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1,821 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
Hey everyone, you can call me deadshock. Ive been gaming ever since I picked up the old Mario 64 for perhaps one of the greatest consoles of all time the Nintendo 64. I picked up the CoD series at no. 4 due to lack of an xbox, and when WaW came out I stumbled upon the zombies game mode and pretty much fell in love. Eventually i started looking at the story behind zombies which led me to the old forum. I have an xbox 360 and am pretty much always up for a game of zombies. Well that pretty much everything about me thats not to personal so...
Last reply by YoungMaxwell, -
- 2 replies
My name is Kris and I am an AVID Ps3 zombie player and slayer alike. I can literally play for hours, and I rarely go down. My PSN is SoM_Pr0diGy (with a 0) and I really look forward to getting to know and play with some of you gamers alike! Add me!!
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 5 replies
what up CODz COMMUNITY!! My name is Kai and i live in the hot state of Arizona(has its good days), My PSN ID is Decrepidemic. I do not have a 360, but i love playing zombies and FPS's in general. I have been playing Nazi Zombies and following each map pack as its been released since the beginning. I still play many times a week and am looking forward to some good news about BLACK OPS zombies?? I follow Carbonfibah on Twitter and decided to register on here too. Are there any PS3 Zombie players out there? if so hit me up on the PSN or here. I have much reading up to do so i'll get to it! :arrow:
Last reply by dumbguy123, -
- 3 replies
Last reply by Tac, -
- 7 replies
Hey everybody, I'm Demon, or Evan. MYQ stands for Make You Quit. It isn't a gamebattles clan, just friends. I listen to metal. Mostly Children Of Bodom, Nightwish and Epica. I play Xbox 360 -Gamertag is DEMON xMYQx , and I also have a PS3. My PSN is COBHC_x_DEMON (I know, it's obnoxious, on the spot thinking here). I like to help out around CoDz. I will try to help with questions if you need them, especially when the mods are busy. I hope everyone enjoys the site as much as I do. Carbonfibah has done an amazing job. Seeya on the forum!
Last reply by YoungMaxwell, -
- 5 replies
Yes, it is me, the one and only MDstruction. Call me MD, Mass (as in Mass destruction) or just Edd. ;D Talk to me if you also like destruction and other stuff. And yes it's true...I'm awesome.
Last reply by MDstruction, -
Hello everyone, Diabolik SOVIET from Diabolik Gaming here. First thing's first this forum ID is in no way meant to be a advertisement, I am just simply addicted to the fun that is CoD Zombies. I have some interesting ideas and theories surrounding the Zombies universe and hope to make myself a useful member of the community here at
Last reply by Tac, -
- 7 replies
Hello all, I'm Matt, 18 years old and I'm Irish! I've been hooked on Nazi Zombies from the very beginning and I'm fascinated by the back story to it all.. Codes are another one of my reasons for loving the whole thing, and partly the reason I joined up again, after GKNOVA6 sparked my interest.. I hope to look into as much as this as possible, but I've exams coming up, which will limit my time online :/ Anyway, that's about it! Any questions? Is mise -Ted
Last reply by Matt_Teddy, -
- 2 replies
hurdur my name DidUknowiPwn or DUKIP or real name Michael/Mike whatever you prefer you can call me. I'm just a normal guy... normal... am I? I do modding in Call of Duty, primarily scripting can see my work in a few Zombies map and some upcomping as well I don't know just thoughy I just say hi. I just needed the 5 posts.
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
Hello fellow zombie slayers, I'm dinasur. I have been using this site since black ops 1 and I used to be a member. I'm back now and playing black ops 3 and I'm looking for teammates who love zombies as much as me. My gamer tag is Dinasur and I'm on Xbox one. I still have my 360 and I own all of the Treyarch versions of call of duty and have all the old map packs. Anyways it your ever looking for a teammate for high rounds, ee, or just general mayhap message me on here or Xbox and we can team up. I'm in the eastern time zone and usually get on after 5pm but I'll be on all day today.
Last reply by Lenne, -
Hey guys, My name is DJDerp I have had a couple accounts on here but was never active but on this one I hope to be very active.
Last reply by DJDerp, -
- 5 replies
I'm back! c: I'll try to spend more time on here. Sorry I forgot about you guys. :c Can you forgive me? By the way: Congrats Carbon for 9,000 members! See you guys later!
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys! I had made an account here years ago and thought I would return in anticipation for Black ops 3! I recently made a "Short film" version of the Exo Zombies cutscenes I think you may enjoy. I removed and added music and sfx and slapped it all together so you can get a cinematic look at the story. I also made the poster which I'll include a link for below. Whats the general feeling around here regarding exo zombies? I know some of the community ive talked to in the past arent big fans, but whats the general consensus with you all? Anyways, hope to get some new zombie buds on here to make some videos with! Feel free to add me up! Xbox One - MALS0L0 Steam - Mal_so…
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 1 reply
Hello I am lethaldiabeetus. I am a very random person, i dont take games to seriously i really just like to have fun and play with some friends and i am currently going to college to be a aerospace engineer. I'm a male, a friendly person, and i enjoy long walks in silent hi- i mean on the beach. Anyways i have been viewing this site for awhile and it seems really cool and i hope to get to know all or most of you very soon.
