General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
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Listed below is the Code of Conduct.
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Duplicate Posts -
Rule: Creating a thread that discusses a topic that has already been brought up in another thread is generally frowned upon, as each user is responsible for finding the pre-existing thread and making their remarks there. Cross-posting violations (making more than one post of the same question/answer across multiple forums) is prohibited.
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We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
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Example: You can come up with your own examples for sensitive language, I trust we all have at least a few in our heads, but simply starring out a letter or putting a strike through the word does not excuse its usage, such as f*ck, sh*t, etc. An example of offensive content could be an avatar of the Twin Towers falling with the caption “Burn baby burn!” This is very offensive to many people, and although it may not be so to you, please respect the feelings of other users.
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Example: A “good” signature could contain a few links to some threads (as long as they follow previous rules), zombie round numbers, a small image, or something personal, such as a saying or quote. A “bad” signature would contain any annoying “flashy” .GIFs, or any content that would not comply with previous CoC rules.
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Hi everyone! AlphaOmega here with a new question to help stimulate your dull, zombie minds. As the Nazi Zombie Storyline has played out over 3-4 years, questions have arisen as well as the answers. But sometimes it seems for every 2 steps we take forward, we have to take a step back. OR maybe it is pretty straight forward. But what's the fun in that? So what I would like to know is what questions still bug you. This can range anything from the beginning of the storylines to the very near end. But I do ask you don't ask a silly question like "Well, why did the Nazi's even make zombies?".....Okay, there is an answer for that. But try not to ask superficial question…
Last reply by MysteryMachineX, -
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I like to play with my 2 friends a lot for some splitscreen co-op zombies. I am not very good at zombies yet (highest round is round 30 in Ascension) and neither are my friends, so do you know any strategies for all Call of Duty zombie maps on the console games (from old Nacht der Untoten to Origins, including the mini-maps of Tranzit)? We usually play all of the zombie maps except for the following: -Verruckt -Five -Shangri-La -Bus Stop and Farm -Die Rise I'd like to be able to get to round 20-ish with my friends, but we can barely survive at round 15-16 (my allies go down around these rounds pretty quickly and there's only so much I can do). Since I am the …
Last reply by The Clay Bird, -
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i recall playing BO1 maps such as Kino, where i had the ray gun, but then i bought the mystery box. But before it stopped rolling, i went down. and there i sat, staring at the results of the box roll. what came up was the ray gun. the other players didnt revive me in time for me to pick it up, but i wonder, would i have been able to get it even though i already had one? anyone notice this?
Last reply by thegoldenspork115, -
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i wanted to create this post to give everyone a chance to try something different. this is a 4player team challenge, i would suggest giving it a try. im goin to post a new one every month in hopes of getting some of the people here, to play together and see what some of these challenges are like. if you could please reply to this message with your teams highest round, then we know what is the current round to beat.... maybe the months winner could win "brains" or somethings like that.... any suggestions aare welcome '>
Last reply by mralways1, -
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I'm talking Double Tap 2, the 4 new perks, buildables, persistent upgrades. What would maps be like? Easier? Harder? Would you welcome this if they were remastered like this or not? Some big examples might be like: - Turbine on Ascension - DT2 on Call of the Dead. - Electric Cherry on "Five"/Shangri-La - Trample Steam on Moon (I have to admit, that would be amazingly fun with no gravity) - Persistant Upgrades on Verruckt - Zombie Shield on Nacht
Last reply by Mr. Jay, -
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(This beginning stuff is going to involve me babbling A LOT) Hello, as a introduction I'm kinda new. I don't post much. I love the theorys that some of you people make. So, anyway... Let me start off by saying now we know so much, why don't we take a step back and add the missing pieces. I enjoy the fact that I can go back in the previous games and say, " Huh, well... I guess I understand what the hell they are talking about now." But, with that I also still don't understand so much. For instance, the cut scene at the end of origins. It left me so confused and all I could say is "WTF IT'S JUST A CHILD'S GAME?!?" -JustSavage05 …
