The risen dead have overtaken a Soviet cosmodrome and all Hell has broken loose. The countdown to the zombie apocalypse has begun.
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1,179 topics in this forum
- 27 replies
DISCLAIMER!!! You dont have to view this!! if you are an extremely stubbon person who just goes on these threads just to say "Omg he is lying screw him, dont believe this crap" your pointless input will not be valued!! I typed this up so that we as a community could analyize my info of the map!! Dont ruin it by being a dick!! Thank you Some of you already know about or have seen the vid on youtube (was removed by Activision, dont try looking) explaining the First Strike maps (including Ascension) that i played at Activsion. Even though this was about 2 months ago i can still remember a bunch about the map (was a very early beta, so alot of the stuff i am mention…
Last reply by iseeuat100yds, -
- 8 replies
OK so EVERYBODY thinks ascension is going to be based off of Executive order. well i think they are wrong. #1: all over the zombie maps it says "YOU MUST ASCEND FROM DARKNESS" and can you tell me what a rocket has to do with ascending from darkness? i think the map is going to be a lighthouse because you have to ascend from the bottom to get to the top which has a giant light. i don't think the whole map will in the lighthouse but i think a lighthouse is included. #2: The cosmic silver back will NOT be included, and i will tell you why. what the hell does a giant space monkey have to do with German zombies? the cosmic silver back was created for DOA only. another lit…
Last reply by MOTOkid1000R, -
- 29 replies
This thread is so we can fix some of those glitches, barriers or whatever. I'll get us stared. When you both go through a teleporter on "Five" you'll both get downed. On the classic maps, specifically Der Riese, when you play el musica, (lol) the music will just STOP. Like, Beauty of Annihilation. Continue...
Last reply by Kazin, -
- 0 replies
This is a thread for people to post the wishlist for Ascension or future DLC, to prevent 100 of mimicing threads from poping up. My Wishlist...: 1. The WW's I want, if they can only have 4, are RayGun, a new one, Winters Howl, and Monkeys. If there could be a 5th, then the Wunderwaffe. 2. New weapons of all types, like the AK47, the M60, the Skorpian, the ASP, and a net gun/harpoon. 3. Replace the starting cast with a new lovable group, possibley members of the SOG, Tropas, Spetznaz, and NVA. The SOG character holding them captive, zombies attack, promises the other's freedom if they help him survive. Or something along those lines. lol 4. Mor…
Last reply by RavensFTW, -
- 8 replies
So a couple of days ago, a youtube video was posted of this guy explaining how he visited activision right after Black Ops launched. He claimed to have played the first strike pack!!! not to mention Ascension!!!. He gave out details in the video about Ascension including....... Will take place on the campaign mission Executive Order (the mission when u blow up the rocket). And will feature a new boss!!!! The Cosmic Silver Back or Silverbacks... cause I did hear him say you have like 20 of them that spawn or something... Nobody believed him... I sorta believed him but still had the idea it was bull.... until today!!!! The youtube account where they posted this video was…
Last reply by iseeuat100yds, -
- 6 replies
Parts of Dead Ops link to the previous zombie maps, and during the prison break section, I began to think that Treyarch might have plans for making that section into a new map. Then, someone posted this video of a closer look at Dead Ops, and there were different character models in the prison sequence. These are full on character models too, even though Dead Ops is played from a Bird's eye view. Here's the video: ... re=related I'm not saying this is Ascension or that it will become a map, but it's worth a thought :)
Last reply by Irishlad, -
- 11 replies
So here we go, i hope you have time because this list is pretty long. 1. 1-2 more perks. Like ghost, where you could go prone, and the zombies wouldn't notice you, unless you fire your weapon. Or One Man Army (Modern Warfare, i know =D) Where you could hold 3 weapons, instead of 2. 2. Please, oh please bring back the wunderwaffe (or however you spell it.) and put in the Ak47. And that would be cool if Treyarch brought back other WaW weapons such as the PPSH. 3. Map Surfing. This idea is kinda complicated. Im going to use the WaW maps as an example. Im not suggesting that they use these maps. Lets say you start out in Nacht Der Untoten. But only the begin…
Last reply by IceTea, -
- 12 replies
I was wondering if anybody has seen these videos: If you look carefully and pause the video to read the text, there are some very interesting things. Some concern the new map Ascension and others dig deeper into the zombie storyline. Some interesting clues I noticed: -Takeo's file has a picture of him standing in front of a light house. -Takeo is also the only character with a death date in his file -There is a message to Richtofen telling him to kill the 3 others and that Ascension will be his last stand I don't kn…
Last reply by bobxd2, -
- 1 reply
Theory #1: I think the Ascension may refer to a lighthouse as in Nacht der Untoten it says on the wall: As it is just a theory, it may not be true. Theory #2: As the name hences Ascension I think it may refer to Area 51 as it is referred to as the Nevada base has a large supply of element 115 and has been reported of spacecraft being made there. These are just theories, do not look up to them or say they are true.
