I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. (John F. Kennedy, 1961
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984 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
one theroy that ive been thinking about is maybe maxis didnt want to destroy any part of earth...maybe he just wanted to hurt the earths atmosphere to either A. break the control of the zombies on earth OR B. the theroy everyone thinks....he wanted to find the hollow earth. just thinking maybe thats what he did. after all the MPD is on the moon and not earth
Last reply by Monopoly Mac, -
- 14 replies
So do you want the map Moon ends the story answers the questions we have been thinking for years? And that it gets nice ending.
Last reply by mkzombens, -
- 2 replies
I have been looking around and never found a video of anybody doing the entire easter egg on ps3. (to the part where they blow up the moon). I just completed the first part solo and I was just wondering if anyone has done it on ps3 and if maybe there's a big bang theory trophy at the end. P.S. I know it can't be completed solo.
Last reply by Xieon, -
- 6 replies
On the side of the wave gun there are two lightning bolts and it says it cooks the zombies inside out, what better way to do that than electrifying them to a crisp
Last reply by blueDuck, -
- 7 replies
I'm sure I'm not the only one who saw this but do indulge me for a second. If someone brought this up, please let me now. Here you see Shangri-La's loading screen, and a 'Tornado' that lifts one of the temples "upwards" then, on the moon, you see a stone-made building in the lower right picture (by the astronauts). Could it be that one of the Shangri-La temples ended up on the moon? I know it's unlikely but am I just 'seeing stuff'? Or is it just a "pareidolia" (no pun intended, lol!)?
Last reply by mkzombens, -
- 4 replies
Ok so I know a lot of people will tell me this topic has been done to death and there's nothing more to it. But i disagree. It's been almost 4 months since Moon came out and still there has been no patch rectifying the "Two Earths". To me this says that it is intentional by Treyarch, as they could have easily fixed it when they introduced Mule Kick to all the maps. It's 4 months till the viral will most likely start so I want your opinions. I'll start: Richtofen pre-empted Maxis'/Samantha's plans to destroy the Earth and laid some sort of trap to avoid the destruction of the Earth. I have no clue what, but if Richtofen's intelligent enough to Time travel and te…
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 5 replies
Hi people have been saying Richtofen is dead. And its because he is a zombie or dead well hate to burst your bubble He is Alive and well.And Some People Are saying he doesent have the Golden Rod this is because he used it to Fuel the Vrill Craft to get to the Moon.(this is a theory) Now people Why we can be Richtofen and have the Foucusing Stone at the same time is Because The Seven perks at once was are prize for completeing the easter egg in the game not part of the story and gameplay. So what the Foucusing Stone is For i have a Feeling its to have enough 115 to overpower Sam and So Doc can rule them all. You hear Doc in the trailer turn up the sound and enj…
Last reply by Fu453, -
- 2 replies
Any one out there who considers them self a true master at the art of point hoarding. I have a challenge for you, can you make more than 16550 points by round 4? (16550-2500 for jugg) How I did it was make about 6500 points in nml got jugg, then got really lucky with 2 max ammo's and 2 double points. Can YOU do better? P.S. No sally's and must show that the spawn door is closed.
Last reply by Tom852, -
- 3 replies
Makes sense... Thrice the fun and all that... a while back there was a code file floating round that had all the guns and perks for upcoming maps... i think it was just before Ascension it had the shrink_ray_zm even had wave_gun_zm in it and one of the perks listed in the file was three_primaries. has anyone still got this file ive been trying to find it again.
Last reply by NewWorldOrgone, -
- 6 replies
I was watching the inside xbox thing and you know that place on moon that has the pyramid? Well above it you can see what looks like a mainframe. So maybe that pyramid opens up and then you can teleport. Also I was thinking with the spacesuits, maybe our life has been Upped. Think about. We are protected under our space suits and in the inside xbox trailer, the characters look like the zombies dont have much effect on the them (except for the nova crawlers) and maybe it might take 5 hits to bring you down. I don't know but that would be awesome. Also do you guys think that we spawn on Area 51 and the objective is to get to the moon? So this was just a coup…
Last reply by Shooter, -
- 4 replies
Ok so if you haven't see this video proving that there are two earths, you should do so now. I apologize if there is a thread about this already. MkNk0yzSTFA So now what does it mean? To me, I have the idea that Richtofen most likely made this second Earth/Area 51. But what does it mean? Why would he make it?
