A legendary shrine lost in an exotic jungle. Where the undead lurk within a treacherous labyrinth of underground caverns, deadly traps and dark secrets.
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680 topics in this forum
- 91 replies
This thread is for posting your highest rounds on Shangri-La.
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 61 replies
O7YAHQQQkcQ Enjoy. Pareidolia Link. Pareidolia: is a psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant. Common examples include seeing images of animals or faces in clouds, the man in the moon or the Moon rabbit, and hearing hidden messages on records played in reverse. The word comes from the Greek para- – "beside", "with", or "alongside"—meaning, in this context, something faulty or wrong (as in paraphasia, disordered speech) and eidōlon – "image"; the diminutive of eidos – "image", "form", "shape". Pareidolia is a type of apophenia. Regards Alpha.
Last reply by complexinvalid, -
- 31 replies
That is right, once you complete the full egg properly you can do it again 3 more times! Everyone can keep perks after going down! I can verify this as well since we tried it and it worked! haha This allows for some epic gameplay and high rounds!
Last reply by dikkiedik1992, -
- 8 replies
If you are looking for people to play Shangri-La with or need partners to do the easter egg with. We have a forum section devoted for finding teammates at the top of the forum under general information. Please post in that forum section, and not in this forum section. Here is the link to the teammate finder forum section. viewforum.php?f=13
Last reply by Deathwillfollow, -
- 6 replies
This easter egg is about "focusing" the Focusing Stone & freeing Brock and Gary from eternal torment. Please Note: All steps must be done in Eclipse mode otherwise they will not work! Requirements Four Players Spikemores (can be purchased in the Power Room) The Power to be activated A weapon capable of dealing explosive damage, such as the Ray Gun Cooperation A Napalm Zombie The 31-79 JGb215 (must be Pack-a-Punched for a later step, creating The Fractalizer) Step 1: The Eclipse Switches After the power has been activated, the four buttons surrounding Quick Revive must be pushed simultaneously. To activate these switches, the use button must be held. …
Last reply by The Clay Bird, -
- 1 follower
- 346 replies
Hey guys, Tac here and I've been reworking this thread since I released it a couple years ago. Originally, I presented evidence for why Shangri-La was on Mars, but since then I've realized that they're merely connected and while Shangri-La may have once been on Mars, it likely isn't while we play. Because of this, I want everyone to realize that the OP has changed and so when reading the comments, realize that at the time of creation, there was less evidence than when you're currently reading this Shangri-La has always been a map that is shrouded in mystery and we have all been intrigued by it at one point or another. As some of us may have seen, Treyar…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
So! In the Call of the Dead Easter Egg, we hear them say they went to far into the future, so that would mean they would go back in time correct? If they are just coming from Ascension, then it would be likely to assume it is between Ascension and CoTD. According to the trailer, they have their clean uniforms, Richtofen no longer has his cut on his cheek from Ascension, and Takeo has a mustache he didn't have in Ascension. The uniforms are from Kino der Toten, implying it is between Kino and Ascension. If Shangri-La IS between Kino and Ascension, that would mean CoTD is also since they came to Shangri-La from CoTD. Given the characters we play as (Tejo, etc.) i…
Last reply by Tac, -
- 59 replies
Small Consolation- In Shangri-La, use the 31-79 JGb215 on each type of zombie. Monkey see, Monkey don't - In Shangri-La get something from the monkeys. Zomb Disposal - In Shangri-La, dispose of a Napalm zombie without it harming any players. Blinded by the fright - In Shangri-La kill a Shrieker zombie while blinded by it. Time Travel will tell - In Shangri-La, acquire the focusing stone. If you don't believe me and want to see yourself, go onto your Xbox and compare games with someone! Discuss guys! I'm guessing "Time travel will tell" is the Easter Egg Achievement. Image: (Thanks to infamousKONVICT) Video proof: OGWGJPCXKFk
Last reply by liltaz23, -
Apparently I was right and wrong the two Trailers were uploaded but only one was released a day after it should have been released. Regardless expect the Zombie Trailer for Saturday. In the meantime Inside Xbox posted a video that talks about Duke Nukem and shows some Black Ops Multiplayer Clips. (Its on the Inside Xbox Panel of you Dashboard) Multiplayer Trailer: (Skip to 0:52 to see Shangri-La footage) nbcc4cXONso
Last reply by i am richtofen, -
- 6 replies
Im pretty sure the first step to the Easter egg or acquiring the focusing stone is to do with the gongs, there is several of them over the map and when you knife them they make a regular gong sound you would expect to here. Except when you knife more than one you can hear a weird background noise, kinda like the meteorite sounds but different and it seems to get louder depending on what order you knife the gongs in. I think you must have to knife them in a certain order for the first step. If you have the map go check it out and you will see what I mean. :D
Last reply by Living Dead, -
- 9 replies
The Focusing Stone: From: Lonely in the World Link. The Mines of Despair were closed long ago when miners broke through a wall deep within into an ancient Empyrean tunnel. When Instead of riches, they found undead men and fleshless warriors, they closed the mine and abandoned the town. Only Le-Ai Rae, an old hermit living in a hut nearby, remains to warn of the dangers within. But if you're brave enough to explore the depths of the mine, you will find a treasure the previous inhabitants overlooked - the Focusing Stone. Have fun looking into this CoDz Researches. Regards Alpha.
