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1,821 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Hey everybody! I've following the site on Twitter for awhile and have just recently registered/signed up. From everything I've read so far, I'm uberly pleased. Great job. Its nice to see such a strong community following. Ok, since I'm new to the site as a registered user, I'd like to ask a question on a topic, to me, that is so confusing. That would be understanding how the ranking system works in BO2 Zombies. There is so much misinformation out there floating around that I'm utterly frustrated by it. Some ppl say k/d is a factor. Some ppl say high rounds is a factor. Some ppl say that revives is a key factor. Its to the point that I'm grabbing my hair and tearing it out…
Last reply by PurePainGaming, -
Im up to play with anyone who is decent, multi or zombs. Some of you may remember me I was here before. HAIii
Last reply by Sazh333, -
- 9 replies
Hey guys. New xbox world at war player here. If you would like to add me just respond in the thread. Some info: I do have a mic, I have map pack 3, Im an decent nazi zombie player, Am decent at multiplayer. I do not hack. And I will play with pretty much anyone who doesnt hack. So if you would like to add me I would be more than happy to respond GT:Sazh333
Last reply by Sazh333, -
- 2 replies
Hi i'm XQLUSIVV and im looking for friends who can play zombies with completing pack a punch and shield as fast as possible add me on PS 4 my name is XQLUSIVV Have a nive evening! ?
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 5 replies
Hey CODZ, ive been away from the site for quite a while due to camp and vacation, but i am glad to say that i have returned with content for everyone! I have some story drafts and some upcoming topics, but that is for a later time. Glad to be back! -PFCSNAFU
Last reply by PFCSNAFU, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I'm Sheldon. I'm a big fan of the old site even though I never became a member and this site just blows my mind!. So much info to read and were its so interisting I cant stop reading!. 10/10 in my book! Now a little about myself. I'm a WWII freak! By that i mean i know alot about it and love readying history about it. My fav. hobbey . But I also am on a hockey and basket ball team, and I am planing on Joining the Canadian Army this summer. I almost forgot to say that i'm 16!. Well that's all I gotta say!
Last reply by PfcVerge, -
- 6 replies
Howdy! Shenanigan, aka Aw Fractured oL on 360. Ready to kick some freakbags back to hell!
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
- 9 replies
well to introduce myself i would like to say that I am pretty awesome, and have good grammer and i am very modest and never brag about how awesome i am, cause obviously i dont need to tell anyone. There you go, a thorough explanation 4 who i am, what i do, where i live, whether i sign autographs or not, and many other things. thank you.
Last reply by KillerBkild, -
- 5 replies
Thousands of people underestimate the little things…. Take your average 16-20 year old american as of 2014… Many don't know what a simple show like "Doctor who" and those who do see it as a simple british television show. How has this show I've never seen before effected me so greatly. What many others don't know is that throughout the 1970s and 80s, Dr. who was an inspiration for hundreds of men and women, those men and women grew up to be television show hosts and writers and even producers. It sparked creativity, hope, genius, horror, and other amazing words. Then the show took an end for quite a while. Durring which time, those who ha…
Last reply by Ulysses1975, -
- 9 replies
hey everybody. this is my first time on the forum so i thought id post a lil thing just sayin hi. im here from that gaming show. you should check it out its a very nice growing forums website. they actually recomended this site for me. click here to check out that gamingshow
Last reply by skimborder, -
- 0 replies
- 566 views Check it out doug
Last reply by Apophis2112, -
- 1 reply
I go by the username SlashRacer on the psn. I play Kino Der Toten 95% of the time. I have been up to 36 in Kino, but the system crashed and we did not get credit. My current high score is 32, and I have been up to 30+ a half dozen times. If I was to hook up with the right people, I am sure 40+ would be easy! Give me a pack a punched M-16, and a thunder gun or ray gun, and I am all set!!! Nothing annoy's me more than playing with people who do not know how to play as a team. Keep to your own panel, and leave my zombies alone! Here's another one that rubs my ass the wrong way. "I dont want to buy juggernaught because I want to pack a punch my weapon".…
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 7 replies
Hi guys, I’m Nate, I love zombies and I mean love a big part of my love just now is BO3 custom zombies and all the black ops and black ops 2 maps. i don’t really know what else to say..... you wanna play hit me up? see ya
Last reply by NateWick, -
- 5 replies
Hey CoDz! Brand new member here and am going to be introducing myself to the community. My name is Austin. I enjoy playing video games, riding BMX, and graphics design. I just got into zombies since BO2 was released, I think it was Tranzit that got me hooked. I was always a huge fan of CoD since CoD3. Playing zombies on WaW and BO1 was fun but it never really grabbed me. I have yet to go back and play them, but I'm sure they will now! That's about it for now, I made a solo strategy on Tranzit that can be found in my signature, check it out, let me know what you think! Good luck and have fun everybody! P.S. I am looking for people to add on Xbox to play so…
