General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
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Duplicate Posts -
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We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
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- 32 replies
For completely and utterly destroying zombies. That is all.
Last reply by 83457, -
- 32 replies
For those confused about the thread title: This is soley about the guns When they initially brought WaW zombies and then made BO 1 zombies they didn't even hesitate with having all new guns, whether it be on the wall, in the mystery box...EVERYWHERE... But with Blacks ops 1 zombies being what brang Zombies over the top and to most peoples attention (most, not all, as I understand most still love the precursor that is WaW zombies) They decided to keep guns from Black ops 1 over to Black ops 2...WHY I'm not talking about the zombie specific weapons such as the monkey bombs, ray gun...ect... I'm referring to the guns used in multiplayer and cam,paign alik…
Last reply by Kurasaki, -
- 32 replies
What's Your Main Reason For Downs / Ending Games? Is it boredom, Lapse in Concentration or Doing something out of Stupidity? Just thought I'd put this out there to people and run a poll on it. I like to think that I am an improving Zombies player and last night I made Round 38 on Solo on Die Rise, with my first down at Round 37. How did I down myself? Stupidly, despite having all 6 perks and having a great strategy setup, I was still trying to get 100% accuracy on a Jumping Jack round. I hadn't got the Galva-knuckles so was still using the bowie knife, got cornered and downed. Other things that I've done in the past is change my running path/course just to…
Last reply by Caddyman, -
- 32 replies
Which zombie song is your favorite so far? Mine has to be CotD"s " Not Ready To Die.
Last reply by LMW-YBC, -
- 32 replies
Has anyone else had this happen to them? Everytime I go to zombies, either the screen stays black with a number in the top right corner or the menu comes up but freezes. Campaign and Multiplayer both come up perfectly fine. I've tried: Deleting and re downloading the update [DOESN'T WORK] Trying a different game to make sure my Xbox ain't screwed. Signing out. [WORKS!] Signing back in on the zombies menu [FREEZES] So, anyone got a fix for this?
Last reply by thedinobot, -
- 32 replies
Agartha is becoming a really prominent idea for the 4th DLC, as it has been connected to the game for some time now, and maxis directly states in buried that he intends to enter Agartha. If Agartha were to be the map's location, the map likely wouldn't be solely in Agartha. Other areas would be accessible, such as the entrance (or gateway) to Agartha through which our characters enter it. It's possible the characters spawn outside of Agartha, but the majority of the map is in Agartha. Thus the map's "mode" name could gateway. Tranzit is to green run as gateway is to Agartha. This also fits in with the "fear teddy" anagram. The last letters of each of the map m…
Last reply by jamFMc, -
- 1 follower
- 32 replies
Hi everyone. In this thread are nearly all the meaningful Black Ops 2 story quotes scripted. Categorized by map | character. This thread currently covers: Green Run new! | Nuketown Zombies. | Great Leap Forward. | Mob of the Dead. | Resolution 1295. new! and Grief/Turned new! Currently working on adding Origins. Please note that since these are directly scripted from the game files - there are numerous quotes listed here that were cut sometime during development and thus will never actually trigger in-game. Most of these are Sidequest-related quotes and pretty much all of Brutus' dialogue. N4 …
Last reply by MegaZron, -
- 1 follower
- 32 replies
Got signed out about 5 minutes ago for my game to update. I've looked and haven't found what has been patched yet, so if anyone knows what was fixed, please post it here! Hopefully Treyarch finally got around to fixing a lot of the glitches that still plague Zombies such as the Die Rise wall glitches, the fist/knife glitches in Origins, fire staff and more. Edit: According to my sources, all that was added was "a number of security system enhancements". Such a shame, could have fixed some stuff in our game, oh well. Source:
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 32 replies
What is your favorite weapon in zombies? It could be a regular weapon or a wunder weapon from WAW, BO or BO2! I'm personally going to say I think MUSTANG N SALLY is mine!!
Last reply by BrayJayTheZombSlaya, -
new zombie DLC 1 2
by mneilan- 31 replies
now that we think or they say that they will release the next black ops game in 2015 should they release more DLC with just zombie maps for black ops II and if should how much should the map packs cost on Xbox and Playstation and what should the DLC include or do you think they should just leave it and release new maps with the next game
Last reply by Tattoo247, -
- 31 replies
So me and some of the guys were talking about this on xbox yesterday, I think Delta and Mocking. Well we were saying what perks would you list from most important to least important 1 being most important and12 being least, so here's my list and tell me yours 1)Juggernog (solo : Quick Revive) 2)Flopper 3)Speed Cola 4)Double Tap 2 5)Electric Cherry 6)Quick Revive 7)Mule Kick 8)Stamin-Up 9)Vulture Aid 10)Who's Who 11)Tombstone 12)Dead Shot (+ for the song though)
Last reply by Ulysses1975, -
- 31 replies
On Why Zombies is Addictive You clicked on this thread. You’re reading it. For that, I thank you tremendously. It really means a lot to me that you take the time out of your day to click on my little thread and actually read it (up to this point, at least). Okay, the heartfelt, teary-eyed thank you’s are out of the way. We can all take a deep breath now. But no, seriously, what I want to share with you today is a very special thread of mine. Ever since about this time last year, when I really started getting hooked on Zombies, I’ve always been awed by the sheer addictiveness of it. The analogy of Zombies being a drug seems to be thrown around quite a bit, b…
Last reply by Tattoo247, -
Kino - 115 1 2
by FatedTitan- 31 replies
In the secret song on Kino, 115, part of the lyrics say "Everything dies, look to the skies, to see the end of all creation again." Does anyone think this could be a hint toward the rockets being launched at earth on Moon?
