Modern Warfare 3
General MW3 discussion.
181 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
I have a very old Xbox 360 that's (I believe) is 1st gen. and has been acting up lately, Not opening the tray when I press open, not reading discs in the tray, and saying games are damaged or dirty. And everytime I try to play MW3 on that Xbox it says, Reading then Open Tray. However I can go on my other Xbox and it works fine. And a note, I've had to send this Xbox in about 2-3 times for failures... So is my Xbox done and I need to get a new one, or MW3 doesn't work on 1st gen. Xbox's? Thanks! 8-) I just found this out.... all new games are made with a new format called XGD3 which means that the disc has an additional 1GB of data compared to the old games…
Last reply by TroubledTurkey, -
- 19 replies
So, its only been a mere 30-48 hours as I write this and Im sad to say that MW3 already has a fluent amount of campers. Of course, the simple answer is rage about your unfair death, then spend the whole game trying to kill him, but the inevitability is one way or another, campers always win. Unfairly win. And what do you do to brothers who unfairly win? You tell mum, AKA: Infinity Ward...and that other group of with a hammer? Oh yeah, Sledgehammer Games, you tell them too. So after the game, report the camper by saying that he was "Exploiting". Because he really is "exploiting" the map, no? That's what I've been doing, anyway. Now lets…
Last reply by joshs1982, -
- 10 replies
Ok first off I will give away no spoilers so you can read this fully through Next, the campaign is amazing... almost. It has incredible gameplay, epic twists, etc., except the mission are kind of repetitive, until the last few. The gameplay is super crisp, it re-tells some old stories, and you just feel amazing playing it. The twists are super heart racing, I won't give them away but you'll be pretty surprised when you've completed it. And the mission all end the same way, up until the last few. The gameplay itself is innovative and really captivating, but they just end with a feeling of de ja vu. Anyways this is my brief summary of my feeling toward the SP, I highl…
Last reply by BlindBusDrivr, -
- 8 replies
What's your class? I love the M4A1. Lvl. 31. Gold camo, Kick, Holographic sight. Stinger Semtex EMP grenade Sleight of Hand Pro Blastshield Pro Sitrep (Not pro yet) Advanced UAV Stealth Bomber Escort Airdrop (Take too long but are so worth the high KS I always get from them) Also P90 w/ kick w/ red dot sight winter camo Stinger Sleight of Hand Pro Blast Shield Pro Sitrep Bouncing Betty Trophy System Advanced UAV Stealth Bomber EMP And Finally P90 w/ kick w/ red dot sight winter camo XM25 (It's amazing) Sleight of Hand Pro Hardline Sitrep Bouncing Betty Trophy System UAV CUAV …
Last reply by UnicornCan115, -
- 8 replies
Wazzup my homechildren from the interwebz, it's Fu453 back at it again. This time for an awesome suggestion (which probably won't happen) for MW3. Well, it's 9/11, and we as Americans (for those of us who are American...and any others who feel the same way) should feel doubt and sorrow around the whole country for what happened today. But it's OK, we got the son of a bitch Osama. So I was thinking: MW3 is right around the corner, and we killed the most infamous terrorist in the world. So what if Infinity Ward did another Mile High Club on us and for the last "bonus" level...we infiltrate the Abbottabad compound and kill bin Laden! Come on now, you cannot te…
Last reply by Zaptn., -
- 0 replies
You know what im talking about. Think of Highrise, then compare it to Arkaden or something like that. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy different. you can't get to half of the places that you'd probably be able to get if this was MW2. I personally think it was because they added Survival, and if you played it on Highrise (yes again), you'd probably never die because of all the awesome camping spots you can get to. BzmfNcB1MuQ
Last reply by braveheart_5699, -
- 0 replies
When I first got Modern Warfare 3 the other day, I spent a lot of Pre-Gaming time reading online about features. I read about the PRestige shop, but didnt think much into it, since I usually dont prestige often. I played for a while, and while going through the Multiplayer menus, I ended up downloading Call of Duty Elite. It gave me 3 Prestige Tokens before I even prestiged once. I bought Double EXP, Double Gun EXP, and a Custom Class. I CAN use my Custom Class 6 in Fullscreen Online, but I CANNOT use it in Split Screen Online. Is this because I havent actually Prestiged yet and got Cust6? Or just some glitch (cuz it works, just not in Split screen.)
Last reply by TroubledTurkey, -
- 5 replies
Just got done playing with some friends on Domination and I was tearing it up and got a 35 Killstreak and it says: M.O.A.B. So I call it in and it goes into slow-mo and the nuke goes off but doesn't end the game... and the rest of the match is all Orange and nuke esque. I'll go into Theater and upload it tomorrow! So happy! (Also this was only my 4th game ever on multiplayer...) It's actually a 25 point streak, here's a example. pdLra_qKRYc
Last reply by owner_101, -
- 2 replies
This is my review of MW3 for people who havent got it and are wondering wether or not to buy it. This is my personal opinion so feel free to comment with yours. First of all, i find the servers are terrible. What i hate most is being chucked into a game halfway, or not connecting to a game at all. Both of these things have happened to me in the past DAY then probably ever on black ops. Its not my connection as its working fine on any other call of duty game. The new killstreaks i like, i personally use support because you can still earn them when you die. But some of them are pretty pointless. Airdrop trap, Seriously? For a start, the opposing team very…
Last reply by Zaptn., -
- 0 replies
So I was just looking through the program guide for Elite and I was wondering if anyone could clear up how the delivering of physical prizes would go about. I am mainly just saying that as we all know you have to technically be 18 to sign up for Elite. But like thats ever going to happen. What I'm wondering is I'm 14, so would it still be safe to try and win the prizes. Will it just be a "You won and were sending it to you" or a "Were going to check all your credentials and call you five times and ban you if your under 18" before we send it sorta thing. Im obviously not talking about something like a jeep prize, but more like that flash drive they're giving away now.…
Last reply by Phoenix, -
- 1 reply
I don't want to sound like the idiots saying ghost is alive, after he got blasted by a .44 cal Magnum and lit on fire, but there's some convincing proof Shepard might have a part, in the MW3. It's a little easter egg in the trailer, I found out about it in a video, which of coarse I can't find now. If you listen at :55 v=rUenaveVupc&feature=related You can hear "WARHORSE 5-1" This is Shepards Pave Low in MW2 So could he be back? Shepard with an eye patch would bring a literal meaning to "I lost 30,000 men in the blink of an EYE..."