Last reply by ETEl2NAL407, -
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Ok guys, this might seem a little random. Back before BOII was released I came up with this idea for the campaign section. Now that Origins is relevant, why not post it. Anyway, I heard someone saying that each map from WaW-BOI corresponds to a step in Reznov's plan. Secure the Keys - Nacht der untoten you learn the basics. Ascend from Darkness - Verruckt has a power switch Rain Fire - The meteor crash landed at Shi No Numa Unleash the Horde - Der Riese is where they originally escaped from Skewer the Winged Beast - not entirely sure about this tbh Wield a fist of Iron - Five is the first with death machine Raise Hell - Ascension rocket launch Freedo…
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
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Call of Duty: Rising Ever wonder what would happen if Activision released a Zombies themed Game? We always think about a standalone zombies Game...or a collection of Old Maps...But no one has ever thought of A call of duty Game where the Story and Multiplayer revolve around a zombie apocalypse. Of course The MP and Campaign would not revolve around the Storyline from the Zombies Mode. It would be completely New story. Campaign The Campaign Would follow a group of Police officers as the zombie apocalpyse starts to become stronger and stronger. As the Story Progresses the main characters are drafted to the army for Bigger Missions as they try to hold on to thei…
Last reply by Tattoo247, -
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This map is loosely based off of the storyline of bioshock infinite. (spoilers there are) You play as booker, elizabeth, and the lutece twins. In the game you will be frapped between two worlds, columburnia: A hellish dying and burning city in the sky, and rapture, the underground hell hole filled with splicers. Kill zombies and stop both of the tyrants running the show, a malicious religious fanatic and incarnation of booker: Comstock in columburnia and in rapture your goal is to take down the cruel and manipulative frank fontain. At any time a player can push 5 and instead of tactical they receive a "rift watch" which allows them to fl…
Last reply by NinjaNick, -
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I need some help. i got the Die rise nav card into the buired nav reader. When i try to put the tranzit one in the die rie one, the table is pre built and wont let me place it i.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
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im new so this wont get much attention but i have been gathering data and have worked out roughly what you need to finally get that rank you always wanted SHOTGUNS!!!! K/D is a big factor but they head of zombie development tweeted out that its not revives or head shots its your highest round and how many downs you got in that games so if you get to round 40 with one down and do that over and over your are going to rank up really quick unlike someone who goes to round 20 with 15 downs BONE: 1-10 K/D with 1k Kills 2BONES 10-20 K/D with 2-4k kills SKULL 20-30 K/D with 4-7k kills SKULL AND KNIFE 70-200 K/D with 7-15k kills SHOTGUNS!!!!!!! 200+ K/D with 15k+…
Last reply by EricGherkin, -
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Isn't this obvious? Apparently not. When everybody is down (usually at the same time) and they bleed out because I'm not going to revive them and they get to watch what I do, maybe you should do what I am doing, no? Because when the next round starts, they do EXACTLY what got them killed! And then I die because I try to get them, and run into a wall of zombies.
Last reply by Boom115, -
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my moment was ikilled a zombie and when his eyes went black it looked like he had sunglasses... i thought this was a little funny but yea what was your moment?
Last reply by DFSnake, -
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So today I did the High Maintenance and Mined Games Easter Eggs, both Richtofen. The Buried symbol glows on the map, and the thing is lit on the Easter Egg tracker in the back of the courthouse. However, there is nothing that signifies I have done High Maintenance. The tower doesn't glow, the map doesn't glow, and the tracker doesn't say so either. For the record, I did join the game of Die Rise halfway through when we did it. What do I need to do with the NAVCards and the table and how? Not only do I need help with this, I would like knowledge for the future. Perhaps there is a page about Nav Cards that I am missing.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
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So, basically this is a very short theory on why I thin group 935 is Illuminati. 1. There are various Illuminati quotes by Richtofen if I remember correctly not sure about this. 2. Illuminati symbol on side of an-94 in die rise and buried 3. FIVE and Ascension there is a chance for the box TVs to show the Illuminati symbol 4. illuminati is "New World Order" right and zombies is definatly a new world So what do you guys think?