Last reply by Arussianmonkey, -
- 4 replies
When intel for Moon first came out on the official Call of Duty Headquarters Website, it said that there would be astronaut zombies that were 'unaffected by the bases fluctuating gravity' AND phaser zombies. So these zombies we've been seeing are clearly the astronaut zombies that just mimic a random players name to cause slight confusion in the heat of battle. Maybe there's more too it, that maybe a player can become infected 2 more days! Happy gaming =]
Last reply by dikkiedik1992, -
- 7 replies
Ok, sorry for the lack of editing put into this video, and it was taken on a cell phone, so its low quality. All I Really did was add music. But here is me playing from the end of round 39 to the beggining of 41 on Moon. I did some really stupid stuff with those godforsaken launch pads in the beggining, but in the end it all worked out. I liked how in certain parts the music just fit in (spur of luck). But here it is, My Moon Video: -->CLICK HERE Once I returned from Area 51, I TRIED to have an Epic Death on my way back to the dome, but it didnt go down, so I decompressed the labs and fought till I suffocated. QUICK REVIVE WAS NOT USED IN THIS PLAYTHROUG…
Last reply by JMSupreme76, -
- 1 reply
I think we'll start playing in a dome. Then, when we find suits and activating lever, this great thing (sorry do not know what it's called) it cut a dome and all space will be gravity. We and lot of zombies can be jumping and so move around the map. I think you may have noticed how the characters can jump suits with a zombie. It looks like the same effect when we're some time in the water on the map Call of The Dead. Maybe if the effect will last longer then the glass on their helmets burst? In addition to these helmets, I noticed there is water inside, which explains why the same effect as freezing. Maybe we need to move all the time when we are in open spac…
Last reply by jjharrison, -
- 2 replies
I did the easter egg with 4 people in round 14, after round 20 we started to lag but not because the connection, it was the map/zombies itself, when the round starts & zombies come out it starts lagging, when there was only a zombie left the lag stops... I ended up freezing at round 36 and didnt registered on the leaderboards so im pretty f***ing pissed, wasted 9hours playing this sh*t in like slow motion, and im not playing again until 3arc fix it, which means never. I will upload a video today showing the lag at round 35/36... Has this happened to anyone here? Video - 6d_rU1-7c2g
Last reply by FoX1028, -
- 1 reply
The names of the original maps in this pic: (factory for der reise, etc.) are the names of the maps in the games code! To run each of the maps from the main menu on PC through commands you would type in "map nazi_zombie_factory" for der reise, etc. Except NDU, which was named "nazi_zombie_prototype" Prototype! 3arch wasn't sure whether or not zombies would even work when they released it back in WaW! Amazing how far we've come. EDIT - also, shi no numa was sumpf in the raw files lol
Last reply by An0bviousDistraction, -
- 12 replies
Treyarch said that on the moon there will be zombies that shift in and out of sight. So what i'm thinking is that could possible be the boss zombie that shift in and out of sight. thoughts?
Last reply by redflame115, -
- 7 replies
A lot of people seem to be very confused by this so let me clear it up. In the attack of the show when there is an Astronaut Zombie the guys say how that is one of your guys who got infected. They are very wrong, those two new nothing about zombies as they didn't recognize the Nova Crawlers and called the QED freaking dynamite. So they had no idea what they were talking about, it is a 4player co-op map with no way of playing as a zombie. The Astronaut Zombies have the same gamertag above them as one of the players in red to try and confuse you into ignoring it.
Last reply by HammerFace, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I'm Jay, if you don't know who I am. Been paying close attention to that stupid plane that disappeared. The more info we gather, the more we seem to be confused and befuddled by the facts. Been playing much NML lately, and noticed the sudden quick spawns, at least initially. It used to be you would be lucky to get 2000 before the first siren, nowadays I consistently get 20-25 hundred before they start running. A few times after quick knives I began looping with 3000+ points! Been doing the pad strategy and honestly can't comprehend how easy it is for me now. Back in the day my skills weren't efficient enough to execute it. In the last few weeks I ofte…
Last reply by swappingspit, -
- 6 replies
Why, when Samantha takes Richtofens body, does her voice still sound all demony? You'd think her voice would return to normal without all of her powers. The only explaination I can come up with it is that Richtofens vocal corals are not adjusted to her voice, and a grown mans vocal cords have a hard time trying to sound like a 10 year old girl. It just kinda bothers me.
Last reply by Frank4120, -
- 11 replies
OK so first the concern. i was playing on moon and after you tellaport onto the moon and into the actuall building i found this real on the red box next to the mystery box place. (of course the mystery box was not there) but the real is like the ones you collect in kino in the tellaport random rooms. i ofund one of those there and i dont know what it is for? what is it for? its very weird. And second... HOW ON EARTH/MOON,.. DO you find the easter egg so fast? ha. thats just crazy how fast you guys find it. ha bravo for getting it but seriously??? how do you go to find the easter eggs? thanks :D
Last reply by jmh2013, -
- 4 replies
Any1 do the big bang on ps3 yet? Just curious if there is a trophy or not. I just did cryogenic slumber party a few minutes ago. And died b4 we even got the death machines! Still got trophy tho.......
Last reply by right_direct, -
- 2 replies
I was thinking today about moon then i thought about the radio's. I noticed how the radio's that were in a no gravity area can be heard but then I thought about how in space no sound can be heard so that got me thinking that they could have been in a universe were the law of phisics dont apply. Its a long shot but it could also mean that the teleporter took them to a diffrent universe which would set up an amazing variety of things. its just a theory but it could be right. -Borders
Last reply by BordersRanger01, -
- 6 replies
lol anyone seen the astronaut guy do this? ive seen the moonwalking astronaut after a gersch but never seen this before! lol xfd9g6ZTeKw
Last reply by Undead, -
- 9 replies
9AFEis9pSKk at 0:13, the guy narrating says 'this is just a taste for what awaits us next saturday' That most likely means that we won't be seeing any new footage of the map pack until saturday... not today
Last reply by nhcre8tv1,
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