I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. (John F. Kennedy, 1961
CoDz Code of Conduct
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Duplicate Posts -
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Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
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984 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
:shock: :shock: Call Of Duty 4 Please Like ♥ Call of Duty: Iron Wolf Please Like and Share 2 minutes ago is it a fake ?
Last reply by LiamFTWinter, -
- 15 replies
So we all know the Earth that we destroy is there, but what about the more realistic looking Earth behind Mule Kick? Could it be possible that the crew teleports to that Earth afterwards for Black Ops 2?
Last reply by AlphaSnake, -
- 15 replies
Alright so we are don't have proof when Moon occurs, but we do know it occurs after the 1950's. This is the warning sign in Area 51. It is based off a real life sign as well, seen all around the borders of Area 51. This one says: This confirms it is after 1950. I honestly think it is still present time, from Call of the Dead. Danny Trejo is based of his character Machete, the movie which was made in 2010. I don't think they time-travelled when they went to Shangri-La, and I just somehow don't think they time-traveled when they went to Area 51 (Apart from the Eclipse EE). But that is just my opinion. But I just wanted to make sure we all know…
Last reply by Tac, -
The moon made me very happy but it had a lot of disappointments. I have no complaints about the QED because that makes a challenge and its kinda in a way a mystery box. I hate how when you get hit twice you get downed. thats just stupid. I also hate the astronaut zombie. There has to be a way to escape him. I hate the phasing zombies, they are the second gayest thing in Call Of Duty next to George Romaro. I was a bit disappointed with the size of the maps. I expected it to be bigger. I think 3ARC should make some changes. Other than that, the map is pretty good.
Last reply by nhcre8tv1, -
- 20 replies
Well it looks like this is the end (for now). The zombies story line is finally coming to a close. All I have to say is that Nazi Zombies was simply the BEST mini game... ever. I remember when I first completed World at War back in 2008 and all of a sudden, a little cut-scene showing a plane crash and zombies running from it appeared and I was jaw-dropped. I just appeared in a small building holding a Colt and started sh*ting my self. Then Verruckt, Shi No Numa and Der Riese were released and each one unfolded a new part of the story line. But now here we are at possibly our last map, Moon. And when ever I think about the wonderful journey I've had since I …
Last reply by Undead, -
- 8 replies
Found this on Peter Zoppi's Site, he does work for Activision and some other people too. Image: For size purposes is small HD Image: His Site: This is also featured in my video: s8i9xylUgec Enjoy
Last reply by xUdachii, -
- 14 replies
So, i was watching Syndicates analasys of the Moon trailer, and at the end there is a weird half Black ops logo and half zombies version flash super quickly and there is a crawler zombie and it looks VERY realistic and not in-game, he thinks maybe they are hinting at a movie of some sort??? What uyou think!!!!!!!!
Last reply by xUdachii, -
- 8 replies
We know that at the Area 51 on Moon, it was just their 'linkage' to the Moon base. Since all we can really see is the shelf, the tele porter, and the pack a punch, because that's all we can see. But there's still stuff unanswered back at the Hangar 18 map, and a little on the Moon part. First of all, I have confirmed that those weird hexagonal plates in the one top secret building at Area 51 are part of the James Webb Space Telescope. But this raises more questions than it answers. Why, does the government at Area 51 have the parts of the Golden plated beryllium mirror in a hangar, decades…
Last reply by aegisknight, -
Does anybody know what it stands for? I know it's kinda stupid to make a whole topic of it but I just wanted to know, and also if there is any proof on the map about it. One more thing um is there or is there not an A7X song on this map?
Last reply by TuUhmazyn, -
- 9 replies
1st, 2nd, and 3rd radios: aU7gu5M9las 1st radios contents: 2nd radio contents: 3rd radio contents: Now onto the audio reels: zgV9wL4qrgk Ky4b9Ixpsy4 CacH4uZkGYA c-WdttZtYZ8 -WWiUPLMdNU vRnJR4hRkB8 If anyone can get me a better recording of audio reel 5 I'd be able to fix it
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 4 replies
Pretty much you go to your download in your download history and re-download it, you will then get the moon map with it for free with the patch. It's simple DONE.
Last reply by FooToo, -
- 9 replies
Ok guys, it less than 12 hours until Rezurrection launches on the PS3. This is your time, 360s, to help the lesser known...less privileged community out. Have your biggest tips and post them here! Stay cool and try to stay alive! -Fu
Last reply by Wolfie, -
- 16 replies
This is why you NEVER play with little kiddies... (the person playing is me). B2gEWDn1gY4
Last reply by Taco Hunter, -
- 0 replies
This forum section is for the DLC 4 zombie map, Moon. b65Uus4I-Cw All-Zombies “Rezurrection” DLC coming for Black Ops — and Jimmy Z talks! by OneOfSwords on August 3, 2011 Despite the rather popular rumors about the name and content of the next Call of Duty: Black Ops DLC that have been circulating for a few weeks — and you know how I feel about rumors! – the truth tells a different story: Yes, there is a fourth DLC pack on the way, and to the delight of co-op gamers, it’s a purely Zombies affair. They're back for the attack The Rezurrection DLC pack will be available on Xbox 360 on August 23rd, and will feature five maps. Four are re…
Last reply by carbonfibah, -
- 11 replies
I've heard some stuff saying that Nightmare is hidden in Moon. i LoVe that song. If this is true, than how do you activate it???
