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- 4 replies
Im still new here add I dont get most of the things here so if some one can help me that can be great
Last reply by Daveyjone, -
- 2 replies
Gereetings! My gamertag is Biohazard92 and I am an avid COD WaW zombies fan. Hit me up on the 360 or iPod touch if you want to play some time.
Last reply by carbonfibah, -
- 1 reply
hi im blueandproud (blue for short) im brittish i use ps3 but hopefully in the future ill have a computer my psn is blueandproud95 add me i mostly go on cod 5 (mp and nazi zombies) hopefully i can help with gknova regards Blue
Last reply by carbonfibah, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I'm JJButch, call me Jack or Butch, your choice I'm addicted to CoD, amazing games & zombies was genius! Looking forward to talking on the forums :D
Last reply by carbonfibah, -
- 1 reply
Hello members of the CoDz site. I would first like to say that i have been constanly following this beautiful site and most of the forum posts for quite sometime. (Especially the GKNova6 ones) Around the time it was created to be exact, but it didn't interest me much for awhile. A little before the GKNova6 transmissions and USB drives appeared was one I really started hitting this site. Now, I finally decided to make an account to post replies and topics. As for the introduction, my name is Isaac, I have a PS3 and play CoD games a lot. My PSN id is Rovot12. I recently sold World at War (February :/) for Heavy Rain and i deeply regret it because Modern Warfare 2 is just ri…
Last reply by carbonfibah, -
- 1 reply
I have been on this site for a little bit but i figured that i would introduce myself.My name is john and i am 26, I am known also as abn bleach (bleach for short) on this website.I am a dedicated person who hopes to make a name for myself by helping carbon crack the gk documents and be very active on the forums.I have been playing video games since nintendo came out and i have been hooked ever since.I started to like nazi zombies as soon as i beat the game and since then i have been hooked.I still to this day look for easter eggs on der reise (just in case we all might of missed something especially since they announced black ops).I have just about every game console sta…
Last reply by carbonfibah, -
- 2 replies
Hello fellow Call of Duty Zombie fans. The reason I came across this site is because of the fellows over at This is a great site and Im glad I found it. Its good to get all the updates on here. As far as me, I like gaming of course and love the nazi zombie mode on World at War. My wife and I play that mode quite a bit. The stroy line behind it is something that gets my gears going. I think its amazing that the mode was something Treyarch tacked on at the end and it became one of the most popular extra modes in a game ever. If you would like to check out the story I wrote for Cold War Zombies...They have Returned! Check out the Stories sectio…
Last reply by Adam1983, -
Hello, it's been forever since I have been to cod Zombies, some may remember me cause i've been here since about 2 weeks after the beginning, but I see a new site's here, don't know how long but oh well, all I can say I guess is, Black Ops better have an amazing zombie mode. Also can someone tell me why my sig's like that down there, what else do I have to do to make that the actual thing.
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 2 replies
hi guys, I'm thadutchguy, i'm mostly on the GKNOVA6 and black ops forums, and on chat I live in The Netherlands (yeah ha-ha cheese head, but i say yeah haha weed is legal ) I do not use drugs like this forum! cya guys around! :P
Last reply by thadutchguy, -
Hi everyone Its cool to find this site, Zombies is pretty much all i play, at least once a day. I do not believe in glitching, whats the point?? Favourite map is Die Reise Favourite weapon is pimped MG42 Highest level solo is 26 Highest level multiplayer is 34 Im really interested in news on anything new about zombies. I think im actually addicted to the game but aren't we all??? Feel free to add me on PS3 so we can melt some faces together THXRULES
Last reply by carbonfibah, -
- 0 replies
Hi again everyone, long time no talk. some of you may know me from the old site but if not as Jay-Z said "Allow me to reintroduce myself" my name is Jeremy Schmitt i have a ps3 psn: jeremyschmitt (original, i know lol) feel free to add me, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns send 'em my way, i don't bite i only blow zombie heads off :lol:
Last reply by jeremyschmitt, -
by JTRaines92- 0 replies
What's up people? I liked CoD5 more than any other CoD and I'm thinking CoD: BO is gonna be part two of that. I love sports and I'm very active on forums, mostly sports forums. I post on NGU, that's the only shooting game forum I post on. If I like this place I'll post a lot. Anyways, here I am.
Last reply by JTRaines92, -
- 1 reply
I just heard of that GKNOVA6 stuff... I am a little late but i believe that this isn't for zombies but for Black ops single player but maybe both so who knows, oh :shock: yeah Treyarch is messing with us just like the radio messages and the Der riese stuff in general,,and i love it !) I hope and can add more value to the epic news and chat that this site has made and hope it keep making it, I love COD, love Zombies, I guess i am in heaven! "WE SHALL RETURN!"
