The risen dead have overtaken a Soviet cosmodrome and all Hell has broken loose. The countdown to the zombie apocalypse has begun.
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1,179 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
Hello, this is my first forum post so wish me luck As we all know Ascension is the next map. But what musical easter egg? There is A very likely chance of Ascensions easter egg to be as song known as "Abracadavre" Because The PC music file name for the Game Over sequence is just that yet that may not be the real title... On Elena Siegmens Facebook it says something on the lines of "My new song The Mighty is soon to come out." Is that just a song she has done as a single? or is it the new zombie song? Your Time to shine! Talk almost your selves about your opinions on this. :D
Last reply by TheOneAndOnly, -
- 31 replies
I know another member said this theory once and now it makes all sense now. After MOTOkid1000R posted that the blue prints on GKNOVa6's monkey was a diagram for Sputnik, think about it. Russian launch facility? Well, what's the launch facility on campaign? Baikonur Cosmodrome. It was also posted by TheOnlyShapeshifter that there were PC files saying zombie_cairo and zombie_cosmodrome. Ascencion could be the rocket launch, also some said the Monkey was somehow related to the experiments on sending monkeys to space. In Executive Order, they were sent to take out the Ascencion scientists, Nazis captured by Russians after war. Well, need I say more? …
Last reply by HalfSwiss, -
- 6 replies
The diagram behind the monkey is blue prints for Sputnik... Just to shed some more light on the situation
Last reply by MOTOkid1000R, -
- 4 replies
- 1.2k views ... re=channel I see a lighthouse... i read ascend from darkness ... And yes, i know, it's a custom map, but who cares ? oh anyway, these videos have 5 parts, just search First post, im braziliam, sorry for the english.
Last reply by BBS, -
- 2 replies
Nice video I found about Ascension. Also, I noticed in the part with the portraits, it seems like each character despised one of the other characters more so than the others. Maybe this will play a roll in the story?Maybe one will get killed? Thoughts? Edit: Sorry,another video is for the portraits: Next post is regarding the first vid :D
Last reply by FalcoVet101, -
- 6 replies
Ascension is in Cario, Eygypt. Proof is in this thread
Last reply by Dilin, -
- 0 replies
I have a strong feeling that Ascension is going to feature zombie monkeys. I'm mostly basing this off the gknova6 sketch that's currently up. This would be nuts if the lighthouse theory is correct because those things would be climbing right up with you. Also for the lvl 5-7 mini boss it could be the gorilla from dead ops, fits the theme and since Treyarch likes to foreshadow (especially with zombies) it would explain what was on the roof in Kino Der Toten. Just guesses but trying to ascend in a lighthouse filled with zombie monkeys sounds pretty crazy to me :shock:
Last reply by Full Clip 44, -
- 23 replies
This has probably been brought up before, but Ascension must take place in the United States. This is because the map is called "Ascension" Which is English or course. Which means it must take place in some English speaking country (Most likely the United States.) That's because if you look at the history of all the maps in zombies history they have taken place in the country that the title of the map's language is in (Confusing, i know.) For example: Nacht der Untoten = "Night of the Undead" in German. This map takes place in Germany. Verrückt = "Crazy" in german. This map takes place in Germany. Shi No Numa = "Swamp of Death" in Japanese. This map takes pla…
Last reply by (NateNote), -
- 0 replies
Post your own if you have one. Add a reason or two. I think its Vorkuta. I think "ascend from darkness" was on of the mission titles. Also when you die on zombies it shows a cutscene and the last thing you see in that cutscene is the prisoners opening the prison gate and you see a bright light, then its over. Could it be that simple? -Moved from General Discussion board-
Last reply by aghonts, -
- 6 replies
anyone else notice gknova6 isnt kino der toten, so where is the aug on the wall? long walkway with quick revive? and somewhere there is a map of gknova6
Last reply by Dunlopper, -
- 0 replies
I was doing some reasearch, about ascention island and thr light house "St.helena", im doing more reasearch as we speek.
Last reply by Riches311, -
- 2 replies
Removed Moved to proper section viewtopic.php?f=59&t=4601
Last reply by Ix PRED4T0R xI, -
- 5 replies
So we all know that the next zombie map is going to be called Ascension. And to ascend is to go or move upward. Well, I have had an idea for quite a while now that maybe Ascension will be the upper floors of the Pentagon. I think this because "Five" is held in the lower floors of the Pentagon and the Pentagon has eight floors. In "Five" we play in the bottom 3 floors. We know this because the labs have been proven to be the bottom floor of the Pentagon in "Five". So what could happen is we could play in the top four floors of the Pentagon in Ascension. But it doesn't stop there. I also think that we will play as Dempsey, Takeo, Richtofen, and Nikolia …
Last reply by KAOS_Shogun4489, -
- 6 replies
This may be a longshot, but i think the new zombie map (ascension) is going to be vorkuta. It makes sense, remember step one of reznov's plan? "ASCEND from darkness"
Last reply by flamecommando36, -
- 8 replies
Ok guys,so i was playing `five` I got downed by a group of zombies,the other guy used the elevator to go down because he was chased by a large group,then suddenly the blue electric static from teleporting came,it took away all of the zombies with it,and also,this happened when i was just about to die,meaning that all the characters from `Five` have been teleported to ascension,i`ve read this somewhere and its a theory But i know some faults.
