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1,821 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Hey all, glad to be here been playing zombies since waw. Decent team player here and always looking for players to play with. Currently stuck on playing revelations highest round 33 so far. I play on PlayStation gt ShAuN1856 if anyone is interested in on most days around mid day eastern time zone USA. Thanks and look forward to meeting some of you in game!!
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
by TheLazyKing- 5 replies
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 5 replies
Hey Im 64BitZombie. If you are friendly then we will have a great time together....... But if you are not then your are Cruisin For A Bruisin buddy. Your call.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 3 replies
Aye I play on Xbox and my gamer tag is bruddah pyro I need to get the Easter eggs done before doc 4 comes on the 6th
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 5 replies
Hey, there! My name is Pseudo and I am a new member of the community here. I have been a member of the r/CODZ community for a while and just never knew there was a forum that covers CoD: Zombies. A little bit about me: I have been playing zombies ever since I fell in love with it back in WaW. I got is as a gift from my parents and it was my first ever Call of Duty experience. Ever since Black Ops 1 I've followed the storyline tightly and I still do to this day. I play Black Ops 3 a lot daily and my two all time favourite maps are Origins and Der Eisendrache. I hope and believe this forum will be a great experience and I can't wait to get to know the community!
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 5 replies
Hello new to the spot and wanted to say hello, hello, hello. I will be doing custom zombies maps and BO1 zombies to world at war on my new channel I fresh just started. Subscribe to my channel for updates and zombie killing. Next video will be a high round challenge!
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 9 replies
Hello all, it's been awhile. Hope all is well. For those that do not know me, I was a regular back in the day, simply known as Jay. I recently picked up zombies again, and was quickly reminded why this game was so addicting, as well as toxic for the time it consumes. I wonder how many still play the classic BO1? I have been playing quite often and hope to see some of you for some semi serious games. Side note, can someone change my username to Jay or Mr. Jay or one of my old aliases besides this creep? Much appreciated. Thanks, hope to see you around. Side note 2: each time I sign in, I have to use…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 7 replies
Hello everyone, my name is Carlos, 16 yo, from Spain, Madrid. I have played COD since bo2. Now I mostly play on ps4, and i really enjoy everything zombie related. I have known this forum since i was lfg. Thanks and hope you enjoy my stay : )
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
So I want to preface this with a couple things. 1. I was once here, didnt post anything, sort of faded away from zombies for a bit, and when I came back I went to the reddit. 2. Yes, I was part of PTG at one point. It was for a month-ish. Their conduct disgusted me so I walked away from them, with fake information that landed me in a pile of crap with the Zombies community. 3. I'm drunk as I write this, and I was drunk when I blasted on reddit if you saw that post like an hour before I write this. Sorry bout that. Revelations got me all kinds of turnt. Now that's out of the way! I'm Syphon, I don't really like the gamepla…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 8 replies
Hello my name is Lorne AKA TranzlusiD115 (Xbox One) im a gamer since i was 4 playing atari up to the current gen of gaming consoles. been a CoD Zombies lover since World at War. nice to meet you all
Last reply by itsOH, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys m... nevermind! Hello everyone, I'm Chris... Been a fan since nacht and still completely obsessed with zombies, even though by my own admission I am absolutely terrible! I'm older than I'd like to admit, work fulltime so unfortunately don't get as much time to play as I'd like to! and my worst admission... I have never completed an easter egg (not counting flytrap on The Giant) I started playing a lot of custom maps on pc, then supped up my pc ready for BLOPS3 custom maps! I have black ops + season pass on PC, PS4 and Xbox one, my tag on all is CRZombie if anyone ever wants to play! I look forward to being part of the community, and…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys I'm a solo player on ps4 getting bored of playing solo. If you wanna play some black ops 3 zombies easter eggs on ps4 add me Vacator00. I still need to do Shadows of evil and Gorod Krovi before Revelations releases. and I don't mean to be rude but, I'm 22 and if you are 14 I will most likely not play with you.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 7 replies
And QUITE a while it has been, around 6 years since I've been around here. Was going through old things and remembered this place but forgot my password/email to my old account (KrazyCookies), so thought I would stop by to catch up and see how everyone's doing, and if anyone from the old days (2010-12) was still around.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, recently found this forum and I've been lurking so I decided to make an account. Add my Xbox account Markoh XL if you want to play some zombies anytime. : D
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 5 replies
