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1,821 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Sup, i play zombies and lots of multiplayer. PSN is flubstah
Last reply by Flubstah, -
- 1 reply
Looking for people to black ops 3 zombie with and have a mic wanting to do easter eggs and have fun message xNJAZx PARADOX for a spot or info
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 3 replies
Have them all the time! Love it.
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 2 replies
I was introduced to this forum by happenstance however I'm a zombie fan I might play zombies on black ops. and any other cod title that has zombies mode zombiejuice89 is my name and I love cod zombies I hope I never become one though.
Last reply by Bình Hà Thanh, -
- 9 replies
Whats up CODZ fans? I've been looking at this site for whilst with no interaction and thought Id better finally sign up!! Looking forward to getting involved in some discussions and some of these comps and tourneys that are around, but more importantly cant wait for the new Black Ops 2 . On my third PS3..... :roll: But I love it..
Last reply by Bone_Cold_Westy, -
- 1 reply
Sup everyone? Im new to this website but im not new to zombies (obviously) I am on xbox live (zombieman9) I've killed before though. he had it coming. He tried to bite me and hit and eat me. If you havent figured out the person im talking about is a zombie in Black Ops then i will tell you now so you dont fear me. ADD ME!
Last reply by SaLaD_FiNgErS_HD, -
- 4 replies
Hello everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Bashar. I bought World at War only for the zombies mode. The campaign was incredible however. I bought Black Ops only for the zombies mode. I will not be buying Modern Warfare 3 for obvious reasons. I'm pretty happy to be part of this forum since it will enhancing my zombies experience. I also have a few questions, any answer would be greatly appreciated. 1) I read about the level classification. Giving you a character name based on how far you've gone in zombies. I was wondering if it mattered if it was Solo or Co-op. Also if a picture of the game over screen would be enough. Thanks and keep popping zomb…
Last reply by Kennether, -
- 7 replies
Hey how is it going? Thanks for taking the time to check out my introduction, my name is Nic and I am a huge Call of Duty Zombie fanatic! I've already preordered BlkOpsII and am super fucking stoked. I'm a pretty decent player so if you want to play a good game of zombies on PS3 my PSN is itsnicyo just drop me a friend request or PM your PSN ID and we'll get shit craken
Last reply by Mr. Touchstuff, -
- 3 replies
Hi all loving the zombies and looking for people to play with. I'm in Britain so mainly looking for uk players due to the timezone. Console: Xbox Gamertag: KrlBarker playing sometimes mid day 1pm-4pm but mainly 10pm onwards till my eyes feel like they are burning out
Last reply by KrlBarker, -
- 4 replies
Hey Guys! Im a HUGE COD zombies fan, if you love killin zombies on black ops you should add me on xbox live : Cfish0031 I am currently working to get all achievments and I am only a few away. (Moon stone is one I need) Hit me up guys! Thanks!
Last reply by Undead Nightmare, -
- 2 replies
Hey. Im Skeith. Im starting a weekend zombie team. we stay up all night i already have one other person. im looking for 1 or 2 more members. must have mic. thanks
Last reply by m12, -
- 2 replies
Hey all, I am Zombie_Slayer_115, also known as MintyDestroyer or just Minty if you prefer . I am one of those guys who rathers gaming with friends or even alone to things like sport. I mainly play Cod Zombies and Cod Multiplayer. My highest round as of now is 45 on Shangri-La which only took the whole of 6 hours solo . Anyway see you guys.
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 5 replies
What's up guuuuuys? My name is Ryan, but I am known by most of my friends as my gamertag ZombieHunterVII. You can call me by my gamertag, by my name, Ryan, or by my nickname. Jeskimo. I was all about Zombies some time ago but now I am more into other things unfortunately. My comeback to Zombies is going to be initiated. Soon. You can probably find me on one of the following games. -Saints Row 2 -Bioshock 1 or 2 -Ninja Gaiden 2 -Call of Duty: WaW I am really.. REALLY against modding, glitching and the whatnot. You can contact me on Xbox, but I'll probably be talking with the following gamertags ( Mostly friends from school ) -NIGHT SHADE 47 -skatuhbo…
Last reply by ZombieHunterVII, -
- 7 replies
Sup folks, my wife and I play Zombies faithfully and have been looking for the right people to play with. My name here is the same on the PS3 network, if anyone is ever up for a serious game hit me up. Just be sure to mention this website in your friend request or I may not add you. ** A little more about us: We're a young married couple living on the East coast(USA). I'm an account manager for the security detail at the new Brooklyn Nets stadium downtown Brooklyn, and my wife is a teacher with the Board of Education. We're thrill diving, rock climbing, camping, water name it, we've done it. But on another note, Zombies is what we …
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 3 replies
Hey, I'm Luckasaurus, I just recently made a forum account! I play Xbox, my favorite zombies maps are Call of the Dead, Shangri La, Moon, Nuketown Zombies and Die Rise. My favorite black ops 1 zombie character would probably be Sarah Michelle Geller and favorite black ops 2 zombie character either has to be Russman or Stuhlinger. My all time favorite thing to do in zombies are Easter Eggs, and I've done em all from Fly Trap to High Maintenance!
Last reply by Technicuddle, -
- 4 replies
Hello everybody. I'm 35 years old and from Stockholm, Sweden. I recently got back to gaming and have been playing regularly for a couple of years again. Used to play a lot of games when I was younger but for a while everything else got in between. I've been playing a lot of Battlefied primarily but gotten bored recently after some odd 300 hours of multiplayer. Decided to try out CoD which I also played and liked when I was younger. But I just cant seem to keep up anymore. It's just too fast for me. Getting old I guess. However Zombies seems like a very fun and original game in itself. I've been trying it out and it's not easy by any means but its fun. I still s…
Last reply by eswok, -
- 6 replies
Hi. My name is Hockeyboy641 and I play kino and cotd on Xbox. Records- Kino=25. COTD= 15 multiplayer, 10 single. Don't criticize me on the low rounds, I am still new to the zombies community.
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 1 reply
Sup community!! Feel free to add me on xbox to play bo3 zombies. (GT - Rich Like Chapo)
Last reply by Doppelgänger, -
- 3 replies
I am wesley aka WAK Fury on Xbox. i hope i can be a helpful part of this community
- 4 replies
Whats up, suprised how long a waited for the activation link
Last reply by thegrix, -
- 3 replies
Καλησπέρα παιδιά τώρα σας ανακάλυψα βασικά έχω ένα καναλακι στο youTube με τίτλο xristospiperakis. Δεν το έχω καθόλου με την τεχνολογία κ θέλω λίγο βοήθεια να το ανεβάσω λίγο.... θα σας στείλω ένα βίντεο κοντά στο θέμα του call of duty σε άμα βρείτε αξιόλογη την δουλειά μου ας κάνη εγγραφή κ προώθηση.... Ευχαριστώ
Last reply by anonymous,
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