General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
CoDz Code of Conduct
Listed below is the Code of Conduct.
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Rule: Advertising to other users inside the CoDz Forum, whether it be via a post, personal message, or profile/signature links, to buy or view any products, websites, or other service is strictly prohibited. Non-intrusive links in signatures to personal YouTube accounts may be allowed, but that is case-to-case and each will be reviewed individually.
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Example: If you are a spam bot, a hired advertiser, or a desperate website/business owner, this may apply to you. Signing up and making your only post a promotion for your zombie gameplay YouTube channel is breaking the rule. However simply sending links to a fellow forum goer who wants to know where to buy a capture card is not breaking this rule, PMing your buddy a link to a funny YouTube video isn't, etc.
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Duplicate Posts -
Rule: Creating a thread that discusses a topic that has already been brought up in another thread is generally frowned upon, as each user is responsible for finding the pre-existing thread and making their remarks there. Cross-posting violations (making more than one post of the same question/answer across multiple forums) is prohibited.
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We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
Post Pumping -
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Example: You can come up with your own examples for sensitive language, I trust we all have at least a few in our heads, but simply starring out a letter or putting a strike through the word does not excuse its usage, such as f*ck, sh*t, etc. An example of offensive content could be an avatar of the Twin Towers falling with the caption “Burn baby burn!” This is very offensive to many people, and although it may not be so to you, please respect the feelings of other users.
Examples of offensive links include Pornographic, Racial, Defamation, or any other derogatory content. If it does not pass our CoC do not link to it on our site.
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Example: A “good” signature could contain a few links to some threads (as long as they follow previous rules), zombie round numbers, a small image, or something personal, such as a saying or quote. A “bad” signature would contain any annoying “flashy” .GIFs, or any content that would not comply with previous CoC rules.
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- 2 replies
Someone else here pointed out that a work table and loads of blueprints are visible in one room. It looks to me like different sections of blueprint will have drawings of the outcomes and the supplies needed to make them. You could gather them and bring them there and construct them into new weapons and equipment. HOWEVER, to me it seems as though there are a SET of things to make, and that we won't be able to make whatever the hell we want, but only the things specifically shown in the prints. The parts themselves include but ate not limited to: Car parts Random junk Motorcycle parts Scrap metal MORE junk However I have two questions that are as of y…
Last reply by XxJason LivesxX, -
- 3 replies
Before I get slammed by mods, I want to let you ALL know that in one of the latest videos (can't remember exactly which one), the developpers talk about "Turned", the game mode. They explain it in a general way so to speak. I remember them saying "For each time you kill a zombie-fied player, you gain points" Now, what caught my "eye" was the word "Points". How could points be implemented this the Ranking System is my question. Would it even AFFECT the ranking system at best ? Or would it just be a "Non-Ranked" game mode that we'd play just for fun. But when you think about it that way, it seems logical that there wouldn't be Leaderboards for it, which doesn't ma…
Last reply by Megaton A, -
- 2 replies
As the title says, what do you really need to get to the highest rounds? I recently saw under the thread that holds the legit world records (can't find it right now, sorry.) [Shooter's Old Thread] that these rounds are in the 100's-200's. Obviously you need to be skilled at the game to get it, with good guns, luck, a strategy, etc. But I've been wanting to really hit high rounds soon, so getting really deep into it, what do you really need? 1) How much time do you need? How should you butcher it? (rounds 1-50, 51-100, 101-150, etc?) 2) How far should you really go? (I see people's games reset/end because of glitches from the data brought from the high rounds.)…
Last reply by perfectlemonade, -
- 5 replies
i wonder if that treyarch would include 8 players or even 6, it would be alot more fun if we could get a full lobby of zombie survivors. let me know what you think. (just a thought.)
