I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. (John F. Kennedy, 1961
CoDz Code of Conduct
Listed below is the Code of Conduct.
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Rule: Advertising to other users inside the CoDz Forum, whether it be via a post, personal message, or profile/signature links, to buy or view any products, websites, or other service is strictly prohibited. Non-intrusive links in signatures to personal YouTube accounts may be allowed, but that is case-to-case and each will be reviewed individually.
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Duplicate Posts -
Rule: Creating a thread that discusses a topic that has already been brought up in another thread is generally frowned upon, as each user is responsible for finding the pre-existing thread and making their remarks there. Cross-posting violations (making more than one post of the same question/answer across multiple forums) is prohibited.
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We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
Post Pumping -
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Example: You can come up with your own examples for sensitive language, I trust we all have at least a few in our heads, but simply starring out a letter or putting a strike through the word does not excuse its usage, such as f*ck, sh*t, etc. An example of offensive content could be an avatar of the Twin Towers falling with the caption “Burn baby burn!” This is very offensive to many people, and although it may not be so to you, please respect the feelings of other users.
Examples of offensive links include Pornographic, Racial, Defamation, or any other derogatory content. If it does not pass our CoC do not link to it on our site.
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Example: A “good” signature could contain a few links to some threads (as long as they follow previous rules), zombie round numbers, a small image, or something personal, such as a saying or quote. A “bad” signature would contain any annoying “flashy” .GIFs, or any content that would not comply with previous CoC rules.
984 topics in this forum
- 9 replies
Well, if it's coming back, might as well do what I can to the OP. A long way back I wanted to see what you guys thought of the QED's. Being a highly unpredictable and random weapon, I thought to get some discussion on it. My opinions have changed since then, I find the QED's very useful, as I don't seem to get the negative effects as much as other people. I usually get the Astronaut explosion. Of course, the one thing that tempts me to change it is the "end of round" effect where it causes more zombies to spawn. I just find that so annoying when I'm trying to do other things with it. Please ignore some of the other things on here, keep in mind II was…
Last reply by Ehjookayted, -
- 18 replies
So we know from the radio, after Maxis told Samantha to kill them all, he was shot. And you can hear his soul getting sucked into the MPD, so Kill Confirmed. So how is he in the Computer? But Moon is FULL of a complex of super computers created by Richtofen and the others when it was built. It probably would work similar to the WOPR in the movie WarGames. And if we recall, the terminal at Main Menu in Black Ops, has some of Maxis' DATA SERVANT files. What was the DATA SERVANT? It was a file storage created by Maxis where he stored logs of everything from personal files about Sophia to weapon summaries for the DG-2. Thousands of files. …
Last reply by Tankeo Dempsaki, -
- 16 replies
Just to inform people who don't know Candolier is a scrapped perk that has some coding and it's logo still in Black Ops. It is unknown what it does but it's logo is the same one as the Bandolier perk from W@W which allowed you to carry extra ammo. Judging by that and the whole "Thrice the zombie killing fun" I imagine that the new perk could be Candolier and it would triple your ammo.
Last reply by Shooter, -
- 15 replies
Teleporters are back it is upside down so I am assuming you are coming back from somewhere through that teleporter which makes me believe that you may be teleporting to old maps and I really think we teleport to area 51, maybe you teleport there for pap? idk that'd be fun I guess and you can stay there for like a certain amount of time any ideas guys? edit: also the power switch is right there, so we know where it is!
Last reply by HammerFace, -
- 14 replies
i heard a rumor that nikolai, our beloved drunk dies on the moon. anyone else hear this?