Last reply by thesavage5118, -
- 3 replies
let me just say it's possible you aallready know about this and if anyone needs a further explanation feel free to ask and ill provide one .in kino theres a few posters which show samantha coming out of the pyramid . the M.P.D drove richtofen insane . samantha respects takeo and hates richtofen and nikolai .samantha's real mom is dead . dr maxis might still be alive because of his quotes . before maxis supposedly dies he says kill them all maybe it refers to the Vrill ? . samantha feels sorry for hell hounds .richtofen on the pc refers to the P.E.S suit as piss .samantha's favorite gun is the wave gun .Dempsey no longer hates fish .richtofen think…
Last reply by Shooter, -
I love moon. probably my favorite map. you know what I don't like? Glitchy gameplay. Moon man glitches often (I've seen him dance and chase people backwards almost daily), throw a deathspot above the pyramid so everyone stops doing that. I usually play with randoms and I don't understand why everyone does it. I will admit last night I died (I'll get back to that) and respawned down there round 27 so I decided to avoid dying out all over again so I dove on top of it for a bit to hold the packs until I could run back outside. So I have used it briefly. but not round 5 up like most the children who play this game. But the worst of all, and this shit has happene…
Last reply by MixMasterNut, -
- 7 replies
So exactly what is it and why is it only posting on xbox live for solo gameplay and not multi? Also the ranking on xbox live is garbage, I've killed more than 280+ zombz in no mans land on solo with no rank wtf? I go there around round 11 or 13 with three stock guns and gersch devices, then i uprgrade them and kill more .. So why am i not ranked? I dont wanna say i'm wasting my time playing zombz cause im not, but step yer game up crap .. Zombz is the whole reason i bought black ops .. Its just that I do all this work with no rebutle .. I just had a kid (5 months 2 weeks) and a full time job so crap Treyarch help a follow player out lemme get some top page like i freakin…
Last reply by sans lumiere, -
- 3 replies
Thought I would go through the trailer and pick out all the interesting bits, this post will be updated one pic at a time. Thought this should go first. Found it at the end of the vid. Does anyone know what it is? One of the new wonderweapons. What it does. Makes em pop like popcorn. Takeo staring at space suit. Outside of dome. Real life gas zombie. ( Perhaps a movie in the making?) Low gravity high jump. Notice anything weird about Earth? New perk with gun on it. (Three weapons?) Unknown Character. (In none of the pics does it show Richtofen) Other wonderweapon. Dual wield wundewaffe type gun. Another …
Last reply by welitone3, -
- 18 replies
What round do you think should be accesible? what will make it easy or hard, I think thee should be lots of open space, cause of challenges like gravity and stuff. I'd like to be able to get to 25-30 consistently like Kino/ Ascension. what do you think?
Last reply by Hydrorez, -
- 7 replies
this may not be official, i heard it from one of my friends trigun tequila it probably goes without saying what it does but heres the specifics 1.drink 2.gain ability to carry three guns 3. do the now four gun glitch on to the spawn theory i believe that moon will have a verruct style spawn where two people are in one area while the other two are in the other on to the good stuff in the interview one of the guys said something that caught my attention: "this is our season finale" SEASON not SERIES moon is to black ops what der riese was to WaW, the end... for now... send it off with a bang treyarch... send it off with a bang
Last reply by pureninja, -
- 18 replies
"The undead have transformed Area 51 into a No Man’s Land, forcing our fearless heroes to escape to an abandoned top-secret moon base where they will face their ultimate challenge and bring an end to the Zombies menace." confirmed by Treyarch So what? How did they get from Area 51 to the moon? oh and on the terminal from black ops it says Groom Lake has 115, In Hangar 18 it clearly says "Greetings from Groom lake" and Hangar 18 is in Area 51, so that explains why they were there the article also explains something about mines, and a Phase zombie that (confirmed) disappears and re-appears! CANT WAIT! but ohh wait... i have PS3... -__- so ill have to…
Last reply by killallzombies, -
- 0 replies
my theory is that the original characters will be repering and that they will start of on a lunar lander and those once again will be used to travel around the map during the special round it will turn to zero gravity and we will be face withed are challenge cosmic sliver back dead astronauts with extend health and last one will drop max ammo basic zombies or if u look at the moon picture the zombie in the reflection looks kinda like a boss tell me what u guys think about my first post
Last reply by Its Never Sonny, -
- 2 replies
I know that the Easter egg on moon can be done on solo, but I am concerned about once you've done it. If you play as Richtofen, do you still swap souls with Sam therefore making the zombie's eyes turn blue?
Last reply by ZombiesGuy1, -
- 3 replies
I was watching MrRoflWaffles G4TV Moon analysis and I realized that at 7:56 he says that the 20 on the D-Pad is from a PaP AUG but if you look closely everytime he shoots the Wave Gun the number on the D-Pad goes down. This makes me believe that the Wave gun is just an attachment of some sort. If you look at when he's boxing you see the dual wield zap gun in the box but not the Wave Gun. This means that the Wave Gun and Zap Gun are the same but the Zap Gun is the main weapon. I'm thinking that when you get it from the box you can combine it into a Wave Gun and when you PaP it its the same thing but stronger or has more ammo. Here is his video: Pay close attenti…
Last reply by Hayden,
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