Last reply by deathb4di2h0nor, -
- 5 replies
In a game with random, you have the most impressive credentials. All three based on resume look ok, one has a lot higher kills. In the map of Ascension, two hang by the flopper, one with more kills hang by the MPL. How would you play with them? I love team work so would make an attempt, if they want to play separately then I might go AK74
Last reply by DaPikmin, -
- 2 replies
hey guys, just a few questions... does anyone know if it's just going to be uploaded on the callofduty youtube channel? also does anyone know roughly what time? I'm from Australia and I'm trying to work out if I will be awake or not Cheers 2 more days :D
Last reply by The Courtesy Caller, -
- 1 reply
Hey there The Smiler is the upgraded SMR There is no general gun section so it goes in the general general section. I'm doing some weapon testing atm, so I upgraded the thing called SMR :oops: . I noticed a reserve ammo of 390. Then I repapped it to get rid of the hybrid sight, which I can't even assign a key to switch its mode. Then I saw the reserve ammo was only 210. Repapping it about 10 more times didn't bring up the 390 bullets again, which could be cause repapping is not refilling ammo. So far - weird. Not enough of the mystery, I got a fresh new SMR out of the box, papped again once, got again 390 ammo and the hybrid sight. I played a bit, got a…
Last reply by Kurasaki, -
- 6 replies
Some people need microphone, some people hate microphone. I have one but never use it. Having solid communication can change the dynamics of a game when things are heading south. Many times during games I wish I had them. I can count number of times I could have told people not to risk themselves trying to revive me with no ammo left. I could count number of times luring a full train away from down teammates being labeled jack ass. I can count number of times having trouble telling someone not to do something. I even remember one time running on the top war room for 10 minutes during thief round before anyone realized the situation. I am not bashing the ra…
Last reply by Jloves2game, -
- 2 replies
Does anyone know anything about the next map pack? Like any news or rumors? Maybe when it will come out or where the map will take place? Summer is here and there should at least be another map pack and one more close to Fall. If anyone knows anything please post so others can see. P.S. Please don't post any leaks, I don't want this thread to be locked.
Last reply by MysteryMachineX, -
- 3 replies
Here's my theory; when you play Five, when you turn on the power, it's DEFCON 1. That means Nuclear War is emminent. So, what if it's when the moon rockets are shot towards the earth that it says Nuke war is emminent.. and since Five is at the same time as Ascension, then ascension would also be at same time as moon or a little bit before.. That's an idea i just came up with.. What do you think ? it seems farfetched.. but I haven't seen anyone post this on the forum.. so maybe no one thought about it ? EDIT: And im sorry if i posted this in wrong section, didnt know where else to put it.
Last reply by Humble Soldier, -
- 4 replies
As I promised, I am giving you these songs in the map-pack, "Treyarch." These songs will be on "GROUP 935": "The Final Round" and "Pre-Damned" "Pre-Damned" is the zombie theme song similar to the Halloween theme song, but "The Final Round" is a much better song. Pretend to listen... ["The One" Intro] Nacht Der Untoten was the first The Undead has made its birth. Verruct made Peter hurt, But Shi No Numa treated him like dirt! Der Reise was famous on Earth Now it has made our RE-BIRTH!!! Treyarch has made our Final Round. As it grows near, we feed it with tears. We destroyed the Earth to put you down, And now we have saved The One named …
Last reply by Illuminatti115, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys, i really don't know if there's a thread for this but oh well. What would be your ideal custom made zombie map Easter Egg. here would be mine for the new map we kinda know about: i think they should make an easter egg where you're on earth and you gotta find lost documents of plans from centuries ago regarding element 115 and when you find them all your character wants to show this to scientists but as soon as you find them all an emergency broadcast will be televised about the missles on moon coming to earth and have to evacuate into some kind of panic room or something like that and it ends the game. is it the best idea? no, but hey it's a sta…
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
- 0 replies
- 641 views ... s11&stay=1 Well...this is certainly awkward. (Seriously, I'm not sure what to say about this).
