New slayer on the battlefield? Introduce yourself to other CoDz members!
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1,821 topics in this forum
- 22 replies
11/22/2013 Update: The real Boomography I’ve had my ups and downs, my fair share of bumpy roads and heavy winds. That’s what made me what I am today. Now I stand here before you. What you see is a body crafted to perfection. A pair of legs engineered to defy the laws of physics. And a mindset to master the most epic of splits. Original: Hey guys I've been lurking around the forums for awhile, but haven't done a proper introduction. My name is (Removed for sneakiness), but you can just call me boom. Im 24 and live on the east coastish area. I've been playing since waw, and like most of you have dedicated an insane amount of hours to this game. I was in the top 20 for ki…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
So I did an introduction many many moons ago but a lot of people probably don't know who I'am. I'm Craig, born and bred in Edinburgh, Scotland and now reside in a town called Cowdenbeath, an old mining town. We still have a one or two open cast mines (top the ground, rather than underground). I'm 39 years old and have 3 great kids, Brandon 12 (an avid zombie player), Lauren 9 and has a rare condition called SMA-LED with cortical dysplasia and Rebecca 9. My lovely wife Lisa has had to put up with me playing CoD or Medal of Honour games for over 10 years, although my "addiction" with zombies, really only started just before Black Ops 2. I was sick and tired of playing m…
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 13 replies
(Pronounced by my friends: Nah-Ber-Zunter, or just Hunter) I discovered CODZ on WAW iOS, oddly enough, and when Der Riese was no longer difficult, I left a crawler and began wandering around knifing and shooting objects....and stumbled across the radios. I've been a fanatic ever since, drawing theories, subscribed to Treyarch and Treyarch devs, and researching WWII, Nazi and Cold War tech and history, myths, legends, and not least of all, avidly reading CODZombies forums. I have (as would hopefully be expected) played on every CODZ map, with the exception of the DS release. ;-) I look forward to interacting with y'all, presenting theories, thoughts, and receiving and…
Last reply by Forest Fire, -
Wassup guys I'm Robert otherwise known as Robst3r I've been here before but I've finally decided to join since bo3 started showing zombies trailers so here I am
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 3 replies
Hello. I am new here, but i have been lurking around for a while( like a year or 2?). I plan to post regularly, and i really enjoy this site. The community is awesome, and everyone here seems to know a lot about zombies . i hope i can contribute to this site in some shape or form. I guess that is all for now. Catch ya later ~HH
Last reply by Riot, -
- 3 replies
Hello people!
Last reply by XbOx360PreDaToR, -
by GlobalNuke- 3 replies
whasa happa everybody? im a new member, but have been a relatively frequent visitor to the site. super hyped about BO and its zombie mode!
Last reply by m12, -
Hi Im Troy Mccluire and you may remember me from such forums as this one My name is Hydro and I kill things
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 25 replies
Hey all, I'm sure most of you know who I am and what I do around here, but I figured that since my old intro thread was old (over one and a half years old) and that my life has changed since then, it might be a good idea to reintroduce myself. And yes, I realize that this looks long and rather menial, but I deem it necessary. Besides, I don't really care if you read all of it apart from a section I will put in bold and colored text further down. Here's a quick biography on me. My name is Nick and I'm currently 18 years old. I turn 19 in early March of next year. I was born in Provo, Utah where I lived for roughly the first 8 years of my life. My family then moved to …
Last reply by Undead, -
by DarkZero269- 3 replies
Hi! Just joined these these forums today in hopes of finding other zombies players to slay some undeads :P If you'll want anything, feel free to ask (I'm guessing there's a messaging sistem implemented, or just reply to the topic I guess) Happy Schtabbing
Last reply by Lenne, -
Hello! I'm cbranger. I am a member of many of the Call of Duty forums you know of, including; Prestige Gamerz, WePlayCod, CoDHQ, We The Gamerz, Aggregame, Xbox Forums, Abstract 360, and probably a few more. I started playing Call of Duty when World at War came out. I actually got it for the Nintendo Wii first. I then had the opportunity to purchase a PS3 and I did so. I played WaW on there and I've been an addict ever since. I became active on the HQ first and then started to make friends with the other PS3 players on the forum (Gravedancer, BigB, Gosu, Moniko). I have been talking and getting to know many 360 users via Aggregame and this website. Then one dr…
Last reply by cbranger, -
by Living Dead- 4 replies
I don't think I actually posted a introduction when I joined a while ago so I thought I would now as Black Ops 2 is close to being released and I will be probably be spending a bit more time on here, so... Hi everyone :)
Last reply by Reddonkeyham, -
by Royal Gambit- 14 replies
hi, i'm new to the forums :D
Last reply by HammerFace, -
