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1,821 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
Hey guys! Got into this reading the analysis of, just as I'm sure a ton more people will be doing as well! Loving it so far.
Last reply by gordogg24p, -
- 3 replies
...Hello! I am Yoda! This forum seems very lively! That's all!
Last reply by YoungMaxwell, -
JTG aka n00b
by jtg- 1 reply
evenin everybody im JT your newest member (so far) hopefully i wont be too much trouble and i hope you all enjoy my contribution to the forums.
Last reply by YoungMaxwell, -
- 1 reply
hello everyone, i'm Shoreyo, i am a South African living in Britain and i am very up to date on the following: -anything nuclear/ to do with energy: I know that people think that the CoD: BO will be set in the cold war era and i already have helped on youTube to decipher the GXNova diagrams shown on the TV -World War 2: anything historical about it, especially to do with the Nazis -having fun on CoD if you think that my (strange) skills can be put to use to help you here in anyway then message me please. oh and i also speak a bit of German too.
Last reply by lissa110, -
- 1 reply
Hi guys, MORITE OGGI here, also a community moderator at IW like FOXHOUND and co. Nice place here, i see many names i recognise too. Look forward to chatting with y'all. :-) my twitter -
Last reply by Homicidal_llama2, -
- 1 reply
Hey All! My name is timlinson, I mostly play 360 but do play PC too. I'm a wiz with computers, troubleshooting and programming is fun to do. I provide support on the forums and IW for those who need it. I Haven't played zombies since MW2 came out but I'm ready to get back into the action! I was awesome at zombies and had some of the best stratigies. I used to be on the old CODZ forums as Elarinth and ran my own cod website.
Last reply by Ibanez, -
I don't think all that many people will remember me, but I'm Ghost. I wrote the Beauty of Annihilation story, and I'm the founder of Zombie League Gaming. Just stopping by, I'm thinking about becoming active here because this website is a whole lot better than the old CoDZ. And yes, I'm continuing Beauty of Annihilation. Cheers, Ghost
Last reply by firevice, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone. The name is Duhstee and I ventured over here from PrestigeGamerz. Trying to figure out the gknova transmissions really brought me over here. Not a big zombies player. but I will play some CoD with whoever wants to. I noticed good ol Gosu is here, so there is one friendly face here.
Last reply by YoungMaxwell, -
- 4 replies
Just stopping in to say hello again (I suck at introductions lol) Anyways the new site looks great :3
Last reply by firevice, -
- 4 replies
I guess I can intro myself on the new site. Uh, obviously I'm a CoD fan. Been a member here since June 09 (I think?) after hearing about carbon, matt, cannon and chefs goin to the first f2p. Ended up becoming a moderator here due to my awesome forum skills (and Photoshop work.......and bribery ) and have had a great time ever since. Love the gaming community (for the most part) and look forward to being here for quite awhile. I'm also an admin with carbon and matt on WePlayCoD. Im on the 360 side (gt: MINUS Stl) and you'll usually find me playing Rock Band 2 or Fallout 3 if I'm not playing CoD. Outside of gaming, I'm a big Android OS fan. Yeah, I'm a geek.…
Last reply by MINUS Stl, -
- 4 replies
hi Im new here so I thought i'd introduce myself My name is Sam My Gamertag is ii Am The LaW im from the uk ive been following the forum for a while since this Gknova6 stuff started. i find it quite intresting also if you do add me, you may notice my increadbly high der reise score, well, a few days ago i felt like exploring so i modded it :oops: i didnt mod for the score just the exploration and i killed my self cus i got stuck and my score got saved sorry about that.
Last reply by firevice, -
- 8 replies
Hi to everyone from old CoDz and to the new guys. :D
Last reply by firevice, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys many of you know me from the original CoD:Z website. I come on this website mainly just to talk to everybody i know and to meet new people. I own an xbox 360 and i occasionally play CoD4 on the PC. I love meeting new people and you can send me an Xbox FR anytime my GT is TrimPage. Also, could someone please send me a PM of the story line updates since der riese since i havent checked the site since then I would appreciate that. So thanks for reading and ill see you guys around. also watch this video its hilarious.