Last reply by KrazyCookies, -
- 21 replies
I played B:BC2 for 3 days and I'm in love, so personally I'm getting Battlefield 3, and then getting the next Treyarch game, when it (inevitably) comes out in Fall 2012. (I loves me some zombies )
Last reply by right_direct, -
- 0 replies
I believe that perks should be leveled up like a weapon. The Regular version of the perk does one thing. After a challenge (Assassin Pro I for example) you unlock a new feature for that perk. Let's use an example. I'm using Assassin. I am invisible to enemy UAVs. Assassin Pro I-Kill 50 enemies while they have a UAV or Advanced UAV in the air. Unlocks no red crosshairs or red name when an enemy sees me. Assassin Pro II- Kill 25 enemies within proximity of their Portable radar (IW could use something else). Unlocks invisibility to Portable radar. Assassin Pro III-Kill 25 people that see you on their heartbeat sensor. Unlocks invisibilty to hear…
Last reply by UnicornCan115, -
Double XP?
by Pope- 1 reply
So theres this thing goin on where you buy mtn dew and you get 1 hour 2x xp so will iw get rid of 2X XP weekend all together?
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 4 replies
In result of the MW3 info leak, I'll recap what was leaked. Multiplayer Maps: Alpha Alps Bootleg Bravo Brooklyn Carbon Coast Dome Exchange Hardhat Interchange Lambeth Meteora Mogadishu Paris Plaza 2 Radar Seatown Underground Village Spec Op Modes Survival: Carbon Dome Radar Seatown Village Missions Civilian Rescue Flood the Market Invisible Threat Little Bro's Out of Africa No Fly Zone Wing Man I'm not sure if this is legit or if it's just plain BS, but I think this is legit. For more, look at
Last reply by seanpual, -
- 29 replies
I found this video on youtube... I thought it was quite a good theory, what do you guys think? Will ghost be back in mw3?? fAyQ92E6Jm0
Last reply by Zkreym, -
- 8 replies
I'm going with a resounding yes here and I can't believe they are repeating the mistakes of the past. My hype for spec ops yet again amounts to zero. Seems like they are focusing on the offline crowd whereas COD is all about online for me (cant stand the campains, ever).
Last reply by Zom-B_Hunter115, -
- 1 reply
I heard in another forum that you can customize your character in multiplayer to your ideas. give me your thoughts on this.
Last reply by owner_101, -
- 7 replies
Last night I caught a commercial for the new ace combat and I saw ghost as a gunner in the chopper. Iknow, a. It's not the only skull ski mask, b. It's not a cod game c. I'm an idiot. But it was cool to see that cuz right after that there was the mw3 commercial back to back.. n since none of my co workers wanted to hear/ care about it I tell u guys yay!!
Last reply by killallzombies, -
- 4 replies
I herd that if u back stab sometimes you will get a neck slit, this has not bean in any other cod games i think. what do u guys think on this
Last reply by DR3WMANCH3W, -
- 8 replies
OK guys, It's Fu453 back at it again, this time defending MW3 and saying it's very balanced. Now, let's start off with the biggest concern in any COD game, Noobtoobing. Noobtoobing So uh, obviously Noobtoobing was most hated in MW2. Black Ops fixed this by things like: -Flack Jacket -Invalid with Warlord -Scavenger unable to replenish ammo -Farther safety range (farther range for it to explode on impact) Can you think of any other ways to nerf the damn thing (you know, besides taking it out entirely)? If MW3 can keep these properties, I think we can be safe from the overexposure of noobtoobing (FYI, MW3's Flack Jacket is a 2nd Tie…
Last reply by Fu453, -
- 24 replies
I am getting an xbox with Kinect next month and wonderd should i get MW3 on Ps oR Xbox??? if it has kinect ability i will be getting xbox but what do you think!?
Last reply by UnicornCan115, -
- 4 replies
Here is the list of SOME guns for Modern Warfare 3. -MP5 New Style -Scorpion -KSG Shotgun -New Striker -Model 1886 (Upgraded) -AA12 Shotgun -M4_IW5 Assault Rifle -AK47 -G-36 -Scar -ACR -M320 Grenade Launcher -RSASS Semi-Automatic Sniper. -Barrett -P99 Titanium Cover -MP412 -Magpul-FMG If you have any doubts or disagreements, please notify me by replying. Thanks a lot. :D
Last reply by UnicornCan115, -
- 4 replies
So I have heard rumors about a new gamemode on MW3 called Dog Tags and you have to pick up peoples dog tags once you kill them to get the kill. Is this true. Anything else I need to know?
Last reply by UnicornCan115, -
- 3 replies
Hi all. There is a page on Facebook, Countdown to MW3. It's just a simple countdown every day to make you anticipate MW3 even more.
Last reply by Superhands,
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