Last reply by Undead, -
- 31 replies
[REDEFINITION]: Entry 101 These categories are: 2. Results Now, I'm talking about the big picture here, solo, co-op, challenges, serious games, everything. This is about analyzing every nuance of the game, of things related to finishing rounds, of things that just make us scream and stare in awe at some of these greats. Now, I hope that you understand that my list is purely my own opinion and my careful observation. There are others whose skill is nearly as good, whose results are nearly as good, whose influence is nearly as large, but in my eyes, these are my greats. Onto my list. And the best in the world is: a…
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 31 replies
I would like to hear some interesting theories. Cause there are lots of other maps that could used for zombies like firing range was a big subject for the quarantine thing. So if someone could give me some info that would great. :D
Last reply by TheDunbarian, -
- 31 replies
hi guys wanted to talk about the possibility of zombies being on it's own disc. Treyarch have said that zombies will be its own game and I'm expecting the zombies experience to be huge maybe too big to fit on 1 disc.. So do you think this would be a good idea or do you rather having it all on one disc? Also do you expect the DLC for the game to come combined like previous games, or do you think they will separate it this time, e.g. a multiplayer map pack and a zombies map pack. personally i think they will separate it because the inclusion of 4z4 and the adding of maps to that, maybe releasing 4, 4z4 maps and a classic mode map. would you prefer t…
Last reply by luse, -
- 31 replies
So with these deliverys, we are recieving little clues, but whats Treyarchs next plan for reveals. I wanna know: Are we expecting something today from them? Are we going to be told about all these delivery items? If so when? If no, are we just hoping for more info before release?
Last reply by football5699, -
- 31 replies
Hello there. With all these Persistent Upgrades you can get in TranZit and whatnot, no one has any kind of naming convention for them. They are unnamed and mysterious. People call them different things. In fact, it can be quite confusing sometimes. So I have made this thread to decide democratically what to call these things. The name that holds the most swing will be the name to use. You don't HAVE to call it what this thread decides, but I think it would be best for the community to have a standard. There is one rule: the name cannot be taken. So you can't call these things Perks, because they aren't perks. You can't call these things Power-Ups, because they aren't…
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 31 replies
I know it seems wierd, but when is the correct time to use double tap?
Last reply by P Diddily, -
- 31 replies
Alright so far every wonder weapon in zombies has been made to take out whole hordes for the most part -Thundergun -wunderwaffle -Wavegun -Jetgun -Winters howl Excluding VR-11 The Sliquifier is the only weapon I've seen where there is a different concept to it. Different concept as in its the first one that kills one at a time instead of all at once. So what do you think the next wonder weapon will be going by the latest one?
Last reply by ETEl2NAL407, -
- 31 replies
what is this community going to do. what are we going to move on to? personally im going to start getting into the trials evolution community and getting involved with the secret meaning of that game. maybe watch some Lost. thats my plan. so I got thinking what will you do when its all over? tell me your plans....all of them :twisted:
- 31 replies
So I was strolling through some of the twitch streams waiting for the mlg anaheim to come back on and I saw a stream from "Ur Adopted" saying he was going for a high round on town using the new mark2. I thought he was just on the same game from a couple days ago but he found a way to get the gun even after the hotfix. He explained the process on getting it by saying you have to be totally disconnected from the internet on your xbox. After that you have to go to a local game. You also need season pass to do it. SO, if you can't wait till teusday, then play some local games without being connected to the internet. He also was in the high rounds st…
Last reply by K3ys3r S0z3, -
- 30 replies
Who do you follow? Richtofen or Maxis. Place your vote and leave a message why you chose that person. Also this doesn't matter on what side of the easter egg you have done, just your personal preference.
Last reply by Triple Ex, -
- 30 replies
So guys, there has been a lot of Call of Duty Zombies map that we have enjoyed (and some that we didn't like). But some of them we prefer over others. So my question is, WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ZOMBIES MAP? Also, bonus: What is your least favorite map? My favorite is Kino Der Toten. Why? Well, when I first had Black Ops, it was for the Wii. So, the only zombies map was Kino Der Toten. So that was all I played on Zombies mode, and I grew really attached to it. Also, it was my first ever zombies map that I ever played... EVER! Now that I have Black Ops for the PS3, I have all the DLC maps but when I go back to that game to play some classic maps, I usually go…
Last reply by TBGxRyan, -
- 30 replies
Arighty lads, I know people are talking about this, but wouldn't it be nice if we could have the old maps, ( Verruckt, Ascension, Call of the Dead, ect...) in black ops 2? A wile back Treyarch made downloadable cameos for the multilayer, right? Now with just a bit of tweaking why couldn't they do the same thing with the old maps, it wouldn't be a waist of time either. There are 14 different maps and if they were all on sale for like 3 U.S dollars, (240 Microsoft points) each that's 42 bucks for all of them or because they are are sold separate you can just buy the ones you want. I think that it would be a brilliant plan, let me know what you all think about it.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0,
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