I am always looking for that select few who call themselves zombie elite or zombie pros im talking about a player that is seriously interested high rounds and leaderboards. plese msg me gt floppercopter and lets beast so serious boards ps have all maps! motd 91 die 81 tranz 47 buried 60 all legit all running trains glitches are for bi%ches
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 6 replies
So thought it was time for a proper introduction. I have been an avid zombies player since the beginning of black ops. I played world at war but not much zombies. Wasn't until black ops and discovering the storyline that I got hooked. And since being hooked zombies has been my favorite game to play. The back story and the gameplay is always fun to me. And since I've been hooked I decided I needed to join a forum and decided on this forum. After reading some post and seeing activity I thought this was the place to be. I'm an avid game really enjoy playing games in general. But when zombies is out its zombies and nothing else! Hit me up if u want to play…
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 3 replies
Hi Guys I'm Chopper and love all things Zombies. I enjoy playing it and talking about the various strategies that can be used. I'm a plus 40 player on Kino, Ascension and COTD. Just don't enjoy five, and don't have the original maps. Play from Australia but will be moving back to Europe in 2 weeks. Always looking for serious players to go on 2 p runs with and have some fun with randoms. I enjoy helping randoms get to high levels.....once you have done it yourself a couple of times the appeal drops.
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 2 replies
Hey fellow COD members! I would like to make as many zombie-crazed-killing friends on this site, as well as find people to help me unravel the mysteries of the COD: Zombies Storyline for Black Ops 2. Another matter to attend to. YouTube-dedicated fans have been much into speculation of whether there is more to the story after completing the Tower of Babble achievement. Well guys, I have found something completely astonishing. Most of the Youtubers out there have guessed it, and many parts to it. The ONLY piece of advice I'm giving: STAY TRUE TO MAXIS!!!!! (what he says...) And guess what? You'll have to do more snooping than you ever will have imagined. I pla…
Last reply by Flammenwerfer, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys I'm PurePainGaming. You can call me Pure, Pain or PPG if you like. I'm a 16 year old gamer who's waiting for college to start. I'm interested in TV Shows, Films, games, writing and reading. I'm also looking to start in YouTube. Love Zombies and a lot of my friends aren't too interested in it so I thought I'd join here to speak about it to people. :)
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 3 replies
supp guys im a newbie to the site but im pretty decent at zombies, highest round is 28 bcuz i can never finish a game, something always comes up, i play 360 or on a friends ps3 xbox:wearehereusa2 ps3:cookie2monster3 msg me if you wanna play!
Last reply by pyropanda13, -
- 11 replies
Hello one and all! (Be gentle) I am new here and just wanted to post this for some of you to get to know me! The zombies story line to me is one of the best stories told to me ever. I just recently got into the zombies story line deeply. I have made a couple YouTube videos on Mob of The Dead, on how and why the zombies are there, Analyzed brutis' quotes, and even analyzed (For a lack of a better word) the Easter egg song "Where are we going" found in the game. I'm not known on youtube or really known at all, But I still make those videos hoping to find that perfect audience! Hope you guys like me, cause I'll have a lot of things to post in the future…
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 2 replies
A quick hi to all zombie slayers and to all that make this site what it is, I'm a 39yrs old avid fan and slayer ( yes o.a.p) ,Always up for a good game and look forward to joining the community. Thanks .
Last reply by Why1sTheRumGone, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, For the past week I've been reading a lot about the new Tranzit map in B.O.2. Reached the point where I created an account to be part of the conversation. Played zombie's in B.O.1, with or without friend. Wasn't that good actually, didn't play it that often. Now, in B.O.2, I'm trying to take it to another level. Reaching prestige 5 in a few days at the multiplayer, already got diamond camo for two weeks but still got the two bones at zombie's. Playing only Tranzit, starting to get my friends warm for the easter eggs and finding out all there is to know about the map. Tried the glitch at the powerstation ones, dropt down and decided that I'm in f…
Last reply by -Armageddon-,
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