I'll keep this short. Am at vacation now using a shitty 3G connection. I'm acesiezie and I have loved zombies ever since kino. I play bo3 zombies ans in lvl 1000 but I've stopped to farm dark matter. I hope this is a friendly community. I can't wait to meet all of u.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, my names Thor Im from the UK, I'm 19 and have been following everything zombies from Nacht. I used to research the storyline and come up with my own theories based on the evidence and I loved it. I have been roaming through this website and the reddit slently for a few years now and just popped up recentley as I had something to offer on the ciphers. I do youtube videos but most of them aren't zombie related and I am helping out wherever I can for the website.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 7 replies
Hello, CoDZ People! Some of you may know me, some may not. I'm going to take this opportunity to tell you guys about myself, so we can know eatch other! some personal stuf from my life, I live in the The Netherlands. My real name is Tolga, so you can also call me by that if you like or just call me Project. I'm a gamer, and for my income i dont have one, im still in school im trying to grow a youtube channel cuz i like to show people, what i do when i play games. thats my youtube. On The moment we have Der Eisendrache (DE) , Zetsubou No Shima(ZNS) and the ne…
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 7 replies
You might have seen me around already but introduction threads are always nice. So I guess I should give my zombies background. My first map was Ascension at a friend's house and I'm pretty sure we never hit round 15 and probably only saw half the map(I revisited it recently and hit 15 solo and did see the whole map, lol). I really just had one weekend with Ascension and then bought BO2 with the Season Pass. For whatever reason, I didn't really play Buried or Origins but I loved me some Tranzit and Nuketown. I think it was when I looked up how to play Tranzit that I came across my first EE obsession: Bus Route B. I feel like I've looked into that more than most and due to…
Last reply by oxin8, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, Maxxdamn here I'm so happy i found this forum, looking for some like minded people here ;p I'm such a zombie freak but my friends have pretty much given up on the game so i'm playing pretty much solo now all the time.. Hoping to find some guys here who wanna do some easter eggs with me or some high rounds.. I average about level 40-50 so if anyone is interested please add me on xbox as MaxxDamn. Grtzzz
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
Hi i'm new here, my friend showed me this website and I think is its totally Legend.... wait or it...... ary... LEGENDARY, I love Call of Duty and zombies to bits, If anyone wants a game on pc or ps4 Let me know :))))
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 7 replies
Hello everyone, I am royal. I have just came across this amazing website and I was really surprised that I had never seen it before, but never mind that lets crack on with my introduction. As I said above, I am known as Royal but my real name is Liam, feel free to call me whatever you like. I am 18 years only, soon turning 19 and I am a CODZ lover. Ever sine WAW when zombies was first introduced, I fell in love with the game mode and it where I spend most of my time gaming. Zombies is unique in its own way and has a story to it which makes it even more enjoyable. It's packed full of fun, zombie killing and also easter eggs which makes it that more exciting. I enjoy all of…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Hi guys, I'm the author of the new, work-in-progress Storybook section of the site. I've had an account here for a while but am just now becoming an active member of the community. I'm really glad to be here! Also big thanks to InfestLithium for inviting me to have my work on the site. I look forward to the future here!
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 9 replies
What is up, ladies and gentlemen? I've prowled this website for years. I was once extremely active on the site for a time until the dreaded BO2 era came and I hadn't returned since. But with BO3 has come a beautifully crafted story that has come a welcome surprise! I'm just introducing myself now to all these new users I've never seen before. I'll be posting a lot and contributing posts to a lot of the threads on this forum for the coming months. Love you all.
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 4 replies
Hello everyone, my name is Winter, 21 yr, from Portugal. I have played COD since cod4 released here, but lately i have only enjoyed the black ops ones. I used to play it very competitively ( MW2 / BO1 GB's). But i then stopped. Now I mostly play on pc ( have a ps4 but don't like to play to use my own internet), and i really enjoy everything zombie related. I have known this forum since the release of Moon on BO1, i remember coming here to see if anyone knew where to get the excavator to work. But i since rejoined because i heard of you again in the CodZ subreddit and then decided to join in and try to do stuff with you guys. Thanks and hope…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 4 replies
I feel kinda like Steven Hawking throwing a party for time travellers, but I'm gonna do this. Read more about the real life time traveller party at the bottom of the thread. Watching the list of active members lately, I've noticed a lot more folks I don't recognize from before, as well as some who have been recurring visitors, yet who I have never had the privilege of meeting. So I wanted to give a S/O to our lurking slayers from over the last 24 hours and encourage y'all to jump in a join the conversation! @jy71psn @Jmurad0880 @Jaguar 115 @Collinh01 @Bigqueso_05 @elitecore @DeltaZelfic @Dabchamps @king of L…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter,
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