Classic Maps
DLC 4 maps Nacht Der Untoten, Verruckt, Shi No Numa, and Der Riese discussion here.
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274 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
Hey guys, so here's my fast and safe (well, as safe as it can get without having Jugg) 30+ strategy. Roughly 40 seconds per spawn and just as safe as Venom's strategy, which this strategy is loosely based on. I developed this strategy during my world record run to round 80, working out an early version of the strategy in the 40s and discovering the zone-mechanics trick in the 70s - using this trick, the strategy becomes safe to use at round 30, probably a little earlier. VERY IMPORTANT to sit in the corner immediately after killing the group in the first room; all the while you're sitting in this corner, all of the spawns will only be triggered in the first room, w…
Last reply by Superhands, -
- 5 replies
Hello, this is what I bielieve to be the BEST solo strategy for the map Der riese on Call of Duty Black Ops. Let's get started: This is probably the safest way of playing Der Riese. It averages out to about 1 minute per hoard. The current world record holder CJgarof used this strategy in his round 133 game. While it's not the fastest, it's definitly the safest. DOx-b1AA7mc This next strategy is pretty fast, but it is not very organized as it involves turning on the middle trap as you drop down from Double Tap. You drop down, turn on the middle trap, and then run a train near the bowie knife until you have a full group of 24 zombies, then tou lead them to…
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 17 replies
So here it is ladies and gentlemen, after about 15-16 hours I finally got sick to death of having to recycle the Thundergun each round, so I killed myself on round 80. This isn't all that difficult once you hit round 30 as long as you keep your focus. Vzual Venom's strategy works very nicely at that point and you can start using my strategy at round 40 to speed things up a bit and still keep it safe (take note of the spawn-control tactic found and used in the 70+ rounds of this video, this makes all of the zombies spawn in the first room so they're more compacted as you reach the Thompson room - this would be safe to use at round 40 whereas my previous strategy was a…
Last reply by Timmay, -
- 1 reply
I was playing black ops verison of Der Riese,and noticed that Mule Kick was not in the map. This was just noticed by my this weekedn and i was wondering if anyone else noticed. Will try to post a video later.mule/kick/is/gone/
Last reply by Matuzz, -
- 5 replies
Author’s Note- This is mainly for co op. It’s pretty much accepted to go with the original four in solo. But in co op, it gets kinda dicey. I always go with Jug and Revive, so we’re assuming that these two are a given. The others, well, that’s what this thread is for! Let’s End This: Mule Kick vs Double Tap vs Speed Cola Hello everybody! Hope you guys are having a wonderful day. I have just gotten home from school, where I was taking my chemistry final exam. That class has been kicking my butt all year. I thought for sure I would bomb the final! Turns out, I got an 83 on the test! It’s not the best, but it’s pretty good compared to some of the other kids in the…
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 15 replies
Hey guys, so my world record run is now complete, with a round 115 suicide! 0 downs before that point, pretty safe strategy here albeit a bit slow. I cut down this video a bit to keep it under half an hour, but most of round 99 is still shown (among others). Although this is slow, it's the fastest safe-strategy there is I believe. There are other strategies that are safer but VERY slow, this is a happy-medium which is always best suited for 100+ runs. I used a faster strategy between 40 and 60 as shown in the video, but it's risky so I decided to slow things down a bit in the high rounds. 0:00 Low rounds tactics 2:44 High rounds tactics 3:53 R…
Last reply by selectyeti89, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys, here's a little footage (rounds 53 and 99-100) from my current world record run to 115, currently paused on round 105! As usual, half-an-hour video to come when the game is complete to show the results. From about round 40-60 I used a fast strategy as shown in the round 53 clip here, but it's pretty risky so from about round 60 onwards I started using a slower and safer strategy as shown in the round 99-100 clip here. I'm expecting to reach round 115 tomorrow night, finished the day on round 105 tonight.
