Classic Maps
DLC 4 maps Nacht Der Untoten, Verruckt, Shi No Numa, and Der Riese discussion here.
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274 topics in this forum
- 18 replies
What's your highest round on Der Riese Black Ops? Pretty pumped just made it to 44 with one other person. Epic game.
Last reply by NZheadshot1, -
- 17 replies
QpZOkCQWsFc I am #1 legit on shi no numa. codzombies info glitched his 83 after my game . this deserves some [brains] right?
Last reply by Zombiekiller36, -
- 17 replies
Hey CoDZ, this won't be my usual in-depth, from scratch strategy, as most people know the basics of this map already. However, camping on this map doesn't work so well as it did in the W@W version and splitting up and running trains has proven for most to be the best strategy for 30+ rounds. In this guide I'll mainly be showing good train-running/kiting spots and how to run them, and how someone running in one area will affect another area for better strategising. As you'll notice, there are 5 spots that I'll point out here so it's easily possible for up to 4 players to run seperate trains. The white lines in each image show the main route, while the grey lines show a…
Last reply by YourDragon son, -
- 17 replies
Hey guys, not here to be arrogant, brag or boast, just sharing my knowledge as usual So, in the past I've rated Verruckt as one of the hardest maps. However, that decision was made based on my experiences from the W@W version - the constant sticking on zombies, the sprinters and the way the zombies behaved made it a really tough map. But today, I sat down and had my first actual solo game on the Black Ops version - SO MUCH EASIER! Just quit on 33 cuz I didn't plan for a long game; In the 32 rounds beforehand, 0 downs, don't even think I got hit more than once so this map could easily be done without Juggernog if played correctly. When I purposely downed and reviv…
Last reply by Superhands, -
- 17 replies
So here it is ladies and gentlemen, after about 15-16 hours I finally got sick to death of having to recycle the Thundergun each round, so I killed myself on round 80. This isn't all that difficult once you hit round 30 as long as you keep your focus. Vzual Venom's strategy works very nicely at that point and you can start using my strategy at round 40 to speed things up a bit and still keep it safe (take note of the spawn-control tactic found and used in the 70+ rounds of this video, this makes all of the zombies spawn in the first room so they're more compacted as you reach the Thompson room - this would be safe to use at round 40 whereas my previous strategy was a…
Last reply by Timmay, -
- 16 replies
Nacht de untoten is just a classic map. i really liked it on world at war, but the thing is its such a small map. thing i would like to see is that that the could expand it in some kind of way. pherhaps they could make a door out of the building so that you can go outside a bit like SNN. you can walk outside and possible activate some kind of traps, japanees traps such as pits or such. and that you also can enter another building, also big like der riese pherhaps and of course with a teleporter to PaP and perks. i think this would be a really nice addition to Nacht der Untoten just let me know wath you guys think :D
Last reply by Broli95, -
- 16 replies
I've been wondering, is there an easy strategy for getting 30+ on Nacht in Co-Op? All I've seen on you-tube is solo strategies. My team and I can hold it down until about 20 in the camp spot but what should we do after that?
Last reply by Superhands, -
- 16 replies
Hi A little tutorial how to run in circles in Verrückt. Have fun. Verrückt DM5RaJIn_U8 Keywords: kite kiting loop looping circle circling all rape train trains training tutorial strategy guide tip tips trick tricks
Last reply by piepwns, -
- 15 replies
Well this is a theory that has floated around in my mind as to how NDU is part of the story. (my opinion) In Der Riese, one of the radios features Dr. Maxis talking about needing more Element 115 for his experiments, saying there is "a large supply at the Nevada base" (whether that's Area 51 or not is up for debate) and that he is requesting the element, and thats where NDU takes place. A plane delivering 115 to Der Riese is caught in the middle of a violent storm and crashes because of the storm, (hence the fog and puddles outside the building) the plane crashing near a war-torn airfield somewhere between Poland and Germany; the 115 is scattered across the fie…
Last reply by JuggernautSoda, -
- 15 replies
Why did treyarch put the gang in the black ops verison of necht der untoten and verruckt. it doesnt make any sense and doesnt fitin with the story. i assume the marines from nacht were overrun and killed and we know that dempsey was at verruckt with other marines, but was the only survivor. so what gives?
Last reply by Tac, -
- 15 replies
well seeing as how those who already own the original maps would have to redownload the new map pack for the moon map. do you thing treyarch added any new guns or secrets. OR THE PPSH?(no most likely not) but theyre releasing old maps 8 months later and those maps already existed for 2 years before that you would think there would be something new added to them. if not then i will most likely pass since i have all waw maps which have better guns anyways
Last reply by Link40, -
- 15 replies
I'm kinda concerned that since Rezurrection will come out people will stop playing W@W, which concerns me because I'm not getting it. I already have the old maps and I don't want to fork over $15 for the sake of one new zombie map.
Last reply by Koolaid Legend, -
- 15 replies
What is the best perk-cola. I think it's Juggernog.
Last reply by Markusizr, -
- 15 replies
Hey guys, so my world record run is now complete, with a round 115 suicide! 0 downs before that point, pretty safe strategy here albeit a bit slow. I cut down this video a bit to keep it under half an hour, but most of round 99 is still shown (among others). Although this is slow, it's the fastest safe-strategy there is I believe. There are other strategies that are safer but VERY slow, this is a happy-medium which is always best suited for 100+ runs. I used a faster strategy between 40 and 60 as shown in the video, but it's risky so I decided to slow things down a bit in the high rounds. 0:00 Low rounds tactics 2:44 High rounds tactics 3:53 R…
Last reply by selectyeti89, -
- 15 replies
I was playing a typical solo game in verruckt a few hours ago and discovered the Winter's Howl in the mystery Box. I coulda sworn that WUnder Weopon was exclusively in Five. And I've played other games on Verrückt and had obtained only the Wunderwaffe DG-2. Never before have I seen the winters howl in this map or any other map. Was this a new addition I wasn't aware of? (they haven't updated BO in well over a year now if I'm not mistaken.) anyone else seen this or am I just crazy...