Last reply by TehGKBrief, -
- 5 replies
Well,we now know that the Russians might've made the Thundergun,there's one reason I think it relates to Ascension. I said in a topic that the monkey on gknova6 is a cosmic silverback because they relate,but now I'm saying that both the Russians and the Cosmic Silverback relate.This might be why. The silverback could be from Russia since we see a CCCP rocket in round 40 of Dead Ops and in the mission "Executive Order",there was a rocket launch but it was sabotaged,maybe before that some other rocket was launched which had a cosmic silverback inside and went to some island,maybe it went back? Someone made a topic that Ascension could take place in the rocket launch ar…
Last reply by Zombie_Creeper, -
- 8 replies
i found this when i googled ascension
Last reply by scyther56, -
- 5 replies
Well before this Ascension Sub-forum was created there was talk about which character might be dropped in the next DLC or whatever.. I would like to fuel the fire for Why someone will get dropped... So my big reason for why they will get dropped is because one of the guys from the crew is regaining their memory... I have no clue who it might be but IF any character will be dropped and someone else will take their place (because we cant have a 5+ Co-Op the game wasnt designed for that, sorry guys its staying a 4) it will be because of that fact. The reason I say that regaining their memory is bad is because they could compromise what Richtofen and his shady group are tryin…
Last reply by Phazer Effect, -
- 10 replies
I know everyone has their theorys on Ascension, but what would you like out of it, in a ideal world? what weather? landscape? country? Scenario? just to see what is most popular and what would work best, anyone got any ideas for any new wonder weapons?
Last reply by Zslayer, -
- 6 replies
I think I released this too soon; I should've waited until January 1st, but I'm going to be gone that day, and at the time I couldn't find anything more for this video (or maybe I could've now that I realize it). UpV6weJP3rU I took the liberty of throwing in hidden images in the video, but I want to hint to you that you won't find anything officially related to what we can expect on February 1st (or a month later for non-Xbox'ers), as this is all speculation.
Last reply by Gross1985, -
- 6 replies
Ok so i found this on a site and i think he may be right as·cen·sion /əˈsɛnʃən/ [uh-sen-shuhn] –noun 1. the act of ascending; ascent. 2. the Ascension, the bodily ascending of Christ from earth to heaven. 3. ( initial capital letter ) Ascension Day Since the map name is capitalized, we’ll assume it’s not the act of ascending (unless of course as others have pointed out there could be a lighthouse or something to “ascend”, which actually does tie right into the rest of the pieces we have), then we’re left with the Ascension of Jesus Christ to Heaven (highly doubtful this has anything to do with Zombie killing) or a little island in th…
Last reply by Haddez, -
- 5 replies
This post is more an evolution of a theory i posted along time ago (in the run up to Black Ops) the link to the topic is below if you're interested but i'll sum it up as I go along. The first point is a point I read on another thread, I can'remember which, but they pointed out that the name of each map has been written in the language of the country it is based in eg nacht der untoten, verruckt etc are in Germany and Shi No Numa in Japan and Five in America. So assuming the der riese teleporter and board idea is right for the next two maps (it foretold Kino). Then Ascension should be the Engli…
Last reply by lanny2012, -
- 1 reply
Hello, so I came up with the idea that the next map is going to be the hospital/lab seen on and the Zombies Main Menu. I think it is called Ascension because the doctors are remaining Ascension scientists. Also, when you die on Kino, it plays a similar song to the map on GKNova6 and the Zombie Menu, minus the evil laughs, drums and guitar. To see the old GKNova6, go to the section on the homepage and here's a link to the song in Kino. So tell me what you think:
Last reply by bubbuz425, -
- 2 replies
In Der Riese, in the teleporter Z-C room, there's a sign under the teleporter with the letters "ENG" (in the teleporter Z-B, it reads "GER" - which may have been the one that they used to travel to Kino der Toten location - and in the Z-A room, the sign reads "FRA" which could reveal the location of the second map pack) which probably stand for "ENGLAND", that could lead to the Ascension Research Facility in Ascension Island, which is British domains. Richtofen and the crew could make another time-space travel. PS: In the Der Riese labs there are some photographs of Kino der Toten along with other photographs of unconfirmed places...
Last reply by zombie_Fan, -
- 12 replies
just like the title says,i just thought of it it could possibly be her... who knows... for those who dont know who im talking about its her: ... re=related
Last reply by xVx SplasH xVx,
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