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- 6 replies
Howdy! Shenanigan, aka Aw Fractured oL on 360. Ready to kick some freakbags back to hell!
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
- 7 replies
Hey everyone, you can call me deadshock. Ive been gaming ever since I picked up the old Mario 64 for perhaps one of the greatest consoles of all time the Nintendo 64. I picked up the CoD series at no. 4 due to lack of an xbox, and when WaW came out I stumbled upon the zombies game mode and pretty much fell in love. Eventually i started looking at the story behind zombies which led me to the old forum. I have an xbox 360 and am pretty much always up for a game of zombies. Well that pretty much everything about me thats not to personal so...
Last reply by YoungMaxwell, -
- 6 replies
Hi. I'm Julez. Annnnd.. I've returned! ;D
Last reply by firevice, -
- 5 replies
Snake here.. im a filipino base in the philippines and im new in this site but i played codwaw since the game came out.. still waiting for the next cod zombies.. i love to play zombie and i should say im a pro zombie killer. for the record.. Nacht Der Untoten: 29 rounds 4 players Verruckt: 37 rounds 4 players Shi No Numa: 22 rounds 4 players Der Riese: 39 rounds 4 players Note: NO GLITCH! By the way, this is a nice site. thanks
Last reply by snake_cerealkiller, -
- 5 replies
What's up guuuuuys? My name is Ryan, but I am known by most of my friends as my gamertag ZombieHunterVII. You can call me by my gamertag, by my name, Ryan, or by my nickname. Jeskimo. I was all about Zombies some time ago but now I am more into other things unfortunately. My comeback to Zombies is going to be initiated. Soon. You can probably find me on one of the following games. -Saints Row 2 -Bioshock 1 or 2 -Ninja Gaiden 2 -Call of Duty: WaW I am really.. REALLY against modding, glitching and the whatnot. You can contact me on Xbox, but I'll probably be talking with the following gamertags ( Mostly friends from school ) -NIGHT SHADE 47 -skatuhbo…
Last reply by ZombieHunterVII, -
Hello! I'm cbranger. I am a member of many of the Call of Duty forums you know of, including; Prestige Gamerz, WePlayCod, CoDHQ, We The Gamerz, Aggregame, Xbox Forums, Abstract 360, and probably a few more. I started playing Call of Duty when World at War came out. I actually got it for the Nintendo Wii first. I then had the opportunity to purchase a PS3 and I did so. I played WaW on there and I've been an addict ever since. I became active on the HQ first and then started to make friends with the other PS3 players on the forum (Gravedancer, BigB, Gosu, Moniko). I have been talking and getting to know many 360 users via Aggregame and this website. Then one dr…
Last reply by cbranger, -
- 7 replies
Hi my name is iiPURExBEASTii Man this site is well better than the last one. Add me on xbox live my gamertag is the same as my name i like first person shooter games games and gta games
Last reply by firevice, -
- 2 replies
Hellooooo, Any COD:Z members from the previous board will know who I am because I posted there alot. Been a big fan of zombies since it first came out and still play all the maps to this day with as much enthusiasm as when I first got them. I don't tend to play online that much because I play alot of split screen with my best friend but PS3 users add me; Homicidal_llama2 Some of my posts can be opinionated but don't hold that against me because I try my best to make every post I write count. Hope to see you on the boards! Matt (Homicidal_llama2)
Last reply by firevice, -
- 4 replies
As most of you already know I am your moderator here at CoDz :] I've been a mod for about 6 months now and I am really happy that I got this position here. So..let's talk about me for a sec.. I am 17 and I live in Leander, Texas home of the Cowboys..haha, I am a real nice guy and really funny whenever I'm on live Covert can vouch for that too. I am currently about to graduate out of high school this June, being the class of 2010! Go me..haha. My hobbies are playing video games,talking, helping out others, and programming. I want to like become a computer programmer or just have a small thing of photography when I get older. The classes I've taken hopef…
Last reply by Niho, -
Hi everyone! I'm a mod and frequent poster over on WePlayCoD. Saw Carbon's post and figured I would drop in and say heyyyyy. I'm a proud member of Gamerchix and I love anything and everything COD!! I'm an English Major concentrating in Professional writing. I love to write and have my own gamer blog that I have recently expanded to include a few more gamerchix writers. soo check it out
Last reply by firevice, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone. Im sure you know me from the old forum. However, if you dont I will introduce myself again. I am one of the moderators here, the second youngest next to firevice . I stumbled upon Cod:Z a while back last year. It all started when I was following JD 2020 on twitter and he said something about the people that were going to the First to Play event and their twitter names. One of them happened to be our own carbonfibah. I then followed them, and carbon announced that he was creating a site to discuss the storyline to the zombie mode. At this time I also was reading through the posts over at the xbox forums discussing findings of the zombie backstory and …
