The risen dead have overtaken a Soviet cosmodrome and all Hell has broken loose. The countdown to the zombie apocalypse has begun.
CoDz Code of Conduct
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Duplicate Posts -
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We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
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Example: A “good” signature could contain a few links to some threads (as long as they follow previous rules), zombie round numbers, a small image, or something personal, such as a saying or quote. A “bad” signature would contain any annoying “flashy” .GIFs, or any content that would not comply with previous CoC rules.
1,179 topics in this forum
- 26 replies
Ok so remember how zombies started off as Nazi zombies? Well treyarch made verruckt no storyline just saw it was popular. Shi no numa introduced the 4 we came to love and added radios 115 and all this cool stuff making the zombies experience more imersable. Well der riese came along and the amount of easter eggs and story depth added was phenominal. And then there's kino which really only added more questions than answers. Is richtofen using takeo nikolai and dempsey as test subjects are they brain washed? We don't know. But since the addition of "five" and ascension it seems like they've taken a step back from that storyline altogether! No mention of maxis no elaboration…
Last reply by NuttyTurn0ut, -
- 9 replies
I believe it was near the speed cola or it was near an indoor mystery box but not the power one. When you press X on it, it makes the sounds of the beginning of a radio transmission and then it stops. I apologize for not being able to get a screenshot or provide more accurate and trustworthy information. If I was lying to you, what could I possibly gain? Edit: It rings just like the phones on Five when you get near it.
Last reply by Commander034, -
- 4 replies
ok when you get the death machine, try using the lunar pad from the beginning or from other points (i would try the beginning). Maybe this will take you to the rumored 5th landing pad
Last reply by Ratty_VWMK3, -
- 14 replies
Alright, after you do all the regular Generator Easter Egg stuff, buy PhD Flopper. Everyone must have it. Now, somebody must use a Gersch Device. Everybody dive from a high point into the Black Hole. You will be transported back to the main room The chained up door next to Quick Revive will be available for 1250. Inside is a gauge on a pad with several buttons. Next to it will be an inaccsessable door, blocked by a table. On the table is another Matryshka(?) Doll. The face is painted over in black. When you get to the gauge, you can press X. It says "Press X to lower security gauge". After doing that, an alarm will sound. The Mystery Man will say, "Good! You tuned off the…
Last reply by xMiniM1, -
- 5 replies
My friends and i have shot it so many times with multiple upgrade guns and non upgrade guns. Can you please help us out and list all (or 1) possible combinations in the gersh device when throwing it on the projected light. Thanks :idea:
Last reply by NuttyTurn0ut, -
- 5 replies
Do you know the differance between the A4/V2 German rocket and the Russian Suyuz rockets? This is an A4 V2 That is an Soyuz rocket Have you played campaing through yet? Have you played Discovery yet? Unlock the mysteries of this abandoned WW2 German research station in Antartica.
Last reply by Leightonater, -
- 4 replies
The guy on the Ascension loading screen- that's the guy that appears on the rooftop after you complete the easter egg. Has anyone tried throwing a gersch device on him? Somebody should get a sniper rifle, and zoom up on him. Just a theory.....but if you've helped set him free, he should give you a reward.......dg-2 aka wunderwaffle? Unfortunately, I only have a ps3, so I can't test anything :(
Last reply by Ronaldo9, -
- 7 replies
- 2.5k views Ive been following this site since Der Riese and im impressed at the lengths everyone goes to and the attentive skill required to decode these easter eggs. Now, I ask you what connection the Casimir effect has with the supposed device that sent the light to the moon. I have yet to skim the entire article, but the outline suggests ties to wormholes and repulsion.
Last reply by brimst0ne13, -
- 19 replies
Hey new to this four, sorry if this was already posted, but there has to be a reason you get the D machine for so long and the map is so big it makes sense that you have it for 90 sec so you have time to go somewhere on the map. Any ideas?
Last reply by xSoucxCorex, -
- 5 replies
I think we need to take a step back from the whole generator theroy and have a look around I have noticed some very obvious and quite meaning full things and some not so obvious or meaning full 1. The telepoter base beside the lunar lander how did a german teleporter base and up in a Russia and why? 2. The large bullet holes in the spawn room and room with mpl in it beside spawn room, meaby the zombies broke out before and the Russians tried to defend them selves or something like that.update:checked other room around map and dont seem to be any other bullet hole apart from in these two rooms 3.a bloody grate. After opening the first door downstairs there is a grate…
Last reply by nayrcraig, -
- 2 replies
2 days Ago i was playing on Ascension and I heard the character say "This future is very fascinating" or i think interesting but he definitely said something about the future. I don't know which character I was and I don't know what i did but i'm 110% one of them said this qoute. I would of posted earlier but every since Ascension it seems like there are alot of people posting about the same thing...
Last reply by Z0MBIEStheyN0MBIES, -
- 4 replies
Just a theory that I came up with from the red phones in Five and Ascension. When you pick up the phone in Five you only hear static but if you get the phone to ring and pick it up on Ascension you hear the characters from Five on the other end, like I picked up the one by the PHD Flopper and it said, "The revolution cannot continue without Fidel Castro" or something along those lines. Any ideas on the relevance of the connection?