Last reply by 83457, -
- 14 replies
A situation im put in is that i had the old maps downloaded to my other hard drive, any ideas how to transfer it considering i have the xbox slim now and it doesn't use the same hard drive as my other xbox.
Last reply by The Crazy Fool, -
- 14 replies
Hey guys, so here's the finale video from my run to 120 on the Black Ops version of Verruckt, beating the previous record of 115 by Draculantern Didn't go down until I suicided on round 120, was planning on buying all of the unused Quick Revives to prove that I haven't gone down but as you'll see in the video, didn't quite happen lol. Pretty obvious that I at least tried though, surely From rounds 25-60 I used a fast 2-trap strategy which is shown in the video, it was a bit risky so I started using just the one trap from then onwards. This is the 8th Black Ops map I've been to round 100 on now! Nacht is a possibility but I'm not gonna make it a definite goal…
Last reply by TheeFrenzy, -
- 13 replies
My brother and I were playing on the BO version of Der Riese, and he noticed something a little odd. In split screen, the sky is different for each screen! IN the first player screen it looks to be a foggy twilight kind of time, and on the second player screen it's the dead of night with no fog. It baffled us. We could not make sense out of it.
Last reply by Wunderwaffle DG-4, -
- 13 replies
Ok. Lets make this quick. No flaming. No saying I will hack your account or you will do so to mine. Heres whats gonna happen...I am looking for BattleField Bad Company 2 DLC. Vietnam, and or the Specact packs. Thats what I am LOOKING for. I will take other things too.... just post what you guys have, and if I accept it I will send you a invite on PSN and a message with confirmation thats your account. Suggestion....IF YOU DONT HAVE THE BFBC2 DLC AND YOU WANT THE HARDENED MAPS, BUT YOU HAVE PSN CREDIT, I RECOMEND PURCHASING THEM. That is all.
Last reply by MNeal, -
- 13 replies
You guys my friend was wondering can you gameshare your classic maps from black ops and how do you need to do it ? thats all
Last reply by george7, -
- 13 replies
I've upgraded the Wunderwaffe DG-2 to the Wunderwaffe DG-3 JZ. In Black Ops(if you got the Classic Zombies) when you upgrade the Wunderwaffe DG-2, it turns golden its pretty awesome. Also i've upgraded: 1. The Olympia 2. The MP5K 3. The Stakeout 4. The M16 5. The AK74u 6. The Spectre 7. The China Lake 8. The M72 LAW 9. The CZ75 10. The CZ75 Dual Wield 11. The Ray Gun 12. The Thunder Gun 13. The Winter's Howl 14. The HK21 15. The RPK 16. The Galil 17. The Commando 18. The Colt M911
Last reply by James Dean, -
- 13 replies
I just finished a game of Der Riese and I had to come here and leave a post about it. It was round 16 and I was fully armed. Just got done using the box and got a PPSH (which I call "Fish" for short.) I had the Wonder Waffe, the Bowie Knife, Monkey Bombs, Bouncing Betties, Juggernog, Speed Cola, Double Tap, and I just pack a punched my Fish. I had one crawler left from the previous round so I could get some weapons. As I'm walking off the platform where the PaP is, I encountered the crawler. I was getting ready to kill it when he swung at my legs killing me instantaniously. One shot. I had Juggernog. I don't get it. I was about to stab it with the Bowie Knife but he swung…
Last reply by ZombicidalManiac, -
- 13 replies
Alright so this just my rant on the topic. (not directed at anyone in the forums) Honestly I feel like the majority of the new people playing Nacht der Untoten who didn't get WaW will complain about it, just because there are no perks. They will just consider it as another "Five" and just leave it. But they should get over it if that's the case. The people liked it just fine in WaW and it's not gonna change just because you can't survive without Juggernog. It is probably the hardest Zombie map to date IMO, but that's what I like about it. You're gonna need to co-operate and co-ordinate as a team if you wanna get far. In the case of the PaP machine, read above. …
Last reply by KrazyCookies, -
- 13 replies
Hey guys, so as you may know, yesterday VzuaLxVenoM achieved round 62 on Nacht Der Untoten with a really safe strategy he devised himself, utilizing knowledge of spawn control. I've recorded a quick video of a round 20 playthrough to show you guys how to use his strategy at rounds 20+ when the spawns are still a little slow. This may possibly work a little earlier too. It may not be the quickest strategy, but in a map without Juggernog I think safety is top of the list of priorities -lxG1qUqzM8
Last reply by Superhands, -
- 12 replies
How How did the marines get there? These are the same marines from verruckt. The marines who fled Verruckt after failing to contain the asylum and extract peter fled the scene, (Tank Dempsey either got capture by group 935 and transferred to der riese either at Verruckt or NDU), the marines were on the plane that crashed (NDU cutscene) Why Why are there zombies in NDU when there is no source of element 115? We are missing the fact the generator in Verruckt is powered by element 115, its not a far stretch to assume the marines either took the generator or the fuelcells /power source of the generator to prevent more zombie spreading Why did the…
Last reply by Mr Dr Prof Richtofen,
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