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1,821 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
Hoi I'm Nukezombie101! I'm the younger brother of InfestLithium! I'm just a hardy bro looking for a good time
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 8 replies
Hello all. Been around for while but been lurking in the shadows since I couldnt login for awhile(my own fault) Ive been playing zombies since waw. And been hooked since. Use to be into high rounding but my son sort of put a stop to that. I even played exo zombies and maybe like one of 3 people to enjoy tranzit. Will be around more since I have the power of auto save password. Muhahah Im also on twitter if anyone ever wants to reach me there. My handle is @k3ys3r__s0z3
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 6 replies
Good morning everyone - i know its late but better than never? I'm a male 24 year old zombie player from germany I play on the ps4 system Speak german and english Feel free to add me if you want to Nieno69 It all started for me with cod mw4 - mp - i liked it and bought the next coming cod game too- black ops 1 for mp to play with friends... Then i found it - zombies....kino der toten I loved it - it was a new style of playing and i used to die in the first dog round like how the f%%k you even could survive this with a olympia? Reload took to long and i died... After serveral tries i learned …
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 14 replies
So I'm Lauren, yes I'm a girl. I live in New York and I love cats I would consider myself a pretty experienced zombie player. Especially on the maps I know like the back of my hand. ZBNS and DE, I'm getting pretty good with SOE also. But I basically wanted rant and see if anyone else expierences this problem of people just leaving games basically every game that you get into. So? I was reluctant to join a forum like this to find players because of the simple fact that I really don't like to talk while I'm playing and i know a lot of serious players make that a requirement. But I just can't stand the fact anymore that every game I join it doesn't go through to th…
Last reply by Lauren, -
- 14 replies
I'v been following the zombie story line for a looooong time. even when the first couple hundred people beat the story mode and unlocked zombies before they gave everybody it ( i felt cheated tbh) but ever since then iv been hooked on the zombies up until recently. Black ops 3, i feel like its not even zombies anymore. well yeah it is but it just dosent have the same feel it used to have back with black ops 1 or even WoW. The Easter eggs feel mandatory and without them you cant get very far. So i like to stay back and play black ops 1. i'm always down to play some zombies if you add me and we can do whatever, high rounds, Easter egg, just fun messing around. even glitches…
Last reply by KlowniiN-, -
- 7 replies
Hi, I have been visiting this site for a long time, but just recently made an account. I have been a zombies player since Kino der Toten, and I started really following the storyline and started a couple theories when Moon came out. I have come a long way since then, and now have theories on just about every aspect of the storyline that there is. My favorite things to theorize about are the mythological and theologically based aspects such as Agartha, the Vrill-ya, the Apothicons, and the Ancient Evil. I have a solid understanding of the past and present of the zombies storyline. Anyone wanting to discuss theories or who has questions about the story is welcome to PM…
Last reply by Spider3000, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys, Smellbringer's the name, and if you're wondering why I call my self that, it's because my smell is the smell of death for all Zombies. Conveniently, the smell of zombie death also smells like Strawberries.
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 1 reply
Hello slayers! My name is ZombieBot, and I'm a 935 experiment in the works. Whenever you see me, don't be alarmed - I'm simply testing out new features for you all to enjoy in the near future. Thanks for not shooting me down for points!
Last reply by Spider, -
by XPGDarkside- 9 replies
Hello everyone, new member here looking to join the zombie community. I got recommended to check out this site by Doctor Richtofen, so I thought I would come take a look :) Hope to see you around on the forums. DS
Last reply by Doppelgänger, -
- 2 replies
hey guys my buddy Doctor Richtofen recommended this site and i just wanted to say hi and hope to speak to most of you ;)
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 5 replies
Hi guys! I'm new here but I'm a big CodZombie fun since Black ops. I've start playing on KINO ( thundergun!!! ) and that map is still my favorite but i think that MOON is the real masterpiece...such un awesome map!! In Bo2 i love MOB ( that tomahawk Boys!! ) and on Bo3 my favorite till now is ZNS ( ..even if there's no katana yes... ). At the beginning i was playing always to achieve the highest round as possible but after i became much more interest to anything it was story related. I love looking for EE and try to uncover new storyline detail so i hope we're gonna have great discussion about it. For now i think is all, i wish you a good day and a good slaughter! Pe…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 1 reply
Sup community!! Feel free to add me on xbox to play bo3 zombies. (GT - Rich Like Chapo)
Last reply by Doppelgänger, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, how's it going! I'm Rich, well not in that way. Damn that was so unfunny. Anyway, I thought I would jump on here today to introduce myself and explain to you who I am. So as many of you on here, I have been obsessed with CoD Zombies since 2008 when the good old days of having to unlock the gamemode actually existed. I became so obsessed with the gamemode that I decided I would never want to leave my room again and therefore started a YouTube channel related to CoD Zombies. Yes, I now look like a wrinkled prune but I am so happy that I got to play the game I love and create content on it. Obviously like most YouTubers, I love to come to sites like this to se…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 5 replies
So I am new here, but a long time fan of Zombies! I've been playing since WaW. I stopped after Black Ops I, but I played BOIII Zombies for the 1st time yesterday and I fell in love all over again! I've always wanted to start a youtube/twitch channel and have dabbled with it a bit in the past but never took it far. But I'm looking to change that and I'd love to make Zombies a staple series of my channel(s). PLEASE LET ME KNOW if this would be something that would interest you guys! Which format would you like to see (Twitch/YouTube)?
