The risen dead have overtaken a Soviet cosmodrome and all Hell has broken loose. The countdown to the zombie apocalypse has begun.
CoDz Code of Conduct
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Duplicate Posts -
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We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
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1,179 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
I looked at the Ascension part of the First Strike trailer frame by frame. Important stuff is highlighted and color coded. Enjoy! _LM8nkOk81w
Last reply by Irishlad, -
- 6 replies
So, I thought to get Creative Video Juices flowing we could create our own Ascension trailers, adding, modifying a couple of thing here and there and post them here. Maybe if we get enough people to post their videos we can vote on them soon? 8-) I've put Treyarch's and mine trailers below feel free to post anything you find or make just make sure to give the right person credit. Post a link and I will add it to this first post. Enjoy and have fun! But don't forget to thank Treyarch and ATVI for Ascension and Black Ops! Created by Treyarch and Activision Publishing: OMEeqWBWjv8 Created by BlackOpsTiger: qfWEfh7niF8
Last reply by Vallkure, -
- 0 replies
Ok so I've been away a while, I've had a lot of problems with family and friends, school life ain't treating me well, but thats not the point of this post With the First Strike trailer surfaced, it seems that a lot of people are getting confused over Nikolai and his unnamed space suit buddy. I for one have a dashing little theory about this. His buddy is Richthofen *SHOCK HORROR* Lets say this, when the guys traveled in time to Kino, they maintained there physical form, as they stand in this new time line, we have 5 pictures of older versions of the gang? Am i correct? well if you look at the pictures, they have minor to major differences in physical appe…
Last reply by DeltaFlame, -
- 2 replies
After seeing the new trailer for the dlc i noticed a massive thing. The very first scene at 0:43 when the zombies come at you, look closely at the surrounding area. There is a huge rotating thing. Look again at 0:45. the same room with the quick revive. Look AGAIN at 0:52. Same room, with the rotater and perk, this time though because of the monkeys, the room is filled with a red fog. I have a feeling that the monkeys will replace the dogs and will spawn in massive numbers. What do u think?
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 1 reply
Well I think we have some footage of upcoming maps in GkNova6 and possible Ascension. Well the newest update with that space monkey of course suggest to the Ascension BUT then there is that old footage. We know that some of the footage is not from SP and not form Five or Kino. 1. Aug in the wall. There is no Aug in wall in Five or Kino. Maybe its in Ascension? 2. Quick Revive Soda machine. Yes you can clearly see its on hallway. But in Kino and Five its in corner and in Ascension its in Hall with the G-Force simulator. Maybe in the 2nd DLC? 3. Live footage of Russian test of some kind of chamber. This can bee linked to Ascension because they…
Last reply by TheVintageAndrew, -
Dont Watch Trailers!
by Guest xeinpo- 3 replies
Dont take this the wrong way.Im not trying to brainwash you to not watch the Trailers,its your decision but just please read.How about we dont watch the trailers this time for this map? That 10 second Gameplay in the new trailer is good enough for me.Im not going to watch the full Ascension trailer just that.There is nothing wrong with watching trailers but its when you watch them,watch them again...and again and again and again and watch it frame by frame and look for easter eggs when the map isnt even out.Just wait for it to come out because trust me when you watch everything like a hawk you know EVERYTHING to expect.I did that with Der reise and i knew the map off by h…
Last reply by PuLsExEdGeZ, -
- 5 replies
Abra Macabre click
Last reply by n00b_attak3r, -
- 7 replies
the two standing on the silver thing then the small gate rises look to right and there is an outlining of a weapon like the black hole granade or something or a claw i have no idea.
Last reply by HalfSwiss, -
- 2 replies
- 927 views 1.power room is on top thing is probably the rock of 115 3.and top right i have no idea oh and thank brainz87 for teaching me how to put pics :D
Last reply by brainz87, -
- 13 replies
- 2.4k views iQ0VvREORtw at 0:43, this may be a new character. Wearing a space suit. To the left of Nikolai (NOT Nikolai's left, Your left).
Last reply by Jonnyo567, -
- 4 replies
Me honestly i dont think when u die in kino that little tune that pops up is going to be the next one. i know its not the ending of kino song because the song is "115". wait i think there was one on five i dont remember cause "five" was horrible. ANYway tell me what you think about the song
Last reply by crazy skillz, -
- 4 replies
ok, so you guys probs think "forget about what D-BLOCK said!" or something like that....but he said WATER, Riiiggghhtt? and at 0:45-46ish they're spawning outta the water like in Shi No Numa... Thoughts?
Last reply by thegrix, -
- 2 replies
Ok so I know there are quite a few theories on the new person and the main segment is edward with different clothes.. Then it hit me. Takeo on portrait on kino : what once was, is no more, but maybe once again.. Or something to that degree... Then it hit me. Richtofen is the portrait, but before he changed. You know.. Like edward perhaps? He is crazy and has multiple personalities. Thats why Richtofen has a large portrait and edward is his alter ego. Its 5am and just finished a game of five.. Surely someone can see what im striving towards. Swyped from Evo 4G
Last reply by sans lumiere, -
- 16 replies
Okay guys, I think I have found something the bipod in the picture is not from an RPK or HK21. Sorry if another gun has a bipod in the game because I can't think of one right now.