Last reply by 1Delta1, -
- 27 replies
So, judging by the video i have seen, rxX1v3bjXak At 2:17, if you keep watching, you shall see some 'animals' Which seem to be carrying a power up, which changes. Also, at 2:24, if you keep watching you can see Takeo, then Nikolai, with what seems to be 'NEW EXTRA'S' (TRAPS) Along with Richtofen, riding on a 'cool mine cart' vehicle. Which, seems like a handy place to get around. At 2:30, he says that it is a thin, tight map. So, unlike Call Of The Dead it is hugely open, this map is tightly packed like 'vurrukt' and 'five'.... 'The story in Shangri-la, is shrouded and a mystery, I love the lead up to the fans with Der Reise, and got t…
Last reply by dykeso, -
- 24 replies
Hi all, Found these pics on Raven Software recently posted this on their website/youtube. This art is the work of Arnie Swekel, he's done some work on Black Ops and MW3 aswell as many other games, Link to vid Haven't really taken the time to take all this in yet - but there's some pretty awesome stuff here!
Last reply by Onesiphorus935, -
- 77 replies
aV8S0hC979M Some MP footage and some new Shangri-La footage, enjoy! Analysis: This is probably the starting area, as you can see the quick revive machine and the olympia, which signals the spawn area. Water slide leads to underground area? New trap flings zombies into the air. New wonder weapon, appears to make crawlers? Flaming zombie explodes Weird boss looking zombie? POST YOUR IMAGES GUYS!
Last reply by Tac, -
- 19 replies
Thanks for everyone who solved this puzzle for me, and let me write down the end result for everyone to look back on. I'm aware some parts are off but aren't crucial and don't need to them done exact. The easter egg is done totally different ways. I will name some other strategies for some parts. Call of Duty Black Ops Shangri-La Easter Egg tutorial First off, things you need: 4 players upgraded Shrink Gun/317-g3hjfedjfksdabonersdijekj/Baby Gun/whatever you want to call it (I will be calling it Shrink Ray.) You open pack a punch by standing on 4 different pressure plates around the map in front of spinning tiki statues, and run to the stairs at spawn. They…
Last reply by braveheart_5699, -
- 8 replies
shangri la easter egg steps. 1.In the starting room once the power is turned on, there will be four dials each on their own wall by Quick Revive. When all four players press 'X' at the same time, time will distort, causing the players to be sent into the past (proven by some of the things the character says), the moon to eclipse the sun, and a giant 115 meteor to rest above the temple in the spawn area. 2.Near the MPL, there appear to be two characters locked in the locked area behind the weapon. A button must be pressed, similar to those near Quick Revive, in order to get them talking. They want the players to set them free, similar to the Original Characters …
Last reply by xtastingjointx, -
- 52 replies
I dunno about anybody else, but I'm excited traps are making a comeback. Not only the new ones, but old electric ones possibly? A screenshot with what looks like a power box circled. BTW, Bamboo trap looks to be a possible new favorite The only thing I hope they change (but am sure they won't) is getting at the very least the kill count for zombies killed with traps. That's the main reason I don't usually use them when I play. No points, no kill credit. Next, could we see our first female Zombies in this map? New evil looking monkey as well as the Eclipse that could be like the new dogs, every 5 rounds or so? PA…
Last reply by Tac, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
