Firebase Z
Racing to rescue Samantha Maxis in the jungles of Vietnam, Requiem's Strike Team will be forced to question who their allies and enemies really are.
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Duplicate Posts -
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We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
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Example: A “good” signature could contain a few links to some threads (as long as they follow previous rules), zombie round numbers, a small image, or something personal, such as a saying or quote. A “bad” signature would contain any annoying “flashy” .GIFs, or any content that would not comply with previous CoC rules.
42 topics in this forum
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- 15 replies
This thread will be updated as more are found. Requiem (23/23) Audio Logs (3) "Ravenov" (Location: The bottom floor of the data center.) - Maxis phones Weaver to let him know she has a contact inside Omega Group willing to provide valuable intel. Spoiler Maxis: Are you still angry, Weaver? Weaver: I'm rarely angry, Sam. You should know that. Maxis: No. I know that you're just very good at hiding it. I have news. Weaver: Tell me what's going on and please, Sam... Don't lie. That would make me angry. Maxis: I have a contact within Omega group. He wants to meet. I've seen the intel he has first ha…
Last reply by RadZakpak, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
This thread will be updated as more are found. Requiem (5/5) Audio Logs (1) "Focal Point" (Location: At the Rocky Defense Area, look up at the data center where it is floating in the air. Shoot it down to activate it.) - Requiem Berlin Station Chief Meyer warns Weaver about a developing situation in the divided German capital. Spoiler Meyer: This is Heinrich Meyer, station chief, Berlin -- Office of Requiem. Weaver, we have a developing situation over here. Meyer: Reliable HUMINT places Dr. Aleksandra Valentina of KGB-Spetsnaz Omega Group here in West Berlin. Meyer: She was observed scouting several locations in the …
Last reply by RadZakpak, -
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Prenote: You will need the ray rifle for step 14 so it's a good idea to get it as early as possible, either from trials or building it. Steps 1. Turn on the power 2. Return to Ravenov and speak with him 3. Go over to mission control and talk with Peck 4. Return to Ravenov and retrieve the keycard from him 5. Collect the 3 compounds to make the truth serums which are all in locked cabinets with a keycard swipe location 1: bottom floor of the equipment storage (building next to quick revive) location 2: In engineering which is under the big dome next to mission control location 3: In the colonel…
Last reply by Fibroidkey794, -
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Also available directly on our YouTube channel
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 21 replies
So I don’t know what I’m doing wrong I called them heard nothing? So I’m still trying to get the new zombies map on Cold War. I am trying to get the fire base z map. So what am I missing anyone know? Why can’t I get the fire base map
Last reply by Icee, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Really need help beating it I've been trying to do it on my own I get close but need help really appreciate it I really want to play it
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 11 replies
How do you get the new map is it free to download I haven’t been able to get it? Can yiu be offline if somone could help me get the map that would be great thanks. Love zombies
Last reply by RadZakpak, -
- 11 replies
Hey evrybody, since season 2 i cant defeat the orda assault wave anymore after round 40 SOLO. Zombies keep spawning in so i cant shoot the orda and if i can the wonder weapon doesnt do much damage anymore... I tried RPD, missiles, artillery but nothing works. Thx for advice in advance.
Last reply by Robin Trybou, -
- 9 replies
While looking on Firebase Z I came across this paper hidden under a vehicle on Firebase Z, the unfamiliar look to it I ended up doing research and found nothing online. Do you think you have what it takes to break the cypher? The paper is found in motor pool under one of the Jeep’s inside the building. Please keep me updated.
Last reply by bill gina, -
- 8 replies
Steps: 1. Turn on power 2. Go to the pack-a-punch room and go up the stairs, go towards the door on the left that used to be locked and turn around to your left. You will see some debris and at the end of the wall there will be a rabbit sitting on a table and the blue bunny below the table, staring at them for 20 seconds will teleport you into a dark cave. (It will lock you in place and you can still take damage so be careful when doing this) 3. Locate and shoot 3 purple glowing rabbits (there will be zombies and mimics in this room trying to kill you during this) 4. Claim your loot crate (loot similar to die maschine) Thank you to @Icee …
Last reply by Fibroidkey794, -
- 6 replies
Hi Guys, In round 1 I spoke to Ravenov, then teleported and turned on all three reactors so the power is on and Ravenov said come back to the pack-a-punch machine, I then spoke to Ravenov and then ended my turn and Dr Peck said to come and talk to him, I'm on round 8 atm. When I go to Dr Peck though his shutters are still down and I can't talk to him, and when I got to mission control he did say I'm in the corner over here. Am I missing a step? Or do I need playstation plus? Or anything else before starting the easter egg mission properly. I got this game brand new and don't currently have playstation plus, but I've installe…
Last reply by FHaisal, -
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- 5 replies
Who is hyped for DLC 1? Looks like it's going to be a decent map, what's everyone's thoughts?
