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1,821 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
This is pretty late for me to be doing this, but I just realized this was I want to start off by saying I'm a very sarcastic person, as in I joke around A LOT. So, if I say something that offends you in some way, I don't mean it and just tell me if it bothered you. In school I somehow manage to be a nerd while having a lot of friends (dont ask me how) but at home I'm a gamer, who plays WAAAAAY to many zombie games, primarily Nazi Zombies. All I play are FPS and GoW. I absolutely despise MW2 but I cant stop playing it, because all I do in that game is kill boosters because they are the scum of the Earth. I like all music besides most Rap and Hip Hop, and s…
Last reply by fisher10190, -
- 4 replies
Hello I am new.
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 3 replies
Hi all! You may know me from the IWFs or The Power Forums and on the CODHQ I go by Yoda429. I finally broke down and joined here! Nice forum, I also have my own forum (link in sig). Hopefully I shall enjoy it here and cant wait for BO!
Last reply by Sigint, -
- 5 replies
hello, and welcome to the site. before you post though, you must know this about black ops. A black ops beta : there's no such thing at the moment, anyone saying they have, or are selling, or any relation to a beta, are lying. harry: its fake, get over it. zombies in black ops: nothing has been confirmed (aside from the maps int the special editions) were going to have to wait. thanks
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 5 replies
Hola every one im new to this site i have been reading posts and decided to sign up i am very interested in what goes on here lolsz , so hi! and hope im welcome here!
Last reply by Sigint, -
- 5 replies
Hi all im bird of pray from the original chat room.Ive been lurking on this forum for about a year until i decided to just hurry up and join.Well anyways thanks for having me here :D
Last reply by NoSurprize124, -
- 2 replies
hey guys, new to the site, not so new to zombies.......
Last reply by Niho, -
- 50 replies
Incoming transmission... Don't kn... how lo.. I can ... hol.. ut.. thei.. com... god hel.. u.. all. If conta.. fails... her.. le..... a pac.... here.... You..ube... Tw..ter I ho.. thi.. rea... yo.. in ti... Arhhh..... Yaaaaa.... (Gunshot)... The... her.. we got... mov... End of transmission. (Static)...........................
Last reply by AlphaSnake, -
- 2 replies
Hey everyone I recently just registered at CoDz I'm not afraid to say that im 14 years old so I'm young so yea... Well, that's what i have to say right now... :P
Last reply by Niho, -
The name is Sisneros, my Gamertag is Disturbed2k7. I play mostly fps games and Zelda. I got CoD: WaW when it came out and the map packs when they did, I get into the easter eggs alot that's why I love Treyarch's content. I've been on this site a while before gknova6 but never joined. I rarely post because when I do have something to say a like mind says it first.
Last reply by Niho, -
- 1 reply
Hello Everyone, my name is J sound familiar? now say that with Seananner's voice, lulz. I have been watching too many youtube videos lately(since the internet zombies blocked xbox forums but not youtube, go figure) and watched a few of his today. Now on to me, most people call me James or J for short, I am an avid gamer and a little lazy at times, which explains why I only now started frequenting this site. I have to give a round of props(you know, the one where you bump fists) to the guy that put this site together. Now on back to some more vids and maybe I'll get some work done today.
