Classic Maps
DLC 4 maps Nacht Der Untoten, Verruckt, Shi No Numa, and Der Riese discussion here.
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274 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
On the Ascention Loading Screen The top left picture of the Rockets the shadow of the 3 make out 115 :D
Last reply by Joey115, -
- 2 replies
1 - On the classic maps on Der Riese, at the end of the round you can hear a howl from a Hellhound. And after the howl, the dogs come. (everytime i heard dogs were after.) 2 - On Shi No Numa ( its near the hanging man ) you can activate a radio that is linked with Kino. It tells you about how the wunderwaffe overloaded the teleporter in Der Riese which sent them to Kino. 3 - And the crew do not trust each other; after reviving one of them he said "dont think i trust you now. this is said in both der riese and shi no numa, and they have different quotes. Didnt know if you knew this.... just to tell you wardyy66
Last reply by wardyy66, -
- 2 replies
****WARNING**** I AM NOT ENCOURAGING GLITCHES i am telling how to do it so as they can be patched: right first off*, theres a new zombie barrier in der riese on black ops if you got strate to teleporter A, thyen the railing, if you keep jumping will force you ontop when you are ontop the zombies all crowd underneath you, the only window they can come throught and hit you is throught the mp-40 window this does not make you invincible to zombie hits BUT it does stop them all coming to you dogs are not affected by this glitch anyway, somezombies do come up the staires and hit you (* i have not done this glitch, i found a few gu…
Last reply by flamecommando36, -
- 4 replies
hey guys, I just got a question, as you can see the classic maps are only in the hardenend edition of the game, but will they come to the playstation store soon? cuz i want to play them 2 and i just got the normal version of the game, does someone know anything about that ? would be rly cool if some1 could help me [brains] *Edit: Sorry topic title means Classic not classis.
Last reply by yangchao, -
- 6 replies
Yep... for trade i can give: all the map packs for waw Crazy taxi Ratchet&clank:quest for booty Loco roco Flow Age of zombies Battlefields 1943 Heavy weapon.
Last reply by l-DaNG3R-l, -
- 6 replies
What do you think?
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 2 replies
I was wondering. Does anyone have the Original WAW Maps on Black Ops?.. I found a way to gameshare on Xbox Live COMPLETELY legit. I'm no hacker and i have no reason to hack anybody. I would be willing to trade the maps for Call of Duty Classic.
Last reply by evilmonkey1216, -
- 13 replies
You guys my friend was wondering can you gameshare your classic maps from black ops and how do you need to do it ? thats all
Last reply by george7, -
- 22 replies
... Richtofen's opening dialogue, while Kino is loading, had this question in it... "Where did the little girl disappear to?" (Samantha) Richtofen does not say she "dies", he asks where she "disappeared" to, which may mean that Maxis did indeed teleport Samantha away from the hellhound in Der Riese. Now that we see Samantha's bedroom in the teleporter, is it possible that Maxis put a teleporter in Samantha's room (or some time of teleportation device)? And in W@W Der Riese, did Maxis teleport Samantha to her bedroom to keep her safe? (For the time being) I guess only time will tell... :roll:
Last reply by Undead, -
- 3 replies
As all probably know they have brought the classic zombie maps back in BO. As you all do know every classic zombie map had perks... EXEPT NDT they brought back all maps and stocked the box with BO weapons. but should they have expanded NDT and maybe even have put peks into it? i think it would have bean better in they even had only 1 or 2 perks (juggernog and speed) now im not just sayin speed because thats my user name. any ways what do you think perks or no perks? vote in my poll above!!!
Last reply by UltimateSpaz, -
- 1 reply
So I was on Der Riese playing solo,and I made about 7 crawlers,I really took my time,lol. Then I kill about three of them. So I run back to Teleporter 2 and I hear 2 zombies trying to break the windows down,so I look if the round has passed and it hasn't. It was still round 12. There were still 4 crawlers left. So then they break in and I kill them,I don't know how they spawned,this happened to me a few more times,I had an STG-44 and an HK21,with all perks too but I don't see how that has something to do with the zombies. Then,I go to another crawler and start messing with him,he almost killed me so I killed him. The weird thing was that Takeo said "There is a power …
Last reply by nayrcraig, -
- 4 replies
nvm dont need
Last reply by the big toe, -
- 2 replies
Ok,this may seem insignificant but i heard about an easter egg on verruckt where you dive onto a blood patch and hear screams,i had to go to bed soon before that so i decided to try it on solo,then in the verrukt loading screen,that same music played from the last mission in the campaign where youre diving into the other boat .the music was the same?does anybody have a theory why?
