Classic Maps
DLC 4 maps Nacht Der Untoten, Verruckt, Shi No Numa, and Der Riese discussion here.
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274 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Hey guys I'm 13 I"m really chill I play PS3 I mostly play the hardend maps I will only play with People 16 and up because anyone under that will not compramise on anything or tend to be a bit unwilling to listen but we need to bolth agree on a strat I'm great at Der Riese kino der toten im best at accession I can usually play anytime after 4:30 EST Thanks message me for my gamertag and and what map we will play... I have BO with all the map packs and on waw only der riese
Last reply by demesphor, -
- 18 replies
can u help me?
Last reply by DoubleOZombie, -
- 18 replies
What's your highest round on Der Riese Black Ops? Pretty pumped just made it to 44 with one other person. Epic game.
Last reply by NZheadshot1, -
- 12 replies
Hey guys, I was just wondering what your high score on the maps is without a ray gun, winters howl, thunder gun, DG-2? I seem to have shit all luck with the box and its starting to piss me off, anyway mine are (all solo - no live ): Nacht - 15 Verruckt - 19 SNN - 14 hate this map Der Riese - 32 with PaP thanks guys
Last reply by THE ERAYZA NATER, -
- 13 replies
I just finished a game of Der Riese and I had to come here and leave a post about it. It was round 16 and I was fully armed. Just got done using the box and got a PPSH (which I call "Fish" for short.) I had the Wonder Waffe, the Bowie Knife, Monkey Bombs, Bouncing Betties, Juggernog, Speed Cola, Double Tap, and I just pack a punched my Fish. I had one crawler left from the previous round so I could get some weapons. As I'm walking off the platform where the PaP is, I encountered the crawler. I was getting ready to kill it when he swung at my legs killing me instantaniously. One shot. I had Juggernog. I don't get it. I was about to stab it with the Bowie Knife but he swung…
Last reply by ZombicidalManiac, -
- 0 replies
I know I have. The new ones don't have that "zombies" feel to me like in W@W. In W@W, it feels raw and creepy. I don't get that feeling in Black Ops. In Black Ops, it's feels like they put too much into the maps. Like the monkeys, crawlers, Romero, and it doesn't feel neat. It just feels annoying. The older ones were much simpler and thought out. Sure, they put in some news things but not to the point where it got annoying. Like Der Riese. The map is just the right size. Not too big where it's hard to get to teammates, but not too small to where you're always surrounded by zombies. Plus, how many think that the Pack A Punch weapons look cooler in WAW Der Riese than …
Last reply by man-freshener-115, -
- 9 replies
I'm just asking, how many people still play these? Like could someone go see the number of players in the category for Classic Zombies? If I get lucky enough for someone to game share, I wouldn't want to have them and then nobody is online.
Last reply by Major ZOMBlE, -
- 10 replies
Now i know you hate people asking for them so im not. i have someone who will gameshare the maps with me but we cant seem to find the file to download. i logged in his psn went to view downloads and the map pack is not there. any help?
Last reply by glovedeath, -
- 8 replies
So, is the new dlc basically the hardened maps with one new map, or are the classic maps significantly changed?
Last reply by TheFallen0ne, -
- 20 replies
Hey Guys, I just finished my first actual attempt on Shi No Numa Co-Op. I used the Ray Gun w/ the Thompson as my wall gun. My partner was using the WunderWaffe DG 2 w/ the STG-44 as his wall gun. We both had Monkey Bombs of course. He would loop around the STG-44 Area (Comm Room). I would loop around the Flogger Area. Perk Layout was: Comm Room - Double Tap Storage - Quick Revive Doctor's Quarters - Speed Cola Fishing Hut - Juggernaut Here was the outcome: Click The Above Thumbnail For An Enlarged Version. Does anybody have some suggestions or any ideas? I'm not really good at Shi No Numa considering it is like my third time pla…
Last reply by killallzombies, -
- 2 replies
hello i will gameshare the classic maps for the annihaltion map pack this is EU or UK only i have a bles disc also add my psn zigabg62
Last reply by thegrix, -
- 4 replies
World at War started adding achievements only after Map Pack 2, with Shi No Numa. There aren't any on the game itself for zombies, or Nacht der Untoten. There also is none for Map Pack 1, or Verrückt. Shi No Numa and Der Riese both had 10 achievements each. So if you had to create a list for Nacht der Untoten and Zombie Verrückt for World at War, what would it have been. Keep in mind to keep them at an easy to medium difficulty to reflect the other WaW Zombie achievements. Don't forget to have a nifty name for the achievement as well as a description! Nacht der Untoten The First Steps Open the Mystery Box. Safety First! Obtain the Ray …
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 4 replies
in waw maps ndu, verruckt, and snn I was the last alive and I got cornered. so I just thought why not lay down just because I can, I did and the zombies ran over me in verruckt and I somehow escaped ran away to live another day. then in snn a few mins ago same happened except they didnt run over me they just hit very slow and only one at a time but I let them kill me cause I was bored, in ndu they stop hitting for a second then go at it again. anyone else ever do this? I always at least duck because It always gives you a second more.