Last reply by lissa110, -
Im not really new here i have been on this site for 2 months now, decided to create an account today. This site is beast and i hope it never gets shut down thank you all for your hard work into this game and everything else you have done. JS4598
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 0 replies
hello all, my name is Group701, but my currently stolen gamertag is Gray Spartan. i have had every call of duty game sense the original except for 3. the highest i have ever gotten on call of duty world at war zombies goes as fallows NDU:35 Vurruct:21 Shi no Numa solo: 35, Damn dogs :evil: Shi no Numa Multiplayer: 29 ill tell later Der Reeza: 34, took us 5 hours, could have gone farther but i was host and had to go
Last reply by Group701, -
Sup guys names I_AM_3P1C. I play cod and ive been working on with this GKNova stuff for awhile now. So i hope to meet some new people on this site. I also go to several different other sites. I go to and i hope that maybe we can promote each others site. PvHax is a site about hacking and stuff with admin such as HSx9. I dont know the rules about this place so sorry. Anyway yea, im into hacking and conspiracy theories. I have found several hacks for MW2 like an accolade hack but i haven't realised it. I hope to get better with this comminuty. So please if i did something wrong im sorry dont hate. just a newb
Last reply by carbonfibah, -
- 0 replies
Hello everyone, I'm not the best at introductions but I figured I'd go ahead and give it a try. xD I'm Devon, in real life any way, but I generally go by Zadoc online. Zadoc-Zaraki is my psn username, so I figured I'd go ahead and use it like that for a website where I would meet other gamers. In real life I'm a senior in high school, and just recently began playing Call of Duty because of my friends. I found it to be awesome of course, especially the co op modes. I can't say that I'm great at the game, but I've gotten a lot better since my first time picking up the controller. I have some talent in photoshop, though I can't say I'm a proffesional, its somethin…
Last reply by Zadoc-Zaraki, -
- 3 replies
Hello! >Generic introduction speech. I'm HalfSwiss and I plan to start coming on this website. I'm a huge fan of Nazi Zombies. cya Also, I just read the forum rule of no advertising, does that mean I have to remove my sig? I'll do that if necessary, just please don't ban me for it.
Last reply by lissa110, -
- 2 replies
I have come across the site by a video from Project Black ops and all the packages all the clues leading to the supposed zombie "co-op" really got me into it so i wanna help out in any way possible! So, Hello people. =)
Last reply by lissa110, -
- 5 replies
Hey everybody! I've been playing Nazi zombies for a long while now on my 360, and I've been reading up everything there is to read on this forum. This has become incredibly intersting to me, and I'm really excited to start sharing ideas!
Last reply by Wunderwaffle DG-4, -
- 3 replies
sup guys im new to codzombies and interested on zombies and if some1 want to play here my ps3 on your invitation tel me that you are from codzombies i have all 3 map packs so we can play where u want 4 the moment ill not play im trying to level up on modern warfare 2 and bfbc2 but we can do it another day :P
Last reply by Sigint, -
- 3 replies
Well, I've come across this site a few months ago through Google, and came across it again while looking for some Black Ops updates... and I've decided to join, So Hi, everyone
Last reply by XbOx360PreDaToR, -
- 3 replies
hi lol, you all know me as ither WoLvEzxSwAggA or I SGT GENERAL I. i always want my names as my gamertag. Nd i had to change my GT so sorry for the confsion wil be the last time. I PROMISE!
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 3 replies
I actually came across the website by accident and figured why not. Ive been playing nazi zombies since it came out, and actually enjoyed the game so much on my XBOX that i decided to buy a second copy for my PS3. I have all the maps on both systems and play all of the time. Im 25 years old which probably makes me one of the older members on this site, but whatever, ive been a gamer for to long to let my age factor into whether or not i play. I am from Chicago, i noticed quite a few of you are from across the pond, thats cool, i play with plenty of Brits. I think thats it for now, if any of you want to know anything, feel free to ask, i am an open book. P.S. Almost…
Last reply by XbOx360PreDaToR, -
Well I finaly did it, after a year of comming here I finaly took 5mins to join, lol. Ive never talk to you but i feel like i know you guys. Iam glad to finaly be abord!
Last reply by XbOx360PreDaToR, -
- 3 replies
I always feel so stupid doing introductions anywhere but here goes: Okay so I'm That'sWhatSheSaid but people on other forums call me SheSaid. I've been following this site since GKNOVA6 discussions started really and I was here that exciting night carbon was at Treyarch, got the briefcase etc, but I don't know why I've only signed up now but anyways. As for World at War, I was not much of a gamer back then but I played and LOVED the zombie mode with friends so I'm desperately trying, like many of you, to discover about the latest zombie mode, if there is one. em, bye.
Last reply by XbOx360PreDaToR, -
- 3 replies
Hello people!
Last reply by XbOx360PreDaToR,
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