Modern Warfare 3
General MW3 discussion.
181 topics in this forum
- 23 replies
Level 80 is the highest level. :| You can quickscope. Gold camo returns!!! :? :cry: Can get camo on secondary's. Can reload cancel. 10 prestiges. To get camo you have to "level up" your gun. Highest level gives you gold. 16 maps on disk Perks: Tier 1: Extreme Conditioning - Sprint Longer Distances (climb obstacles faster) Sleight of Hand - Faster reloading (faster weapon swapping) Scavenger - Pick up ammo, grenade launcher ammo can be picked up but the person you killed has to have it Blind Eye - Undetectable by air support and sentries (Launches lock on faster, extra damage to support and sentries) Recon - Explosive damage shows…
Last reply by owner_101, -
- 71 replies
***Warning, spoliers on whats to come in the single player section of mw3, what weapons and maps maybe in it ect.*** You still want to be spoiled? yes, Scroll down. No, GO AWAY NOAW! Final warning Update 9: PLjOQ0cBiWM thanks to krazzycookies Update 8: b48hai-03OY IWCKbox39z8 e3 demo for mw3 thanks to Krazycookies source: Update 7: Killstreaks and perks leaked Thanks to laimFTWinter Some perks and killstreaks have been leaked by kotaku. Find that here: ... illstreaks …
Last reply by Robert, -
- 4 replies
Last reply by zombiejuice89, -
- 3 replies
[i know this is in the wrong section, thought it would get noticed more here] Over the past 2 days MW3 has been weird, yesterday the guns looked smaller like they stuck out more. So when going ADS the sights were really small and you couldn't really see, this was consistant for about 4/5 games all in different lobbies. Today I was getting mass amounts of points in a game of domination on dome.
Last reply by xXExpertCoahXx, -
- 3 replies
If you google call of duty 10 and look on the cod wiki page, it says it is to be developed by Sledgehammer games, and that call of duty 11 is to be developed by infinity ward and on Next gen consoles. Obviously, because its wiki doesn't mean its true. But i think 3 years instead of 2 for each developer to make a cod will mean we get much better quality games. Even if it means having to wait 2 years for zombies! They could do alot more in 3 years, more DLC and things aswell. I also really reaaally want the cod4+5 multiplayers revamped and sold as a expansion pack on xbl/psn so you could play both new and old mp. Give them a chance to add some things they cancelled …
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 0 replies
Sledgehammer Games just posted "some of the best pieces" of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Concept Art. They said they’ll be updating their page with even more images that we've either seen before, may have missed, and some of the fan art!
Last reply by Tac, -
- 23 replies
I know a lot of people say K/D doesn't matter, but it does, lol. Mine is 1.66.
Last reply by TheSlushTurtle, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by right_direct, -
- 10 replies
I've enjoyed the MW series, but since BO2 is going to be in the future i feel if they made a MW4 then we would have 3 games in a row of roughly modern warfare. So i think they should go back to the past, i made a thread about this ages ago and i'd like to bring the subject up again. The only past games we've had is WaW and BO (Excluding CoD3-) and i think it'd be nice to get a trilogy of games in the past. They would be set in WW1 and WW2. I think it would be great because WaW would be an amazing game with all the pro perks, pointstreaks and such and I'd like to see a game in the past with them. I hope IW don't make MW4 because i would just be bored of the modern-…
Last reply by NikolaisVodka, -
- 10 replies
So got back from work yesterday - decided to play some FFA, Jumped into a lobby and theres a dude who's ranked 455 in the world. So im a little worried and a lilttle excited to see how i perform against this guy. Game 1 ends he finishes 1st (30 -10) i finish 2nd (23 - 18) Next game starts and he kills me a few times i kill him a few times. There was no bullshit just guys who have quick reactions and a good aim etc. Next thing i know is im 1st and this guy has left. Recieve a message from him 2 mins later. : Your details have been passed on for violating Modern Warfare 3's Code of Conduct. Boosting in Infected violates these terms. Your…
Last reply by Undead, -
- 1 reply
Phxntxm recently got me into Spec Ops records and I slowly seem to be progressing at it! :D
Last reply by TheSlushTurtle, -
- 0 replies
Downturn used to be my favorite map...went to round 40 and was ranked in top 100 for awhile. (droped to like 123 or something now) But with the new maps out....i have discovered LIBERATION. This map is PERFECT for survival. Been to wave 45 so far and that was with one of us lagging half the time.
Last reply by Zom-B_Hunter115, -
- 11 replies
The highest score i got was MAYBE 30 kills and something like 18 deaths. :x :| Got any tips for a higher score and tips for a higher KD? It would be great I'll give you some [brains] for GREAT tips
Last reply by Poptart, -
- 4 replies
This is for you laggers out there! ... r_embedded IySyljx3nEM
Last reply by Tom852, -
- 1 reply
Any one experienced that MW3 cant connect you to the online services? And other games work fine? This issue is on PS3 so if you also have a problem with this leave a coment. ... playnext=4 Here is a video i made of it. It is only a ps3 problem and the guys get on actually only a couple of times when we play, and are looking for the issue, I got a whole day of no luck trying to get on MW3. Played some Der Riese instead . I hope tomorrow it will work.
