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1,821 topics in this forum
- 22 replies
11/22/2013 Update: The real Boomography I’ve had my ups and downs, my fair share of bumpy roads and heavy winds. That’s what made me what I am today. Now I stand here before you. What you see is a body crafted to perfection. A pair of legs engineered to defy the laws of physics. And a mindset to master the most epic of splits. Original: Hey guys I've been lurking around the forums for awhile, but haven't done a proper introduction. My name is (Removed for sneakiness), but you can just call me boom. Im 24 and live on the east coastish area. I've been playing since waw, and like most of you have dedicated an insane amount of hours to this game. I was in the top 20 for ki…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 13 replies
(Pronounced by my friends: Nah-Ber-Zunter, or just Hunter) I discovered CODZ on WAW iOS, oddly enough, and when Der Riese was no longer difficult, I left a crawler and began wandering around knifing and shooting objects....and stumbled across the radios. I've been a fanatic ever since, drawing theories, subscribed to Treyarch and Treyarch devs, and researching WWII, Nazi and Cold War tech and history, myths, legends, and not least of all, avidly reading CODZombies forums. I have (as would hopefully be expected) played on every CODZ map, with the exception of the DS release. ;-) I look forward to interacting with y'all, presenting theories, thoughts, and receiving and…
Last reply by Forest Fire, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
So I did an introduction many many moons ago but a lot of people probably don't know who I'am. I'm Craig, born and bred in Edinburgh, Scotland and now reside in a town called Cowdenbeath, an old mining town. We still have a one or two open cast mines (top the ground, rather than underground). I'm 39 years old and have 3 great kids, Brandon 12 (an avid zombie player), Lauren 9 and has a rare condition called SMA-LED with cortical dysplasia and Rebecca 9. My lovely wife Lisa has had to put up with me playing CoD or Medal of Honour games for over 10 years, although my "addiction" with zombies, really only started just before Black Ops 2. I was sick and tired of playing m…
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 50 replies
Incoming transmission... Don't kn... how lo.. I can ... hol.. ut.. thei.. com... god hel.. u.. all. If conta.. fails... her.. le..... a pac.... here.... You..ube... Tw..ter I ho.. thi.. rea... yo.. in ti... Arhhh..... Yaaaaa.... (Gunshot)... The... her.. we got... mov... End of transmission. (Static)...........................
Last reply by AlphaSnake, -
Hello :) 1 2
by darkflareon- 42 replies
Hello, my name is darkflareon, and I'm darkjolteon's girlfriend He has tried to convince me to join the site for a long time, and now I have. I am interested in writing and things like that. I don't really play CoD, but I'm being trained by Jolteon to get better. -Flareon :D
Last reply by darkflareon, -
Hello 1 2
by carbonfibah- 41 replies
Hello I am new. [brains]
Last reply by teh shrew, -
- 30 replies
Hey guys, self-proclaimed "lord of the flies" here. I've made five or six threads already, do I figured it was time to do this. So... Hello? I don't really get what I'm supposed to say... I'll be trying to make as many polls as possible to hear what YOU GUYS (people) think. Heads up if you read strategies or something I post, I say release the flies a lot, the meaning kinda changes... So... Yeah, I guess that's my introduction... Hi, and goodbye
Last reply by anguscr, -
- 27 replies
Hello, I'm sure none of you remember me from when I ragequit CoDz. If you do, I was younger. More reckless. I let the... uh.... Salad Man Fans get to me. (oldy insider.) I see that most of the Vet's are still here, and I'm glad. Most importantly though: I'm back. ~Shapeshifter *edit* On a side note, I realize that I have the Veteran rank now. Sweet.
Last reply by MegaAfroMan, -
- 25 replies
Hey all, I'm sure most of you know who I am and what I do around here, but I figured that since my old intro thread was old (over one and a half years old) and that my life has changed since then, it might be a good idea to reintroduce myself. And yes, I realize that this looks long and rather menial, but I deem it necessary. Besides, I don't really care if you read all of it apart from a section I will put in bold and colored text further down. Here's a quick biography on me. My name is Nick and I'm currently 18 years old. I turn 19 in early March of next year. I was born in Provo, Utah where I lived for roughly the first 8 years of my life. My family then moved to …
Last reply by Undead, -
- 24 replies
So this is what i wrote yesterday : ( Hey Guys and gals! I am back This past month has been very hard, and long and painful for me. Being banned from this site has to be one of the worst things that has ever happened to me. I have been keeping up to date on these forums ( as a guest ) and see, that one of my friends (StopAnonymous) Has been getting the message across to most of you by putting my unban date. Anyway. I am writing you this at 20:40 ( 8:20 pm) because i have accidentley left my clock(on CoDz) , 5 hours ahead. So reallyi should be unbanned now, but hey ho, i deserve more than i get. So a few more hours won't hurt. During my ban, i had met plenty …
Last reply by Strwrsbob, -
- 23 replies
Hey everyone. I am a chick who likes to play zombies. I watch Livestreams of people playing zombies. I guess you can say I am alright, I am not that great. I try to play when I have time. I have a ps3 PSN: sweethearts87
Last reply by shirtlesservice, -
- 21 replies
Add me on PSN: BanGuLLy Record: KINO: 36 FIVE: 38 ASCENSION: 25 (37 but psn timed out) SHANGRI LA: 31 MOON: 32 MWA2012 (way2g00) CHANNEL ON JTV BROUGHT ME HERE.
