The risen dead have overtaken a Soviet cosmodrome and all Hell has broken loose. The countdown to the zombie apocalypse has begun.
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1,179 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
Okay i was just wondering/informing what people are buying for xbox with the microsoft points to get the map pack? i have a found a black ops branded ms points pack for 9 quid on the internet to get it. so that seems the best option, anyone else going for this?
Last reply by Leightonater, -
- 2 replies
i was just reading through some cod news while waiting for my kino der toten map to load and i saw the news with my own 2 eyes i couldnt believe it at first so i started searching and i went to this site ... l-preview/ and there it was when i saw the words “Ascension”, where you fight zombies in a Soviet launch facility. i was like OMG they were right wooooooooooo! anyways its there! HURAY!!!!!
Last reply by PuLsExEdGeZ, -
- 24 replies
as you can see at this link.... jd 2020 clearly says that the zombie map is classified. now since theres an article out there talking about the map, that doesnt seem to classified to me. and lets think about this for a second. space monkeys? little dolls that stack inside of each other?? those have no place in zombies. you may not agree and i know il get flamed cuz of how desperate we are for zombies. but jd said its classified, that is reason right there to believe its fake. and some of the stuff in it. just seems way to far fetched, even for treyarchs creative mind
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 40 replies
This was in an e-mail from Call of Duty Newsletter. Not a great photo, but still something. You can see the missile in the background. I enlarged it, so that's why it may be a little fuzzy. Also, here's a fuzzier enlarged image below.
Last reply by Anti Earth, -
- 17 replies
What are your thoughts on Stamin-UP and PhD Flopper? What do you think they will be? I personally think that Stamin-UP is Marathon/Lightweight and that PhD Flopper is either Spy-Eye or Hardened (Stopping Power)
Last reply by Twinkite, -
- 6 replies
Zombies Mode Map - Ascension Set in an "abandoned Soviet cosmodrome," Ascension features the regular cast of Zombies players (Takeo, Nikoli, Dempsey, and Rictoffen). But it does include new enemies, including Space Monkeys who steal perks. Uh.... what? New weapons include the Gersch Device or "Black Hole Bomb" and Matryoshka Dolls. Those damned dirty monkeys will be swiping new perks that include Stamin-Up and PhD Flopper, the benefits of which we're not quite sure. Source Here- OMG!
Last reply by Anti Earth, -
- 3 replies
What do you guys think of the new Ascension info posted on IGN? "Zombies Mode Map - Ascension Set in an "abandoned Soviet cosmodrome," Ascension features the regular cast of Zombies players (Takeo, Nikoli, Dempsey, and Rictoffen). But it does include new enemies, including Space Monkeys who steal perks. Uh.... what? New weapons include the Gersch Device or "Black Hole Bomb" and Matryoshka Dolls. Those damned dirty monkeys will be swiping new perks that include Stamin-Up and PhD Flopper, the benefits of which we're not quite sure. " Wow its exciting to finally have some info on this. Those monkeys sound like they'll be a real pain. Now I'm very curious as to …
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 4 replies
Call of Duty: Black Ops - First Strike Multiplayer Preview [Official HD] Posted this before, but its gone? lol Still don't know how to do the yt link :P
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 7 replies
This is the image shown Recently on a movie countdown 5,4,3,2) Many people agree this is a monkey and might result the return of Cosmic Silverbacks But this is my theory: What you see in the image is not a Monkey but a Dog. In 1957 a dog named Laika was the best of 3 competitors (Vitruvian Man:The drawing is based on the correlations of ideal human proportions with geometry described[Wikipedia]) to be the first living creature to go into outer space The ship which Laika "drove" was called Sputnik 2 (NOTE:Sputnik First Appears in April 9th 2010 in GkNova in a coded transmission MORE INFO HERE:…
Last reply by ps3ZombieKillah, -
- 0 replies
Ok so I'm playing the rat tunnels part of the campaign, and when I got to the room where Reznov listens to the radio, I realized it was about zombies (refer to my other post for more infomation) and when all went quiet, I realized I was hearing a voice. Not the woman's voice like you can sometimes hear, but a MAN'S voice, listing off a string of numbers after saying "Ascension". I haven't yet verified what the numbers are, but they are MOST DEFINATELY DIFFERENT from the numbers we all know and love/hate. The Voice is preceded and followed by a strange warbling noise. You can hear it if you stand underneath the Soviet flage at rhe back of the room, you'll know it when you …