Last reply by Daveyjone, -
- 2 replies
I'm proud, yet a bit disappointed that it didn't record on the leaderboards. :/
Last reply by Zkreym, -
- 14 replies
Hey guys! Today I have decided to make a PS3 MW3 CLAN. Really only requirements are: 1.00+ KDR, Mic, Must be able to participate in clan battles, 13+ Years old. If you are interested in joining, inbox me on PS3: DJDerp I have not really come up with a name, JUST YET. I have considered our old one: HGT (Hardcore Gangster Tea-Baggers) But, I will be taking requests for different names. Reply on here if you have a name that you would like us to use. Again, like I said, inbox me on PSN: DJDerp P.S: ALL CLAN MEMBERS MUST WHERE TAG AT ALL TIMES!!
Last reply by nikerox, -
- 27 replies
My highest is 27.3. I don't know what rank I would be, since.I don't have Internet. EDIT: it is now 27.1
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 7 replies
I apoligize for not putting this on the MW3 thread, but I felt that it wouldn't be as viewed if I put it there. So I had just finished MW3 on vetren, and I noticed in the credits they had additional support from Treyarch and what looks like a lot of it! That section bore the most names in the credits. But one of those names was Jimmy Zelinski! I'm not sure how much influence he had on the project but he may have been able to incorperate some zombie-related propaganda (more then the teddy bears hopefully) into MW3. I'm still not that sure about MW2 i will check unless any one of you people will, but we may consider looking into the Modern Warfares more.
Last reply by Arussianmonkey, -
- 4 replies
If you got intrigued by the subject title and are asking what is this about?? Cant Climb, "Cant Fly, Cant Fight, Cant Crow"- its what Rufio says in the 1991 film Hook Its just the only way I could express my hate for not being able to climb ANYTHING significant in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Dont get me wrong I LOVE CALL OF DUTY, I started playing ONLINE call of duty since Modern warfare 1 and the rest is history.. MW1,WAW( Now to the travesty of MW3 In every single Call of Duty game except MW3 you can climb things and when you do climb things they usually lead to a vantage point a good camping ground or gotcha moment. Unfortunately that wa…
Last reply by Alter72, -
- 18 replies
"Modern warfare 3 is the best call of duty ever! World at war sucks!" I am not, in any way, trolling or knocking mw3 and it's fans! (I like it a little actually) but I just get sooooo tired when people tell me this. Half the time id bet it's the only cod they've ever played. "You're just a stupid noob tht can't appreciate mastery like mw3." Once again, my attempt at psychiatry has failed. tur story: We were doing a native American unit in history. We had to create our own tribe. (Not exactly high school level, but it was fun.) Anyways someone actually named their tribe the "mw3lovers". Anyone else have experiences like these?
Last reply by Ultimatelink, -
- 10 replies
Sniper Fi Console World Record: High Explosive Console World Record Negotiator Console World Record O Cristo Redentor Console World Record Acceptable Losses Co-op Console World Record Flood the Market World Record Server Crash World Record Resistance Movement (7th on PS3) Resistance Movement Co-op (7th on PS3) Milehigh Jack (3rd on PS3) Black Ice (3rd on PS3) Fire Mission Co-op (7th on PS3) Stay Sharp 18.0 seconds Stay Sharp Co-op (Soloed) 25.1 Stay Sharp Co-op 18.4 seconds Charges Set 22.4 seconds …
Last reply by TheSlushTurtle, -
- 9 replies
We just completly destroyed our record of wave 31 on Downturn. We died on wave 40 with jugs. We are now ranked 79th and 80th on the team survival leaderboards!. And to top it all off i got the entire match recorded! Youtube videos to come soon :D
Last reply by Zom-B_Hunter115, -
- 14 replies
So I planned on getting MW3 tonight but Gamestop says its 55 dollars used and 63 dollars new. Is it worth this money? I have only about 200 bucks to spare, but I have to continue the epic storyline (just finished MW2 campagin and I wanna beat the shit outta Makorov) and I hear good things about the survival mode but I hear it didn't live up to expetations(bad spelling i think). Is it worth buying? btw if your gonna post something story related use spoilers and click preview to make sure they WORK.
Last reply by Arussianmonkey, -
- 1 reply
I know when MW3 came out if you had prestiged on previous cods you would get a token for them (4 max) however, i havent prestiged on cod4, 5 or mw2. Im currently playing MW2 to prestige because i got told i will still get a prestige token because i hadnt already prestiged on that game. Will i get a prestige token? I really need to know because i cant stand mw2 but its the game im closest to prestiging on and i dont want to feel like im wasting my time :lol:
Last reply by MysteryBox,
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