New slayer on the battlefield? Introduce yourself to other CoDz members!
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- 2 replies
Hi everybody, I've been a lurker on this site for about six months now and i finally decided to make an account. I'm 16, live in the United States and love zombies. I have every map pack in Black Ops and the season pass in Black Ops 2, so if anybody ever wants to play on Xbox, feel free to message me!
Last reply by Supernova4351, -
- 14 replies
I'm new here, but I love zombies and I just wanted to meet some likeminded people I'm Hannah, I play BO on PS3 and my PSN is HannahBananaXD ... Add me if you wish And Hello :D
Last reply by Technicuddle, -
Hello everyone, I'm not much of a "writer" so I'm just gonna try to keep it short. My name is Razz but I also go by the name of Razm sometimes. Started playing zombies on World at War, I was a real free to play and wasn't even aware that there were more maps than Nacht. Then I played a shit ton of Kino and didn't touch zombies until like a year ago when I picked up BO3 which got me obsessed with zombies. I play on PC and not many of my friends like zombies that much so I'd really appreciate if some of you guys who play on PC added me and maybe we could play sometime.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys! I'm back, sorry I haven't posted since summer I have been really busy with school and work . The new site design looks amazing, also I'm glad to be back and recognize a lot of names! Hope you all say hello.
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 4 replies
Hello CoDz, With the announcement of Black Ops III, I've decided to make my return to the forums. I apologise for being away, but I've been through a rough year, and in that time, I began to drift from Zombies. However, I will be sticking around for the long haul now (even though I say I won't be getting this game if it is on last-generation consoles , we all know that it is zombies and that's good enough for me!) I thought making another introduction (again) it would help me to feel reconnected with this community. So, in the last year, what's happened with me? Well, my parents are no longer together, and my sister and I are living with our mother, but still regula…
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 1 reply
I just wanted to reintroduce myself for those who are now just joining. My name is xXExpertCoahXx or Expert, and I play on the 360. I started zombies way back during the WaW days and I stuck with it every since, it's the best game in the world! I thoroughly enjoy CoDZ and ever since I've joined, all I've gotten was kindness and respect from it's members. This sites community and amazingness just made me want to donate...So I donated! I'm glad I did so too. Hope you guys grow into a bigger and better community, but don't forget who you are! ZOMBIES FOR LIFE!
Last reply by SaLaD_FiNgErS_HD, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
hello, my name is redphantom99 i have been on the site since the first black ops was out, i have always enjoyed it and haven't given a proper introduction, i haven't been on the site for a while so it will be interesting to go explore what new things are on here, thank that is all
Last reply by LiL TS 420, -
Hi gais, its Nai here. I just wanted to reintroduce myself to the community. I am starting over. I wasn't very active before and now I am going to try my best to serve the community in any way possible! It helps my state of mind if I reintroduce myself here so I just wanted to give myself happiness!
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 3 replies
I know a lot of people on here already know of me and have had intelligent conversations with me, but I feel I should formally introduce myself to the newcomers. My name is Tim and I am from JAX FL. I am 23 and employed with the schoolboard. I currently game on the XBOX 360 and pretty much the only games I play are COD games. Not so much for the "name brand", I just view COD as the best FPS as far as movements and graphics. You will most likely find my posts in Black Ops II forums, but I also frequent the member lounge and site news boards. I specialize in common decryptions and decoding. If you ever want to game with me, (you will go far), my gamertag is H3ADxHUN…
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 2 replies
Been away offline for time thought i would say hi and ask if anything interesting was happening in the land of the undead ?
Last reply by K1llsteelr, -
- 1 reply
Made an intro way back in like July, said I would be active, wasn't, I'm back. Had some stuff to.. do, yeah. ;)
Last reply by Technicuddle, -
- 6 replies
Hi. I'm Julez. Annnnd.. I've returned! ;D
Last reply by firevice, -
- 30 replies
Hey guys, self-proclaimed "lord of the flies" here. I've made five or six threads already, do I figured it was time to do this. So... Hello? I don't really get what I'm supposed to say... I'll be trying to make as many polls as possible to hear what YOU GUYS (people) think. Heads up if you read strategies or something I post, I say release the flies a lot, the meaning kinda changes... So... Yeah, I guess that's my introduction... Hi, and goodbye
Last reply by anguscr, -
- 2 replies
Heyo! My name as read above is Reliable_Rhino! I generally see myself as an amazing zombies player, for multiple reasons. 1) I was once in the top ten for Moons no man land, at an astonishing 32 minutes! 2) I've been able to reach round 24 on Shadows of Evil, 32 On transit (God help me...) And round 49 on kino der toten! My general play style is like most a good train, but during the early rounds, I try to help everyone out on my team as much as possible during their times in need often downing my self just so they can get up. But I only do that stuff if you don't CONSTANTLY kill steal then I'll just tea bag you while your on the floor >.> …
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 12 replies
Hi, I joined the forums some time in February last year and was an active forum member, I put forward my theories and was amazed by the storyline. However when Annihilation came out I lost interest in it and CoD in general. Im a Halo fan now, the fiction is thick and enough to keep my mind busy. Basically I just wanted to know how the forum and its inhabitants are doing and whether anyone remembers me.