Last reply by SoG Sean, -
- 4 replies
This is starting to get a bit strange now because once again, another person claims to have played on ascencion and what he says about being in the submarine and lagging out at a low round matches what D-Block said. But here is what this guy wrote. Note that I will have the link to the thread and website below so you can check it out your selves. Click here to view the thread
Last reply by xlStonedlx, -
- 4 replies
This is something I found on that pretty much proves that there is something like monkeys or gorillas (cosmic silverbacks) in zombies. This is a screenshot I took from the little loading thing on the site. If you look you can tell that it is a Monkey by its feet and face.
Last reply by nicolas1998, -
- 32 replies
i have so many ideas for zombies here are a few: 1.random attachment box? gives you a random attachment for 2000 points tho this kinda destroys the pack-a-punch 2.perk-a-punch upgrades perks to pro 3000 points for each perk traps including an electric fence that blocks a path for a few seconds then retracts into the ground ,laser beam gate that also has the same effect and crusher that crushes any zombies underneath it? power-ups including "don't disturb" which shuts all doors in the map temporarily and one that makes you invincible/10 hits kill for about 30 seconds. perks including sprint-aid lemonade (white) and spy-eye soda(purple) 6.flam…
Last reply by AC Frog, -
- 1 reply
C&C4 Ascension looks like Black Ops? Start watching at 1:04 till the end. Hmm, I don't know. Just a weird similarity to the Black Ops Campaign.
Last reply by HalfSwiss, -
- 2 replies
I've kind of been wondering why is there rocket in Kino,well,I think I know why and where the next map might take place! There has been rumors that it might take place in the rocket launch facility,I think so too. Why else would there be footage from that mission on gknova6 and the black ops zombie menu? We don't see zombies in the footage though. Now,about that rocket,if you get close to it,you can make it take off,but some may be wondering why is there even a rocket there? Well,this could be more proof that the next map could be in the place that I was talking about,I heard that there were two rockets there,one was destroyed but what about the other? I'm guessing that t…
Last reply by TFG Dubz, -
- 7 replies
Last reply by GruBTubz, -
- 8 replies
I haven't really had time to analyze this cutscene in much depth so i haven't actually come up with any theories as to what it means yet. The cut scene i am talking about is the one after you complete the final mission. It starts with a brunnette woman reading the numbers into a microphone. At the very end of the cutscene Mason clearly says "Ascension". I think if someone where to properly analyze the final cutscene they may be able to come up with some good theories as to where the next zombie map will take place, so i urge all of you to go back and watch that final cutscene again. PS. Sorry if this has already been posted, i tried the search button and co…
Last reply by MOTOkid1000R, -
- 4 replies
This is going to be quite hard to explain, but as soon as you spawn on the map 'Five', there are screens on one of the walls. On the top right screen, there is a picture of some sort of Island. To me it looks a lot like Firing Range. Sorry if I don't have enough detail, but if anyone else has noticed this, I'd like to know what it means! - Jacob.
