The risen dead have overtaken a Soviet cosmodrome and all Hell has broken loose. The countdown to the zombie apocalypse has begun.
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Duplicate Posts -
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1,179 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
On the mystery man easter egg iv got up to the part where you all get death machine for 90 seconds but this isnt the last step! Allot of people say the last step involves fighting samantha but no one seems to know how to get to the last step. Some people say you all get on a lunar lander and it takes you outside the map... But im really confused dose anyone know the truth???
Last reply by ZeMrDark, -
- 6 replies
"Ascend from Darkness"..."Raise Hell"...both involve going up right? And the step after getting a death machine (Wield a fist of iron) is "Raise Hell" this is just a theory, but what if continuing the easter egg has something to do with getting on a lunar lander and using the death machines somehow? Just a thought... Again, this is just a THEORY! I have NOT tested this as I have a PS3, so it would be nice if somebody could try this and then post results.
Last reply by ZeMrDark, -
- 5 replies
take a look at this. ... .1007.html since this game is mostly based off of speculation, this sort of makes sense. what do you guys think?
Last reply by ZeMrDark, -
- 9 replies
Hey guys, just letting you know im on round 50 solo atm, and just got my max ammo, unfortuantely no more revives tho ill keep you's posted and upload a few pics later. EDIT:
Last reply by || M u K s Y ||, -
- 2 replies
Hey, I was on Ascension today and when I was look around I realized that there are a few things that haven't really been paid attention to. For starters, there are 6 batteries, not just 5 incase that helps for shooting the Death Machines. Also has anyone noticed that there are documents all over the map with the GK Logo on them and that in the room with the Richtofen doll that on the floor there is a top secret report signed by JFK with a picture of what I believe is Area 51. Just thought I'ld tell everyone and sorry for the long post.
Last reply by ZeMrDark, -
- 1 reply
Maybe, just Maybe, after you get the death machines you need to answer all 3 red phones, which should give you a message of 3 five characters, "NEED SOME BEANS FOR THE CHOWDER HERE" and then after you do that they COME AND FIGHT ZOMBIES WITH YOU ZOMG *Edit* Someone try it cause it might work hahahaha [brains] :lol:
Last reply by ZeMrDark, -
- 0 replies
Ps3 owner, now also 360. Looking for 3 good players for zombies. Played zombies since waw. Got rd 37 on der riese. 39 on kino. Lookin to get round 30+ on ascension 1st try I can play all night, got no work tomorrow. Hit me up. I'm ronaldo115 on xbox.
Last reply by Ronaldo9, -
- 16 replies
There is a pawprint on the moon on Ascension. If you can't see the moon, go to the lander by PHD Flopper, and back up to the opposite wall from the perk and look up. There is a bloody pawprint on the bottom center of the moon. Fluffy?
Last reply by CementeryGhoul, -
- 11 replies
So i was thinking wat if the gersch device (black hole machine) is like a teleporter to the dimension Sam is in! These are is my thoughts on the whole story of the easter egg: A man named Gersh (because after you shoot the orb he says it would have been nice to meet you Gersh like the man who made its name was Gersch) was making a black whole teleporter and he was succesful but was sucked into another dimension the one Sam is in! He tried escaping using a gersch device but there was no power. Then Richtofen and the gang came to ascension and threw a gersch device at the generator and Gersch realized they could help him by rerouting power to the generator (which by…
Last reply by ZeMrDark, -
- 2 replies
Maybe at the end of the easter egg, you get the DM's, but they're just like a present for completing the easter egg. I think that the real reward at the end was freeing the man and adding to the story line. And maybe you can play as him in the next zombie map or something. Gotta keep the theorys comin' !
