The next chapter of the Dark Aether story takes the agents of Requiem deep into the heart of Russia, where they’ll fight to survive their greatest challenges yet. Welcome to Outbreak: an entirely new, large-scale Zombies experience unlike any other!
38 topics in this forum
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- 2 replies
Requiem (5/5) Documents (2) "Page Six" (Location: ???) - Transcript excerpt from a CIA-DOD emergency meeting held on November 3, 1983 regarding the Morasko Disaster. Spoiler CIA-DOD Emergency Meeting [page 6] Morasko Disaster - November 3rd, 1983 Weinberger: The President has asked that we find a quote "proportional response" to this incident. He has London, Paris, and Berlin on the phone wanting to know what the hell is going on, and I don't blame them. These, these - Halprin, what did you call it? Halprin: Outbreak Zones. And them, Mr. Secretary, not it. There are five now. Starting in Morasko. …
Last reply by RadZakpak, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
(R) denotes Season 5: Reloaded Requiem (20/20) Audio Logs (5) (R) "Desperate Measures" (Location: ???) - As their enemies close in, the Requiem Senior Staff discuss a risky move. Spoiler Weaver: Apologies for keeping you all waiting... Grey: Bad news? Weaver: I'm trying to think of where to start... Strauss: Beginnings are always good. Carver: Strauss - just don't, okay? Grey: What's on you mind, Weaver? We're all friends here... Good colleagues at the very least. Weaver: The situation in Berlin …
Last reply by RadZakpak, -
- 3 replies
Requiem (20/20) Audio Logs (5) "Aftermath" (Location: ???) - After the incident at the Omega Missile Silo, Requiem's Senior Staff discuss the fallout from Maxis's rogue operation. Spoiler Weaver: Well, people, we've got a bit of a clusterfuck on our hands, won't we? Carver: Our own strike team running an off-the-books operation cooked up by a Soviet officer and someone on house arrest? Yeah, the Director's gonna love that. Strauss: A-hem. Agent Maxis is not under arrest, per se. "Under observation," perhaps. Though no one observed her straying outside the chain of command... …
Last reply by RadZakpak, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
Requiem (26/26) Audio Logs (8) "The Beacon" (Location: On Duga, in Chemical Processing on the second floor of the large building to the left.) - Grey muses on the origin of "the Beacon" and other strange devices found in the Outbreak Zones. Spoiler Grey: So - I've been thinking a bit about the Beacon. You know - the thing we've been casually using to move between different areas of the Outbreak zone? Grey: Well, we don't know what it is - or who built it. Same goes for the funny little vending machines. Grey: We think they're safe - certainly no one's lost anything while using them - but they are…
Last reply by RadZakpak, -
- 16 replies
This thread will be updated as more are found. Requiem (17/17) Audio Logs (6) "Like Flies To Honey" (Location: ???) - Strauss shares some thoughts about the dangers of Aetherium harvesting. Spoiler Strauss: The Aetherium harvesting unit. To the layman, it's not terribly impressive. Just a metal box with a canister in it, quietly sitting there, sucking in airborne Aetherium particles. Strauss: But there is a reason my science teams risk their lives to place these units across the Zone. With Aetherium concentrations greater in the Ural Mountains than anywhere else on Earth, these harvesting units are absolutely vita…
Last reply by SpookyPandaTV, -
- 0 replies
Can someone please help me defeat legion
Last reply by A A RON, -
can somene please help me with the outbreak main easter egg to defeat legion i play on playstation 4 please help
Last reply by A A RON, -
- 1 reply
Hey Peepz I'm in need of New Playstation Network vFriends so give me an add me
Last reply by Dareallg, -
- 0 replies
When I destroy the Aether Orb in Outbreack with a primary melee weapon, the game doesn't register it and doesn't unlock the Hammer and Sickle melee weapon. Can someone help me with the problem?