Hey guys, Raid here. Been browsing the forums for a few months and only just a couple of days ago decided to create an account. Let me talk a little bit about myself (hopefully in a non-pretentious way), I am an 18 year old Australian zombie slayer, Favourite maps include Verrukt (Round 34 high with 2 people) and Mob of The Dead (31 with 3). My interests include playing zombies (nah, Really?!?!?) and Music. I also enjoy creating things in photoshop and sharing them on YouTube hence the Dzn after my name (short for Design). I hope to become active in the forums with my opinion on anything Zombie related. Thank, RaidDzn c:
Last reply by RaidDzn, -
- 16 replies
Hello everyone, This is Spiderbite from NGT Zombies. I am happy to be joining CoDz. I hope that you guys can suggest up some challenges and custom maps. We might Even have an open lobby post now and then. Thanks and check us out on Youtube. Also check out our G2PO here:
Last reply by Strwrsbob, -
What's up everyone. Finally signed up for the boards after reading here for a while for some zombies discussion. I enjoy all the story talk and the tips for maps, as I love the zombies mode. Separately, I have also recently begun to stream my game playing online, and it coincided with the release of the Uprising map pack. I started my new stream by playing Mob of the Dead for the past three days, and it's been a lot of fun. With a few different groups, I've gotten through most of the achievements now and been having a blast learning the map. There's nothing quite like the release of a new Zombies map! Anyway if you'd like to stop by my stream the link is …
Last reply by legacy, -
- 50 replies
Incoming transmission... Don't kn... how lo.. I can ... hol.. ut.. thei.. com... god hel.. u.. all. If conta.. fails... her.. le..... a pac.... here.... You..ube... Tw..ter I ho.. thi.. rea... yo.. in ti... Arhhh..... Yaaaaa.... (Gunshot)... The... her.. we got... mov... End of transmission. (Static)...........................
Last reply by AlphaSnake, -
hi :)
by Peradactyl- 1 reply
Just wanted to say hey, it's been a while since I was on here, but I used to lurk quite frequently and absorb all your beautiful lore, mythos, and general zombie intrigue. With BO3 gearing up, I figure now's a good time to say "hey" and hopefully become a bit more actively involved. Thanks again, for all the time you all have spent crafting theories and building really insightful posts and dialogue for me to pour over, throughout the years. I'm looking forward to contributing in the future. As an aside:I think shooting zombies is fun, and digging deeper into the lore is a great way to spend time. I like high-rounds and Easter-Egg hunting, and I have all the maps…
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 3 replies
Hi y'all. New guy here. I was never much on fps games until black ops. Fortunately for me, I had major foot surgery and was layed up for 3 months and that's when I discovered zombies. Now, I am addicted. I have been a long time reader on here trying to learn more about the story of it. If you wa na play, let me know. Ps- I do know how to use the search bar
Last reply by lissa110, -
Hey everyone!! names Derrick or you can just call me Kat haha. Im actually not new here but i cant remember my username/password so i just made a new account sadly. Ive been a big fan of CoDZ for a while now and ive reading you guys theories and ideas about zombies and i enjoy thinking of the all the possibilites Treyarch could have put into BOII TranZit. Nice to have a proper greeting haha!
Last reply by suofeiya, -
- 5 replies
Ok, so I installed the BO1 BGamerT5 crack and really want to get a mod on it. I did a bit of research and the Perish mod looks quite good. When I downloaded the mod and ran the program to install it told me to select "BlackOps.exe" and, because I was on the cracked version, I had like 4 .exe files to run Black Ops. When I want to play the game, I know which files to open and it works fine. I've tried all of them and it still didn't work I'm new to all of this (Cracked games on pc, modding and all) and I'm soo confused! I need help from someone who knows what they're doing if possible. I mean, anyone will do. I just don't want to waste time br…
Last reply by Spotlight, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
This will be my first and last post. My uh "Boom" asked me to test something for him. Just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all! I hope you are doing well and not getting eaten grrr (zombies noises). <3 Mrs. Boom
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 5 replies
Hey people, Its been a while and I just wanna say I miss you guys, Its pretty hard trying to do everything you gotta do in life, College studying law which takes up most of my time along with work and other things that mix in with it all, Its kinda hard to get one here and I do really wanna get on more often, Because I really do miss it and miss what everyone has to say, I'm also gonna make/start a youtube channel, So yet again guys sorry for not being on as much. Oh and also, If anyone needs a lawyer in about 4 years time, remember me and give me a call :)))
Last reply by Spider3000, -
Hi like yo play CoDz in kino der toten, and I would like to have an effective style of this map, so post some stiff that might help!
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
by VickysOnFire- 8 replies
My names Victoria and on just on here to read what others post and comment shitty inputs.
Last reply by Hells Warrrior,
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