A legendary shrine lost in an exotic jungle. Where the undead lurk within a treacherous labyrinth of underground caverns, deadly traps and dark secrets.
CoDz Code of Conduct
Listed below is the Code of Conduct.
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Duplicate Posts -
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Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
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680 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
Okay im new to the registry but i frequent this site often. I visit youtube and other sites that assist in getting info out for cod zombies. I havent seen this info anywhere but it might have already been brought up, and if so i apologize. The monkeys on shangri la take your drops yes, but they do much more..... if a zombie drops a power up (obviously not if you knife it) and you wait a few seconds before you grab it the monkey will run for it but if you take it before he does he will try to hit u with his sorry monkey slap. If you knife it b4 it slaps you, u get 500pts. If the drop happens to be x2 its athousand pts. for one little monkey knife.
Last reply by Noob, -
- 6 replies
Hey there everyone im just wondering does anyone have anyone info about map four all i know is that the next zombie map is called quarantine i know its not official but i think its a a safe bet thats what it is im just wondering if anyone has any more information and also i think is a safe bet the zombie map will be in area 51 nevada because map pack four is the last map and im pretty sure treyarch wont bring zombies back in the next call of duty after Mw3
Last reply by TheHybridTheory, -
- 6 replies
I was hoping we could all post strategies for Shangri-la here, solo or otherwise. Maybe it's just me, but I find it difficult to get past 12 solo, maybe cuz I still need to learn the map some more. What I've done is make heavy use of the water slide and run laps between that and the waterfall. I don't feel comfortable camping anywhere since it seems to me there's always a blind spot. I've also seen people online camp by the water slide often; with 4 people there's two facing the mud maze, one watching the cliffside and the other watching the window. We made it to 24 doing this. Anyone else have any good strategies?
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 6 replies
Okay, So I was playing Shangri-La on PS3, and it was the end of the round. There was a napalm zombie, so i decided to bring it down to the waterfall, however, when the last crawler died, the napalm zombie sprinted at me and the same speed as a running zombie. this has happened multiple times, and whenever he catches up, he blows up and nearly downs me. :x Is this normal, or some type of glitch?
Last reply by Blitz_NZ, -
- 6 replies
GlFO_8VTrNs (Better quality video) Other player died at the beginning of round, I was clutching the entire round and here is a clip of how you can effectively use 3179 jGb to kill an entire spawn. I am assuming you already know how to horde up zombies otherwise it would be an entirely different topic. Alternative to kicking is 1. Use Mustang and sally (preferred way when you are solo) 2. Throw semtex first and then shoot (preferred with with 2 players..) 3. Shoot Ray gun after you shoot. If you are hording up zombies in power or AK room and your partner is by MPL just merge your zombies (Tell him to …
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 6 replies
And I give some credit to Mr. RoflWaffles, as I figured this out responding to one of his posts. Okay, so I kinda have to do a little explaining here. Lately, in the past couple of maps, it seems like Richtofen's started to take a major liking to Nikolai (suspicions started in Ascension but grew even more...suspiciouser...>_>....during Shangri-La). Well, let's take a quick trip back to Call of the Dead for a moment, and we'll discover exactly why. If you head to one of the hidden radios on the front side of the boat in CotD (maybe, it's been a while since I've played that one), the radio mentions Richtofen's "experiments" only responding to certain ki…
Last reply by KAOS_Shogun4489, -
- 6 replies
2 Player Shangri-la L40+ Stratergy Now this is the first time I've attempted to write a strategy guide so go easy on me. If you need some more info on any particular aspect comment on it and I'll update this post. Requirements: 2 good players Both have mic's and speak the same language Patience, it will take some getting used to and a bit of luck The ability to work together. This is vital! Must haves for this map Mustang and Sally (PaP your first pistol) you will both need these guns! Jug PHD Flopper Baby gun Optional, but recommended Rocket launcher Monkeys Spikemores Stamina Speed cola I start this map by g…
Last reply by DJDerp, -
- 6 replies
Subject says it all. What strategies have been proven? I liked camping at mud, move to minecart, move to bridge, but where can you run around, what to do with the "Do Not Push" button, et al. just wanted some help from the hive mind. Thanks.
Last reply by perfectlemonade, -
- 6 replies
There's a question about this map which we seems to overstep How is it that Richtofen came here through his tele porter and built a station here, but Maxis went here too and didn't know Richtofen was there? Let's begin: Okay so we know how Richtofen first teleports and he goes to the Moon. But he does not teleport twice and go to Shangri La, if that happened, then how could they have built Griffin Station if they randomly went to the Jungle after every few minutes? It's because Richtofen activated something on the MPD, which SENT him to Shangri La. ANd the Nazi's and Richtofen's tele porters do not go through time, which the Vril ay's ca…
Last reply by killallzombies, -
- 6 replies
So there's been alot of talk lately from Treyarch Zombie developers about Shangri La. Multiple times, they mention a range of mountains. These tweets get us theorists thinking. Secondly, huge thanks for Mix for uploading the picture of the Vril cover with the mountain range. It's what really got me thinking on this, which lead to doing some searching on Google. I stumbled upon a very interesting article. It is the "secret" diary log of Admiral Byrd. Some of you may have heard of this, but here's is some background information on Admiral Byrd and radio log from his lost flight. Admiral Richard E. Byrd At 09:10 Hours, Byrd makes note …
Last reply by Shooter, -
- 6 replies
Hello Codz, thought I'd bring this theory over to the Asylum to develop a fully speculated theory. This theory also has to do with the recent speculations of the "Mountains" on Shangri La. I understand that there are various theories involving Shangri La being located on Mars, but I thought this theory should be shown to you as it fits very well, especially when linking it to the Vrill-Ya. If you are unfamiliar with the mountain speculation, here is the picture of the developers tweeting about the mountains in Shangri La, so the mountains have some obvious relevance to the location and the so called "Best kept secret of Zombies". So obviously we have some specula…
Last reply by sick_ckuf, -
- 6 replies
I am struggling mightily with this map. It is infuriating. I want to get 100 on it before the next DLC comes out for BO2, but jesus, those low rounds are one of the hardest things I've ever done. I think I've got a general strategy down, but those napalm fuckers always get me. I'm not sure why I made this thread. Just wanted to vent, I suppose. Sigh. I miss Superhands. He'd know what to do.