Last reply by selectyeti89, -
- 0 replies
Treyarch released an intel article including a full list of weapons in the classic maps for Black Ops as well as a couple tips. Read it here:
Last reply by HalfSwiss, -
- 20 replies
I Seen on a few comments people say you have to use team work and thinks like that, I cant find a good spot to rape train, I do it at the electricity but I end up getting cornered because of the barrels. I really like this map because of the FG42, I'd take it over a raygun anyday. I've only made it to round 21 and that's not very high for me. Does anyone have a good strategy for this map in solo?
Last reply by Superhands, -
- 3 replies
I have heard numorous times that there will be 5 new songs in REZurection(1 for each classic map plus moon). Is this true? i highly doubt it but it would be cool.
Last reply by MKScorpion, -
- 13 replies
Ok. Lets make this quick. No flaming. No saying I will hack your account or you will do so to mine. Heres whats gonna happen...I am looking for BattleField Bad Company 2 DLC. Vietnam, and or the Specact packs. Thats what I am LOOKING for. I will take other things too.... just post what you guys have, and if I accept it I will send you a invite on PSN and a message with confirmation thats your account. Suggestion....IF YOU DONT HAVE THE BFBC2 DLC AND YOU WANT THE HARDENED MAPS, BUT YOU HAVE PSN CREDIT, I RECOMEND PURCHASING THEM. That is all.
Last reply by MNeal, -
- 9 replies
well for the guys and girls who have the old/calssic maps in black ops, when you use the Kar98k and when using the bolt, it doesnt make a noise ive tried it in everyold map and there is no audio for the bolt cranking. i will get a video for the people who dont have the old maps. just wondering if anyone else has this problem EDIT: this is on xbox, if anyone would gladly check the ps3 version?
Last reply by mikeike12, -
- 5 replies
Author’s Note- This is mainly for co op. It’s pretty much accepted to go with the original four in solo. But in co op, it gets kinda dicey. I always go with Jug and Revive, so we’re assuming that these two are a given. The others, well, that’s what this thread is for! Let’s End This: Mule Kick vs Double Tap vs Speed Cola Hello everybody! Hope you guys are having a wonderful day. I have just gotten home from school, where I was taking my chemistry final exam. That class has been kicking my butt all year. I thought for sure I would bomb the final! Turns out, I got an 83 on the test! It’s not the best, but it’s pretty good compared to some of the other kids in the…
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 3 replies
Kt0zeWXqV8k Wow, epic isn't it? I think that it was the stuff like this that really made people into zombies at first. I think to at least put some sense into their story lines, they should make some more trailers like this for future zombie maps, heck, maybe they should even make the trailers for Kino and Ascension? who's with me? :mrgreen:
Last reply by The green bastard, -
- 1 reply
Looking to get old zombie maps. I have a team and I need the zombie maps. You can join my team if you like. Thanks. Buying ascension on thursday and I can give you that in return. :D
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 2 replies
I only play on weekends, we play either kino der toten, der riese, vurruckt or moon Screw it, all the classic maps, accension, kino and moon Must have gotten to round 20 on any map (except burried) respond if intrested.
Last reply by 943awsomeness, -
- 8 replies
..,out of interest what were the characters like that you played as on the originall NDT and Verrukt? Did they resemble the 'heros' at all ? Or were they just generic soldiers? Was just thinking about it and couldn't remember at all.. I'd stick my W@W disc in and see, but it's broken :)
Last reply by man-freshener-115, -
- 45 replies
Last reply by Tom852, -
- 2 replies
Mule Kick perk a cola machine on Black Ops Shi no Numa I got the hardend edition so i got Shi no Numa a while now, but never noticed the Mule Kick before. Updated map since Rezurrection? Only downloaded Moon as a map because i already had the WaW maps.
Last reply by MrUniQ,
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