Last reply by Vallkure, -
- 2 replies
I was playing Ascension with 3 other people and we got mobbed by zombies, we were by PHD Flopper and I was pushed into a corner by where the box should be , I got downed and I fell under the map. I went searching for my camera, but when I found it and opened it I had died. I was directly under the floor. Like, I could look up and see the zombies and my team. But, they couldn't revive me. Darn
Last reply by JuggernautSoda, -
- 8 replies
Well, as you may or may not know, when you activate the PaP machine as tank he says something along the lines of. "Richtofen, I dont like him, I think ive seen him BEFORE shi no numa, but I cant quite remember, infact, I cant remember much at all about before." Video Here: At first I thought he said "In shi no numa" making me think he was losing his mind. But then listening to it again, im pretty sure he says, BEFORE shi no numa. This brought me back to the Dreamland server in the terminal in the main menu. Specifically to the document where its stated that, Nikolai, Takeo and Dempsey were Richtofens test subjects and had all been brain washed…
Last reply by James Dean, -
- 5 replies
One of three things are happening when you do the Death Machine easter egg. First is that it is the end of the easter egg and the point of it was to advance the zombie story line for the the next Map Pack. You may pick right back up on the story now that yuri is free in the next map pack. On the other hand this could not be the last part of the easter egg but more of a hype generator for the launch on the pc and ps3. Treyarch is known for there hot fixes and may be planing to launch one on the zombie map. Some clues that would lead me to this explanation is that in the code there are references to passkey HITSAM and HYENEA but do not activate anything on the map. A…
Last reply by CheezyWeezle, -
- 0 replies
above jugganogg, the room before the power, there is a server set with the numbers 1,2,3 on them, dont know if this is relevant, or if its just cosmetic.....and beside that, is another phone(probably mcanamera's phone.)
Last reply by hungry carr0t, -
- 6 replies
Ok i found videos of these 3 phone on Ascnesion,1 you can hear shooting and zombies,2 other phones you can hear 2 charaters from "FIVE" Links: ... feature=iv do ya agree that Five might become part of the zombie story line?
Last reply by Unit 33, -
- 4 replies
early in the game I went to one of the batteries and pressed X. It made the same noise as activating a radio. Maybe?
Last reply by Tyler The Intern, -
- 2 replies
I tried throwing a Gersh Device at the transformer for part one of the nodes, but kinda over threw it and it his that large boxy thing behind it. When it hit it, it just went through and Sam laughed and little lightening bolt flew out. It happens on any of those large things like that.
Last reply by Dallas_Danielle, -
- 3 replies
The last word that Mason says before the end of the game credits is Acension. I just played through, for the first time and right before the credits he said it. I don't know if it means anything, but it could, I just thought I'd point it out.
Last reply by Dallas_Danielle, -
- 19 replies
Yeah, well you remember looking through the one window where you activate node 2 if you look way out there you see a shiny object propped on a rock (piece 1) oh hey you also remember taking the lift back to the starting room and looking over where C flag might be if you look on the ground you notice that shiny piece (piece2) oh yeah and by the pack a punch machine if you look out there off by like a pipe object and a rock should be piece number 3 piece number 4 I believe is either by the stamin up or by the generator or rocket I cant remember, well just go hit all of them with your death machines tell me what happens after that guys. Im not saying this is a theory f…
Last reply by LR HybRiid zx, -
- 7 replies
Well perhaps you need to have the rocket ready to launch, and when you are given the Death Machines, launch the rocket, and then shoot it down... Just a theory, but we need to keep them coming if we ever want to crack this, or perhaps being awarded the Death Machines really is the end? A bit of an anti-climax though! :(
Last reply by TheHeckz, -
- 5 replies
i'm sure your all bored hearing everyone's ideas on the final step but now i am going to post an few things i noticed when playing asention in relation to the battery idea first the first thing i noticed the first time i played the map before i new about generator or helping the mystery man i noticed the bullet holes around the walls and i think a few on the floor in the spawn room and the mpl room beside the spawn room, i immediately thought they resembled death machine bullets as i knew it was returning from five also there is loads of battery all around the map some with sparky visible some without but there is four in the spawn room and mpl room with sparky …
Last reply by xSoucxCorex, -
- 16 replies
I'm having problems with Ascension and that map only x.x . . . Right after the song, before the game starts it stops and my game freeze's. I can only go back to dashboard =/ . I Tried re-downloading the map pack didn't work. Every other map works fine, Help please D: ?
Last reply by ZeMrDark, -
- 5 replies
*WARNING, THIS WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR THE ASCENSION RADIOS, IF YOU HAVE NOT LISTENED TO THEM, TRY TO POSSIBLY...well....come to think of it, i'm not too sure how to avoid the you're probably just SOL...heh* After listening to the radios on Ascension and other radios on Kino and whatnot, the story arch is becoming a bit clearer. I won't bother wasting anyone's time with the German 935 Theories, we all know what happened there. But, let's think back to Kino for a second. Playing as Richtofan, I've heard him say a couple of key quotes that fuel my theory: QUOTE 1 "Dr. Maxis would have had his undead army, if only he hadn't broken t…
Last reply by reagz00, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by l-DaNG3R-l, -
- 15 replies
What happens with the man on the roof? Is that confirmed?
Last reply by xMiniM1,
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