Last reply by brimst0ne13, -
- 3 replies
If you stand at Lander B I think, the one by the Speed Cola, and look over the balcony behing the actual lander pad, off to the right far off by a satelite is a bright, glowing, white box. I have zoomed in with a Dragonuv and noticed that it is in fact a box, that is white and glowing ( :roll: ) and i think maybe you have to shoot this with the Death machines or maybe shoot a PaPed weapon at it, like the Fly Trap in Der Riese. I don't know if anything will happen, or if this is even something meant to be there. It could be a graphical error, or it could be the next step in the big Easter egg, or it could even be another Easter Egg in itself. I just noticed this and decide…
Last reply by xSoucxCorex, -
- 3 replies
So we all know that after we repair the generator we get 90 second death machines that say "sparky" on it. There's 12 car batteries throughout the map that I can see. 6 in the starting area. 1 on the floor in the downstairs 750 door. 2 outside near phd flopper one next to the machine under the takeo doll. One in the window on the catwalk. 1 under the stairs surrounded by clutter after the box starting room near the control panel. And 2 under the stairs that lead to the speed room. I feel like treyarch knows in order to send the light away that we need a crawler so giving us the 90 second death machines while there's no zombies is completely useless. I think we need to sho…
Last reply by crzyphrog, -
- 6 replies
These Generator steps remind me of a certain Campaign mission. In Vorkuta, Reznov has a 8 step plan to escape. "Secure the Keys", also known as a tool for freedom. In this case, the generator. "Ascend from the Darkness" could just mean to turn the power on to escape the black and white, or maybe releasing the rocket. "Rain Fire" could be the in between of how many rounds you have to put into the Zombies to complete the next steps, or it could mean to destroy the rocket after liftoff. After killing all monkeys and Zombies, pressing the buttons, you must stand on the pressure pad for a minute to finish the next generator step. This causes a nuke to go off and kill all Zombi…
Last reply by JCz, -
- 3 replies
hi i have recently been creating a spreadsheet to help rookies and experts at zombies the spreadsheet has features like an easy to use GUI, tools to work out zombie numbers and weapon damage charts (DenKirson) and zombie history to log your past games.. i would like a few people to look at it and tell me what you think and what can be improved, and a few people to trail run it and also give me feedback so i can improve it, your help will not come un-noticed. thankyou here it is :
Last reply by LR HybRiid zx, -
- 1 reply
Something just occured to me recently, has anyone else thought it was a little suspicious that Sam, a little girl, would be with her pops at a highly concealed facility while a bunch of scientists are working on a highly confidential experiement? Doesn't sound like the best place for a "bring your daughter to work" day, obviously. Which, lead me to remember about the 'super soldier' theory with out beloved four survivors. Is samantha also a subject? Or next in line? Or, is she a subject gone wrong?
Last reply by DeltaFlame, -
- 15 replies
So i was watching a NGT video by RadAustin showing the HUGE EPIC easter egg about Samantha chasing Yuri and an unknown character (by me at least) and you have to help them escape, but the guy in the video said they were brain washed? what. can som1 please answer these questions 1. Is Sam for sure a ghost haunting Richtofen and Yuri for killing Maxis 2. How did the crew get brainwashed? 3. is the reason Richtofen only showed up in Shi No Numa was because he was the head of group 935 4. is that why Dempsey says he is forgetting stuff 5. are they Brain Washed like Mason in SinglePlayer 6. What is Richtofen's story ALL ANSWERS ARE WELCOME …
Last reply by James Dean, -
- 2 replies
I'm sure I'm going to get negative repped for this, but does anyone else feel kinda let down by Ascension? Other than the music easter egg, that's all there is, if you play single player. I don't play with others because I can never find a good lobby, I always get stuck with someone trying out split-screen or people without mics. Srsly, I think I've only been put in a good lobby once, and even then it was 3 people talking and trying stuff, the 4th didn't have a mic and kept going the wrong ways, going alone. I don't suck at Zombies, just wish Treyarch wouldn't have made the big easter egg a 4-player only thing. Commence flames in 3...2...1...GO!!!…
Last reply by Leightonater, -
- 1 reply
First post here, but anyway In one of the videos explaining how to do the mystery man easter egg (I believe it was NextGen Tactics...?) after the player obtained the death machine, he walked around the construction site. Out of the corner of his eye, on a rooftop next to the construction site, you saw a small figure move up. The few people that have seen it think it's Sam. Maybe use the death machines to attack Sam? That's just my theory though.
Last reply by xSoucxCorex, -
- 14 replies
Alright so we all know how the so called generator easter egg or mystery man easter egg ended. We all gave the guy enough power for him to escape on a ball of light to the sky. So after one of the members pointed out that this could have something to do with the intro I really think he's right. First of all, the guy obviously tried to kill Sam and failed. My theory on her is that she's an experiment and got damm powerful when Maxis tried to save her from Fluffy. But on the intro, the comics you see this scientist: First comic he is working, second one shows a blueprint with 4 rockets and what seems to be a kinda of satelite or spaceship on the bottom rig…
Last reply by Zombie_Creeper, -
- 5 replies
i was play solo i got downded at sickle. i tried to fly then i went button crazy holding x and pressing B i died and it said .... All stances (standing and crouching) disallowed for linked player it looks bad cause its from my dsi
Last reply by ExtremeKiwi, -
- 23 replies
kobOifi_wMM All credit goes to the genious radaustin27
Last reply by codestuffz174, -
- 7 replies
So i don't believe the generator easter egg is finished after getting the prolonged death machine and hearing Sam scream. There has to be more, i don't believe treyarch would make us do all that for a 90 second power up Something maybe with the batteries located along the map? or something more with the lunar landers? idk guys but im gonna try to look around and figure it out myself.If any of you wanna help FR me on xbox live GT: Siikzhot We need to figure this out!!! Its driving me crazy! Let me know what you guys think as a reply. (:
Last reply by mrgagify, -
- 1 reply
He says something along the lines of "....I haven't seen these since Shi No Numa" There were monkey's as background noise there. Possible connection perhaps?
Last reply by xMiniM1,
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