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1,821 topics in this forum
- 9 replies
Hello all, it's been awhile. Hope all is well. For those that do not know me, I was a regular back in the day, simply known as Jay. I recently picked up zombies again, and was quickly reminded why this game was so addicting, as well as toxic for the time it consumes. I wonder how many still play the classic BO1? I have been playing quite often and hope to see some of you for some semi serious games. Side note, can someone change my username to Jay or Mr. Jay or one of my old aliases besides this creep? Much appreciated. Thanks, hope to see you around. Side note 2: each time I sign in, I have to use…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys, electric Jesus here. You probably know me here already, but I have only been here for a little over a month. I just noticed that I never really introduced myself; I just sort of slipped into the crowd. I wanted to wait until I reached a post milestone before making this, so I thought "why not 300?" Anyway, I live on the east coast of the united states of America. I have phenomenal Internet connection to USA and Europe so hit me up if you want a game. I have a PS3. I'm not a pro at zombies but I am generally good. I rarely play to high rounds just because it is boring. I prefer personal challenges, Easter egg attempts, and generally having fun wi…
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
- 1 reply
ok so I joined on Jan 30 2011. and because I felt I should be more involved in this community I thought it was a good idea to make an intro. so let's get started shall we . My username is zombiedude6776, I own every system except wii u (Can't stand nintendo) I own waw on xbox. blops on ps3, and blops 2 on xbox. I'm a decent player who is a major fan of the storyline (mostly the reason I joined). my gamertag is where you should contact me or my youtube if you need me GT:cooldude6776 YT:MRcooldude6776 that is all thank you for reading this um delayed intro
Last reply by Supernova4351, -
- 5 replies
hello everybody! im fairly new here but still havent taken the time to introduce myself. although im new to this site im not new to zombies. im very interested in becoming a more social zombie player (less solo or split screen and more online) and figure this is just the place to meet some good players who i can play some zombies with. If anyone can give me some tips about the site (what not to do so i dont look stupid) that would be greatly appreciated! Also, my friend and I are planning on doing the shangri la easter egg on saturday tomorrow but we need two more players who are very good and can give us good strategies to use on shangri la as well(im not very good at it…
Last reply by ninezerowill, -
- 25 replies
Hey all, I'm sure most of you know who I am and what I do around here, but I figured that since my old intro thread was old (over one and a half years old) and that my life has changed since then, it might be a good idea to reintroduce myself. And yes, I realize that this looks long and rather menial, but I deem it necessary. Besides, I don't really care if you read all of it apart from a section I will put in bold and colored text further down. Here's a quick biography on me. My name is Nick and I'm currently 18 years old. I turn 19 in early March of next year. I was born in Provo, Utah where I lived for roughly the first 8 years of my life. My family then moved to …
Last reply by Undead, -
- 4 replies
Hello everybody. I just registered for this forum despite lurking here for a while. I have been playing Zombies since Nacht Der Untoten on World at War. I think my skills are of the elite level but that's only because I have been playing for so many years. I have finally reached the point where friends I had made on PSN are no longer playing Zombies or have different schedules so we can't play together anymore. Until now I have been confident enough to join public games and carry my random teammates when need be, but I really do miss playing Zombies with people who know what they are doing. I was hoping that I could find some people here who are like me, and don't feel li…
Last reply by thegoldenspork115, -
- 3 replies
Just a quick introduction. I'm Pascal, yes that's my real first name (I believe it's a French name. Not that it matters). I'm Dutch. I've known about Zombies since World at War. One of my friends owned the game and we played Nacht der Untoten occasionally. I was a big noob back then cause I never really played CoD before that. When Black Ops came out he convinced me to get the game so we could play online together. Then, when I got used to the controls, I got addicted to the game. I've played the regular multiplayer and Zombies for many hours since the game was released. I still play Zombies occasionally but stopped playing the regular multiplayer a while ago. I hav…
Last reply by Tac, -
- 2 replies
Hey! My name's Speyedur, or in real life John. Looked up how to make the jet gun and was sent to a thread on here, I thought it would be pretty nice to make an account and join in on this great forum. I'm looking forward to looking around and posting a bit Anyways, my favorite perk is PhD flopper, and love to kick zombie babies. I hope I can help out and contribute soon. I wish I could have joined earlier, but I've never heard of this place. Anyway this is getting a tad long so I'll see you all soon!
Last reply by xSpeyedur, -
- 4 replies
Yo, been here a few days now, but thought I should introduce myself properly. I am a huge fan of zombies, and have been playing since Black Ops. I do a bit of games journalism, and me and my friends have started YouTube (just got over 100 Subs) and Twitch (called The Brotherhood) doing games including Zombies. Not meant as a blatant plug, but just thought I'd mention it as I plan on doing some high round videos. Anyhow, hi. So good to be back into Zombies hype!
