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1,821 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
>staticstatic P.S.: At the age of 14 I'm most likely to be one of the youngest people here, but don't count me as a "squeaker". As for the name, it started as an inside joke an it kind of took off so....
Last reply by Ehjookayted, -
- 2 replies
So, I am going to be creating a new Youtube channel. This is going to be a gradual process over to this new channel, but I am hoping this one will be just as good, or even greater than before.
Last reply by Jbird, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys! I'm STASIBOMB, I've been playing zombies since Black Ops 1 came out. Solo Records: Kino Der Toten - 86 or 87 Five - 30 something Town - 40 something Tranzit - 40 something Farm - 30 something Bus Depot - 26ish Die Rise - 40 something I'm starting to upload youtube vids. I think I'm pretty good at zombies - here's my most recent video if interested (onlt 3 mins, you won't regret watching): Subscribe for more
Last reply by YdaJdiMstr®, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone. The names Katsunagi but just say Kat. Ive been a member previously but lost access to my account and became a lurker but i finally have more time and decided to go ahead and make a new account!. This website has great members and i hope to play with you guys one day
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 0 replies
hi everyone. i feel i must begin by saying that i am new to forums in general and have made a few mistakes along the way. i bumped a few really old threads and swore a bit, to be precise, for which i must apologise to the community, i should have read the rules first. sorry guys :oops: (i got told off a bit for that, oops). now that is out of the way i i'd like to start afresh if you'll allow me. my name is addam i am 33 from yeovil, england and i live alone with my dog. last year at friends i played waw for the first time, it was my first real go at a fps and i couldn't really get into it. all i wanted to play then was driving games. then i tried zom…
Last reply by Major ZOMBlE, -
- 2 replies
Everytime I play there's always a retarded little kid trying to be funny on moon downning himself in NML. So hopefully I find some goood peopl here. And hello forums :)
Last reply by Reylink, -
- 3 replies
hi lol, you all know me as ither WoLvEzxSwAggA or I SGT GENERAL I. i always want my names as my gamertag. Nd i had to change my GT so sorry for the confsion wil be the last time. I PROMISE!
Last reply by Phillips455, -
The name is Sisneros, my Gamertag is Disturbed2k7. I play mostly fps games and Zelda. I got CoD: WaW when it came out and the map packs when they did, I get into the easter eggs alot that's why I love Treyarch's content. I've been on this site a while before gknova6 but never joined. I rarely post because when I do have something to say a like mind says it first.
Last reply by Niho, -
Hey im new but i have been visiting the site for a while. And my sig is cool. Right? :mrgreen:
Last reply by LeaderT83, -
by Chris RAGEEE- 3 replies
My name is Chris (dur), I am 20 years old and I can't wait for Black Ops. I'm currently going to the Art Institutes for Game Design (want to make rpg's ). Want to know anything else just ask. See ya guys around.
Last reply by Whetstone, -
I suck at intro posts... *deep breath* okay, here we go (The ritual has begun!): So, let's get the stating the obvious out of the way. I'm Mike, and I play a lot of zombies. Looking for some people to play with regularly who know what they're doing. To clarify, I'm looking to play with people who know how to do the easter eggs, leave a last zombie, NOT point horde and spam the box, and can hold their own into higher rounds. I did have a mic, but it vanished recently, so I need to get a new one. That won't be happening for a month or two, so be prepared to deal with a lot of character model head nodding and head shaking responses for a while =P If that al…
Last reply by HarshTropperKev, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone I am BK and well zombies is amazing. Get to know me
Last reply by Lenne, -
by IamBlackwing- 2 replies
Hey guys, im Blackwing (MrWing411) im a member of the elite Team 411 led by Mrdavetherave411. I've always wanted to make a account but im lazy. so yeah Hope i get a warm welcome! [brains] [brains]
Last reply by Tac, -
Sup guys my name is Timmy and I've been lurking these boards for a while but never felt like registering and posting until a few days ago lol. Anyways I'm a big zombies fan (like most of you here) and just wanted to make an intro 8-) Gamertag is iTz x TiMmY x Don't want to make this too long haha so I guess this is my attempt at an intro [brains]
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 2 replies
sup 8-)
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 1 reply
hi everyone , my name tag is jbeu ! after playing a lot on ps3 , recently mived to pc master race so here i am ! playing only zombi mode , looking for ee/ secret or just playing high rounds , add me if you want to play , cheers !
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
hey just joined CoDz although ive known about this site for awhile i usually come here daily to check out zombie info for black ops and hidden things. ever since nazi zombies came out on CoD: WaW i was fascinated i need more answers and luckily treyarch gave us these answers (well some anyways ) im really interested in the backstory and i hope to find out more about it especialy gknova6 and blackops zombies confirmation i usually have very creative theorys and ill probbaly post a view on this site. untill then thanks CoDz :D
Last reply by myerstep, -
- 4 replies
Finally I find a forum that's alive, however not in the zombie sense. Anyways, I'm Zaq. I've moved from forum to forum for years, as my interests change so do my forums. Hoping to meet some cool peeps an no D-bags. Hi, my name is Zaq and I'm addicted to COD zombehs.
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 5 replies
Lil late but whatsup? I had a question, how do "brains" and medals work? I've gotten to high rounds and im not sure how to get the medals 20+ 30+ and how to get brains.
Last reply by Undead, -
What's up guys? I'm new here to this forum and I chose this forum because I am now obsessed with Nazi zombies and I love to hear people's theories on the storyline, upcoming maps and stuff like that. I only have black ops and modern warfare 2 so I don't have the classic maps (I've played them once or twice at my friends house) My favourite map so far is probably Ascension! Kino Der Toten: Round 28, 3 players Five: Round 19, 4 players (timed out..) Ascension: Round 33, 3 players Dead Ops Arcade: Round 11, 2 players So yeah... Expect to see me around every once in a while. Oh and btw I'm from Australia! Peace.
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 4 replies
Whats up everyone? Been lurking, ready to join the discussions.
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 7 replies
Haven't done one of these in awhile, lol Sup, my name is HitmanVere from Finland. I'm chat mod in another forum and site mod in another, but still browse through other forums, when I can. I can see, that here is not that much people, but there is more variation than other forums, I will get to reading all theories, when I can Anywhos, I'm map maker myself also and have released few maps in UGX and FF, you can search up for those, if you are interested (Swamp Of The Doomed Ones and Snowy Ornament) and I am working on 3 maps atm. That's small introduction of me, thanks for reading. Hopefully you have a great day!
Last reply by HitmanVere, -
by OhTerrorRise- 1 reply
Yo guys, whats up! I'm Polo.. big fan of Zombies. Always down to play, I love nuketown! Add me if you have no trouble getting to levels 40 / 50, like I said I'm always down to play ;)
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
This is BHawk909 and I love playing on Call Of Duty, especially Zombies.
Last reply by m12, -
by Nick02beer- 3 replies
Hello guys, My name is Nick and I am a zombie fan since black ops 1. I am totally obsesed with the gamemode and still love it to the day. I recently came across this forum and it perfect for me! Only zombies! So this was my very short introduction and i am now going to take a good look on this site. Also I am Dutch so don`t judge me on my English. ;) Greetz Nick
Last reply by NaBrZHunter,
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