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 5 replies
My lifelong dream is to have a map dealing with Area 51. There, I said it. As soon as the achievements were released for CoTD, and I saw the word "Paradise" I could not help to think of "Paradise Ranch" AKA Area 51. I'm pretty sure the majority of zombie fanatics wanted this map back in WaW, (after the SNN co-ordinates were discovered) and the volume of threads on the HQ about wanting an Area 51 map before Black Ops zombies was even announced was absolutely overwhelming. Now all of this "evidence" is pointing towards a "tropical" map. But I really think 3arc would want to go out on a positive (if Map Pack 3 is the last map pack) and give all us fans what …
Last reply by Greenchico97, -
- 5 replies
If you look at 2:47, with the monkey on the ruins during the eclipse, look behind him. There's some sort of white object shooting across the sky in a thin white line, if you blink you'll miss it. What could that be? Also to the left you can see the mystery box light
Last reply by Dreamland_Grue, -
- 5 replies
So, I know alotta people have been making posts about why our Favorite Zombie Slayers are heading to the mythical city/town/mountain area of Shangri-La. After piecing some things together that didn't have anything to do with the Cosmic Silverback, I think I may have a theory on where things are going from here. Richtofan, from the beginning, has obviously known more about what's going on than anyone else. Whilst fooling around with the CotD Easter Egg, I recall Richtofan saying something along the lines of: "It's times like this I wish I hadn't erased their...I mean....force field, force field, I'm stuck behind the force field" Richtofan's obviously go…
Last reply by PyroZombie, -
I did'nt see any perk machines in this trailor I hope the only way get to them is not killin those monkey's with random power ups on they're backs cuz there was a perk bottle on there.
Last reply by Tac, -
- 5 replies
- 798 views The first podcast on the homepage, #74 talks a little about zombies. Skip to about 50:00 and that's where it starts about the zombies.
Last reply by ballbearing32, -
- 5 replies
from a 2008 Mitsubishi Ad This may be pretty much meaningless to COD, but I thought I would share because it looks pretty cool IMO!!
Last reply by Shooter, -
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In this video i show everything that i found and go into a bit of detail even the golden Item! Remember this is my second Video so be nice :-p hRsJIwWXqJg If you want to know of the Golden Item seen in the Video you can see it here: It is above Quick Revive on the broken down wall. This Golden Item kinda looks like a Maraca IMO and may have to do with the Easter Egg Discuss!
Last reply by FooToo, -
- 5 replies
Here is a remix I made for the Shangri-La trailer. Enjoy! B-gYTwnqVW0 This is a remix I dubbed on the Shangri-La trailer. All rights for this video are reserved for Activision and Treyarch. This video footage belongs to them and is in no way my own. I take no credit for the original trailer or the music on this trailer. The music belongs to Guns and Roses. This video was created as a fun alternative with different music than the original trailer released by Activision.
Last reply by Undead, -
- 5 replies
My apologies if this was already posted. ... verified=1 here are my observations.. A regular zombie, Zombie that Explodes in front of people, probably & a Shrieker zombie- Guy who blows you away- ( stuns you or push you away, he doesn't try to kill you) 2 different monkeys (one for power ups one regular ) New Claymore that throws thorns or wooden like monkeys bomb monkey bomb Electric trap next to slide. New weapon-Shrinks zombies New spikes that spawn up, trap doors, something that can launch people or zombies up. Rail and slide. Power that turns on by using water on turbines....…
Last reply by Shooter, -
- 5 replies
i was reading a topic about things in the air which contained some aeroplanes and a helicopter, now my idea is what if the zombies that are wearing normal clothes are tourists whos plane crashed in the mountains, so they sent a search copter who find the crew and could play a part in a big easter egg, just an idea
Last reply by Shooter, -
- 5 replies
Okay so I was watching the preview for Annihilation again and when it came to the Shangri La part, I noticed something peculiar with the monkeys. Heres the video: At around 2:22 you see there is a CHANGING POWER UP ON THE MONKEY So basically, I'm guessing EVERY monkey drops one, and it looks like it includes EVERY power up, including Nuke, Max Ammo, and Fire Sale. What I think 3arc is attempting to do here is make players focus more on the monkies so that zombis can overwhelm them. If youre trying to make a monkey drop max ammo, youre not gonna notice the zombie sneaking up on you. Please tell me what you think…
Last reply by ImAnEagle, -
- 5 replies
I wonder if the shrieker is connected to the focusing stone? Photos are a little large as I dont want to host them myself. So OG link is below if anyone feels like steping up. ... creenshots
Last reply by TFG Dubz, -
- 5 replies
Haven't seen anyone ask this but what do you all think that the new wonder weapon upgraded turn out to be, I personally think that when it's upgraded it will do more damage, and potentially send them flying without you having to run into them, more or less like the thunder gun, but another theory is that it looks similar, but at the same time not similar to the wonderwaffe DG-2 so it potentially could use electricity when upgraded, post your thoughts,comments and your own theories, As always, you saw it HERE first on CODZ! Fruito OUT!
Last reply by kennymann95,
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