Last reply by Undead, -
- 3 replies
Does anyone know the world record for Nacht's First Room Challenge on solo? I would like to know because I'm going to attempt to try to break that record. :D
Last reply by heillingalj, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I'm Jay, looking for some advice on the map Verruckt. Been playing a bit of verruckt lately after introduced by way. Playing co-op online there are maybe 500 players with most of them in the teens, myself included. I have played other maps and have basic skills to round 30 but having a hard time with this map with randoms. The ideal strategy is to lap the map Superhand style, but every randoms I have played with either want to camp by STG with power door closed, or camp in Thompson room. If I camp away from them and they go down I run into their zombie train. I go double tap I run into them by the stairs, if I go **** please report this topic, post **** …
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 4 replies
i'm a part of a steam group called "zombie whisperers" which has a lot of great players that get very little recognition. a few days ago, they made it to 65, a new world record, co-op as well. a lot of people probably wouldn't see it unless there was a public post of it, so here's the video: OTdJCn74X_A just to clarify, this isn't me, it's DKA_Masta and Dynamics. they are probably the best players of all time (on pc, at least )
Last reply by selectyeti89, -
- 9 replies
Hey guys, so today I completed another run to 100 in my quest for 100 on any many maps as possible, this time on Der Riese. 3rd 100 in a row with 0 downs The Mule Kick machine is not in this game, my internet was down when I started the game as I figured it'd be a good time to start, forgetting that being offline means Mule Kick won't be there. It's not necessary to have it though. Enjoy!
Last reply by Superhands, -
- 13 replies
Hey guys, so as you may know, yesterday VzuaLxVenoM achieved round 62 on Nacht Der Untoten with a really safe strategy he devised himself, utilizing knowledge of spawn control. I've recorded a quick video of a round 20 playthrough to show you guys how to use his strategy at rounds 20+ when the spawns are still a little slow. This may possibly work a little earlier too. It may not be the quickest strategy, but in a map without Juggernog I think safety is top of the list of priorities -lxG1qUqzM8
Last reply by Superhands, -
- 0 replies
I have 2 camping strategy's for groups of 3-4 players. Rounds 0-10 On these rounds, use the box over and over until you get a decent fully auto weapon (Galil, Commando, HK, RPK) and a ray gun/thundergun. Atleast 2 people are going to need both ray gun and monkeys to proceed to the camping spot. Do not open the upstairs yet! Rounds 10-15 Open the stairs that lead from the box room to the upstairs, make sure you have a decent gun and a raygun/monkeys/thundergun. All 3-4 players go to the back of the upstairs near the other set of stairs. 1 player will sit on the wall were the grenades are, another will be on the window, and the other 2 or 1 will be upfront. If yo…
Last reply by Zaptn., -
- 4 replies
Hello CoDz. I, Emperor Doggy II of the Wunder Waffes, will be bringing you today a very good camping strategy for those who like camping at the catwalk. As you may have noticed, this is only a rounds 20-30 strategy. The thing is, I have only tried it until round 30, but I believe it would still work until 35. Then, you will have to start running and using the teleporters. This strategy could work with 3 or 4 players but no less than 3. Enough talking, on commence. The trick of this strategy is to have all of the players focusing on the front and one player on the back with the following weapon and perk set: Perks: Juggernog Speed Cola Quick Re…
Last reply by yellowmanblack, -
- 4 replies
This is my first commentary so don't get mad at my studdering GvbqpfGjca0
Last reply by Sebba, -
- 18 replies
What's your highest round on Der Riese Black Ops? Pretty pumped just made it to 44 with one other person. Epic game.
Last reply by NZheadshot1, -
- 2 replies
Hi I just wondered if anyone else was having an issue with leader boards on the classic Maps. There are a couple that I am not on, so during this time I thought to try the old maps, the very first map in particular. Unfortunately no matter how many times I play the map my score is not registered in the leader board are they broken or frozen? does anyone know? I am guessing it won't get fixed now, shame.