Last reply by firevice, -
- 3 replies
Hey nice site you got up here Carbon, unfortunately I wasn't a part of the old CODz site but since recently re-purchasing WaW, I decided to join in on the fun, and of course support as well. Keep up the good work... 8-)
Last reply by firevice, -
- 4 replies
hello everyone ;D I'm Snowy. I'm 15 i live in LA California(its pretty fun here if u hang with the right crowds...) and I like different kinds of music, talking(about anything ) reading, and gaming. I have a PS3 . My PSN Snowyman13(im lvl 9 right now competeing with my friends to lvl 13 on psn overall).i have quite a few games just ask me which ones. I'll be posting on here so you'll see me around. I'm also gonna be on codz forums just look for snowyman13. p.s. im in my sophmore year and taking art classes and preparing for college(i might start drawing art for mw2 forums and codz but all i have is charcol and paper none of that fancy tablet computer stuff)
Last reply by firevice, -
- 2 replies
Name's Kevin AKA Eyes, Junior in High School in Illinois, 17, started the COD series when COD2 came out and multiplayer started in COD4, before that it was Halo 3 and even I got a little tired of it. Enjoy reading the forums here ( or well, back at the old site ) Gamertag: Eyesof Rinnegan ( Message me because i have a full freinds list ) Twitter: Youtube: Justin TV ( LIVE streaming of me gaming ): Hobbies: Draw, COD, RTS gaming, Melbourne Shuffle, Architectural Drafting, read interesting articles in anything science re…
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
- 3 replies
Why hello, I didn't notice you there. Let me tell you a little about myself... My name is Nick and I am a 15 year old gamer from Colorado. I like long walks on the beach and talking about my feelings. Anyway, I'm a huge Call of Duty enthusiast and enjoy playing mah xbawks 360. As you can tell by my color, I am one of carbonfibah's 9 moderators here on this site (Actually the youngest to be precise). You can call me firevice, fire, vice, fv, or "the MLG Tryhard." You may NOT call me a BK, noob, or any demeaning name mkay Feel free to contact me on the site through the Private Message feature if you have any questions. My gamertag is "firevice" and my Fri…
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
- 2 replies
Hi my name is Welshboy Taffy (Alun) or Taffy for short some of you my remember me from the old CODz forum or other various site around I'm a COD fanatic love playing the game and loved the Zombie game in cod 5 with the side game of WaW lol and before you ask yes I'm with everyone else and hoping they will bring out a game just about the cod zombie's. Well that's enough talking for now speak to you all later.
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
- 4 replies
Hello everyone, my name is Danny. I am 13 years old, and I like zombies. I am waiting until CoD7 comes out, there has been rumors of zombies on it, but we'll have to see it. I have a twitter account, and a XBL account. lawtondannyboy1. The site looks good.
Last reply by YoungMaxwell, -
- 3 replies
Hey, wat up guys. Im 16 years old from Chicago, Illinois. Although I do suck at it (at times), CoD is a big part of my life and I really do enjoy playing zombies. If you want you can hit me up on XBOX Live: MRSshr00ms or Twitter: MRSshr00ms. Some of my personal hobbies are, baseball, computers and videos. You guys probably know me from the old forum but, hey, might as well put a formal intro on the new forum. So ya.. Enough SAID!!
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
- 3 replies
Well i am a 13 year old boy who loves Zombies and every thing about it. I mostly play Xbox or am hanging out with my freinds or on the computer. Also i can't wait for the next cod
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I'm Sheldon. I'm a big fan of the old site even though I never became a member and this site just blows my mind!. So much info to read and were its so interisting I cant stop reading!. 10/10 in my book! Now a little about myself. I'm a WWII freak! By that i mean i know alot about it and love readying history about it. My fav. hobbey . But I also am on a hockey and basket ball team, and I am planing on Joining the Canadian Army this summer. I almost forgot to say that i'm 16!. Well that's all I gotta say!
Last reply by PfcVerge, -
- 4 replies
Umm... I'm Paul, and I'm a student from Northern Ireland. I enjoy the Call of Duty series, and the Zombie mode intrigues me. I feel there is a story and due to the fact I love conspiracies, the Zombies are perfect for me. I'm 14 years old, and have been gaming for most of my life. I love first person shooters (not amazing at them though), and I love playing racing games as well. I like cars, history, and computers. Oh, and I love forums. I know a few of you from Twitter and other such sites, and I hope to get to know everyone here better as well. You might see me around under the other usernames I go by: normally YeOldeSierra (Infinity Ward forums, and Call of …
Last reply by MRSshr00ms,
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