Last reply by jtgossett, -
- 27 replies
You know, I've always assumed that these special zombies were just, you know, simple zombies. But, now I'm beginning to notice some things about them. First of all, let's take a look at the first place they showed up, that being Kino der Toten. Now, there was a lot of special things about this map, but there was one thing that everyone should remember, that being the creatures in the caskets. To me, at least, after looking at them for a while, they seem to somewhat resemble the Gas Zombies, and there are quite a few scattered around, as if they are going to be transported somewhere. Take note of this, because I'll reference it later. Now, when you turn on the po…
Last reply by KAOS_Shogun4489, -
- 2 replies
Sorry if it sounds a bit idiotic to ask this question I want to purchase moon on bo1 I tried buying it on the playstation store but I found nothing how can I get this map any help would be great
Last reply by MrPringles, -
- 11 replies
Okay, as you have seen in the trailer and on the forum, Moon has a couple new perks. One with 3 guns stacked on top of each other, and one in this picture here (Regards distilledoreo) Would you think Moon would really have all 9 perks presented so far in the zombie story? If not, which perk or perks do you think will get dropped?
Last reply by InhumaneBrdman, -
by Smacdallas- 17 replies
Does anyone think that they will make this map for iOS, or any of the black ops maps for that matter.. The only problem i would see is doing the lunar landers, water slides, flame zombies, Haha or george.. I think the iPad 2 could possible support it but who knows... Opinions?
Last reply by killerussian, -
- 5 replies
Was roaming across YouTube tonight and came across @RADAUSTIN27's video about no-clipping on Moon. I gotta say, some very interesting things going on like the mountains in the far distance (Rad points them out significantly as the Shangri-la mountain look-a-likes...something right up @GRILL's alley). Here's the video, it's definitely worth the watch: Critical Points (based on video): The mountains in No Man's Land are far off in the distance, and look quite similar to the ones in Shangri-la. The grate underneath the Pack-a-Punch is also filled with water and linked to the mud pool. According to Rad, the rockets and several other physical features do not show on th…
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 8 replies
Uploaded with This is a paused image during the video watching the entire video 6 times this picture i couldn't see anywhere until i paused and rewinded the video this pops up. Call of duty obviously but the Z L? Zombie land? Zombie Lovers? Zombie Levels? Who knows any ideas? They said it look around for ideas of the future of zombies so.... lol
Last reply by Elwood, -
- 20 replies
Well, we have a new achievement "Cyrogenetic Slumber Party," which is earned when you complete Richtofen's grand plan. Sounds like we are going to end up in Cyro-tubes. Yeah, consider zombies not over.
Last reply by TheCrows, -
- 15 replies
When you go to zombie leader boards, and you go to moon, you can press the right bumper to go to a section called no mans land.. And on that leader board it has kills, headshots and it has time survived, no round time survived, what do u guys think,? EDIT "I SHOULD HAVE SEARCHED FOR THREADS ON THIS" MADE A MISTAKE SORRY, we all make mistakes, do not troll or GTFO
Last reply by Shooter, -
- 7 replies
There's something odd about the systems that Group 935 had on Griffin Station. The base was built in the forties or so, with technology and scientists from that era. Obviously they didn't time travel for them, since Richtofen didn't invite Gersch to the project. Yet, when you explore the base, the computers all seem to be far beyond the level of the time. Potentially storing AI, holding music files which in total are probably larger than the entire storage capacity of early computers, activating and supporting a Casimir mechanism, the list goes on. Now, we know that 935 was highly advanced, right? You can't throw a stick without hitting some fancy machine that one of…
Last reply by BlindBusDrivr, -
- 14 replies
8CbpYqBJ9T8 I need you to sacrifice the vermin martyr martyr- someone dieing for their religion, including sacrifice by own will or not and killed for it. vermin martyr? samantha has something against a religion and knows someone who has it, not nessicarilly anti-semi by daddy. Bring me back where i saw you die. She saw him die at the pyrimid as he shot himself. I will make your last words come true!!! KILL THEM.... KILL THEM.....ALL Now i know what i must do!!! Now in death, bring me LIFE!!! My favroite line... All that i am will be coming home now (i did it all for you.) For maxis SILLY. Im becoming real now with all i am. O how i tried to seperate real…
Last reply by Arussianmonkey, -
- 3 replies
qxrdHojV_WY one that I made up. you both run that area then meet up and use the wave gun.