Last reply by Dopey Legend, -
- 8 replies
Hey guys, here is my latest video on Verruckt which shows how I do things between levels 11 and 18. I've never heard or seen of anyone using the strategy of keeping the QR door shut......damn it's effective! lqSSvM58seo
Last reply by Superhands, -
- 0 replies
We decided to make some zombie videos for our youtube channel today. Here is part one of our game on verruckt. hope you enjoy. Sx8rLBiHxMc
Last reply by Zom-B_Hunter115, -
- 6 replies
-Map: Verruckt- -Game: BO- -Date: March 2012- The challege is you camp in the BAR room. You can also play solo or with someone else in that tiny room. Only two weapons is BAR (which is on the wall in that room) and any on wall submachine gun or any LMG. No wonder weapons and mule kick (ole fashioned zombie way). You can have any shotgun too. You can have the original four perks (QR, Speed, DT, and Jugg.) Even Bouncing Betties and bowing knife is allowed. Goal: Past 40 rounds. Show the gameplay footage to show the proof that you did the challege. The reward is brains. [brains] Who will accept this challege? :twisted:
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 2 replies
okay let's go over the pro's and cons of both waw Pro's cool black camo when pack a punched kills 10 zombies un pack a punched kills all 24 zombies when pack a punched high mobility cons long reload lacking ammo in reserve if you fire to close it disables your juggernog unexpectedly consequently causing you to down yourself Black ops pro's same as waw EXCEPT when pack a punched has a gold camo when self shocked it will NOT remove your juggernog cons same as waw EXCEPT can only kill up to 10 zombies pack a punched or otherwise. so i'll leave it to you guys to decide which is better
Last reply by TheSlushTurtle, -
- 2 replies
So I actually wrote this guide mid October last year, and posted it as a reply to a help thread. I completely forgot about it until today, where it has being revived from the dead. I'm not sure if it helped the OP of that thread or anyone, so I thought I'd repost it as an actual thread. So here is my first ever guide again I haven't tried this myself (as no-one will try it with me) but I hear it is a very good strategy. When you have enough points, make your way to the Help Room. But don't go through the Help door. Take the stairs in the spawn room, than the other stairs leading down into the Help Room. ===============REQUIREMENTS================ …
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 3 replies
[iPod] Der Riese Solo Strategy This is just my strategy for solo on Der Riese on the iPod. The thing to consider for early rounds is that weapons on the iPod have stronger damage than other consoles. One thing to note is that the main weapon we'll be using in higher rounds is the Wunderwaffe DG-2 (Ray Gun is the backup if no ammo). (E.g. You can one hit kill zombies up to round 5 with only one knife. You can headshot zombies with your starting M1911 pistol with one hit up to round 3 - I think. Any weapson can one hit kill a zombie around round 5 - I think.) Round 1 Just knife, do not bother with pistol, because pistol kills zombies in two…
Last reply by anguscr, -
- 10 replies
Recently learned about the Single Window Glitch in the room behind Double Tap on Der Riese, so I decided to try it. By about round 16, they started to breach the Window very quickly, so I started to form a looping strategy on the spot to stay alive after the breach. Circles werent reliable, so I did cutback-style-arch formations. It worked pretty well up until round 25, when I died trying to hold Zombies out the window again, and I got multislapped through the window. Here is a crude map depicting what I was doing. I held the window and pumped buck into them until I started to get hit too much, so I ran over to the corner near, but not right next to Doubl…
Last reply by TroubledTurkey, -
- 12 replies
Here is a challenge I am going to put out there for the whole community. I have tried it a couple times and I believe it is the hardest thing I have ever run. I got to round 12 a ways back, can you beat that? So I remember someone somewhere posting a comment that said relaxing end could train in a shoebox. Here is your chance to try it out! Der Riese Quick Revive Challenge Description: You will stay in the quick revive room for the entire game, attempting to train zombies and stay alive. Whoever gets to the highest round wins. *You must record the whole challenge from round 10 and up to be in the running* Rules: 1. This is a sol…
Last reply by anguscr,
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