Last reply by thezombiekiller, -
- 1 reply
You can gameshare, account info or settings or whatever ----> transaction management---->Download List and it should be there. Keep in mind only 5 PS3 consoles can be activated for one account so if your friend already used them up you are screwed. Look for another friend , hopefully it helped. I did this for the people who didn't know because Ive seen several threads about it.
Last reply by Ratty_VWMK3, -
- 5 replies
i was watching a gameplay video yesterday(ps3 user :/) and noticed that these guys were exploring 4 quite awhile does this mean halfies dont die off like in Kino? Let me know as this will b a great help when i finally do get the map pack. Thanx y'all
Last reply by Telixion, -
- 8 replies
- 1.7k views ... =recentlik Skip to the end if you want but i say watch it it is acualy very Awesome.
Last reply by thegrix, -
- 0 replies
Has anything changed in these maps? Particulary Nacht Der Untoten.
Last reply by JuggernautSoda, -
- 2 replies
Something that I think is cool in Der Riese is that all the wall guns (except the MP40) turns silver when pap'd here are some of the pics I took on my iPhone. I couldn't find pics of the new camos anywhere so I decided to share mine. Here are pics of the FG42 Here are some from the Thompson And here are some from the M1 Carbine
Last reply by The Guest, -
- 6 replies
After reading it seems you can and can't gameshare the d/l maps. I'm looking for a kind PS3 user to give it a bash with me. I have a few move games (Tumble, top darts and Hustleking) Battlefield1943, premier manager, NHL 3 on 3 and a few others I cant remember at the moment. This would be very helpful as black ops is stuck in my ps3, it wont eject. So I cant even play WaW anymore. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance
Last reply by mrverse, -
- 1 reply
k so im pretty sure this was posted a while back about how if you start the hide and go seek game on der riese there is no teddy bear up in the window like there was in World at War. but i have found him! he is actually in the window. however its a glitch where you can see him unless you are directly underneath of it. otherwise it disappears from view. so you need to go stand in the hall way underneath of the window where he normally is and look up. walk back and forth untill you see him. then shoot him. if you move to far while you can see him he will magically disappear. however you can still shoot him while you cant see him. i still have not found anything new with the…
Last reply by iPunchBabies, -
- 1 reply
Any of you who have the classic maps for blackops and are willing to let me gameshare the maps add me XBlak-RythemX thanks.
Last reply by XBlak-RytheMX, -
- 5 replies
i just got out of playing nazi zombies for 6 hours with strwrsbob. we were playing verruckt and were tearing it up. we got to round 45 and decided to kill ourselves so that we could get off and study for midterms. well at the end of the game i had over 1million points. thats enough for the first place spot for high score. also, we got to round 45 so we should be ranked in the low 20s. but of course treyarchs leaderboard screwed us over. our rounds didnt get saved. and my score didnt get saved. however strwrsbob got saved and hes ranked 18th in the world with 684900 points for highscore. wtf. why didnt it save our round and score. thats 6 hours down the drain. and if you d…
Last reply by Strwrsbob, -
- 9 replies
I was browsing the intel of the campaign and... wtf, in the project nova (If I remember well) intel was written something about the wunderwaffe program, and that an (I don't remember :roll: ) gave them a machine capable of time travel! Now watch the NDT loading screen and...! So I thought a theory that explain that: Silence and zzzzzzzzzzzzzz can mean that they are sleeping=they are dead, so a survivor went into a american storage and used the teleporter to go to NDT, to prevent the 115 infection with the three tests subjects that survived the 115 exposure. What do you think? P.s: Sorry for my bad English.
Last reply by mikeike12, -
- 9 replies
well for the guys and girls who have the old/calssic maps in black ops, when you use the Kar98k and when using the bolt, it doesnt make a noise ive tried it in everyold map and there is no audio for the bolt cranking. i will get a video for the people who dont have the old maps. just wondering if anyone else has this problem EDIT: this is on xbox, if anyone would gladly check the ps3 version?
Last reply by mikeike12, -
Ya'll who have the Classic maps add is same as user..PS3 BTW!
Last reply by SnowDog115935,
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