Last reply by WCRobinson, -
- 5 replies
So In honor of my 300th post I thought i would finally make a proper introduction so here it goes. It all started make about fourteen years a go I was born on March 7 1998,I all ready had a five year old brother his name was Joe or Joesph. fast forward about 12 and a half years ago I discovered the story behind Call of duty zombies....and was instantly hook. Now onto the real intro hello my name is Sullivan Brady, I'am 14 years old, I am 5"6, Going into the 9th grade,I love halo, (C.E. is the best) Call of duty, Battlefield 3 and many many other games. my favorite band is and always be Disturbed. I'm tried right now I will be adding late…
Last reply by teh shrew, -
- 5 replies
Well, I should do this eventually! My name is Game Changer and I came here not too long ago after hearing about how good of a community you guys are. Honestly, you all are so great to talk to and get to know. It's really a nice change of pace to actually have a decent discussion that doesn't become "Your rights end where my feelings begin". My love for Zombies lore came long ago, when I was looking at Youtube videos. I clicked on a random video that turned out to be Moon's Easter Egg by I believe NiikTheGamingShow or someone like that and thought, "OH MY GOD BUZZ ALDRIN JUST BLEW UP THE EARTH I HAVE TO BUY THIS and the rest was history. Thankfully, I now know th…
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 8 replies
Hello everybody on this great site....uhm, now the last Black Ops 3 is released, I thought this might be a good time to introduce myself, because I have never done before. I'm Anonymous, but you can call me Anon. I thought of that name because I hadn't planned to stay long. Just to make a post in which I give some people hope who still search to the TranZit secret. Well, it packed out different than I thought: Good community, so why not stay. And I should be honest, without this site I might not play CoD zombies anymore, or much lesser anyway. I met many kind people here, and I won't call any names, because it are to many. In fact, I can't say that ANYBODY on this si…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by Whetstone, -
- 0 replies
Hello codz, i've been na avid reader of codz now fo ra few months and i finally decided to create an account i have a ps3 but no black ops since it crashed my last ps3 and i had to buy s new one so yea, i hope to become great friends with people and learn new things about zombies with all of you :D
Last reply by JuicyGrapes, -
- 2 replies
Hello codz, i've been an avid reader of codz now for a few months and i finally decided to create an account i have a ps3 but no black ops since it crashed my last ps3 and i had to buy s new one so yea, i hope to become great friends with people and learn new things about zombies with all of you :D
Last reply by JuicyGrapes, -
- 1 reply
Hello commnunity, my name is Kevin. I'm new to the whole zombies craze but , not new to COD or hardcore gaming in general. I'm really trying to do the easter egg and attempt to crack it further. Feel free to add me on XBL:polomn, I'm always down to run.
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
Anyone know how to do it or want to do it really want the achievements for all the last easter eggs I haven't done
Last reply by B Wrizzle, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys many of you know me from the original CoD:Z website. I come on this website mainly just to talk to everybody i know and to meet new people. I own an xbox 360 and i occasionally play CoD4 on the PC. I love meeting new people and you can send me an Xbox FR anytime my GT is TrimPage. Also, could someone please send me a PM of the story line updates since der riese since i havent checked the site since then I would appreciate that. So thanks for reading and ill see you guys around. also watch this video its hilarious.
Last reply by firevice, -
- 1 reply
Hello zombie fans! Time for a quick introduction. This is TSbuster (also on Xbox 360), but my real name is Josh. My username is inspired from the TimeSplitters games and the Ghostbusters movies. I'm from The Netherlands. My main hobby's are gaming and drawing. I'm also a big fan of the James Bond franchise. I'm looking forward to discuss!!
Last reply by General Dempsey, -
- 19 replies
Uhm, hi. I'm an avid zombie player. At first I distasted zombies mode because I had no idea how to play. Aha but after watching other I have gained the acquired skills to be able to get to round 25 on kino by myself. Aha. Which isn't that big of a thing I realize. But it is better then getting to round five. Aha. Anyways, I want to say how amazed I am to as how you guys put things together. It seems to me the information everyone started with was slim to none. And you guys expanded the story immensely. I may be wrong on you all creating the story. But the easter egg finders, are still incredible. To say the least. I'm curious to as how you guys figure the things out that …
Last reply by anguscr, -
- 1 reply
I'm new here and I joined yesterday and I love zombies so if anyone's up to a game of zombies on ps3 tell me but my Internet is bad some times. EDIT: I also like making signatures on pdn so tell me what you wan't and what pictures but I'm not brilliant at it only downloaded yesterday and I made my sig.
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 9 replies
Hi all, Long-time lurker, finally outing myself! Am a huge fan of CoD Zombies... would rate myself average / medium player - usually play once a week with some friends with the odd [occasional / weird ?!] solo run here or there in between. Am looking forward to the opportunity to add my tuppence to some ongoing debates and to possibly produce some materials aimed at the non-expert. Would also welcome the chance to play with others from the forum for fun, education and progress - feel free to add Ulysses1975 on PSN if you want a chance to check out the n00b, help out or just to have a good laugh killing Zombies. Ulysses1975
Last reply by Ulysses1975, -
- 7 replies
i've been here for a month now and I can see myself slipping away from this site Usually after school I would run on here as soon as possible to see if anyone wants to play or to talk but that usually doesn't happen ..... I fear that before this year ends that I'll just be another inactive person taking up space on this site. I try to get to know new people but that doesn't seem to work for me So if I mysteriously disappear this would be my goodbye letter to this awesome site. But since I'm new and whatnot I don't think anyone would notice if I just left :?
Last reply by Wolfie, -
- 8 replies
uhh... Hi, I'm Douglas, and uh... well... I've only played Zombies from a few titles... World at War, Infinite Warfare, Black Ops 3, and Black Ops Zombies on android... so... I'm kinda a noob in terms of skill for zombies... oh and I play CoD Mobile zombies but REALLY wish they'd add another map soon... uh, anyways... I honestly play CoD games more for multiplayer... especially MW2... honestly any CoD with the FAL in it is a game I'll try to flock to.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 14 replies
I've been scouring these forums for a bit and I joined yesterday. Something I've noticed is that everyone on these forums is better than me so a few tips on anything would be useful. :)
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0,
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