Last reply by Wunderwaffle DG-4, -
- 1 reply
Okay first of all for the first Discovery we are grateful to METALLICA175 Im just giving the visual proof: Left Arm Right Arm(+Inner Left) For all those whom it might sound odd to play in a Cosmodrome in Executive Order you go in the basements which is a perfect place for Zombie Carnage: After the Rocket Blows The Nazi Scientists of Ascension Group start acting like Zombies: A familiar face reappears : Executive Order Soldier: GKNOVA6 Viral Video: All these Coincidences???? I don't Know about you but I believe that the Soviet Cosmodrome is Baikonur Cosmodrome......
Last reply by xStopDropNKillx, -
- 21 replies
Ok so, when you are onthe Campaign Mission- Executive Order- Look at Frank Woods's arm. He has a tatoo that says "115" and we all know what that means. This is not a coincidence, because in the next mission ("SOG") That tatoo then says- "SOG TOUGH" Also, i recently got on Zombies and got the Famas out of the box. Richtofen says- "Ascension... Hehehehehe:D" and now, on campaign, go to Revelations. Look at your mission goal. It now says "Ascension" instead of numbers.
Last reply by Daveyjone, -
- 4 replies
Remember the mission Executive Order? Well,I said in another topic why Ascension will take place there,here is some extra info to support that. Today I was playing on the mission to try to find some more info,so when you go into the facility,you can see a portrait of someone,not blank,but a real one (The one next to those drinks). I remembered that in Kino Der Toten and "Five" there also was a portrait but it was a blank one,remember what Nikolai said? "Eh,someone stole the pic from this image" Maybe... Maybe that was the missing portrait! Here's where they link:the portrait was not blank in the mission and Treyarch wouldn't put it there for no reason,it mak…
Last reply by iseeuat100yds, -
- 6 replies
Ok so the other nite me and my buddies made it to round 40. It took us 8 hours and and lots of missing sleep, need less to say some of us were tired and a little cranky. My mic whent dead at round 36 and 2 of the other guys were starting to irrietate each other ( we play together all the time) so we had round 39 dogs and got thru them easily enough and we all when down about 15 minutes into round 40 and so we check the leader board after wards and what do we see? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!! NO FACKING CHANGE IN ANY OF OUR STANDINGS IN STILL AT 35 AFTER 8 FREAKING HOURS OF ZOMBIES WE DIDNT EVEN GET THE DAMN CREDIT. now our high scores did register so thats something but this is…
Last reply by Xieon, -
- 4 replies
Nothing too overpowering, you know, something that wouldnt allow you a round 30 in an instant- 1. New perks. Some guy said Sprint-Aid, that would rock, then the Stopping Power Cola theory. 2. That friggen Sabretooth thing. HECK YES! 3. AK-47 with a Pack-a-Punch that gets ya a cool red dot, and a flamethrower undermount. 4. SPAS 12 Incinerary Rounds (RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 5. Fire... (something that blows/spits fire. other than a trap) 6. Double Pack-a-Punch, for twice the pack and... the punch... err something... 7. A new type of zombie (as long as it cant jump) 8. The return of the Wunderwaffe DG-2 (my buddy xD) 9. Pack-a-Punch for ou…
Last reply by METALLICA175, -
- 9 replies
When he gave a sketch about the maps load out, something hit me. He said there was a AUG, Now does anyone remember seeing the AUG in the GKNOVA broadcast ? Also the tatical mask. We all saw them in the gknova6 broadcast. *it would also make sense, sense the crawlers release nova gas. And tactial mask protects you from it.* The broadcast showed us basically all the zombies maps. *picture from gknova* Now about the silverbacks, this is all true. As they said on the Facebook post "Soviet launch facility". Now dblock also mention is his post the red enery the cosmic silverbacks spawn i…
Last reply by Zoologist, -
- 5 replies
Well, I was seeing a video in youtube, and in a comment a dude said this: 'The name of this map's song may be called "Abracadavre", because on PC the Game Over music filename is "mus_gameover_abracadavre".' I searched if this was true, and I saw a video of full exploration in the games files, and I saw the file! I hope this is true!