Last reply by brett307, -
- 1 reply
- 640 views ... nzit-grief I'm at class right now but I managed to read this article, of Rez twitter, it is official. I would explain more but I have midterms coming up so I need to pay att ention haha
Last reply by scottyboy8341, -
- 3 replies
Hello codz,ThrowAmonkeyBomb here figured it was finally time to post his (my) opinions on bo2 and the state of zombies.Frankly,bo2 zombies is a dissapointment,and not as good so far as i had hoped it would be.First off,the survival maps.Sure,bus depot is very difficult,town is decent and farm is my personal favorite BUT,are they really zombies?no,they are small sections of the zombie map green run.They are all pretty bland and strategy is greatly lacking.Now,tranzit.This mode is pretty cool,with a massive map,the bank fridge etc,and hidden easter eggs.But,i simply find it too tedious and slow to enjoy it.And the lava.Honestly,lava is simply everywhere important on green r…
Last reply by XxJason LivesxX, -
- 2 replies
Perhaps Richtofen has the ability to change time or possibly have full control over anothers life controlling when, how and if they die! After watching the cutscene at the start of Die rise after Samuel dies Richtofen seems to revive him and (not sure if the other characters died or not) revive the other characters too! This could also lead on to why the characters keep experiencing déjà vu, constantly saying things like "have we been here before" at places such as the bank in tranzit and the end of the Die rise cutscene. This could also be why your points remain in the bank after dying and beginning a new game, this would also explain why the characters have met each oth…
Last reply by zombo187, -
- 3 replies
Every level so far has involved armageddon, destructive enviornment due to the missles from the moon or the nuke in nuke town... So thats three destroyed levels we've had all similar to each other... Are we getting three more in the same nature?!?!? If you look back at black ops or WaW you got 6 zombie levels all unlike each other... But so far in black ops 2 we've had 3 zombie levels that are all similar to the environment... I think it would be a little ridiculous if thats all we have to look forward to in the dlc's ...3 more of the same... Destroyed Environment from the moon missles.... Just a thought :/
Last reply by zombieman9, -
- 2 replies
Howdy guys, My friend asked me if there was a way to remove the glow on zombies in theater mode, do any of you have an idea? Thanks alot!
Last reply by KilledByPixels, -
- 3 replies
It might not be soon, or even this game, but I am willing to put money on it that there will be a new wonder weapon that changes the zombies to gas zombies. Richtofen once said in black ops 1 when getting the thunder gun that if he would have made it it would have sucked and not blown. First game of black ops 2 we get a gun that sucks instead of blowing which is known as the jet gun. So now that Marelton(i think its him)now says that with a few changes he can make a new type of zombies, gas zombies. So I'm not sure how he would have time to make a new wonder weapon. Richtofen has plenty of time up in moon to make some new guns but I don't see how Marelton wo…
Last reply by TheBSZombie, -
- 1 reply
just noticed/thought of this.. the moon on Der Reise is very dark on the front side and there is so much light coming from the "dark side" of the moon... this has to have some significance... sorry if this had been covered before. but especially the difference between the way the moon looks on ascension and how it looks on der reise..? i wonder if there is significance there or just coincidence
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 3 replies
I would llove to see Zombies have the ability to tackle you like dogs do in campaign, it would make it more cinematic and i think hats what zombies needs. This attack wouldn't kill you, it would just make your screen red, like if you were hit multiple times, if that makes sense. They could only so this after round 20 when ALL zombies are sprinting.
Last reply by JakeDuck, -
- 2 replies
Sorry to take up space. Can you get all eight perks on Nuketown zombies? I realize you can't purchase them all, but should I be saving my perk slots. Is there Flopper? Mule Kick? Is it just the original four perks?
Last reply by deathb4di2h0nor, -
- 1 reply
WARNING LONG READ! Ever since I started playing Zombies back in WaW I have been following the story, and since the bigger EE's in BO1, have been trying to complete them. Every time I have attempted and failed every single time to complete any EE. Even in BO2, I have tried and failed at every single attempt at the EE's. And it wasn't simple player error, it was as if the universe itself wouldn't let me complete them... Until today. Me and my gf were trying the TranziT EE, and two seperate times we failed by only a tiny fraction. The first, we didn't realize that we had to use EMP's to kill the Avogadro, and the second, my router disconnected the instant before my…
Last reply by BlazeyTheWolf115, -
- 0 replies
If you haven't heard, the Black Ops (1) is releasing on MAC. I wonder if there is any new stuff/differences on the zombies. If some one has MAC now you have nice chance to get zombies on it! :D
Last reply by Matuzz, -
- 3 replies
So, I was watching this video from NGTZombies when I thought back to the terminal in Black Ops 1. WL-yR7WValY Richtofen states in both the moon and nuketown easter eggs that, "Teddy, Password: Is a liar". Has anybody tried this on the der riese server in the terminal?
Last reply by PINNAZ,
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