So my Co-Conspirator @MixMasterNut pressured me into posting this because I don't think it has ever been posted or really talked about. (@MrRoflWaffles has a video on it but didn't know what they were). Mix & I talked about this over a year ago & I only included it in the Shangri-La Zombies Library but never dedicated a thread to it. With the possible remake/re-written story about Samantha, Shangri-la & Moon, MixMasterNut thought I should post this to show that there are still things that have not been discussed or researched. So without further ado, these are what the Tattoo's on the Shangri-la Zombies are ~ Sak Yant Tattoo’s Yantra tattooing,…
Last reply by Muvvatruka, -
- 30 replies
well as you know, in call oft he dead it showed the preious map and then shangri la, well i thnk i have spotted the next map on shangri la's loading screen: here it is: and you can see the difference: Nacht der untoten: Verrdukt: Shi no numa: Der Riese: Kino Der toten: Five: Ascention: Call Of the dead: EDIT 1: added all of the loading screens (from alphas thread here) Now you can compare the loading screens... (Images curticy from Alpha snake. ) so as you can see there is a page behind the call of the dead and ascention, but it is not kino. i beleive it looks l…
Last reply by Donpedro, -
- 23 replies
Hey guys, seeing as you still 'argue' about the whole Shangri La mountain thing, I looked at Tac's thread about Shangri La being on Mars, honestly at first - I just couldn't buy it - but it sure got my attention. So I got on SL, noclip'd to the Mountain and, well, I couldn't make anything out of it. Then it accured to me that the answer might just be in the game's texture files. So I took a texture viewer and started going through Shangri La's texturs (of which there are A LOT) but one thing quickly stood out, the texture was named "gp_ztem_mars_vista_card", I opened the file and guess what - It's the mountain everybody is talking about - titled MARS in …
Last reply by Verrückt, -
- 35 replies
Treyarch really were slacking if they didn't make a solo version of the easter egg, but I think they did make a solo version. Has anyone figured it out yet?
Last reply by Tankeo Dempsaki, -
- 29 replies
I seen that Alpha asked for these in another thread and I thought I would post them here for everyone to see. Another thing that I found interesting was that, when someone that isn't richtofen picks the stone up, when everyone dies richtofen says, "Now that you aren't using that stone, I'll be taking it, MUHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" That stone was something he seriously wanted.
Last reply by James Dean, -
- 4 replies
Are there no easter eggs you can do on shangri la like you could on COTD?
Last reply by Jloves2game, -
- 25 replies
All video footage we have so far on Shangri-La. --------------------------------------------------------- Inside Xbox: Shangri-La Gameplay iMDNi9WqxVk --------------------------------------------------------- In the Jungle trailer Z34RTO2BKM4 --------------------------------------------------------- Remix to Jungle trailer with Guns & Roses "Welcome to the Jungle" B-gYTwnqVW0 This is a remix I dubbed on the Shangri-La trailer. All rights for this video are reserved for Activision and Treyarch. This video footage belongs to them and is in no way my own. I take no credit for the original trailer or the music on this trai…
Last reply by StatewideSeeker, -
- 25 replies
Here are the videos made by NGT Zombies. gives a good overall view about what needs to be done. I also posted the radios in it in the right order. so that way you know how the players from NGT Zombies get up with the ideas. Step 1: Activate the eclipse S5wCSAquXjE Step 2: Pressing the button to talk to english man VN8UONugXW4 Step 3: Pressure plates _-uz3knvgwo RADIO AFTER STEP 3 u103bAr275s Step 4: Water slide (when the guy goes down the water slide, it's important that the other 3 people are standing on the pressure plate at the bottom of the slide. this will activate the next step) b58AZ2OP5tg Step 5: Shrink the chr…
Last reply by Risiiii,
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