Last reply by METALLICA175, -
- 15 replies
From my point of view i would like a power up known a "Hunter" it will look like a sickle, then it would say "Hunter!" Then after you collect it in its place there would have a roulette wheel of rotating numbers of 1,2,3 and 4, that will spin for 5 seconds. If its one, one hunter will come out of the ground (hunters look like a scarecrow with a sickle) and kill zombies, They will ignore the hunter as it kills them as a one hit kill and for each kill starting from the player who got it, ten points for each kill that the hunter gets will be awarded to that player or the ten points will go down the list of point list. Two: two hunters will come out the ground and do the sa…
Last reply by Anti Earth, -
- 3 replies
But what else could there be? New Powerups? New Perks-a-Colas? x2 Pack-a-Punch? New parts of the story? :?: NEW ZOMBIES??? :shock: I can hardly wait. :mrgreen:
Last reply by GEARSOFWAR147, -
- 5 replies
The info says... (Make sure to read the last line) First Strike contains 5 incredibly diverse maps spanning the globe; featuring 4 multiplayer maps and a new Zombie experience. Includes “Berlin Wall”, allowing combat on both sides of the imposing wall; “Discovery”, a desolate, frozen German outpost in the Arctic; “Kowloon”, battle in the rain along the rooftops of a towering Chinese sprawl; “Stadium”, an intense locale with a pro hockey arena backdrop; and “Ascension”, where you fight zombies in a Soviet launch facility. If you don't beleive me click the link : It's going to be a soviet launch facility! …
Last reply by Legit Waffelz, -
- 12 replies
i feel screwed over it might just be me but more i hear about this map i feel like first strik is for mulityplayer maps more than zombies bacuse in WaW the muliplayer maps were ok but we dident buy it for that dont get me wrong the rocket map it selfe seems awsome but i cant see the story for why thay are there if feels more like the people form five would play on this than the WaW crew
Last reply by TheBarbarian, -
- 5 replies
In Kino, there are five pictures on the wall. Richtofen, Takeo, Nikolai, and Dempsey. And then there's a blank one. Could this mean a new character??
Last reply by blueandproud, -
- 50 replies
In Kino Der Toten it was the Thundergun. In Five it was the Winter's Howl. Post what you think the new power weapon for ascension will be. Or post what you hope it will be. I really hope thay bring back the flamethrower. I know alot of people say it sucks but in der riese that get you milions of POINTS!! Sadly they didn't bring it back.... :(
Last reply by EC_100, -
- 2 replies
on round on kino der toten (solo) i got runners and crawlers-has it happened to any1 else cos there were loads of them and it was round 1!
Last reply by ianh, -
- 43 replies
These are details copied straight from a event invite by the Call of Duty: Black Ops Facebook Page: First Strike Pack 1 - Worldwide release Time Tuesday, February 1 · 12:00am - 3:00am -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location Feb 1 for X360. Details soon for PS3 & PC. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Created By Call of Duty: Black Ops -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More Info Available for Xbox 360 on Feb 1. More details to come for PS3 and PC. First Strike contains 5 incredi…
Last reply by Phillips455,
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