Last reply by legacy, -
- 4 replies
hello everyone ;D I'm Snowy. I'm 15 i live in LA California(its pretty fun here if u hang with the right crowds...) and I like different kinds of music, talking(about anything ) reading, and gaming. I have a PS3 . My PSN Snowyman13(im lvl 9 right now competeing with my friends to lvl 13 on psn overall).i have quite a few games just ask me which ones. I'll be posting on here so you'll see me around. I'm also gonna be on codz forums just look for snowyman13. p.s. im in my sophmore year and taking art classes and preparing for college(i might start drawing art for mw2 forums and codz but all i have is charcol and paper none of that fancy tablet computer stuff)
Last reply by firevice, -
- 2 replies
It occurred to me that I've never done an introduction. So time to fix that. Been a member for over 2 years now, I was inactive for a good majority of that time. I replied to one post on the day I made my account and never posted again due to fear and anxiety that I would be shunned from the community (thanks brain). Only now, in the past couple of months have I been becoming more active on here. The name's Josh. RockyRhode here on the forums and PSN. I play zombies on PS3, high rounds are possible, but not fun, to be honest. Once you get to ~33 it gets boring. That's when you start grabbing random weapons and pack-a-punching them until you go down. At the time of th…
Last reply by RockyRhode, -
- 4 replies
Not the most polite title but neither am I. Been playing since zombies since BO1 I hope to find other good players to play with on this forum because public match people steal all your kills first go down afterwards and leave immediately after that. Platforms: PS4 PC PS3 X360. Games: WaW(PC), Bo1(X360/ps3), bo2(PC),bo3(PS4) I hope to meet great people on this site.
Last reply by Floryzzz, -
- 3 replies
Bo2 is my first CoD Game. I've come a long way. I had my newbie stats and finally made it to a knife rank. #startedfromthebottom Ive done the MoTD and Origins EEs. Want to do others. Not talking about Bo1.
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 5 replies
I've been posting here for some time and have never officially introduced myself... My name is Charles. I'm 34 and have been in Texas the last 21 years. I'm recently married and for work I am a busy massage therapist. My body usually aches and in my down time I can be found chilling smoking a bowl and killing zombies. I've been playing zombies ever since my brother started telling me about something epic once beating World at War. This was back in 2008 and I found a game that I truly love when I first played Nacht Der Untoten. For years I was the guy you wanted on your team. Over the years zombies started to drift away from what originally made me …
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 6 replies
Hi everybody, and thanks for clicking my post. I'm back after a LONG break fro my old account, Beware of the Docter. (I'm sure you vets remember me 8)) And I have returned as a horrific new being. Now foolosh mortals, tell your horse god what he has missed... Please?
Last reply by Shooter, -
- 3 replies
Hey fellow slayers. How is everyone. I originally joined this site around 5 years ago, but stopped participating after a while as the friends I play online with went off to play other games and I followed like a good little sheep. Since then we have dabbled on and off with Zombies a little but never really as much as I'd like. I much prefer playing in a group rather than solo so Zombies was pretty much off the table for the most part. For the past few week me and another buddy have finally reignited our slaying ways and for the first time have been playing through the BLOPS 3 maps and really having a blast. This coupled with the recent …
Last reply by Charles871987, -
- 3 replies
Hi! I'm here representing another website with similar forums. Maybe becoming an affiliate with you guys would be a possibility! :D
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 6 replies
Hey y'all, I'm new to this site. I mean I'm fairly new, Since the teaser trailer for TranZit, I've popped onto CoDz every once in a while to check up what was going on in the Asylum or in the map discoveries, because I am a mental zombies storyline fan! No seriously, you don't understand. Crazy. Like when my mates are talking about going out for the night, i'm sitting there theorizing how different aspects would change the storyline overall. Yeah... But I finally decided to make an account on here, only like three hours ago? And I want to try and offer what I know and listen to the veterans of zombies; even if I only make a small impact on the communi…
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Finally got around to posting here! I'm Alex, or go by SparkyMcSparks online. Originally from Chicago (land of deep dish pizza and really good hot dogs, Google 'em up to know what you've been missing out on). I moved to Los Angeles five years ago to work at Treyarch originally doing Wii / PC ports and Mod Tools for CoD, eventually shifted over to working on Zombie maps for BO2, and now working on something for BO3. In my spare time I still love to play mods and work on some, as well as learning other tools like Source engine and Unity3D stuff. I enjoy riding my bike on the beach year round and eating tacos around LA. If you ever want to game or chat about nerdy things,…
Last reply by The Clay Bird, -
- 6 replies
Hello, my name is Speed Cola and I have a master ace. Join it or you will be noscoped by the speed cola overlord
Last reply by Hells Warrrior,
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