Last reply by firevice, -
Thought I'd introduce myself. My nick/gamertag etc is Ermac29. My real name is Eric. Before people start asking yes it's from Mortal Kombat the ninja Ermac. Also is similar to my real name. Anyway I am a 30 yr old gamer from London, Ont., Canada. I've enjoyed gaming since playing Nintendo (showing my age :shock: ). I am always found on 360. My gamertag for 360 is also Ermac29. I don't own a PS3 yet one day I will. I really enjoy the COD series. I own COD2-6. My favourite has to be COD5 hands down. MP is great to learn new skills. But I have never enjoyed Zombies so much than any other game I've played. My sister-in-law and I play Zombies every night/day. I enjoy meeting …
Last reply by firevice, -
- 3 replies
Sup guys. My name is Juice503. I've belonged to the original CODZ site since the day it went up. I play BFBC2, Nazi Zombies, and sometimes MW2. If you ever wanna play, you can add me. My PSN is Juice503. I'm on quite a bit, so You should almost always be able to join a game. As for Zombies, my highest rounds are: NDU- 27 VER- 70 SNN-76 DR- 72 I'm usually good at lasting until the higher rounds, but I'm also pretty good at reviving people too. I average 14-18 revives a game, so you usually survive. Other than that, Nice to meet you all....again! Edit: Forgot to mention you can follow me on Facebook. Name: Josh Moscatello
Last reply by firevice, -
- 7 replies
Yo, Foxy from the iDub forums.
Last reply by MORITE OGGI, -
- 7 replies
Hello all, I'm Matt, 18 years old and I'm Irish! I've been hooked on Nazi Zombies from the very beginning and I'm fascinated by the back story to it all.. Codes are another one of my reasons for loving the whole thing, and partly the reason I joined up again, after GKNOVA6 sparked my interest.. I hope to look into as much as this as possible, but I've exams coming up, which will limit my time online :/ Anyway, that's about it! Any questions? Is mise -Ted
Last reply by Matt_Teddy, -
by Guest patastinky- 7 replies
So I go away on vacation and come back to a new SITE. Snap!!1!.. Anyone down for a good ol' game of zombies. I want to capture a 4way and upload it to my channel. Or the CODz channel if Carbonfibah would be so kind :)
Hello All, It's me, strwrsbob. I figured it was time to do an intro I love in bear, DE an area about 1 Hr. from Philadelphia. I've been playing games ever since I won a gamecube from a bowling club. I found this site after reading carbon's post on aggregame, and I instantly fell in love with the storyline. I follow Carbon on twitter, and soon found out this site. I'm also one of those people who kept communicating with lawtondannyboy after he was banned . I'm the PS3 Ambassador here, So I help out with playdates. Great to be here, and that's a little about me!
Last reply by firevice, -
- 6 replies
Howdy! Shenanigan, aka Aw Fractured oL on 360. Ready to kick some freakbags back to hell!
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
- 6 replies
Hi. I'm Julez. Annnnd.. I've returned! ;D
Last reply by firevice, -
- 3 replies
I'm Walrus and I like WaW. 8-) My names James & I'm 17 from the UK. My gamertag is the same as my account name, and I look forward to seeing you all in a few months time on Cod 7. :geek:
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
- 6 replies
Well I guess I am the only one yet to post here. My name is Melissa or Lissa. As many of you know I am a moderator for this great site. I had written a really long essay to get this title. I love zombies. I have a 6 yr old son and a husband. We all play on our xbox GT- chillredrum3420. Look us up were almost always on, playing something. If you have any questions or need any help on the site just pm me.
Last reply by InDarkness, -
- 5 replies
Snake here.. im a filipino base in the philippines and im new in this site but i played codwaw since the game came out.. still waiting for the next cod zombies.. i love to play zombie and i should say im a pro zombie killer. for the record.. Nacht Der Untoten: 29 rounds 4 players Verruckt: 37 rounds 4 players Shi No Numa: 22 rounds 4 players Der Riese: 39 rounds 4 players Note: NO GLITCH! By the way, this is a nice site. thanks
Last reply by snake_cerealkiller, -
Hello! I'm cbranger. I am a member of many of the Call of Duty forums you know of, including; Prestige Gamerz, WePlayCod, CoDHQ, We The Gamerz, Aggregame, Xbox Forums, Abstract 360, and probably a few more. I started playing Call of Duty when World at War came out. I actually got it for the Nintendo Wii first. I then had the opportunity to purchase a PS3 and I did so. I played WaW on there and I've been an addict ever since. I became active on the HQ first and then started to make friends with the other PS3 players on the forum (Gravedancer, BigB, Gosu, Moniko). I have been talking and getting to know many 360 users via Aggregame and this website. Then one dr…
Last reply by cbranger,
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