Last reply by YoungMaxwell, -
- 5 replies
My name is Trevor and I live in Georgia. I am a huge Call of Duty fan and have played all the games in the series. I was first introduced to this site when I learned of the gknova site on the call of duty wiki. I first heard of the site from listening to carbonfibah on the Bash and Slash Podcast. I am a huge FPS fan but have also gotten into the Assassin's Creed series as of late. I think those games really got me interested in the whole aspect of being linked into past events (through the Animus in Assassin's Creed). So when I learned of the gknova site and heard of the theory that hypnotism was might be a part of COD Black Ops to relive past events, I became very intrig…
Last reply by Major ZOMBlE, -
i know this is a bit late since i joined a few weeks ago but i felt like putting something out there so people know about me. ok, my name is liam and i am 14 (old enough to play violent games in AUS (just about). The reason i chose my username is because i thought that was were you put your last name so my username is johnson. :roll: i play tennis as a sport and pretty much my only other interests are playing the PS3. of course i have to do homework and all so i only get to play games around 8 hours a week i am not a dumb person and i am also neither a nerd. kinda smart but not freakishly smart [brains] as i mentioned above i live in Australia. in the s…
Last reply by Phantom, -
Hi, My name is Michael, and I am 16 years old. I am currently doing my GCSEs in school, and hope to work in the games industry in the future as a designer/writer. I am deciding whether to do a Computer based degree or an Engineering one at University, as both interest me. I enjoy reading, playing football and golf, and playing on my PS3. I am quite good at writing, and am currently working on a Fallout 3 based fan-fic, I might even post it here if I can. I am good with computers, helping most of my class out, and own a Late 2008 Aluminium Macbook. I joined this site from a link posted by carbonfibah on the Call of Duty forums in the topic abut GKNOVA. It looks …
Last reply by YoungMaxwell, -
- 3 replies
Hi. I`m Alexander. 30 years old and i live in germany. Bavaria. I´m Administrator from the german CoD community Your site is great. Many informations. Thats great for my members in germany. Best wishes
Last reply by Goetter, -
- 2 replies
Not that new but figured I would post an introduction, on the old forums my username/gamertag was Monster Warfare. So yeah, I am back. :)
Last reply by CakeInMaBeard, -
- 2 replies
i starting getting into this forum because this whole gknova6 thing(after a couple of days of just reading the threads) and actually really started to get into it... i think carbon and anyone involved is doing a really good job and deserve to get noticed for their work... just to let you know a little about me... i am a music artist out of Newark, NJ... i have my own studio and trying to get my ent. in order with enough hard work... i also have interest in the gaming community and would like to pursue that with the right timing and understandment... i will continue to be apart of the codZ community and will try to be an asset as much as i can... so hit me…
Last reply by dfinest1, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys,long time no see.I have seen a lot has change for the past(Months I guess) for example:New users,new web design,and of course Treyarch's introduction of Call Of Duty:Black Ops XD.We are all very excited for it.Ok enough chit-chat.For those of you who don't know me,remember me or hate me( XD )I'd be happy to introduce myself.My name is Gabriel,most of you know me for ''Coqui123'' but I decided to call me here Maximan(It looks cool lol).I'm Puerto Rican and I'm a fan of Treyarch's zombies and their work.Here is my explanation of not being here:Enjoy! My girlfriend and I broke up about 1 month ago and I was in deep depression.Thanks to my awesome friends I overp…
Last reply by Maximan, -
- 1 reply
well i joined the new codz sight when it first came out but this is really the first time ive been on here.Also i went on the old sight for about a month and a half be for the new codz sight came out, so i would like to announce my coming back to the forum just wanted to let everyone know im back, have a nice day .
Last reply by Ibanez, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by Whetstone, -
- 0 replies
Hey every, I'm Mr. A. I play Nazi Zombies on PC, and since the server browser only ever shows about 5 servers, I need people to play with. I'm a moderator on, but there aren't as many users there as there are here. My xfire and steam are both "sirozog" is you want to add me. :D
Last reply by Mr. A, -
Been a member for a week or so now but thought I'd formally introduce myself. I am the forum admin over at another COD site: I Play COD (didn't put a link, didn't want to look like I was spamming). Brought here due to the overwhelming community interaction on the GKNOVA6 site and got tired of not being part of the process to breaking their codes so I signed up to help. look forward to sticking around!
Last reply by Gosu71, -
- 2 replies
NukaColaClear is here, he has a Shotgun, and a Zombie has no head! Hello everyone !!!
Last reply by Niho,
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