Last reply by m12, -
- 1 reply
Hello, my name is GR33NSurvivaland I am going to be running a Zombies Community Channel on YouTube, which anyone can upload on! Just comment or PM me if you want to help out as we need all the help we can get! REMOVED THis is the channel so be sure to check it out and Subscribe! REMOVED
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 9 replies
Hello. My name is Flatty and I'm a Zombieholic. What's up everyone? This is my first post. I'm a 3rd generation zombie player (started at Black Ops 2) who has been "infected" by this amazing game mode. I've been into FPS for a while now but never ventured into the Call of Duty series. That was until my younger brother bought me the game for my birthday this past spring and haven't looked back (unless its to play Black Ops 1 zombies ) By day, I work in an office but spend my slow/downtime researching strategies/theories/story line via YouTube and this forum. By nightfall, I warp all over the Earth, shredding zombies all the while trying to mend the Rift! I am very happy t…
Last reply by BriggzyJ97, -
- 0 replies
System: PS3, PSN: SolidWasp94, Round #: Nacht Der Untoten: 17(4), Verrückt: 31(?)(Glitched)(2p[?]), Shi No Numa: 115(Glitched)(2p), Der Riese: 33(4p, 2 left R20-25), Mic: Yes, but prefer not to use it (Kind of half-broken). If you add me just say you're from CoDz in the friend message. Looking forward to playing with some skilled people(at last lol). Good hunting!
Last reply by IceSpider10, -
- 3 replies
Twitch me @DreamteamzomB
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 4 replies
Hello CoD zombie fans i am new to this site and have just started on the forum and i am impressed. I have loved zombies since the release but made the mistake of trading in W@W! I traded it in for Battefield bad company 2 and have regretted it since. if Black Ops doesn't have zombies im buying W@W back. I enjoy gaming and consider myself a hardcore gamer. I have been following Gknova6 and the Group 935 hoax( i believed it for a minute) and would like to become active on the forums thanks,Dudens999
Last reply by dudens999, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone. The name is Duhstee and I ventured over here from PrestigeGamerz. Trying to figure out the gknova transmissions really brought me over here. Not a big zombies player. but I will play some CoD with whoever wants to. I noticed good ol Gosu is here, so there is one friendly face here.
Last reply by YoungMaxwell, -
I Go by E_Merge, been following this site and GKNOVA6 for awhile, finally decided to join. Ive been playing zombies since the first day WAW was released lol. its somewhat of an obsession. i own a PS3 and a Wii although i rarely touch the Wii. Hit me up if your down to kill some zombies. PS3 GT: E_MERGE
Last reply by E_merge, -
- 4 replies
No, not really, but my PSN is xxRICHTOFENxx, in case anyone was wondering. on with the intro: My name's Erich (everyone i know irl calls me Axel or Richtofreak though), I'm 26, i'm a diehard Zombie gamer/Zombie movie lover/Anime freak/ etc. and I develop my own music using FLS9 Producer Edition on the computer and with my piano/keyboard. not that any of this information truly matters, i'm just looking for people to kill some of those filthy maggot-infested walking rotbags in black ops or W@W with me. a Note, i DO host mods on W@W, but do not ask me to give out prestige or get you up on leaderboards, THAT, my friends, is CHEATING. when hosting, i always end…
Last reply by heillingalj, -
- 5 replies
He-e-e-e-llo there zombie fans and Treyarch citizens. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Illuminatti115. Not only am I a zombie map or character designer, but I am an author of the Chronicles that's coming soon. A little about me, I take everything about these posts seriously. I just roam around the forum and see amazing stories. No offense, they are fantastic, but they are not compared to The Anderson Chronicles or NAZI ZOMBIES IIII. Again, good stories. Anyway, I am a zombie player. Of course we all are, but my brother and I are having a little problem on the Moon. I love Juggernog, Quick Revive, Double Tap Rootbeer and Stammin Up. My favorite character …
Last reply by Illuminatti115, -
- 1 reply
Alright lads & lasses. New guy, hopefully will be able to find some good players and talk about some Zombies!
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 1 reply
GT: housed411 location: Los Angeles California likes: women,(not on xbl) zombies, computer tech,dirt bikes, and the history, science channel kinda shows dislikes: nova6 crawlers, L96 in the mystery box and when people complain about grammar that isnt that bad. I have been a forum lurker since about the release of the third map pack for w@w.
Last reply by m12,
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