Last reply by Doppelgänger, -
Hey everyone. I'm Dezire, I'm a veteran zombies storyline enthusiast since its origins back in World At War. I take really keen interest in zombies and am very active over on reddit. I managed to stumble across this website after seeing it linked on the zombies sub-reddit and decided to take a little look. Long behold its pretty cool. I look forward to sharing and looking into the information that this community has to offer and hopefully contribute some myself along the way. "The road is long and dark but I know where we are going" :D
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 2 replies
Hi everyone, I'm not great at introductions but I felt it would be a fun thing to do. I've been playing Zombies since premise way back, it was during this, that I was a lone hunter, often searching meticulously over what I could find inside Nacht Der Untoten and Verruckt. It was during this time I discovered our founding father's original zombies post on Now, take it from me, this was a good twenty odd people, some that would soon become famous youtubers working together, stressing over everything we could. Soon, Carbon founded the original CoDz page, and I signed up as soon as I could . Soon after the release of MW2, I fell into a very deep depression (all joke…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 8 replies
Hello (I did not lie) So where to start, my name is Tom im currently 19 years old and studying 'Game Design' at Staffordshire University, also im a massive zombie enthusiast, i love to share theories and ideas on the storyline and help the community in anyway i can. I look forward to speaking to some of you soon.
Last reply by Steelie, -
- 3 replies
Hey everyone. So I'm kinda new to the zombies scene. I've been playing the multiplayer aspect of the game for years but I've just started to get into zombies. I don't know why I didn't years ago. I've been winging it solo so far. I guess here I'm looking for advice, strategies, and to make friends with people to play with on a regular basis. I play on XB1 and I know that's a mortal sin to some people but I don't care. I wanna learn from more experienced people and eventually get really good at this game mode. I could honestly see myself no-lifing zombies to level 1000.
Last reply by Doppelgänger, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone, my name is Poyuma. I made an account on this website a very long time ago and since I am starting to get back into the groove of zombies again with the release of Black Ops 3, I am starting to really love trying to get to them high rounds all over again. Hope to contribute this site as much as possible and hope to meet a lot of great zombie players.
Last reply by Doppelgänger, -
- 7 replies
hello all, I've been checking in on this site for quite some time (about 2 years or so) and finally decided to make an account. Anywho Nice to meet you all.
Last reply by Lenne, -
Hello everyone! I started playing zombies back in Black Ops and this is one of my favorite game modes of all games :) I joined because I'd like to find new players to play with and complete the Black Ops 3 zombie easter eggs. I consider myself at least an average zombie player though in some maps my records are a bit low :/ (but my all time highest is 40)
Last reply by Smok3y, -
- 3 replies
Twitch me @DreamteamzomB
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 4 replies
My highest round on DE is 41, I have completed the easter egg and I am trying to start making youtube videos about COD Zombies
- 5 replies
Hello all. I have been humbly observing zombies from the outside, taking notes, marking statistics, gathering intel, and formulating tactics. My friends and U have been loving members of the Zombies community since its debut in World at War as Nacht Der Untoten. Years ago, my notebook, painstakingly filled with zombies information and statistics, was accidentally destroyed. In my recent years of college going, the time I was able to spend on tertiary life things like Zombies greatly diminished and I have fallen far below where my capabilities once were, though I always pre-order the next CoD from Treyarch. Having finished my CompSci degree I and a few old Zombies fr…
- 1 reply
How does the ranking on the forums work? It says i'm human right now. Is there a page that explains the ranking anywhere?
Last reply by NaBrZHunter,
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