Last reply by SteelSpiritPenitent, -
- 12 replies
Ok guys, I was just having a major look at the rezurrection poster and couldn't help thinking that each of the characters on the poster is the zombies crew I would post the picture but can't figure it out on iPhone :S but anyway there's 1 character on all the images of the classic maps I think the first ones some astronaut guy lol. Then there's Dempsey, then takeo, then Nikolai, then richtofen on the bottom if one of you guys could post the pic that would be brilliant. :)
Last reply by redflame115, -
- 5 replies
Why is there a odd Illuminati Pyramid on the moon? Because it's all part of Richthofen's Illuminati task. (This is all Speculation and my Opinion), Richthofen has been part of the Illuminati and has been a "Faithful Servant" as we've know this since Der Riese, with the message for him to Kill Maxis. However there hasn't been anything about his importance to the Illuminati (Correct me if I'm wrong) since then, So what I think is for Moon there will be a big importance on Richthofen's part with the Illuminati. I believe Richthofen or the Illuminati made this Pyramid on Moon for the task of finishing the Zombies or taking control of them! Because ever since CotD he has been …
Last reply by TuUhmazyn, -
- 9 replies
Hi Guys! I saw concept art of the Moon and saw a location that is not on the map. I think it would be nice if it would have been included in the map. It can be seen on the other side of the Receiving Bay is a hangar. It would be cool if it can be to activate the bridge would be connected to these places. As the screenshot shows what could be a good place to kill the zombies (because it is wide). Also there still could be placed some important perk (maybe Mule Kick). I think they could have done to this site excavator, which cut down the bridge and if we do not have time to terminal off, then we can't going in that location. What do you think guys? :roll:
Last reply by owner_101, -
- 23 replies
This chick basically spilt the beans. Jump to 0:56 and listen, "Updated weapons and MORE polish" Could just mean that the weapons are Blops weapons, but hey! Wishful thinking, right? :D
Last reply by adam120694, -
- 13 replies
hpp5pHzSUxg Just a quick zombie survival tip that you should keep claymore piles just in case you ever run out of ammo. You don't want to have to resort to Phd Flopping your way to a Max Ammo. Prepare for the worst case scenarios.
Last reply by Superhands, -
- 1 reply
First off, I'd like to say hello since this is my first post in I believe 13 months due to lack of interest in zombies. But recently I've returned to zombies and therefore this forum . But anyway, recently I was at my friend's house and he was playing Moon. He activated one of the radios and it said that live bodies were sent to Kustover Posten for reasons I'm not yet sure. So I was then wondering what Kustover Posten is. I suggested to my friend it was a secret base used by the scientists at Griffin Station. He said it could have been a person doing tests on them. So I just wanted to post this to see what you guys thought of this . Link to Moon radios dialogue: http://c…
Last reply by Tac, -
- 5 replies
Okay, I'm new and this is my first post ever so please don't criticise this. Also, I didn't see anyone else post this so here it is: I believe these two images of the loading screen are the same temples and somehow that temple flew towards outerspace and that is how it is viewable on Moon's loading screen image. Maybe our four heroes were on that temple and that's how they got to Moon. I really don't know, I'm just guessing. Like I said, this is my first post so tell me what you guys think about this =)
Last reply by HParra97, -
- 14 replies
Hey CODZ, I was replying to a post on my astronaut thread, a nd in the guy's video I noticed something... The Gersche device spews the numbers from the campaign! but what could this mean? you can see them if you stand at the right distance. It's around the end of the video.
Last reply by demesphor, -
- 13 replies
Okay, so i know lots of people are hoping the new perk will be a three gun perk, i also hope it is. But I have found a problem with that idea. If you have three guns cause of the perk, and you go down, what happens to your third gun, you'd have to lose it cause you dont have the perk, but this also makes me wonder, which gun would you lose, ifyou had something like ray gun / wavegun / hk-21, which one would you loose? Just voicing my opinions, feel free to dis me or my ideas, and feel free to comment your opinion on this idea. :D
Last reply by pumping_bullets,
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