Last reply by Eevaia, -
- 13 replies
- 2.4k views ... re=related UPDATE* Listen to the words he says! Ascension 7 15 1 2 19 7 25 6 13 6 7 15 14 0 11 24 11 1 7 19 20 10 14 2 3 19 0 8 11 22 21 5 17 17 0 10 2 23 1 8 11 25 22 9 4 12 9 23 1 12 0 12 16 6 12 8 4 1 6 2 10 2 1 24 18 10 15 9 13 18 14 11 11 2 14 23 3 17 24 17 21 2 15 4 5 7 13 4 24 6 3 4 24 1 9 23 17 10 2 10 23 24 14 5 25 TRANSLATION WHAT HE SAYS IN VIDEO! Transcription~ "This one was broadcast to Ground Zero. It has to be the trigger." If your family was ripped apart... Would you? If your life was turned upside down... Would you? If your heart was ripped from your chest...…
Last reply by thezombieman335, -
- 18 replies
[quote name="SOURCE on CODHQ Forums, link ... 1&t=389132 "]The M60 & the PPSh-41, and an Amm-O-Matic. If these things could be implemented into Ascension, that would be quite sweet, and a lot of people besides myself would appreciate it. There has been a petition in the CODHQ Forums for the M60 to be put into Zombies..... ... h4511eo6d7 ....but there has also been a thread or two about how much people miss the PPSh-41. The PPSh-41 has always been a beastly gun, even in Zombies, and of course when PAP'ed it becomes a real thrill to use. In light of everything, it's a shame that…
Last reply by ph33rly, -
- 12 replies
- 2.4k views very good find, Im not owner, but would like to share this
Last reply by squiddy, -
- 4 replies
Not sure but found these on one of my friends memory sticks. He said he got them from some guy in an email... sounds a bit too surreal to me so I don't believe it but thought you should know. One of the reasons I think it is fake is because the character does not appear to be carrying a gun so unless the crazy scientist is back it seems unlikely. Also the graphical content seems a bit shabby, though this could be put toward what the picture was taken on and what stage in development the map is in. What do you guys think? Personally I'd say fake. ] There was one other picture if you want it. Just say if you do and I'll get hold of it. (NateNote)
Last reply by Graffiti Skys, -
- 84 replies
OKAY I DIDNT BELIEVE HIM AT FIRST BUT HES NOT BULLSHITTING US D-BLOCK SAID HE PLAYED ON ASCENSION BY DOWNLOADING THE HARDEND MAPS. I did this today when i went to open up dead ops nothing happend. I simply Ignored his glitch and felt bored so i played derise i went to play the minigame and i shot the pole with the upgraded l96a1 the l115 i think its called. The things twirld. and nothing new happend. Until i got the the firepit. i threw the monkey in the fire. Sam said Mr MONKEY JUST WANTED TO PLAY. Before he disinigrated. i shot him with an upgraded balistic knife. i got an error code that said intance knife_ballistic_bowie_upgraded_zm 10 Hold got one more This is …
Last reply by ZombiesFTW!, -
- 0 replies
- 769 views ... re=related Ground Zero. Not necessarily the World Trade Center in NY though.
Last reply by B0w1-of-R1ce, -
Firing range is Rebirth Island
by Guest xeinpo- 5 replies
I was browsing the forums,thinking alot about First Strike and The second Map pack (It got leaked) and i remembered something.I Cannot find the thread at the moment but there was a HUGE theory about the new map on Rebirth island.Now in the pictures i saw in the thread i saw...nothing really.A empty airstrip and hard,dusty rock.Now just a few moments ago i remembered something.FIRING RANGE matches the dirt AND has the empty airstrip outside it.Think about it if you can find the thread again compare Firing Range to Rebirth will find they look the same.This is a short post but it still has some good points Ddanso7
Last reply by jarrrad, -
- 70 replies
Okay, so I have no idea how in the world I did it, but I have played on A new zombie map on Black Ops Zombies for Xbox360! I searched for a Dead Ops game and when I joined a match I was alone but already readied up and the map was called zombie_ascension1 and the picture was a weird checkerboard thing. Then it went to the loading screen and it was all black with the loading bar and the hint at the bottom said "Manhattan Down!" or something like that. Then the game started and there was a sort of red electricity thing on my screen and a girls voice said something like "Powering Down" but it sort of faded out and got deeper. And then my character said "Why does the po…
Last reply by scyther56,
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