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 1 follower
- 21 replies
Greetings! I made my account here almost 10 days ago, after spending an uncounted amount of time reading so many theories and story explanations hidden under the surface. I've already hopped into a few threads since making my account, mainly Make-a-Map threads (I've been making map concepts since BO1 so expect to see a lot more of my ideas in those threads as they pop up!) and a few more serious theorizing threads. I can proudly say I have a very good understanding of what we know as solidified fact in the Zombies Storyline, but always find deep appreciation in theorizing of what else happened that never was recorded on the Timeline / followed up on / what could have been…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 20 replies
Hi. Um, wow, things have changed around here. Okay, well, for those of you who don't know me, Im Andrew (or perfectlemonade). For a solid two years I was, in my humble opinion, one of the most active members of this community and certainly the most outspoken strategist we ever had, save of course for Superhands and maybe this scrub rando named Ehjookayted (and Choppernator. I can't believe I forgot about Choppernator). I wrote lots of threads about how to play the game well, threads that seem to have, unfortunately, been lost to the fire, but I have a lot of them saved on my hard drive so I think all my work isn't completely forgotten. I always wrote a lot for this si…
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 20 replies
Hello Everyone, I'm funkydisciple (also my PSN ID) and recently started playing Cod Zombies. Still a bit of a noob unfortunately and I'm hoping I might pick up a few tips and tricks such as keep getting cornered by zombies when a new round starts and i'm wondering how the hell do i survive the early onslaught? Love the zombies stories, the mystery, love Richtofen and hoping I can at least crack an easter egg. I'm from England, I live in a town called Chorley. Love making new friends so if you're on PS4 add me and hopefully get a few games of zombies in. Have a nice day.
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 19 replies
Hi everyone - im Crano and im 19 from the UK. My PSN: Crano_01 Have been looking round here for a while and decided to make account Looking forward to contributing to CoDz! Peace. :mrgreen:
Last reply by TheOneAndOnly, -
- 19 replies
I've been lurking for awhile now, finally decided to get off my ass and register so I could stalk personal profil- Er, I mean contribute. Hello errybody my name is Merchant. EDIT: S'pose I should say a little somethin'. I recently purchased Black Ops during Black Friday (Fitting amirite) because I wanted to play some of that zombies that I loved oh so much in WAW. Little did I know I would become so obsessed with it and now here I am with Call of the Dead, Shangri-La and Rezurrection purchased. This game is awesome. I would post my GT but my internet lags to the depths of hell and back on zombies for some reason. My favorite map is probably a close thr…
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 19 replies
Uhm, hi. I'm an avid zombie player. At first I distasted zombies mode because I had no idea how to play. Aha but after watching other I have gained the acquired skills to be able to get to round 25 on kino by myself. Aha. Which isn't that big of a thing I realize. But it is better then getting to round five. Aha. Anyways, I want to say how amazed I am to as how you guys put things together. It seems to me the information everyone started with was slim to none. And you guys expanded the story immensely. I may be wrong on you all creating the story. But the easter egg finders, are still incredible. To say the least. I'm curious to as how you guys figure the things out that …
Last reply by anguscr, -
Im baaack!
by Pope- 19 replies
Hey guys just postin' to say im going to try to get back on CoDz!for those who dont know me i was quite active til late october and took a break to concentrate on other things...but im back and hope to see you guys soon! Scott.
Last reply by Pope, -
- 18 replies
I'm afraid I have to say farewall to zombies. I seem to playing zombies always at the wrong time, when I'm pissed off or just tired.. And I'm losing my interest fast, running circles for hours and hours on is just not my thing I quess. I like solo, since I can pause, but what if I feel like playing another game? I can't. I like the gameplay a lot, but I just get bored so quick. And now whit school, I should concetrate more on school, school is really important for me. I'm pretty busy on school and I don't want to let zombies ruin it. I'm going to miss this forum, maybe I will stick around here a bit, but I quess zombies is over for me now. Goodbye CoDz mem…
Last reply by Tac, -
- 18 replies
Hey everybody, back again since the BO2 news is picking up. How's everyone doing?
Last reply by i am richtofen, -
- 18 replies
Hello Zombags, Misty's here, im kicking ass and taking names, I got away from those crazy Germans and stoopingher long enough to say hi, and men, stop staring at my Chest, it really is unflattering, I am dressed skimpy like this so I don't get run down by heavy clothes, come on people you gotta understand, it is the Zombie Apocalypse and all? Sorry, the new round just started, those German guys really want us to power up that tower, don't know which one to listen to, ethier way, catch you on the flipside hagbags *Runs off to Kill Zombies* (My name is Veronica, im 20 years old from Florida, and I have been playing Zombies since WaW, I hope to make…
Last reply by Shooter, -
- 17 replies
Hi, I'm Samantha I have 2 profiles on CODz one is Lady Psychotica, and the other is just my name - Samantha. I'm a girl obviously. I love playing zombies! I'm a stay at home mom, so I like to play a lot. I don't know anyone IRL who plays so I figured I'd try to find someone to play with . Just because i'm a woman doesn't mean I can't kick some zombie ass . I've gone 13 rounds as Samantha, and I think 12 as Lady Psychotica. I play on wii. If you wanna ally and play a game, HMU. Nice to meet you all!!
Last reply by Wolfie, -
by Grimmstein- 17 replies
Hi. How are all of You? So not only am I new to this forum but the whole forum deal overall. Any of You have some nice tips for a newcomer? Regarding things about myself, I'm a chick and I draw for a living. I guess that'd be it. Obviously interested in zombies - Ultimis and a bit of Primis to be exact. Been playing since BO1 but that doesn't mean I'm good at it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Last reply by Grimmstein, -
- 16 replies
Hello my name is the TH3 ON3 and I am new to this forum thank you for welcoming me
Last reply by Hells Warrrior,
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