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1,821 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
GT: housed411 location: Los Angeles California likes: women,(not on xbl) zombies, computer tech,dirt bikes, and the history, science channel kinda shows dislikes: nova6 crawlers, L96 in the mystery box and when people complain about grammar that isnt that bad. I have been a forum lurker since about the release of the third map pack for w@w.
Last reply by m12, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone ;)
Last reply by m12, -
- 1 reply
I visited the site lots of times every day and wanted to join. I'm a huge fan of zombies ever sense I played WAW it at a friend's house. Also, as my name suggests I'm not to bad with a sniper rifle.
Last reply by m12, -
- 2 replies
Hey! I'm Mikeike12. I joined CoDz a few days ago and I love it. My Name is Mikeike12 because when i was 12, my friend started calling me mikeike, and i had just got my PS3, so i just put my nickname and age for PSN, so there u go! P.S. i have Tourette's so if i post something that doesnt make sense completely, thats my little brain at work.;)
Last reply by liltaz23, -
- 5 replies
Name: Billy "Blunts" Blunts?: as in Vanilla Dutchmaster Cigar Age: 24 PSN: billyblunts Location: New York Metro Top Level: 25 with 3 other people Likes: Zeus Cannon, Cannabis, Long Walks on the Beach (jk) Dislikes: Pandas (fuck you you dumb bear), headless zombies that stay alive and kill you About Me: When I'm not working I am slaying these zombies. Add me and say you're from this forum and in no time we'll be dropping zombies like it's nobody's business.
Last reply by Kimo, -
- 3 replies
supp guys im a newbie to the site but im pretty decent at zombies, highest round is 28 bcuz i can never finish a game, something always comes up, i play 360 or on a friends ps3 xbox:wearehereusa2 ps3:cookie2monster3 msg me if you wanna play!
Last reply by pyropanda13, -
- 2 replies
Ever since WAW came out with zombies I have been looking for a place like this to strategize and meet new zombie players instead of the 90 percent of idiots that play online. my PSN is guccilafluer. I have a buddy I play with online so we are looking for some more people to join us and get to higher rounds. I have reached round 18 due to the fact that not a lot of people have mics and when things get hectic people kind of fend for themselves instead of sticking to the plan... Anyway hit me up I will be around here often. Looking to get some zomb games in tonight also.
Last reply by m12, -
- 2 replies
Hey peeps, new to the forum and jus wanted to lose my topic virginity lol. Im on ps3 and my PSN is the same as my username on here if anybody wants to add me. I have a turtle beach headset so im good to talk tactics during a game. Highest level achieved was just the other night and got to 28 (on kino) with 2 of us. Usual tactic of travelling in an anti-clockwise rotation around the cinema, starting each level in the pap room. Feel we could have gone on longer but it was a case of mental stamina running out more than anything. By the way why does five suck? lol. And does anybody know any information regarding dates for new maps, has anything been confirmed? …
Last reply by m12, -
- 1 reply
Being a common visitor of this site, I decided to join in on the fun because of my interest in the search that this site is encouraging. I'm a big fan of symbolism, that is, things that hold multiple meanings, and so Treyarch's rendition of the zombie mode with Verruckt grabbed my attention. With that, I was hooked on their "last minute add-on," and will be until the very end. Anyways, I wish to be able to contribute to this great forum, and maybe even help others along the way. Here's hoping this ride ends well, eh?
Last reply by m12, -
- 2 replies
i have been on this site before with darklegends i play on ps3 i dont have an online acount cuz my brother hogs it but u can add my bf you probaly alrerady have him xXDaRkLeGeNdSXx i already know alot about this site
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 2 replies
So, my name's Bethan (if you couldn't tell by my username...) and, to sum me up, I'm a little girlie from England who has too much time on her hands. I've actually been stalking around these forums since before MW2, but I was a little... intimidated, I guess? Yeah, I've got a couple of theories, and I've spotted a few things that I haven't seen mentioned yet. Yaaay.
Last reply by Deadshock, -
- 2 replies
Let me be the first to say, nice website/forums I have my own theories about the zombie mode storyline but i'm curious to find out more, and to hopefully come up with some good strategies for zombie survival as well. Other than that, won't get much troubles out of me. lol.
Last reply by nikicruise, -
- 3 replies
Snowyman13 is back ;D and now im ready to jump back on for looking for easter eggs c;
Last reply by Deadshock, -
- 1 reply
Hey whats up all? Found this forum by searching for "terminal passwords" im part of that group trying to figure all that out. Looking for zombie players as well for some kino, we'll be on later tonight in full force. Mafia Films is my gamertag hit me up if your down. Looking to do some work :mrgreen:
Last reply by m12, -
Hi I'm new! 8-)
Last reply by xandy73-, -
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Hello CoD fans, TheHeckz is here. I want to introduce myself as an avid fan of CoD zombies and I am open to theories of how people play it. My favorite character is Nikolai because he is funny as hell in general.
Last reply by m12, -
- 1 reply
How are you all? My name is Shinigami, but please call me "Shin" or if your a bit more formal just call me Drew. I've read these forums for a while now, but I figured it was about time I signed up myself. Feel free to add me, my gamertag is the same as my name on here. I play on xbox, but maybe i'll decide to play on PS3 by christmas. Hope to discuss many things with you all soon, Shin.
Last reply by m12, -
hay All im Mako (or thats the name i go by) now i play 360 and love to find glitches and cheats on systems i share what i find in the forums so that you guys dont have to search and test alot of bogus stuff so if you happen to see a post that you have questions about ask im here to help
Last reply by Mako, -
- 1 reply
Hello fellow Zombie players. Just joined to get a good team together really. Let me know if your interested in playing with me side-by-side to kick some Zombie ass :D
Last reply by m12, -
hello im new here and i was wondering how the [brains] sistem works
Last reply by zombag254, -
by Tiller0006- 2 replies
I'm mostly new. You might've seen a few of my posts. Anyways HI! Add me on PS3 if you like. PSN ID: Tiller0006
Last reply by Tiller0006, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys, i'm new to zombies but i played WaW zombies. I got Black Ops and played the multi-player first... not bad. played the zombies... i enjoyed it a lot so i'm just here to look around, play with you guys and learn new strategies :)
Last reply by sodium1, -
- 2 replies
here is my welcome message... howdy all...
Last reply by m12, -
- 1 reply
Yo. I'm addicted to zombie mode. If anybody is wanting to play some hardcore matches =Gamertag "Flatline777"
Last reply by m12, -
- 1 reply
Sup CoDz, My name is Erick, Im new to zombies but DO NOT underestimate me, Im looking for people to play zombies with since all of my friends are hooked on MP, Ive been playing video games ever since Super Mario World on the SNES and honestly if it wasnt for my 4 G's (Games,Graffiti,Girls And Ganja) id probably be in a gang with all my stupid cousins (Yes Im A Ghetto Child), hmmm like I said im new to zombies, went in to Black Ops SUPER HYPED about the MP and what do you know zombies turns out to be my addiction xD (MP is still dope), hmm wut else can i say, Im 19, Im Hispanic, Im From Texas, In 8 Months Im gonna be a dad I LOVE UNDERGROUND RAP! and thats about it lol, a…
Last reply by m12,
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