Last reply by Z0MBIEStheyN0MBIES, -
- 1 reply
New Character on Zip-Line Like Thing With Nikolai Looks Like Dragovich I mean It dosent look like richtofen,takeo or Dempsey Since the suit is different and makes sense.
Last reply by Faust, -
- 3 replies
First I want to listen and critique later, but if you look at the video stop at 0:47 First Strike DLC, and you will see the new clothes Dr.Richtofen, he is wearing, I think, a space suit, but because he is using that ?? , perhaps a new mission of the Illuminati? if you guys want to see this video, is this topic /forum/viewtopic.php?t=5581 You may look better Sorry for the english :mrgreen:
Last reply by Faust, -
- 8 replies
Now i know it hasn't been confirmed yet but I have heard rumors that those monkeys in the Ascension trailer are able to steel your perks. Now if its like the pentagon theif and if you kill the one that stole it you get your perk back it wouldn't be too bad but the fact remains that these things could be so annoying if they do so. Honestly i dont think its a good idea because im a perks-first man and loosing my perks on a really early level because i dont have anything really powerful to kill them with would be the dumbest thing to ever happen to zombies. Thats just my opnion but i want to know, what to you guys think of the new perk stealing monkeys?
Last reply by Dreamland_Grue, -
- 9 replies
in the whole first strick trailer we dont see tokeo or he has not been found yet so is treyarc mabey saying he is or will doe becuse lets all face us much as we all love him he is the one most likely to die for 2 reasons one becuse he is adorbale loveable and 2 the most people would feel something becuse every else has a flaw richtofin is crazy nikkloi is like the drunk father and dempsey is just a bad comedian tokeo never really did anything to anyone but this is a theory dont be be like (YOU) "god this as been said so many times its stupid your stupid blaah blah blah blah blahhh"
Last reply by NinjaZombieKiller, -
- 9 replies
This is one of my long time internet half buddies. He's really good! Great breakdown! Oh yeah and I'M NOT ADVERTISING FOR HIM. This is just an outstanding breakdown. ZNalQ_8N9L0
Last reply by luisw1998, -
- 10 replies
WELL... i did not see any pack a punch. buy look for yourself. its just because in the other vids i saw the pack a punch. yes this was short but who-knows there might be something different :cry: :oops: :cry: :cry: :oops: And i think i saw the new perk machine at 0:48 and dont be a smart ass :o
Last reply by Ascension, -
- 19 replies
OK. I accidentally deleted all my hard I'll clearly write down this shit. V3KBWfFscTk 0:48-ASCENSION on the turret. Unknown if it's an automatic or self-controlled turret. 0:49-[found by gryfo]Near the left of the screen, you'll see a monitor like "FIVE"'s. Confirming "FIVE"'s box system. 0:49-(within the same second, but during a different scene) Zombies comming out of water, being shot at by Tank. Look at his uniform, hair, and rolled up sleeves (to the elbow). 0:50-Nikolai in the center. Quick Revive to your left. Next to the QR is the infamous "Grim Reaper" blood stain found everywhere in Kino. QR also indicates a possible spawn point for th…
Last reply by BBS, -
- 1 reply
Bare with my writing, IM SUPPOSED TO BE STUDYING XD! I think its Rictoven, but I have a theory. What if they all time traveled, but rictoven traveled the fartest in to the future, and maybe he worked for the russians in the future time, and was a test ( explains the suit) and also because he looks older, and different. another theory: The scientist could be Dr. RICTOVEN! only in the future, and older pretty cool huh? confusing like lost xD hoped it was a good theory! I had to hury up, and write this, if you guys like the theory, and want the rest, Ill post when I have time
Last reply by PuLsExEdGeZ, -
- 26 replies
Hi this is my first post and i don't think i've seen this thread anywhere but if i'm wrong, sorry :oops: anyway bare with me, so everybody believes that in ascension there will be a new character because of the trailer on the flying thing, but i think that this 'new' character is richtoffen without his hat just compare these two pics for evidence from the trailer and richtoffen hope iv'e shed some light here and thanks for reading
Last reply by HammerFace, -
- 4 replies
ENJOY ... ture=feedu
Last reply by IPunch_Infants, -
- 4 replies
Hey I don't know if the video we saw confirmed whether or not that there will still be those crawler gas zombies, but for my sake on my idea, im assuming they will still be on ascension. Anyways, in the video we all saw that the zombies had gas masks, and so I just realised that if they had gas masks, the game could become a lot harder. I mean this because in the previous maps when you killed a gas zombie, when they exploded, if any regular zombies were close to the explosion they would always die, regardless of the level you were at. This was very helpful the higher levels you got to, because whether you unintentionally meant to do it, or it was your strategy, you wer…
Last reply by Dreamland_Grue,
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