Infinity Ward
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10 topics in this forum
Is the rave in the redwoods camp based on a real summer camp or is it complete made up?
by Guest TQzer- 0 replies
I always wondered if the summer camp in the map rave in the redwoods is based on a real summer camp somewhere in the usa or if its just completely made up... anyone knows?
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
So the new CoD has been announced for 2019 and despite all expectations and "leaks" it is going to be a reboot of the Modern Warfare series. Since I have some time to kill I decided to dump all the information we have about the new game. The basics Modern Warfare, which will be developed by Infinity Ward, is going to release for PC, PS4 and Xbox one on the 25th Ocotber. The PC version is going to be available via and it is going to be developed by Beenox. The modes There will be three modes: The campaign will neither be a sequel or a prequel it will be a reboot of the subfranchise which started 12 years ago. …
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 4 replies
The year is 2032, and we've long sense discovered the technology needed for the replication of cells and creation of genes. Logically, this means the first thing we did was replicated dinosaurs and use them for military purposes. Enter project 800: Dinosaur training program, where a dinosaur has recently been BRED with genes that allow a main central computer (RCDH) which controls every raptor, rex, and stegosaurus created. All seems fine... Until (cliche I know) the new pet walks in: The hydronosaurus. The first dinosaur that's become 40% metal. Naturally... It didn't take long for it to escape.... Now you and your 3 friends are left to defend the compound from…
- 0 replies
Make sure to take part and get yourself into the Call of Duty Mosaic at
Last reply by FatedTitan, -
- 6 replies
- 4.4k views ... Actor.html Quoted from the site: I'll take it with a pinch of salt, and if it is true I still think I'll give it a miss after the mess mw3 was/is. So, anyone surprised? (not sure if this would be classed as a leak? It isn't official but it's classed as news? Sorry if it is)
Last reply by killallzombies, -
- 26 replies
Do you think now that black ops 2 is in the future IW will make a modern warfare 4? I hope they don't, personally i'd like to see them go back in time to either WW2 or even WW1. I think a game based on WW2/WW1 would be great now that we've got lots of new modes, strike packages and pro perks lots of things that COD5 didn't have. I'd like to see them make a game in the past, obviously they can't do WaW 2. Does anyone know if the Modern warfare storyline has ended? I haven't played cod4 mw2 or mw3s campaign so i have no idea on the story. I know black ops 2 isn't even out but i was thinking it would be stupid for 3 games in a row to be set very close to eachother. Oh …
Last reply by killallzombies, -
- 3 replies
Infinity Ward gave people spec ops and survival (love it ) but they made it very frustraiting and difficult. If they would of allowed more than two players per mission it would've caught on alot better, like im not saying coping nz with 4 player or anything but add a liitle more multiplayer to these awesome game modes. Infinity ward should also try to making a form of nz with modern weapons different perks levels abilities and objective like not having a limitless round but trying to escape the area or finish the mission. Anyway tell me what you guys think of this idea [brains] [brains] [brains]
Last reply by lovelyme, -
- 3 replies
resigned from infinity ward today very interesting....
Last reply by TheSlushTurtle, -
- 0 replies
This is where all the music in IW Call of Duty will be for you to listen, download or just comment on. I beg you to listen to pegasus bridge and red square Update: Most of CoD1 music done, hard to find many youtube videos of good quality, would be thankful if anyone else could help find videos and post their url here, will speed things up. CoD1: Call of Duty: Love and War (The intro music) EwMRup02viI Call of Duty: Main theme VZZ2yZhgh_4 Call of Duty: Soviet Theme 3jY5Oh1Z_VM Call of Duty: Pegasus Bridge V0ZlMXkzUqI Call of Duty: Red Square TfpZ-H0Wk68 Call of Duty: Age of War m8ENBY7IO38 Call of …
Last reply by Daveyjone, -
- 4 replies
Infinity Ward, Raven Software, Sledge Hammer section? :)
Last reply by Alexa,
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