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
I've been a zombies fan for a very long time, since world at war. I always had a strong grasp on the story line but its been a long time since ive been on here (forgot my old account info) and id like to refresh myself on the story. all the newer maps like origins and buried confuse me as to how they tie in with the older maps from WaW - bo1. thanks to anyone who can help me
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
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Hey Guys, My friend and I just made a video of our strategies for the Black Ops 2 maps. If you want some help, you should check it out.
Last reply by Chopper, -
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So, this is an idea I feel a lot of people may agree too. Basically a game mode beneath custom private and solo matches. It would contain modes such as "challenge mode" where you get a selection of fan based ideas like "Pistols only" or "First room only". This could allow for many different experiences from just one map and make zombies last longer. The issue with zombies is you have limited maps and a choice between solo or online, imagine being able to have challenge modes. You open a map and choose "Knife only" or "unlimited horde mode" where you play the map like normal except it's like Area 51 (Moon) where it's zombies none stop heading in and slowly getting har…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
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Seeing Tac's post with Takeo's Origins letter reminded me of the text that you can see in the imprinted in the background. I want to mess with the image to try to reveal some of the words. Does anyone know where to find some high quality files of those??? thx!
Last reply by Tac, -
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The talk of teleportation and time travel, in the Teleporters thread, started me thinking about COTD. The vril generator, or golden rod, is used to transport the O4 through time. Does anybody think that maybe Richtofen still has access to the vril generator? If he does, he could be using it to transport the O4 through time over and over because he keeps creating drastic changes in the timeline each time. The chapters of the story in Moon, and BO2 could be just different periods in between time travel. One detail that I know cannot be found, and therefore makes the theory incomplete, is that whether or not the person holding the vril generator retains some or all of …
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
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One of the key things we remember from zombies is the use of eclipses. We see an Eclipse in Shangri-la and an eclipse in Der riese However… let us focus on the one in Der Riese first because the shangri-la eclipse is another topic entirely which I will touch on during another research report. Here we have...what is called a Solar Eclipse Look at every detail, the white whisps the Pure Blackness. This occurs when the Moon blocks the Sun. Now.. Here we have a Lunar Eclipse Notice the red Hue of the Moon. This is very Important Take a Look at the Der riese Eclipse You can still see the details of the Moon, the surface hell even griffon…
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
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This map have alot of easter eggs and it is so confusing some of them are solving to other maps . Some of them is completely mystery Did someone actually solve kino der toten yet ??
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Now I do understand that this is sort of a broad topic maybe but it is something that has been churning in my gut from the time of factory I personally like big maps (which means I am not a nuketown fanboy, no offense) and my favorite map from world at war is verruckt mostly because your team was separated. So I would like to see that feature again where your team is separated but unlike asylum, it would be in a much larger map. And no I wouldn’t care if you didn't have to turn on the power to get to each other. Coming in second was swamp because of two reasons. The first reason is because of the random perks. Yes I get it, nuketown has random perk feature, well unfortu…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
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It's finally here... Almost... The thing that's been in my signature for weeks and nothing has been done about. May 1st is the day I plan to start the official Waffe-craft: REBORN server! -Join your friends in and endless war against and with either richtofen or maxis. Guns! Jet-packs! Clones! The moon! Work together to build replicas of maps! Make your own maps using Myst-craft for others to play! Simply comment bellow any ideas or requests you'd like to see, then make sure to download the technic launcher to play along! All you need is a legit minecraft account, tekkit is in every way 100% free to use. And most importantly: RESPOND to this POLL! …
Last reply by AcidicParadise, -
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It's the BO3 reveal trailer and right at the end there's a link. The link brings you to an online poll. "Hello, this is treyarch, we have completed the game you so hopfully desire. Right now we have the ability to pick any 6 of the 17 previous maps to carry over and see again. The first one has already been decided: Der Reise. A new map will be updated with new weapons and will feature the same characters from their original variants (unless it's COTD or MOTD, in which they will be played by other characters). Choose the next 5 wisely. Which maps would you pick and why? My personal 5: Nact- Classic map, loved it from the first time I played it…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0,
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