Last reply by Toxic Humans, -
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Does anyone know the lore reason for the Manglers appearing in Firebase Z? It seems interesting that they were originally from the Argonia fracture, home of the Raygun MK3 and the alternate Maxis. In Firebase we aquire a part for the RayK (based on the MK3) from a Mangler arm. I was always interested in the alternate Maxis and the hollow earth base etc. Possibly the Mangler is a hint that some elements of that plotline may return? I'd love to hear some thoughts on this if anyone has ideas.
Last reply by Rapt, -
- 5 replies
I figured out some new developments on the Firebase Z Easter Egg. After turning the power on, go talk to the guy behind pack-a-punch again and he will give you a keycard. These open up 3 lockers around the map where the serums are located. One serum is on the first floor of the village just past the first door you unlock to get to the teleporter. The second is on the walkway below the left aether charging station. The last is in the colonel's office. Once you have all 3 serums, go to the lab tent between the data center and the barracks and collect the device sitting on the table next to the tent door closest to the scorched defense. …
Last reply by Fibroidkey794, -
- 4 replies
Since Firebase Z has been out for a few days now, I wanted to see what everyone thought about it.
Last reply by Spider, -
- 3 replies
Cipher: Ciphertext: Plaintext: Cipher type: Nihilist Alphabet: PLFIEYMWVCXZDHNTSAGRBOUQK Periodic key: Verdict Solved by: Me (Richkiller) and Coldstone. How it was solved: I recognized the cipher type almost immediately but I wasn't completely certain. This cipher has the beautiful property that most of the periodic keys simply don't work when trying to decipher. By looking at the set of the valid keys I got a periodic key that is somewhat equivalent to the actual one, and from there I got the plainte…
Last reply by clueless, -
- 3 replies
Can you do the Easter egg offline on Cold War fire base z
Last reply by Humphrey, -
- 3 replies
Hey everyone! I looked and didn’t see anyone posting about this yet. I wanted to know if anyone else was having trouble defeating orda when playing online with other people? There was three other people, and I had a legendary tier 3 pap ak47 and tier 2 rai k, and they were barely even taking any damage off of it. The last couple games I’ve played orda eventually destroys the objective. The last 10 games ive played in the last 2 weeks or so it’s been the case. Any ideas? Maybe he got buffed a lot?
Last reply by Fibroidkey794, -
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- 2 replies
I was curious today how everyone chooses to buy their perks. Here is mine: 1. Speed Cola 2. Jugg 3. Staminup I almost always use the Hauer so speedcola is first as the reload speed is the main downside of shotguns. What order does everyone else play? Or is there some madman who saves all their points to PaP before buying perks. Curious to hear what everyone else does.
Last reply by Fibroidkey794, -
- 1 follower
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I had some positive thoughts about Firebase Z and the improvements it made on Die Machine so thought I would share them here. Gameplay In Die Machine the early game perk choice was Quick Revive (via one path from spawn) vs Staminup + Jugg (the other path). This really wasn't much of a choice for most players. Staminup + Jugg takes the win every time. In Firebase Z Quick Revive is left as an option in the spawn to collect or skip. Then Jugg, Staminup and Speed Cola are left as a three way choice when turning on the generators. This design decision left far more choice and lead to greater gameplay variety. When using a shotgun for example I buy Speed Col…
Last reply by jfryxy, -
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Last reply by Rapt, -
- 2 replies
Hello every one, just wondering if I’m the only one having this problem, I can get up to getting the eye out of the zombies head then head over to the eye scanner to get the key, but when I get the key for the lockers, nothing happens when all lockers are open ? I’ve completed the Easter egg on duos, so I know what I am doing is right, anyone any suggestions or know a fix ?
Last reply by Alexxxx, -
- 2 replies
Transcripts taken from @RadZakpak threads ~ Die Maschine Preseason Intel Die Maschine Season 1 Intel Dark Aether - Pre Season Intel Document - Day 1,108 Spoiler Dark Aether - Pre Season Intel Document - Day 2,873 Spoiler Omega - Season 1 Intel Document - Khe Sanh Site Spoiler Maxis - Season 1 Radio Transmissions - Shared History / Old Friends Spoiler …
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
I've noticed for maybe two days now that I'm not getting any Intel drops from mimics or manglers (even though I need only 1), as well the Intel trials seem to never complete enough to grant me the Intel even if I do good on the trial. I'm wondering if anyone else has been experiencing this issue?
Last reply by Fibroidkey794, -
- 2 replies
This guide will show you how to unlock the safe in the colonel's office Steps: 1. Progress the main easter egg until you get to the part where you gain access to the essence traps 2. Find Sergei's head (it'll glow gold) and carry it to the field hospital and place it on the charging plate that's on the table next to the machines with dangling gloves The locations that I've seen so far are near to the cruise missile in Jungle defense and down the right-most path in scorched defense (where the portal would spawn during assults) next to a burning tank, apparently there is another one in some bushes in rocky defense. There might be more locations for it. …
Last reply by Fibroidkey794,
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