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1,821 topics in this forum
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Not so new here, actually I'm NoSurprize but anyway... A new account, mostly because my old username didn't have the personal charm it once had and for some other reasons. Anyway, just wanted to post it somewhere in case someone recognized the avatar, stats, and PSN. I'll delete the old account if I can.
Last reply by Vallkure, -
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hi everyone. i feel i must begin by saying that i am new to forums in general and have made a few mistakes along the way. i bumped a few really old threads and swore a bit, to be precise, for which i must apologise to the community, i should have read the rules first. sorry guys :oops: (i got told off a bit for that, oops). now that is out of the way i i'd like to start afresh if you'll allow me. my name is addam i am 33 from yeovil, england and i live alone with my dog. last year at friends i played waw for the first time, it was my first real go at a fps and i couldn't really get into it. all i wanted to play then was driving games. then i tried zom…
Last reply by Major ZOMBlE, -
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Hi everyone, my name is Charles but on the PSN I am a zombie killing machine known as TheLoneCHARLES. Like all of you, I am here because I love to play zombies with a passion and I'm always looking for great new matches. I hope to see you all soon, and hopefully in a match on Black Ops or World At War!!
Last reply by TheLoneCHARLES, -
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Hey everyone. I'v been lurking for a few months maybe, decided to join. I can't post TOO much on story continuation and theories etc.... But I can try . I do have a question though, where is Ascension in terms of timeline? Because a few days ago, I was playing on the map as Richtofen, and when I got the Gersch out of the box, he said, "This future stuff is very interesting." Anyone notice that? EDIT: Found a video, skip to 14:03;
Last reply by SGUber, -
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Whatsup you Zombie Slayers it has been fun to slay the undead together eventhough we never met . . i know there are people who kill zombies every day i want to commend you for keeping the blood flowing. Speaking for myself i can not live without a day not shooting the Undead so if you want to team up and make them ******* bleed please join my cause. I concider myself to be one of the best zombie slayers around on every scene possible . . Kino , five , ascension , call of the dead or shangri-la it all doesnt matter. my best round without glitching is 45 on kino , 36 on five , 45 on ascension, 39 on call of the dead and 27 on shangri-la wich i havnt been playing f…
Last reply by MarthenMania NL, -
by aTTriTTion- 0 replies
gamertag is aTTriTTion I just found this site today, I like playing WaW and Black ops zombies. Looking to find some good players who don't leave when they bleed out. I can't remember all my scores so I'll have to post them later. I will say I'm better than most randoms I play with. I like straight up playing, no glitches! If anyone is interested in playing just add "aTTriTTion" and put in the subject or message that you are from this site.
Last reply by aTTriTTion, -
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As of 4:00am ET Sunday morning, I'll be going on a two day road trip, so I won't be back for three days starting tonight. I just wanted to say a temporary goodbye for now. I know it's only three days but it can seem like a long time, so see you all Tuesday. Per Audacia Ad Astra
Last reply by NukaColaClear, -
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I've been lurking around fairly regularly for the past three months or so. Decided I should probably stop being a complete vagina and post. A few things about me: I've been on earth 28 years or so. My favorite color is purple. I am a classic case for INTP. I have a tendency to be sarcastic sometimes. Okay, a lot of times. I love Subway's Sweet Onion sauce. I am an unwavering and unapologetic agnostic. My biggest pet peeve is lying and parents who cannot control their bratty ass crumbsnatchers. Oh yeah, I usually cannot handle being around children for longer than an hour. After that I get kinda stabby. I love animals more than most humans.
Last reply by de6schmutz, -
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Yea so i just wanted to let everyone know i am back. This time with more knowledge on decoding. If it is needed.
Last reply by ZombieNationZ, -
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Hey all! I am new to this site but not new to Zoms! I have been working on and piecing together a strategy guide for quite a few weeks now and would like some new XBL friends to share it with and get input on (all existing maps including WaW). Also looking for gamers who enjoy hunting down the easter eggs, I have the info on the who, what why and where just need peeps to complete it with. XBL only, gamertag KoNaNcho Mesa, AZ
Last reply by KoNaNcho, -
New here this forum looks cool!
Last reply by qAstro, -
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Hello codz, i've been na avid reader of codz now fo ra few months and i finally decided to create an account i have a ps3 but no black ops since it crashed my last ps3 and i had to buy s new one so yea, i hope to become great friends with people and learn new things about zombies with all of you :D
Last reply by JuicyGrapes, -
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Hey, mates! First of all this is the best Zombie website to be found! I am very happy to have found a website with other avid zombie slayers. I posted a guide on playing your ps3 in a hotel under Console discussion and sub forum ps3. Check it out and tell me what ya think.
Last reply by Captain Luke, -
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Alright fellow Codz users, I have been out of the loop for quite a while since I haven't visited the site in a very long time, say, eight months almost. I just thought I'd let you guys know that the suggestions and ideas for the possible new Zombies mode are great, fantastic, and wunderbar! I'm officially back and can't wait to read all the awesome ideas. Keep up the good work, and I'll be sure to contribute as much as I can!
Last reply by Wunderwaffle DG-4, -
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hey my name is billy and i am a serious zombie gamer theres nothing i enjoy more then shooting mustang and sally and watch the dead bodys show through the smoke plz check out my links for zombie campaign and my question on cosmic silverback..... zombie campaign: viewtopic.php?f=53&t=22356 cosmic silverback question: viewtopic.php?f=56&t=22208
Last reply by bloodrip, -
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What's up everyone! New to this forum Name is Jordan, and I play xbox, love killing zombies, but outside of gaming love to go skateboarding, but unfortunately I have to do loads of uni work every day . I also have a youtube channel which is fairly new but growing which is cool, would love to see it grow quicker though so please spend a second of your time to check it out! The link is Anyway really hope you check out the channel, and enjoy. If you want to add me up on xbox and play some zombies then my gamertag is jordansk8 Thanks!! - doing a Tranzit series at the mo! :)
Last reply by jlarochegames, -
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5.Map of china for purchase Beijing Less Well Known Tourist China tours AttractionsWhen you "#EFW703"visit Beijing as a tourist, the capital city of China, you will inevitably be taken sightseeing by your tour guides to view monumental and historical attractions like The Great Wall of China, The Forbidden City and The Ming Tombs amongst many others.However, more and more of the residents of Beijing are saying that there are many less well known tourist attractions that you must visit and these lesser China travel known places, on their own accord also have many charms and delights for tourists. For example, Cui Jian, a famous Chinese rock star who performed on …
Last reply by mona2013, -
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Hey guys is my old account banned or blocked how can i check? My old account name was CoDzOmBIeZ. Thank you :)
Last reply by Ak47, -
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Hey I'm new to this site but have been reading some of the discussions on here so I thought seems like something I should be apart of. My names james I have been a fan of nazi zombies ever since I heard about it back when it was first released and yea that's basically me I live in the UK if that's of any interest and hit me up on xbox my gt is ZzFLEXZAPDOSzZ but tell me that you are from this site
Last reply by ZzFLEX ZAPDOSzZ, -
- 0 replies
- 566 views Check it out doug
Last reply by Apophis2112, -
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wats up guys. iv been browsing this forum sence bo1. im a huge fan of this site and of the zombies storyline. im realy big on making theories and putting together the pieces of the zombies back story. now that i finally made an account i will be posting some theories of mine and look forward to becoming a part of this amazing community.
Last reply by atebyazombie,
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