Last reply by Andy Theke, -
- 1 reply
So I have been trying to solo the outbreak Easter egg have no problem getting to the end boss but can't beat it anyone want to team up I would also like to complete the firebasez easter egg also.
Last reply by Andy Theke, -
- 0 replies
Is anyone else have problems with outbreak after the last update. Because my Speed Cola, Mule Kick, Tomestone, and Staminup perks no longer work. My map will occasionally rotate 90° in either direction so I'll be running in the black area if I pull up my map. And last but most annoying is that my Orda will now instantaneously fully heal the moment it punches the ground, almost making it immortal.
Last reply by Julius Myers, -
by Joe Barden- 0 replies
Last reply by Joe Barden, -
- 1 reply
Since season 5 started I have not been able to get a wonder weapon thru level 5. I have completed several trials and achieved a legendary reward 3 times on all levels 1 thru 5 and have not been rewarded a wonder weapon just once. I also completed every side challenge and defeated every special enemy and opened every crate I could find with no luck. I even opened every blue crystal I could find and fished on every map that had that available. Before on Season 4 I was getting wonder weapons as early as level 2. What happened?
Last reply by Humphrey, -
- 0 replies
2 players can join
Last reply by Sheeplayz_galaxy, -
- 1 reply
hi boys and girls got to the point now where randoms are complete and utter R****** so im looking for people to play outbreak with i do all events before moving on but if your 1 of those players who has to take 3 hours per map to kill every last zombie jog on this isnt for you otherwise my psn is Richard-InGame been playing CoD since CoD first came out 🙂 so if intrested add me :)
Last reply by JoKEnbrAw, -
- 0 replies
Here's a list of the first 31 pieces of intel for season 4, it's all found on the new map 'Zoo'. Have at it. season 4.docx
Last reply by Muvvatruka, -
Outbreak Zombies Compiled list of features, fixes, and bugs with Outbreak Zombies that would improve the game greatly! Items disappear on the ground: Understandable that you may not want too many items to clutter the ground, but how it is currently handled is not good. It appears every item just has a timer before it vanishes. This would be a lot better if there was a limit that had to be reached before older items would disappear. If I am in a very intense fight and I don’t get a chance to get to an item quick enough, I absolutely hate that it can just vanish before I pick it up. Item prompt on something that cannot be picked …
Last reply by Betic, -
- 3 replies
Anyone down to run the outbreak Easter Egg, preferably people who are good at zombies. Add my psn if you’re down to play. PSN - SMB_NEMESIS
Last reply by JoKEnbrAw, -
- 0 replies
Hello? Is there anybody in there...?
Last reply by Muvvatruka, -
- 1 follower
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can someone help me to complet my last season mission? finish round 3 without upgrades... would be cool
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
Run through this and other can’t hang and want to play more competitive and to know more about tournaments
Last reply by Scooby-93, -
- 1 reply
Anyone on here help me do the outbreak Easter egg please 🙏🙏
Last reply by MTEGS, -
- 0 replies
Hello i Will Finish My lvl 170 Challenge on Season 3 I cant find this Stormbolt in Outbreak I need Help pls 🤔 For this Challenge on the Pic!
Last reply by SpookyPandaTV, -
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Hey thought I would drop some tips for solo players like me. Most of this stuff is covered in the guides on YouTube but most of those were co-op focused. Loadout Create maxed custom blueprints for any weapons you plan to use. I would use your Tac Rifle as your starting loadout as they are more rare from crates than shotguns I have found. Remember to apply blueprints twice when you pickup a gun for it to apply correctly. 1. Hauer or Gallo - maxed with an ammo mod of your choice. Shatter Blast is very good imo 2. M16 or other Tac Rifle - Brain Rot for Mimic bunker step. 3. Aether Shroud makes the boss fight a breeze. Some pe…
Last reply by Rapt, -
- 1 reply
Looking for people with mics, 18+,can play in private mode so can pause game if pee break needed lol. If you know how to play gimme a shout or add me xxspank121xx
Last reply by erik malone,
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