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 3 replies
I am Ds_Hunter001 (same name on my ps3 account) i just joined the forums but i have been slaying zombies since 2010, when i discovered Black Ops 1, I learned the moves and the guns, i know all of the story of zombies, every character i know, even the ones that are only mentioned, and i know every Easter Egg there is. With me there is only one rule: NO GLITCHES OR CHEATING OF ANY KIND!. If i'm on Verruckt and i hear the other guy trying to get out of the map, I leave, if i see anyone flying on Ascencion, bang, no more game. When i play i want to feel the fear when im running out of ammo and im about to be surrounded by the undead not just shoot at a horde of zombies r…
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 0 replies
My Asylum Threads, the medals, donations, hell my UOTM Cyan Robe.. Its been almost 5 years. No explanation and truly I did not expect to feel this gut wrench as I logged back in. I am excited don't mistake that. I hope someone will make it right and redeem what name I had. I missed you all very much and I know I never was able to express that. Reality I lost my house, fiancé', and fast forward 2025. Life is great, I found new love, I have a new place, I changed my pain into lyrics on a page. Tried to understand them the only way I knew how and that was to create. The songs I created were a tool to self-reflect and find out why I am. This plac…
Last reply by RequixEclipse, -
For a small while. Does anyone mind telling me any new information about zombies?
Last reply by Hannibal, -
- 5 replies
What's up Zombie Conspirators, Blitz Here. I'm not a new member as a few of you may recognize. I've just been on a long hiatus, with the current hype of Black Ops: III, I have been drawn back into the Abyss of thought and conspiracy. I just wanted to introduce myself to any of the new members. I'm a Military Intelligence Analyst and a Data Mining expert. So if anyone needs me to dig up some dirt on their current theories be sure to let me know. Blitz Out!
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 8 replies
I didn’t think I would return to Zombies after Black Ops 4, but after the Zombies reveal on Wednesday I’m mega excited for this instalment, I already have Black Ops 3 downloading and ready to play again, I’ll not keep yapping on lol, cya you fellow slayers around the forum.
Last reply by Trump Assassin, -
- 2 replies
Hello. My name is cairnschaos, otherwise known as rhyster1 on psn. i consider myself average at cod zombies, usually making it to round 20-25 on solo. i usually play gta and bo2, so add me to psn if you want to play. i'm currently trying to complete all bo2 eastereggs and would enjoy any assistance. my zombies rank is a skull. this has been rhyster1, over and out.
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys. I'm Rok, and new to the forum. Glad to be here!
Last reply by Jloves2game, -
- 5 replies
Heellllooo, I just joined this forum, but fell in love with cod:zombies since it first came out in waw. my fave map is kinodertoten. nice to meet you all!
Last reply by killallzombies, -
- 4 replies
I feel kinda like Steven Hawking throwing a party for time travellers, but I'm gonna do this. Read more about the real life time traveller party at the bottom of the thread. Watching the list of active members lately, I've noticed a lot more folks I don't recognize from before, as well as some who have been recurring visitors, yet who I have never had the privilege of meeting. So I wanted to give a S/O to our lurking slayers from over the last 24 hours and encourage y'all to jump in a join the conversation! @jy71psn @Jmurad0880 @Jaguar 115 @Collinh01 @Bigqueso_05 @elitecore @DeltaZelfic @Dabchamps @king of L…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
A site specially for CoD zombies? madness! I'm too broke to afford a ps3 or xbox right now, so i'm wanting to get the wii version as a zombie fix for now. had the ipod version before my ipod was STOLEN. >_> sooo...sawp everyone. :D
Last reply by 57r!k3r,
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